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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991

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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 29 60 (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991

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New Zealand
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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
NZ holotype
Mycena vinaceipora
New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ranges., Atkinson's Reserve, B.P.Segedin, 19 vi 1976, holotype PDD 56708

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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991

MATERIAL: New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ra., Atkinson's Reserve, B. P. Segedin, 19 vi 1976, PDD 56708 (holotypus).
Pileus 10 mm diam., convex to plane, hygrophanous, reddish-brown (porphyreus) (7E6 K&W) when moist, drying to vinaceous brown (7D4), smooth, dry. Lamellae in 3 series, 11 reaching the stipe, dark vinaceous (I0D7), slightly decurrent, very shallow, thick, with a darker edge, with very symmetrical cross-veining almost reaching the level of the lamellae, giving a distinctly poroid appearance. Stipe 30 X 1-2 mm, yellowish-brown, paler at the top, smooth and shining, even, fistulose, with yellow flesh. Flesh yellowish, crystalline. Smell and taste not known. Colour of spore print not known. Spores 4.5-6 X 2.5-5 (4.8 X 3.3) µm, Q=1.4, ellipsoid, hyaline, faintly amyloid, thin-walled, with a prominent apiculus. Basidia 16-29 X 10-12 µm, 2- or 4-spored, with long, stout sterigmata, some basidia containing red globules. Cheilocystidia 15-25 X 4-10 µm, crowded in a thick layer, very varied in shape from clavate to utriform, either simple, or with l or 2 blunt protrusions or slight diverticulation, with red-brown sap and red globules in some of the cheilocystidia. Pleurocystidia none. Pileipellis a layer of repent hyphae, branched, 5-15 µm diam., containing many red-brown globules; subpellis of roughly spherical cells 15-30 µm. diam., containing yellow sap. Trama vinescent in Melzer's. Context of interwoven, narrower hyphae, with some conducting hyphae and clusters of more or less spherical cells filled with fine, yellow, granular cytoplasm. Caulocystidia none.
HABITAT: Solitary on the ground in mixed podocarp-dicotyledonous forest.
Pileus 10 mm latus, convexus dein planus, porphyreus, siccus, levis. Lamellae valde intervenosae, atrovinosae, 3 series, angustissimae, crassae, margine fusco. Stipes 30 X 1-2 mm, hepaticus, fistulosus, aequus, laevis. Sporae 4.5-6 X 2.5-4 µm, ellipsoideae, hyalinae, dilute amyloideae. Basidia bi-et tetraspora. Cheilocystidia 15-25 X 4-10 µm, coacervata, clavata vel utriculata, simplicia aut parum nodulosa, succo hepatico. Pleurocystidia nulla. Pileipellis ex hyphis repentibus, simplicibus, 5-15 µm diam.; subpellis cellulis sphaericis 15-30 µm, succo flavo. Caro flava. Singulariter humi m silva. Novazelandia.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the colour and poroid appearance of the hymenophore.

Overall red-vinaceous colouring, strongly interveined lamellae, amyloid spores, simple cheilocystidia and little differentiated pileipellis place this fungus in Mycena sect. Calodontes (Fr.: Berk.) Quel. The darker edge to the lamellae places it in subsection Marginatae J. E. Lange. The conspicuous interveining and absence of pleurocystidia suggest a closer relationship with M. violacella (Speg.) Sing., subsection Violacellae, but this subsection is characterised by having inamyloid spores (Maas Geesteranus 1989). M. tesselata (Mont.) Dennis, which Pegler (1983) groups with M. pearsoniana Dennis ex Sing. and M. violacella as having interveined lamellae and lacking pleurocystidia, also has weakly amyloid spores like M. vinaceipora. The basis of Maas Geesteranus 1989 subdivision of the section Calodontes may need revision when further extra limital species are described. Another representative of the section Calodontes commonly found in New Zealand is M. fuscovinacea Stevenson which with its strong resemblance to M. pura (Pers.: Fr.) Kummer, would belong in subsection Purae.

Holotypus: PDD 56708

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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin (1991)
Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991

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Mycena vinaceipora Segedin 1991
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
a Prunulus, and maybe just a form of M. fuscovinacea [JAC]
New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: Waitakere Ranges., Atkinson's Reserve, B.P.Segedin, 19 vi 1976, holotype PDD 56708

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1 January 2001
27 August 2002
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