MATERIAL: New Zealand: North I.: Taupo: Pureora forest, B. P. Segedin, 23 v 1983, PDD 56707 (holotypus, icon.); Lake Rotopounamu, B. P. Segedin & G. M. Taylor, 22 v 1973, PDD 56755, GMT 843 (icon.); Auckland: University Reserve, Swanson, B. P. Segedin, 22 vii 81, PDD 56756.
Pileus 10-15 mm diam., convex, brownish orange (7C K&W) to rust brown (7D7) in the centre, shilling, smooth to slightly rugulose in the middle, pellucid striate at the margin, margin even. Lamellae decurrent to slightly arcuate, narrow (2-3 mm), 3-4 series, up to 20 reaching the stipe, reddish-brown (9B6) with a vinaceous sheen and purplish vinaceous margin. Slightly interveined. Stipe 20-30 X 2-3 mm, concolorous with the pileus but slightly paler above and darker below, even, dry, shining, with quite long, brownish hairs at the base. Flesh yellowish. Odor and taste not observed. Spore print white. Spores 5.5-6.5 X 3-4 (5.8 X 3.6) µm., Q=1.6, ellipsoid, uniform in size, hyaline, faintly amyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 15 X 5µm., 4-spored, containing conspicuous red globules. Cheilocystidia 3 5-45 X 10-13 µm. (at base), forming a thick layer, lageniform to subclavate with knobbly, simple or diverticulate protuberances, with red plasmatic pigment. Pleurocystidia 30 X 9 µm., broadly fuse, tapering at the apex, hyaline. Trama of more or less parallel hyphae of inflated cells (4-10 µm. diam.) with yellow plasmatic pigment; some short and narrow conducting hyphae and nests of cells showing reddish-brown, granular contents; tissue strongly vinaceous in Melzer's. Pileipellis of repent hyphae, with simple to fairly complex, erect protuberances with distinctive reddish-brown, plasmatic globules. Subpellis of globose cells up to 25 µm. diam., with yellow plasmatic pigment. Context of more or less parallel hyphae 3-7 µm. diam., with yellow plasmatic pigment and with clusters of cells with brown, granular contents and a few short conducting hyphae. Stipe of long narrow cells, no conducting hyphae or caulocystidia; some basal, brown hairs seen in other collections not very noticeable in the type material. Flesh yellow. Clamp connections present.
HABITAT: Among mosses in soil and on wood in podocarp forest.
Pileus 10-15 mm, convexus, testaceus, ferruginous et leviter rugulosus in centro. Lamellae paulum arcuatae, fuscovinosae, margine vinosopurpureae. Stipes pileo concolor, Pilis longis brunneis ad basin. Sporae 5.5-6.5 X 3-4 µm., ellipsoideae, leviter amyloideae. Basidia tetraspora, globulis rubris intemis. Cheilocystidia 35-45 X 10-13 µm., clavata, multis nodulosis diverticulis instructa, succo rubro. Pleurocystidia pauca, fusiformia, hyalina. Trama vinosa m Melzer, Pileipellis ex hyphis repentibus leviter diverticulosis, globulis rubris internis. Subpellis cellularum globosarum, succo flavo. Fibulae nullae, Caro flava. Inter muscos, in solo et in ligno. Novazelandia.
ETYMOLOGY: The name refers to the conspicuous, red, plasmatic globules in the tissues, particularly the basidia.
M. rubroglobulosa shares numerous characters with M. singeri Lodge (Lodge 1988) and M. endoglobulosa Sing. (Singer 1978) in colour and shape of cystidia, pileipellis characters and conducting elements. It differs from M. singeri in the shape and larger size of the spores, presence of globules of red material (insoluble in KOH) in the basidia as well as the cystidia, and the absence of caulocystidia, and from M. endoglobulosa, which has larger spores, and no pleurocystidia, lactifers, or pigment in the pileipellis.
New Zealand: North I.: Taupo: Pureora forest, B.P.Segedin, 23 v 1983, PDD 56707 (holotypus,icon.);
scientific name
1 January 2001
27 August 2002
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