Cunningham, G.H. 1924: The Uredinales, or rust-fungi, of New Zealand: supplement to Part 1; and Part 2. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 55: 1-58.

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Cunningham, G.H. 1924: The Uredinales, or rust-fungi, of New Zealand: supplement to Part 1; and Part 2. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 55: 1-58.
has host
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(e.) Aecidium Anisotomes Reich., Ardt. Sitzungber. K. Akad. der Wissensch., p. 3, 1865.
Host: Angelica geniculata Hook. f.
Possibly Puccinia cuniculi G. H. Cunn., although the description does not agree with that of the aecidium of this host.
(e.) Aecidium Anisotomes Reich., Ardt. Sitzungber. K. Akad. der Wissensch., p. 3, 1865.
Host: Angelica geniculata Hook. f.
Possibly Puccinia cuniculi G. H. Cunn., although the description does not agree with that of the aecidium of this host.
Hosts : Celmisia discolor Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 384. Mount Peel (Canterbury), 900 m., H. H. Allan! 6 March, 1921. Tooth Peaks (Otago), W. D. Reid ! 7 April, 1921. (Type.) Celmisia Sinclairii Hook. f. Herb. Nos. 385, 435. Lake Harris track (Otago), 1,060m., W. D. Reid ! 6 May, 1921. Mount Isobel, Hammer (Canterbury), 1,200 m., W. D. Reid ! 4 Nov., 1921. Celmisia prorepens Petrie. Herb. No. 385. Mount Dick (Otago), 1,400m., W. D. Reid ! 24 April, 1921.
0. Spermogones scattered, sparse, epiphyllous, immersed.
I. Aecidia amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, orange-yellow, scattered or arranged in small orbicular groups. Peridia cylindrical, erumpent, standing 1 mm. above the leaf-surface, 0.1 mm. diam., margins incurved, at first dentate, becoming deeply lacerate, white. Spores subglobose, elliptical, or obovate, 36-42 X 28-34 mmm.; epispore hyaline, covered with densely-packed deciduous tubercules, 3 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange-yellow, granular.
I. Aecidia amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, orange-yellow, scattered or arranged in small orbicular groups. Peridia cylindrical, erumpent, standing 1 mm. above the leaf-surface, 0.1 mm. diam., margins incurved, at first dentate, becoming deeply lacerate, white. Spores subglobose, elliptical, or obovate, 36-42 X 28-34 mmm.; epispore hyaline, covered with densely-packed deciduous tubercules, 3 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange-yellow, granular.
0. Spermagoniis raris, sparsis, epiphyllis, immersis. I. Aecidiis amphigeniis, praecipue epiphyllis, flavis, raris vel parvis catervis. Peridiis cylindricis, erumpentibus, super superficiem exstitis ad 1 mm., 0-1 mm. latis, marginibus incurvatis, primum dentatis demum profunde laceratis, albis. Aecidiosporis subglobosis, ellipticis vel obovatis, 36-42 X 28-34 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide deciduis tuberculin tecto 3 mmm. crasso, contentu flavido, granuloso.
All three hosts are endemic, and all are confined to the mountain-ranges of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, pp. 303-6.)
This species is characterized by the small cylindrical peridia, and more especially by the fact that the epispore is covered with a layer of closely-packed, coarse, deciduous tubercules. Aecidium Celmisiae-Petriei is the only other New Zealand species that possesses this feature.
This species is characterized by the small cylindrical peridia, and more especially by the fact that the epispore is covered with a layer of closely-packed, coarse, deciduous tubercules. Aecidium Celmisiae-Petriei is the only other New Zealand species that possesses this feature.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Celmisiae discoloris Hook. f., C. Sinclairii Hook f., et C. prorepentis Petrie. Tooth Peaks, Otago, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Host: Celmisia petiolata Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 383. Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, 1,000 m., E. H. Atkinson! 15 Feb., 1920. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered or more commonly in small orbicular groups, pallid orange. Peridia flattened-globose, 0.25 mm. diam., immersed, margins incurved, hyaline, covered by the dense tomentum clothing the leaf surface. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted yellow.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered or more commonly in small orbicular groups, pallid orange. Peridia flattened-globose, 0.25 mm. diam., immersed, margins incurved, hyaline, covered by the dense tomentum clothing the leaf surface. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted yellow.
0. Incognitis. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in maculis discoloris, raris vel parvis catervis, flavis. Peridiis plano-globosis, 0.25 mm. latis, immersis, marginibus incurvatis, hyalinis, tornento denso folii tectis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis, ellipticis vel obovatis, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide subtiliter verruculoso, 1-1-5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountain regions of the southern portion of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 307.)
