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Mycena austrororida Singer 1962

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Mycena austrororida Singer, Ark. Bot., n.s. 4 393 (1962)

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Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Juan Fernandez
Mycena austrororida

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Mycena austrororida Singer 1962

CHILE: Osorno, Valle „Gol-Gol", Anticura, I April 1963, Horak (ZT 66/149). - Osorno, coastal forest near Pucatrihue, 30 April 1963, Horak (ZT 66/349). - NEW ZEALAND: Kelburn, 20 May 1958, V. Fell in herb. Stevenson-Cone (holotype of M. veronicae Stev., K). - New Zealand, Colenso b 545 (K). - Nelson, N of Collingwood, Pakawau Creek, 7 May 1968, Horak (ZT 68/390).
Pileus -20 mm, hemispherical or convex when young later becoming either depressed or subumbonate at centre, not distinctly umbonate, striate margin incurved, white, pale brownish, pale grey-brown or pale yellow-brown, centre covered with minute brown or black dots or squamules, membranaceous, dry. Lamellae (L6-l4, 1-3), arcuate-decurrent, white to pallid, edge albofimbriate, occasionally with subglutinous detachable thread. Stipe -50 / -2 mm, cylindric or slightly attenuated towards apex, white or pale grey-brown, glutinous when wet, pruinose in dry condition, hollow, single or in dense clusters. Odour and taste pot distinctive. Context pale brown beneath cuticle, white in stipe. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH-negative. Spores 9-12 (12,5) / 6-8 µm., ovate to broadly elliptic, hyaline, smooth, amyloid. Basidia 28-40 / 9-13 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 40-80 / 3-9 µm., cylindric-subclavate to elongate-clavate, rarely elongate-fusoid, hyaline, thin-walled membrane. Caulocystidia similar. Cuticle a celluloderm of clavate cells (20-90 / 10-30 µm.), with brown plasmatic pigment. Clamp connections present.
On rotting leaves, bark and wood of trees (in New Zealand observed on Pinus. Leptospermum, Rhipogonum), rarely on herbaceous debris. Juan Fernandez (type), Chile, Argentina (Singer 1969: 1 19), New Zealand.
Singer (1959: I.e.); Stevenson (1964: I.e.) Horak (1971: 403).

According to Singer (1969: 119) the type material of M. austrororida is kept in S. However, despite intensive search, the type collection was not located there.

Based upon our present knowledge M. austrororida is distributed in the sub-antartic region East (Juan Fernandez, southern parts of Chile and Argentina) and West (New Zealand) of the Pacific Ocean. Careful macroscopical and microscopical observations showed that there are no distinctive differences between the specimens cited above (compare also Fig. 5 and 6), with one exception: the cheilocystidia of the South American collections are more clavate-subcapitate as the ones observed on New Zealand specimens. Concerning luminescence of the carpophores no information has been reported yet.

Mycena austrororida Singer 1962

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
Mycena austrororida Singer (1962)

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Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Chatham Islands
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
North Island
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand
Mycena austrororida Singer 1962
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
M. austrorida auct NZ is not a Roridomyces [jAC]

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scientific name
1 January 2001
22 September 2014
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