Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964

Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor in Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19 48 (1964)
G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
NZ holotype
Mycena minirubra
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
[GS] Pileus 0.5-1 mm. diam., crimson, hemispheric sulcate with 10-16 grooves; flesh thin, red. Gills decurrent, apricot, distant, shallow, occasionally forking, with crimson marginal vesicles. Stipe 3-5 x 0.1-0.5 mm., crimson, smooth, with white basal disc. Spores 7-10 x 3-4um, amyloid, tear-shaped (Fig. 2/41, p. 37). Cheilocystidia 40 x 5-8um, flask-shaped to pin-head, with red pigment dissolving in NH4OH. HABITAT : on fallen leaves of Elaeocarpus dentatus, Wellington Botanic Garden, 4.5.1961, G. M. Taylor (type). [Geesteranus] Mycena minirubra ... stated to have red edges to the lamellae. ... was described as having a very small pileus (0.5-1 mm diam.) and "apricot" lamellae. This meagre information necessitates reinvestigation of the type should it have to be compared with M. viscidocruenta. [JAC] The holotype now consists of just 2 stem fragments and cap. The remnants of the basal attachment pad are evident. It forms a pink/red strigose pad. There is one partial cap and one full cap remaining. There is no sign that the gills were apricot or had a red edge, but it's possible. Cap surface hyphae smooth, some thick walled, clamped, not pseudoamyloid, barrel shaped cells below (not a pseudoamlyloid hypoderm like a typical mycena). Not gelatinised. 4-spored. With cheilocystidia. With irregular hair-like caulocystidia with pale grey plasmatic content (amyloid?). Spores distinctively acicular. Mainly 4 but some 2-spored present. Cheilocystidia distinct.Spores length=7.6–10.6µm (µ=8.7, σ=0.72), width=3.6–4.3µm (µ=3.9, σ=0.22), Q=1.8–2.7µm (µ=2.22, σ=0.22), n=20. There can be no doubt this is Cruentomyces viscidocruenta, and thus is the first recorded material in NZ by a long margin.
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Pileus 0.5-1 mm diam., crimson, hemispheric sulcate with 10-16 grooves; flesh thin, red. Gills decurrent, apricot, distant, shallow, occasionally forking, with crimson marginal vesicles. Stipe 3-5 x 0.1-0.5 mm, crimson, smooth, with white basal disc. Spores 7-10 x 3-4 µm amyloid, tear-shaped (Fig. 41). Cheilocystidia 40 x 5-8 µm, flask-shaped to pin-head, with red pigment dissolving in NH4OH.
On fallen leaves of Elaeocarpus dentatus, Wellington Botanic Garden, 4.5.1961, G. M. Taylor (type).
Pileus 0.5-1 mm diam., kermesinus, hemisphaericus, 10-16 sulcatus; caro tenuis, rubra. Lamellae decurrentes, colore armeniacae, distantes, baud altae, hinc inde furcatae, vesiculis marginal bus kermesinis praeditae. Stipes 3-5 x 0.l-0.5 mm, kermesinus, laevis, disco basali albo. Sporae 7-10 x 3-4 µm amyloideae, guttiformes. Cheilocystidia 40 x 5-8 µm, lageniformia usque capitellata, pigmento rubro in NH4OH soluto.
Typus: G. M. Taylor 96.
Taxonomic concepts
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor 1964
Mycena minirubra G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor (1964)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Examination of the type shows it to be identical to C. viscidocruenta, as suspected by Geesteranus [JAC]
HABITAT : on fallen leaves of Elaeocarpus dentatus, New Zealand, Wellington Botanic Garden, 4.5.1961, G. M. Taylor 96, holotype K(M)
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 September 2014