This rust is characterized by the depressed-globose aecidia, large spores, and hyaline, finely verruculose epispore. Sections are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
This rust is characterized by the depressed-globose aecidia, large spores, and hyaline, finely verruculose epispore. Sections are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Celmisiae petiolatae Hook. f. Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1,000 m. E. H. Atkinson.
Host: Celmisia Petriei Cheesem. On leaves. Herb. No. 382. Lake Harris track (Otago), 1,100m., W. D. Reid ! 6 May, 1921. (Type.)
0. Spermogones scattered, sparse, seen only in sections.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in linear groups, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, forming conspicuous bullate areas beneath the tomentum of the leaf, long covered. Peridia cylindrical, 0.25 mm. diam., distorted by pressure of the overlying tomentum, margins incurved, deeply and irregularly lacerate, white. Spores elongate-elliptical, or obovate-elliptical; 36-52 X 20-25 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely covered with deciduous tubercules, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange-yellow.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in linear groups, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, forming conspicuous bullate areas beneath the tomentum of the leaf, long covered. Peridia cylindrical, 0.25 mm. diam., distorted by pressure of the overlying tomentum, margins incurved, deeply and irregularly lacerate, white. Spores elongate-elliptical, or obovate-elliptical; 36-52 X 20-25 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely covered with deciduous tubercules, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange-yellow.
0. Spermagoniis sparsis, raris. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in linearibus catervis, in maculis discoloratis, et bullatis infra tomentum folii diu tectis. Peridiis cylindricis, 0.25 mm. latis, tomento premente distortis, marginibus incurvatis, profundis lace ratis; albis. Aecidiosporis longis-ellipticis vel obovatis-ellipticis, 36-52 X 20-25 mmm.; episporio hyalino, cum solide deciduo tuberculo tecto, 2 mmm. crasso; contentu granuloso, luteo.
The host is endemic, and confined to the mountains of Otago. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 311.)
This species differs from others on Celmisia on account of the elliptic-oblong spores, and the presence of deciduous tubercules on the epispore. The aecidia are permanently covered by the dense tomentum which clothes the leaf-surface; this soon causes the peridia to become malformed, so that sections of young specimens are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
This species differs from others on Celmisia on account of the elliptic-oblong spores, and the presence of deciduous tubercules on the epispore. The aecidia are permanently covered by the dense tomentum which clothes the leaf-surface; this soon causes the peridia to become malformed, so that sections of young specimens are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Celmisiae Petriei Cheeseman. Lake Harris track, Otago, New Zealand, 1,100 m. W. D. Reid.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(j.) Aecidium Discariae Cke., Grev., vol. 14, p. 89, 1886.
This form belongs to the cycle of Uromyces Discariae. G. H. Cunn.
(j.) Aecidium Discariae Cke., Grev., vol. 14, p. 89, 1886.
This form belongs to the cycle of Uromyces Discariae. G. H. Cunn.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(f) Aecidium dissimenatum Berk., Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 756, 1867.
Host: Hypericum japonicum Thumb. McAlpine (1906, p. 200) records this rust as occurring in Australia on the same host.
(f) Aecidium dissimenatum Berk., Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 756, 1867.
Host: Hypericum japonicum Thumb. McAlpine (1906, p. 200) records this rust as occurring in Australia on the same host.
Host: Coprosma foetidissima Forst. On leaves and petioles. Herb. No. 771. Alpha Hut, Mount Hector (Wellington), 1,700 m., H. Hamilton! J. G. Myers ! 15 Feb., 1921.
0. Spermogones amphigenous; immersed, honey-coloured, surrounded by the aecidia.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, crowded in irregularly-circular groups, seated on discoloured and slightly-inflated areas visible on the upper surface, yellow. Peridia erumpent, cylindrical, 1 mm. high, 0.4-0.5 mm. diam., margins erect, not revolute, irregularly lacerate, tinted yellow. Spores polygonal or,. elliptical, 42-50 X 34-40 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and coarsely verruculose, 2.5-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents coarsely granular, pallid yellow.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, crowded in irregularly-circular groups, seated on discoloured and slightly-inflated areas visible on the upper surface, yellow. Peridia erumpent, cylindrical, 1 mm. high, 0.4-0.5 mm. diam., margins erect, not revolute, irregularly lacerate, tinted yellow. Spores polygonal or,. elliptical, 42-50 X 34-40 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and coarsely verruculose, 2.5-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents coarsely granular, pallid yellow.
