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Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
NZ holotype
Mycena parsonsii
New Zealand. HABITAT: in clusters on fallen log, Otari, [New Zeaand], 7.6.1958, Stevenson. Holotype K(M) 193562

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Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964

no doubt about this one. A good species and consistent with recent collections.
Mycena parsonsii Stevenson (29 D) = Galactopus parsonsii (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: M. parsonsii Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 56, 1964)

Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964

MATERIAL: New Zealand: North I.: Wellington: Otari, Stevenson 7 vi 1958, Stevenson 1369 (holotype K); Auckland: Piha Valley track, Waitakere Ra., 2 vi 1974, PDD 56759; Totara Rd., Titirangi, l1 iv 1976, PDD 56760; Atkinson’s Reserve, Titirangi, 30 v 19xx PDD 56761, 56762, 56763, 56764, 56765; Atkinson’s Reserve, Titirangi, 19 vi 1976, PDD 56766; Kitekite Tr., Piha, Waitakere Ra., 23 v 1977, PDD 56767(icon.); Oratia Reserve, Waitakere Ra., 20 v 1977, PDD 56772, 56773; Parley's Tr„ Waitakere Ra. 28 v 1989, PDD 56768; S. Auckland: Mt. William Reserve, Hunua Ra., 25 iv 1988, PDD 56769,56770, (icon.); Waikato: Te Kauri Reserve, Kawhia, 20 v 1988, PDD 56771, 56778 (all leg. B. P Segedin). In addition the following PDD collections were checked: 29280, 29281, 29282, 29274, 29275, 29276, 29277, 29278, 29279, 30765, 30840, 32317, 34863, 55742.
Microscopic characters of the holotype

Spores 6.5-9 X 5.5-7 (7.3 X 6.4) µm., Q=1.1, almost spherical, variable in size but falling very nearly into two groups, approximately 7 X 6.2 and 8.5 X 7 µm. (which probably reflect the presence of the 2- and 4-spored basidia), smooth, very strongly amyloid. Basidia very short and fat, 15 X 10 µm., 2- and 4- spored. Cheilocystidia abundant, forming a wide band, fusiform-ventricose to hastate, 35-70 X 6-12 µm., with brownish (in KOH) plasmatic pigment; among them occasional, irregularly swollen elements with faintly granular contents which appear to be endings of the latex system. Pleurocystidia 45 X 9 µm., like the cheilocystidia but shorter and broader and with paler (in KOH) contents. Trama of thin-walled hyphae, narrow and inflated, colourless except near the edge of the lamellae, where they may have yellow (in KOH) sap. Pileipellis of narrow (3-5 µm.) elements with many simple or slightly diverticulate protuberances. Context of inflated cells, with convoluted, shining yellow (in KOH) lactifers, 7 µm. diam. Cortical cells of the stipe with simple or once-diverticulate outgrowths, 20-30 X 10 µm., singly or in clumps; terminal cells 20-30 X 5)  µm., with short (3-8 µm.) diverticulate protuberances. Clamp connections present.

Description of basidiome based on information from further collections

Pileus very variable in size from 2-3 mm up to 20mm in diam., broadly conic with a narrow to moderately broad umbo, or convex, mostly pinkish-fawn (7B5-6) or paler, darker reddish-brown (8C7) in centre, with very fine, reddish fibrils under a lens, dry, dull, striate-plicate to more than 1/2 of radius, margin crenulate, often with a deeper pink spot in the centre of each crenulation; drying vinaceous grey brown (7E6). Lamellae ascending, adnate with a decurrent tooth to sinuate, flesh pink, drying yellowish-brown (6B6), fairly broad and somewhat distant, in 2 series, margin Fimbriate, distinctly red or deep pink or concolorous with the lamellae. (The bright red of the lamellar edge in some fruiting bodies is due to the bright red sap in the cheilocystidia and neighboring cells of the trama; in others the sap will be a pale yellow.) Stipe 5-50 X 1-2 mm, pinkish-fawn lo reddish-brown, darker brown towards the base and darkening on handling, even, shining, with very fine, pale squamules, more distinct hairs at the base and attached to the substratum; exuding deep red latex when broken. Flesh thin red. Smell none, taste unknown. Dried basidiomes are brown, sometimes with blackened areas depending on age when dried. Stipe often completely black.

Microscopically, collections of this fungus are very uniform, easy to identify by the almost spherical spores (highly variable in size, probably due partly at least to the presence of 2- and 4-spored basidia) and the broad band of cheilocystidia with red-brown or yellow sap. Terminal cells 20-30 X 5 µm., with short (3-8 µm.) diverticulate protuberances were detected on the stipes of many of them (Fig. 9: 6). clamp connections are present occasionally.

HABITAT: Gregarious and caespitose on dead wood of Kunzea ericoides, Leptospermum scoparium, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) Laubenf., Metrosideros excelsa in lowland podocarp Dicotyledonous forest, on introduced plants such as Quercus robur L. and Cycas revoluta Thunb. in city gardens, and even in limestone caves.

This is one of the most frequently occurring species of Mycena, always in clusters on wood, commonly on Kunzea, Leptospermum, or Dacrycarpus in mixed podocarp-dicotyledonous forest, but also in unusual habitats such as on wood deep in a limestone cave (PDD 55742). The large number of collections indicates the frequency with which this fungus occurs and the variability in its size and colouring, and degree of pigmentation of the lamellar edge. Its habit, in large clusters, always on dead wood, is distinctive, as is the usually flesh-coloured, striate-plicate pileus with a darker spot in the centre and crenate margin.

Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964

Pileus 0.1-2 cm diam., testaceous, paler and striate at margin, hemispherical; flesh thin, fawn. Gills decurrent by a tooth, dull pinkish fawn, moderately distant, deep, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-5 cm x 1-2 mm, ochraceous fawn above, testaceous below, hollow, translucent, fragile. Spores 7 x 8 to 9 x 10 µm, amyloid, thin-availed. Cheilocystidia 40-50 x 5-10 µm, more or less awl-shaped (Fig. 57).
In clusters on fallen log, 0tari, 7.6.1958, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 0.5-2 cm diam., testaceus, margine pallidiore et striato, hemi-sphaericus; caro tenuis, hinnulea. Lamellae per dentem decurrentes, sordide puniceo-hinnuleae, modice distantes, altae, longiores cum brevioribus intercalatae. Stipes 2-5 cm x 1-2 mm, superne ochraceo-hinnuleus, inferne testaceus, cavus, translucens, fragilis. Sporae 7 x 8-9 x 10 µm, amyloideae, parietibus tenuibus. Cheilocystidia 40-50 x 5-10 µm plus minus subuliformia.
Named after Mr. Ivor Parsons, for many years President of the Levin Native Flora Club.
Typus: Stevenson 1369.

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Galactopus parsonsii (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971)
Galactopus parsonsii (G. Stev.) E. Horak (1971)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev.
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. (1964)

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Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand
Mycena parsonsii G. Stev. 1964
New Zealand

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New Zealand. HABITAT: in clusters on fallen log, Otari, [New Zeaand], 7.6.1958, Stevenson. Holotype K(M) 193562

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 August 2002
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