Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991

Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the colour and poroid appearance of the hymenophore.
Overall red-vinaceous colouring, strongly interveined lamellae, amyloid spores, simple cheilocystidia and little differentiated pileipellis place this fungus in Mycena sect. Calodontes (Fr.: Berk.) Quel. The darker edge to the lamellae places it in subsection Marginatae J. E. Lange. The conspicuous interveining and absence of pleurocystidia suggest a closer relationship with M. violacella (Speg.) Sing., subsection Violacellae, but this subsection is characterised by having inamyloid spores (Maas Geesteranus 1989). M. tesselata (Mont.) Dennis, which Pegler (1983) groups with M. pearsoniana Dennis ex Sing. and M. violacella as having interveined lamellae and lacking pleurocystidia, also has weakly amyloid spores like M. vinaceipora. The basis of Maas Geesteranus 1989 subdivision of the section Calodontes may need revision when further extra limital species are described. Another representative of the section Calodontes commonly found in New Zealand is M. fuscovinacea Stevenson which with its strong resemblance to M. pura (Pers.: Fr.) Kummer, would belong in subsection Purae.