0. Spermagoniis amphigeniis, immersis, ad aecidiis immixtis. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in catervis inaequalibus, in maculis discoloratis luteis. Peridiis erumpentibus, cylindricis, 1 mm. altis, 0.5 mm. latis, mar ginibus erectis, non revolutis, laceratis, luteis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel ellipticis, 42-50 X 34-40 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide rustice verruculoso, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu rustice granuloso, luteo.
The host is endemic, and is abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 259.)
The upright cylindrical peridia and large size of the spores serve to characterize this species.
The upright cylindrical peridia and large size of the spores serve to characterize this species.
Hab. : In foliis vivis et petiolibusque Coprosmae foetidissimae Forst. Alpha Hut, Mount Hector, Wellington, New Zealand, 1,700 m. H. Hamilton, J. G. Myers.
Host: Edwardsia tetraptera (J. Miller) Oliver (= Sophora tetraptera J. Mill.). On branches. Herb. No. 763. Brightwater (Nelson), 200 m., C: Nash ! W. C. Hyde! G. H. C. 18 May, 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown
I. Aecidia caulicolous, crowded in longitudinal groups, seated. on fusiform swellings up to 7 cm. long,. forming large fastigiate distortions, orange-yellow. Peridia cupulate, shortly erumpent, standing above the surface 0.25 mm., 0.5 mm. diam., expanded and slightly revolute, becoming lacerate, finally eroded, tinted yellow. Spores polygonal or elliptical, 27-32 X 18-21 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, lemon-yellow.
I. Aecidia caulicolous, crowded in longitudinal groups, seated. on fusiform swellings up to 7 cm. long,. forming large fastigiate distortions, orange-yellow. Peridia cupulate, shortly erumpent, standing above the surface 0.25 mm., 0.5 mm. diam., expanded and slightly revolute, becoming lacerate, finally eroded, tinted yellow. Spores polygonal or elliptical, 27-32 X 18-21 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, lemon-yellow.
0. Incognitis. I. Aecidiis caulicolis, in catervis longis, in tumerosis fusiformibus, ad 7 cm. longis, magnis fastigiatis distortionibus factis luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, breviter erumpentibus, 0.25 mm. altis, 0.5 mm. latis, pateris subtiliter revolutus, laceratis demum erosis, tinetis luteis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel ellipticis, 27-32 X 18-21 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide subtiliter verruculoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo.
The host is indigenous and widespread; it occurs also in Lord Howe Island, Easter Island, Juan Fernandez, and Chile. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 123.)
This rust forms conspicuous " witch's-brooms " on the host. A branch becomes infected near the tip, and further outward growth is prevented. In the vicinity of the infected area numerous short laterals are produced; these in turn may give rise to tertiary laterals, until the whole assumes a dense and shrubby appearance. Infected shoots become swollen to several times their normal thickness, and in these inflated areas the aecidia appear. The mycelium is perennial, and material may be collected from infected plants throughout the year.
I am indebted to Mr. C. Nash and Mr. W. C. Hyde for assistance in procuring these specimens.
This rust forms conspicuous " witch's-brooms " on the host. A branch becomes infected near the tip, and further outward growth is prevented. In the vicinity of the infected area numerous short laterals are produced; these in turn may give rise to tertiary laterals, until the whole assumes a dense and shrubby appearance. Infected shoots become swollen to several times their normal thickness, and in these inflated areas the aecidia appear. The mycelium is perennial, and material may be collected from infected plants throughout the year.
I am indebted to Mr. C. Nash and Mr. W. C. Hyde for assistance in procuring these specimens.
Hab.: In caulibusque Edwardsiae tetrapterae (J. Mill.) Oliver. Brightwater, Nelson, New Zealand, 200 m. C. Nash, W. C. Hyde, G. H. C.
Host: Olearia macrodonta Baker. On leaves and petioles. Herb. No. 277. The track; Clinton Valley (Otago), E. H. Atkinson ! 18 Jan., 1920. (Type.)
0. Spermogones amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, sparse, associated with the aecidia.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous and petiolicolous, crowded in irregularly-shaped groups up to l0 mm. long, seated on discoloured distorted spots visible on the upper surface, pallid yellow. Peridia immersed, the margins alone showing, 0-1-0-2 min. diam., margins incurved, dentate, white. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 25-37 X 18-24 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and rather coarsely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents tinted yellow, granular.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous and petiolicolous, crowded in irregularly-shaped groups up to l0 mm. long, seated on discoloured distorted spots visible on the upper surface, pallid yellow. Peridia immersed, the margins alone showing, 0-1-0-2 min. diam., margins incurved, dentate, white. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 25-37 X 18-24 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and rather coarsely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents tinted yellow, granular.
