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Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991

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Mycena oratiensis Segedin, New Zealand J. Bot. 29 49 (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991

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New Zealand
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Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
NZ holotype
Mycena oratiensis
New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: University of Auckland Reserve, Kelly's Rd.,Oratia, B.P.Segedin 27 v 1976, holotype PDD 56705

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Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991

MATERIAL: New Zealand: North I,; Auckland: University of Auckland Reserve, Kelly's Rd., Oratia, B. P. Segedin 27 v 1976, PDD 56705 (holotypus).
Pileus 6-15 (diam.) X 10 mm, convex with a small "bubbly" umbo, mammiform, deep rose pink to vinaceous (11D5 K&W), pellucid striate up to the umbo, smooth, drying black. Lamellae deeply decurrent, arcuate, in 2 series with 14 long lamellae, pale vinaceous (8B2) with a broad, dark red margin, still conspicuous in dried material. Stipe 15-22 X 1-1.5 mm, even, with slight swelling towards the base, concolorous with pileus, smooth and shining, exuding some watery juice when broken. Smell and taste unknown. Colour of spore print unknown. Spores 7.5-9.5 X 4.5-5.5(8.4 X 4.8) µm., Q= 1.75, ellipsoid, hyaline, amyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 25 X 6 µm. with 4 relatively long sterigmata (5 X 2 µm.), bright yellow in Melzer's. Cheilocystidia 30-45 µm. long, very abundant, forming a very broad zone at the lamellar edge and extending over the face of the lamella, dendrophysoid, narrow or swollen basally, giving rise apically to several short, nodulose outgrowths or more complicated, stout, branching systems, thin-walled, with red plasmatic pigment. Pleurocystidia absent. Trama of more or less parallel, narrow (5 µm.) to inflated (20 µm.) hyphae with clamp connections and a few narrow conducting elements. Subhymenium cellular. Both tissues weakly vinaceous brown in Melzer's. Pileipellis a repent epicutis of narrow (5-7 µm.) nodulose-diverticulate hyphae, with reddish plasmatic pigment. Subpellis of inflated (up to 20 µm. diam.) hyphae also with red plasmatic pigment. Stipe covered with nodulose-diverticulate hyphae like the pileipellis. Clamp connections present.
HABITAT: On wood in kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.) forest.
Pileus 6-15 mm, convexus, roseovinosus, umbone lato. Lamellae altae decurrentes, arcuatae, in duabus seriebus, subvinosae, margine atro rubrae. Stipes 15-22 X 1-1.5 mm, pileo concolor, parum tumescens basi. Sporae 7.5-9.5 X 4.5-5,5 µm., ellipsoideae, hyalinae, amyloideae. Basidia tetraspora, flava in Melzer. Cheilocystidia 30-45 µm., nodulosa vel multo diverticulata, dendroidea, succo rubro. Trama leviter vinosa. Pileipellis ex hyphis noduloso diverticulatis. Subpellis ex hyphis inflatis, succo rubro. Cortex stipitis pileipellis similis. Fibulae adsunt. In ligno putrido (Agathis?), Novazelandia.

ETYMOLOGY: named after the district (Oratia) in which the species was first discovered.

The umbonate, brightly coloured, pellucid striate pileus, decurrent to arcuate lamellae with a strongly pigmented margin and lignicolous habit are characteristic of this fungus. The nodulose pileipellis elements and the only faintly vinaceous (in Melzer's) staining of the trama are rather unusual features for section Rubro-marginatae. It resembles M. seynesiella Malencon apud Mal. & Bertault in having coralloid pileipellis elements but its cheilocystidia are diverticulate rather than smooth lageniform as in M. seynesiella.


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Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
Mycena oratiensis Segedin (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
Mycena oratiensis Segedin (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
Mycena oratiensis Segedin (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
Mycena oratiensis Segedin (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
Mycena oratiensis Segedin (1991)
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991

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Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
New Zealand
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
New Zealand
Mycena oratiensis Segedin 1991
New Zealand

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New Zealand: North I.: Auckland: University of Auckland Reserve, Kelly's Rd.,Oratia, B.P.Segedin 27 v 1976, holotype PDD 56705

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1 January 2001
27 August 2002
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