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Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Data deficient
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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Also present in Australia

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Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
NZ holotype
Mycena mamaku

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Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991

MATERIAL: New Zealand; North l.; N. Auckland; Loge's Bush, Warkworth, M. Laird, 3 vi 1986, PDD 56752 (holotypus); Northland: Trounson Kauri Park, Donnelly's Crossing, B. Segedin. 8 ii 1986, PDD 56753, (icon).
Pileus 2-3 mm, narrowly parabolic to campanulate, slightly depressed at the top with often a tiny, pointed umbo, pinkish buff, darkening to reddish-brown, brick colour in the centre, smooth, dry, sulcate almost to the top, flared margin crenate, matching the grooves, and slightly darker in colour. Lamellae broadly adnate, 1 series, 12 in number, buff coloured, margin even. Stipe 20 X 1 mm, buff at the lop but brick-coloured for most of length, even, smooth, fistulose, cartilaginous, insititious, no basal hairs. Flesh cream, thin except at the flattened top of the pileus. Odour and taste unknown. Colour of spore print unknown. Spores 7-9 X 4.5-5.5 (7.0 X 5.25) µm., Q=l.5, ellipsoid, hyaline, l strongly amyloid, smooth, thin-walled. Basidia 15-20 X 6-7 µm., 2- and 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 15-20 X 6-9 µm., clavate, with short, simple, diverticulate outgrowths, not very frequent, mixed with basidia and scarcely projecting beyond them. Pleurocystidia none. Trama of more or less parallel, narrow (5 µm.) and broad (20 µm.) hyphae, hyaline to faintly yellow; a few conducting hyphae with refringent yellow contents. Pileipellis of repent hyphae 4 µm. diam., giving rise to simple, repent, hearth-brush-like cystidia (4-8 µm. diam.) with short (4 µm.), mostly simple, sometimes diverticulate outgrowths, or cystidia may be erect, sphaero-pedunculate to clavate, with simple or shortly diverticulate outgrowths, or compoundly sphaero-pedunculate. Subpellis of repent narrow (l-2µm.), somewhat gelatinised hyphae. Context of fairly uniform, broad hyphae, family yellow (KOH) and faintly encrusted, dextrinoid in Melzer's. Caulocystidia none. Clamp connections present.
HABITAT: Among matted aerial roots at the base of trunks of black tree fern, Cyathea medullaris Swartz (Maori name, mamaku).
Pileus 2-3 mm, anguste parabolicus vel campanulatus, leviter depressus, saepe umbone minuto, roseobubalinus vel testaceus in centro, sulcatus, margine crenato. Lamellae adnatae, 1 series, bubalinae. Stipes 20 X 1 mm, testaceus, insititius. Sporae 7-9 X 4.5-5.5 µm., ellipsoideae, hyalineae, valde amyloideae. Basidia bi- et tetraspora. Cheilocystidia 15-20 X 6-9 µm., clavata diverticulis brevibus ad apicem, pauca, mixta cum basidiis. Pleurocystidia nulla. Pileipellis ex hyphis repentibus, diverticulis aut protuberationibus cum diverticulis. Subpellis ex hyphis gelatinosis. Contextus dextrinoideus. Fibulae adsunt. Caulocystidia nulla. Inter radices aerios filicis dendroidei (Cyathea medullaris (Forst. f.) Swartz, mamaku).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the habitat on aerial roots of mamaku.

This is a very easily recognised fungus, with a very characteristic pleated, parabolic shape, apparently always growing among the aerial roots of Cyathea medullaris. It strongly resembles M. lohwagii Sing. and M. pterigena (Fr.: Fr.) Kumm., differing from them in colour of the basidiome, smaller and more strongly diverticulate cheilocystidia and pileipellis elements, lack of caulocystidia, and a different fern substrate.


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Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
Mycena mamaku Segedin (1991)
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991

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Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
New Zealand
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Mycena mamaku Segedin 1991
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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scientific name
1 January 2001
27 August 2002
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