0. Spermagoniis amphigeniis, praecipue epiphyllis, sparsis, aecidiis immixtis. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis et petiolicolis, in catervis inaequalibus ad 10 mm. longis, in maculis discoloratis distortionibus, luteis. Peridiis immersis, 0.1-0.2 mm. latis, marginibus incurvatis, dentatis, albis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis ellipticis vel obovatis, 25-37 X 18-24 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide rustice verruculoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu luteo, granuloso.
The host is endemic, and is abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 286.)
This species is separated from Aecidium Oleariae McAlp. on account of the much larger spores. Moreover, the minute immersed peridia and distorting habit are distinctive features.
This species is separated from Aecidium Oleariae McAlp. on account of the much larger spores. Moreover, the minute immersed peridia and distorting habit are distinctive features.
Hab.: In foliis vivis et petiolibusque Oleariae macrodontae Baker. The track, Clinton Valley, Otago, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson.
Host: Aristotelia serrata (Forst.) Oliver (A. racemosa (A. Cunn.) Hook. f.). On leaves. Herb. No. 776. Pokaka (Waimarino County), 800 m., D. Miller ! 10 Feb., 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in minute scattered groups, 3-6 in a group, seated on pallid spots visible on the upper surface, pallid orange. Peridia cupulate, erumpent, 0.25 mm. diam., margins erect, not expanded or revolute, minutely dentate, white. Spores subglobose or polygonal, 20-26 X 17-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and densely verruculose, 1 mmm thick, cell-contents tinted yellow, vacuolate.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in minute scattered groups, 3-6 in a group, seated on pallid spots visible on the upper surface, pallid orange. Peridia cupulate, erumpent, 0.25 mm. diam., margins erect, not expanded or revolute, minutely dentate, white. Spores subglobose or polygonal, 20-26 X 17-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and densely verruculose, 1 mmm thick, cell-contents tinted yellow, vacuolate.
0. Incognitis. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in catervis minutisque raris, 3-6 in catervis, in maculis pallidis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, erumpentibus, 0.25 mm. latis, marginibus erectis, non revolutis, subtiliter dentatis, albis. Aecidiosporis subglobosis vel polygoniis, 20-26 X 17-23 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide subtiliter verruculoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu luteo, vacuolato.
The host is endemic, and is widely spread throughout the lowland forests. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 83.)
This species is named in honour of the collector; David Miller, Government Entomologist, Biological Laboratory, Wellington.
The aecidia occur in small groups of 3-6, each group being somewhat angular, and about 1 mm. in diameter.
This species is named in honour of the collector; David Miller, Government Entomologist, Biological Laboratory, Wellington.
The aecidia occur in small groups of 3-6, each group being somewhat angular, and about 1 mm. in diameter.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Aristoteliae serratae (Forst.) Oliver. Pokaka, Waimarino County, New Zealand, 800 m. D. Miller.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(g.) Aecidium monocystis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 196, 1855.
Host: Phyllachne Colensoi Berggr. (= Helophyllum Colensoi Hook. f.).
McAlpine (1906, p. 197) states that this is common on Abrotanella forsterioides Hook. f. in the vicinity of Hobart, and doubts the determination of the host as given above; he claims that it is scarcely likely that the same species would occur on hosts belonging to the Compositae and Candolleaceae (= Stylidieae). Mr. Rodway, Government Botanist, Hobart, has written to me to the same effect; he believes that the species was in error stated to have been collected in New Zealand, and was really collected in Tasmania. Although Abrotanella occurs in New Zealand, all the species are endemic; so that the matter must remain at issue until the original host is correctly determined.
(g.) Aecidium monocystis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 196, 1855.
Host: Phyllachne Colensoi Berggr. (= Helophyllum Colensoi Hook. f.).
McAlpine (1906, p. 197) states that this is common on Abrotanella forsterioides Hook. f. in the vicinity of Hobart, and doubts the determination of the host as given above; he claims that it is scarcely likely that the same species would occur on hosts belonging to the Compositae and Candolleaceae (= Stylidieae). Mr. Rodway, Government Botanist, Hobart, has written to me to the same effect; he believes that the species was in error stated to have been collected in New Zealand, and was really collected in Tasmania. Although Abrotanella occurs in New Zealand, all the species are endemic; so that the matter must remain at issue until the original host is correctly determined.
Host: Myoporum laetuon Forst. f. On branches, trunks, petioles, inflorescences, and drupes. Herb. Nos. 404, 777. Palmerston North (Wellington), 250 m., G. H. C. Feb., May, Dec., 1921; Feb., May, 1922. (Type.) Woodside Creek, Wharanui (Marlborough), E. H. Atkinson! 3 Nov., 1922.
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia caulicolous, truncicolous, petiolicolous, and on inflorescences and drupes, seated on inflated fusiform areas up to 15 cm. long, crowded in linear groups, orange. Peridia erumpent, cylindrical, standing above the surface about 4 mm., 1 mm. diam., margins slightly expanded but not revolute, deeply and irregularly lacerate, tinted orange, bleaching white with age. Spores obovate, elliptical, irregularly polygonal or less commonly lachryiniform, 21-45 X 17-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents reddish-orange, germ-pores indistinct.
I. Aecidia caulicolous, truncicolous, petiolicolous, and on inflorescences and drupes, seated on inflated fusiform areas up to 15 cm. long, crowded in linear groups, orange. Peridia erumpent, cylindrical, standing above the surface about 4 mm., 1 mm. diam., margins slightly expanded but not revolute, deeply and irregularly lacerate, tinted orange, bleaching white with age. Spores obovate, elliptical, irregularly polygonal or less commonly lachryiniform, 21-45 X 17-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents reddish-orange, germ-pores indistinct.
0. Incognitis. I. Aecidiis caulicoliis, truncicohis et petiolicolis, in locis inflatis fusiformibus, ad 15 cm. longis, in catervis linearibus, aurantiacis. Peridiis erumpentibus, cylindricis, super superficiem exstitis ad 4 mm., 1 mm. latis, marginibus subtiliter expansis non revolutis, profunde inaequalibus laceratis, cinctis aurantiacis, demum albis. Aecidiosporis obovatis, ellipticis, polygoniis, raro lacrimiformibus, 21-45 X 17-20 mmm.; episporio hyalino, subtiliter solide verruculoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu rubescente-luteo, foramine germinis obscuro.
The host is, endemic, and is widespread. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 563.) This species forms large fusiform swellings on the branches of the host; as a rule it occurs on laterals, forming "witch's-brooms," but it is not confined to these, as I have collected it on large trunks 30 cm. in diameter. The peridia resemble those of the form-genus Roestelia, but only in size and shape, for they dehisce apically and not throughout their length; more-over, the spores are characteristic of Aecidium, the epispore being hyaline and minutely verruculose, and the germ-pores are indistinct. The spores vary considerably in size and shape; the measurements given above are taken from average spores, for if the lachrymiform ones were measured they would give an entirely erroneous impression as to the average size, they being more than twice as long as the average spores.
It is probable that the mycelium is perennial, as the fungus may be obtained throughout the year from infected plants.
It is probable that the mycelium is perennial, as the fungus may be obtained throughout the year from infected plants.
Hab. : In caulibusque, trunci, et petiolibusque Myopori laeti Forst. f. Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand, 250 m. G. H. C.
Hosts : Clematis indivisa Willd. On leaves, stems; petioles, and sepals Herb. Nos. 188, 434. Lake Horowhenua, Levin (Wellington), 30 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 26 Oct., 1919. Peel Forest (Canterbury), H. H. Allan ! 8 Nov., 1919. Manawatu Gorge (Wellington), 150 m., J.W. Whelan ! 29 Sept., 1921. Putara, Eketahuna (Wairarapa), H. Watson! 8 Nov., 1921. Clematis Colensoi Hook. f. On stems and petioles. Herb. No. 231. Miramar (Wellington), 20 m., J. W. Bird! 5 Nov., 1920.
0. Spermogones associated with the aecidia, immersed, honey-coloured.
I. Aecidia amphigenous; caulicolous, petiolicolous and sepalicolous, crowded in inflated distorted areas which may attain a length of 15 cm., orange. Peridia cupulate, shortly erumpent, 0.5-1 mm. diam., margins revolute, yellow, deeply and irregularly lacerate. Spores globose or polygonal, 23-36 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, delicately and closely verruculose, 0.75 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange.
I. Aecidia amphigenous; caulicolous, petiolicolous and sepalicolous, crowded in inflated distorted areas which may attain a length of 15 cm., orange. Peridia cupulate, shortly erumpent, 0.5-1 mm. diam., margins revolute, yellow, deeply and irregularly lacerate. Spores globose or polygonal, 23-36 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, delicately and closely verruculose, 0.75 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange.
Distribution: Endemic; common throughout.
The hosts are endemic, and are abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, pp. 2, 3.)
This rust forms conspicuous distorted areas, many centimetres long, on the stems and leaves of the hosts. The mycelium is perennial, so that once a plant has become infected the rust appears season after season. The specimens on Clematis Colensoi are badly infected with Tuberculina persicina (Ditm.) Sacc. (see Appendix, p. 50). Lindsay records the rust upon Clematis hexasepala DC.
The aecidia of this species are formed within the host-tissues in the vicinity of the phloem, and all stages may be obtained from immature to fully-developed peridia containing numerous spores. As they develop, the peridia move towards the periphery of the stem, and prior to dehiscence may be found fully developed lying beneath the epidermis. That they are mature is evidenced by the behaviour of the spores, for on being placed in water these give rise to infection hyphae.
This rust forms conspicuous distorted areas, many centimetres long, on the stems and leaves of the hosts. The mycelium is perennial, so that once a plant has become infected the rust appears season after season. The specimens on Clematis Colensoi are badly infected with Tuberculina persicina (Ditm.) Sacc. (see Appendix, p. 50). Lindsay records the rust upon Clematis hexasepala DC.
The aecidia of this species are formed within the host-tissues in the vicinity of the phloem, and all stages may be obtained from immature to fully-developed peridia containing numerous spores. As they develop, the peridia move towards the periphery of the stem, and prior to dehiscence may be found fully developed lying beneath the epidermis. That they are mature is evidenced by the behaviour of the spores, for on being placed in water these give rise to infection hyphae.
Host : Plantago spathulata Hook. f. On leaves and petioles. Herb. No. 275. Burke's Pass (Canterbury), W. D. Reid ! 18 Nov., 1919.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, immersed, numerous.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and petiolicolous, scattered or gregarious, orange-yellow. Peridia slightly erumpent, cupulate, 0.2-0.25 mm. diam., tinted cream, margins slightly expanded, not revolute, minutely dentate. Spores subglobose, polygonal, or elliptical, 20-30 X 18-22 mmm., epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm thick, cell-contents granular, yellow.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and petiolicolous, scattered or gregarious, orange-yellow. Peridia slightly erumpent, cupulate, 0.2-0.25 mm. diam., tinted cream, margins slightly expanded, not revolute, minutely dentate. Spores subglobose, polygonal, or elliptical, 20-30 X 18-22 mmm., epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm thick, cell-contents granular, yellow.
Distribution: Victoria; New South Wales; Tasmania.
The host is endemic, and, although not uncommon in the South Island, is confined to a few localities in the North. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 571.) This species is characterized by the scattered, small-sized aecidia.
Hosts:- Ranunculus depresses T. Kirk. On leaves and petioles. Herb. No. 81. Mount Guinevere (Canterbury), W. D. Reid ! 15 Oct., 1919. Ranunculus geraniifoliis Hook. f. Herb. No. 315. Mount Hector (Wellington), 1,500 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 6 Feb., 1921. Ranunculus insignis Hook. f. Herb. No. 372. Mount Dennan (Wellington), 1,500 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 7 Jan., 1922. Ranunculus Lyalli Hook. f. Herb. No. 81. Waimakariri glaciers, T. Kirk ! Jan., 1883. McKinnon's Pass (Otago), E. H. Atkinson ! 16 Jan. 1920. Sugarloaf, Cass (Canterbury), 650m., W. D. Reid ! N. R. Foy ! 20 Jan., 1922. Punch-bowl Falls, Arthur's Pass (Canterbury), 1,000 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 15 Nov., 1922. Ranunculus nivicola Hook. Herb. No. 496. Mount Egmont (Taranaki), 1,200-1,500 m., W. D. Reid ! N. R. Foy ! 2 Jan., 1922. Ranunculus pachyrrhizus Hook. f. Herb. No. 372. Lake Harris (Otago), 1,100 m., W. D. Reid ! 6 May, 1921. Ranunculus repens L. Herb. No. 81. Weraroa (Wellington), 100 m., E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 3 Oct., 1919. Sandhills, Levin (Wellington), 30 m., E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 14 Oct., 1922.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, crowded in small groups, mixed with the aecidia, immersed, honey-coloured.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and petiolicolous, crowded in scattered groups, which are seated on slightly inflated spots visible on the opposite surface, on leaves the groups are orbicular and up to 5 mmm. diam., on stems they are elliptical and up to 10 mm. long; orange. Peridia cupulate, immersed, and partly erumpent, 0-25 mm. diam., margins 0.5-1 mm. high, erect, slightly expanded, not revolute, brittle, white, finely lacerate. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or subglobose, 20-37 X 18-28 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid orange, granular.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and petiolicolous, crowded in scattered groups, which are seated on slightly inflated spots visible on the opposite surface, on leaves the groups are orbicular and up to 5 mmm. diam., on stems they are elliptical and up to 10 mm. long; orange. Peridia cupulate, immersed, and partly erumpent, 0-25 mm. diam., margins 0.5-1 mm. high, erect, slightly expanded, not revolute, brittle, white, finely lacerate. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or subglobose, 20-37 X 18-28 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid orange, granular.
Distribution: World-wide.
With the exception of Ranunculus repens L. all the hosts are endemic. They are all confined to the mountain-ranges. R. insignis and R. geraniifoliis occurs in both Islands; R. nivicola is confined to the North Island, and R. Lyallii, R. .pachyrrhizus, and R. depressus to the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, pp. 9-24.)
The aecidium on R. repens may belong to the cycle of any one of several species - for example, Uromyces Dactylidis Otth, U. Poae Rab., and Puccinia Magnusiana Koern. As its connection with those species mentioned above which occur in New Zealand has not yet been worked out, it is retained here for the present. The forms on the several hosts discussed above do not agree with one another in all particulars, differing slightly in the size of the spores as well as in minor details of the peridia; these differences are so slight, and merge one into the other so closely, that it is not possible to separate any one form as being sufficiently distinct to warrant its being raised to specific or even varietal rank. (A drawing of a spermogone of this species is given in Trans. N.Z. Inst; vol. 54,. p. 620). On Ranunculus Lyallii the spermogones precede the aecidia, and may frequently be found arranged in small groups, quite covering the surfaces of the leaves.
The aecidium on R. repens may belong to the cycle of any one of several species - for example, Uromyces Dactylidis Otth, U. Poae Rab., and Puccinia Magnusiana Koern. As its connection with those species mentioned above which occur in New Zealand has not yet been worked out, it is retained here for the present. The forms on the several hosts discussed above do not agree with one another in all particulars, differing slightly in the size of the spores as well as in minor details of the peridia; these differences are so slight, and merge one into the other so closely, that it is not possible to separate any one form as being sufficiently distinct to warrant its being raised to specific or even varietal rank. (A drawing of a spermogone of this species is given in Trans. N.Z. Inst; vol. 54,. p. 620). On Ranunculus Lyallii the spermogones precede the aecidia, and may frequently be found arranged in small groups, quite covering the surfaces of the leaves.
Host: Fuchsia excorticata (Forst. f.) L. f. On leaves Herb. Nos. 190, 620. II. Hawyard's, Upper Hutt (Wellington), T. Kirk ! 3 Sept., 1881. (Type collection.) Weraroa (Wellington), G. H. C. 6 Oct., 1919. (On seedlings.) York Bay (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! 24 Oct., 1920. Palmerston North (Wellington), R. Waters! 27 Jan., 1921. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson! G. H. C. 24 March, 1922. Oamaru (Otago), R. B. Tennent! 27 May, 1921. Claudelands, Hamilton, G. H. C. 24 May, 1922.
0, I. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on small angular yellow spots, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., orange-yellow, pulverulent, pulvinate, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 20-31 X 14-18 mium; epispore hyaline, closely, coarsely and unequally echinulate, spines sparsely distributed towards base of spore, 1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on small angular yellow spots, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., orange-yellow, pulverulent, pulvinate, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 20-31 X 14-18 mium; epispore hyaline, closely, coarsely and unequally echinulate, spines sparsely distributed towards base of spore, 1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Unknown.
The host is endemic, and is abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 186.)
This rust is common in certain parts of New Zealand, and is conspicuous owing to the bright orange colour of the uredosori; in certain specimens the entire leaf-surface may be covered with the sori.
The uredo stage alone is known; the uredospores do not closely resemble other species of the genus, differing particularly in being echinulate and not covered with deciduous tubercules.
This rust is common in certain parts of New Zealand, and is conspicuous owing to the bright orange colour of the uredosori; in certain specimens the entire leaf-surface may be covered with the sori.
The uredo stage alone is known; the uredospores do not closely resemble other species of the genus, differing particularly in being echinulate and not covered with deciduous tubercules.
Habitat: Parasitic upon the spores of the following species : Uromyces otakou G. H. Cunn. (II); U. Polygoni Fck. (II); Uromycladium alpinum McAlp. (II); Urom. notabile McAlp. (II); Urom. Tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlp. (III); Puccinia Caricis Schroet. (II, III); P. Chrysanthemi Roze. (II); P. Coprosmae Cke. (III); P. Elymi Westnd. (II); P. Hoheriae Wakef. (III); P. Hydrocotyles Cke. (II); P. juncophila Cke. et Mass. (II); P. Morrisoni TVIcAlp. (II); P. Plagianthi McAlp. (III); P. Poarum Niels. (II); P. pulverulenta Grev. (II); P. punctata Link. (II); P. whakatipu G. H. Cunn. (II); P. Unciniarum Diet. et Neg. (II, III); Phragmidium novae-zelandiae G. H. Cunn. (I); Phr. Potentillae P. Karst. (I, II);
Pycnidia superficial or immersed, scattered or gregarious, conico-globose, elliptical, obovate, or depressed-globose, 90-120 X 60-100 mmm. diam., ostiolate, smooth; black. Conidia l.-septate, hyaline, fusoid, smooth, 10-18 X 3-6 mmm., slightly or not constricted at the septum, muticate.
Distribution: Europe; North and South America; Ceylon; Japan; Africa; Australia.
From the foregoing it will be seen that in New Zealand this species has been collected on aecidia, caeomata, uredosori, and teleutosori.
The mycelium ramifies through the sori and appears to plasmolyze and disintegrate those spores with which the hyphae come in contact; in certain sore, indeed, it is difficult to obtain any unaffected spores. Generally the pycnidia are superficial and easily seen, but in certain cases, particularly when they are parasitic upon aecidia, they are almost competely immersed, and their presence noted only when sections of the aecidia are examined. Saccardo (Syll. Fung., vol. 3, p. 410, 1884) states that the spores have on either end a few fine bristles; I have failed to observe these, although I have examined numerous microtome sections of pycnidia of all ages. So common are the pycnidia on certain species that they have frequently been mistaken for spermogones, and described as such.
The mycelium ramifies through the sori and appears to plasmolyze and disintegrate those spores with which the hyphae come in contact; in certain sore, indeed, it is difficult to obtain any unaffected spores. Generally the pycnidia are superficial and easily seen, but in certain cases, particularly when they are parasitic upon aecidia, they are almost competely immersed, and their presence noted only when sections of the aecidia are examined. Saccardo (Syll. Fung., vol. 3, p. 410, 1884) states that the spores have on either end a few fine bristles; I have failed to observe these, although I have examined numerous microtome sections of pycnidia of all ages. So common are the pycnidia on certain species that they have frequently been mistaken for spermogones, and described as such.
Host: Rubus australis Forst. f. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 7, 594. III. Herekopere Islands, T. Kirk! 1882. Mount Waiopehu (Wellington), 1;000 m., G. H. C. 26 Oct., 1919. Otira Gorge (Canterbury), 500 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 30 Jan., 1920. Peel Forest (Canterbury), 250 m., H. H. Allan ! Feb., 1920. Makarora (Otago), W. D. Reid ! 25 Mar., 1921. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, 400 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 11 Mar., 1922.
0. Spermogones immersed, hypophyllous, associated with the uredosori.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., golden-yellow; surrounded by and mixed with numerous incurved hyaline cylindrical paraphyses. Spores globose, obovate, or shortly elliptical, 20-25 X 17-19 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 2 mmm. thick, thickened at the apex to 3-5 mmm., cell-contents pallid yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or crowded in irregular groups, seated on indefinite pallid spots which are visible on the upper surface, elliptical, 0.5-1 mm. diam., pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores aggregated into pallid-yellow fibrils up to 20 mm. long, fading with age, 4-6-celled, long-cylindrical, 100-180 X 14-22 mmm.; apex strongly acuminate, tapering to a fine sharp point, thickened up to 10 mmm., base truncate; not constricted at the septa; epispore hyaline, smooth, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange, granular; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tapering basally to a fine point, up to 600 mmm. long, 10-15 mmm. thick immediately below the spore, hollow; germ-pore solitary in each cell, indistinct.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., golden-yellow; surrounded by and mixed with numerous incurved hyaline cylindrical paraphyses. Spores globose, obovate, or shortly elliptical, 20-25 X 17-19 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 2 mmm. thick, thickened at the apex to 3-5 mmm., cell-contents pallid yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or crowded in irregular groups, seated on indefinite pallid spots which are visible on the upper surface, elliptical, 0.5-1 mm. diam., pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores aggregated into pallid-yellow fibrils up to 20 mm. long, fading with age, 4-6-celled, long-cylindrical, 100-180 X 14-22 mmm.; apex strongly acuminate, tapering to a fine sharp point, thickened up to 10 mmm., base truncate; not constricted at the septa; epispore hyaline, smooth, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange, granular; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tapering basally to a fine point, up to 600 mmm. long, 10-15 mmm. thick immediately below the spore, hollow; germ-pore solitary in each cell, indistinct.
Distribution : Java; Queensland.
The host is endemic, and is common throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 125.) The teleutospore stage only has been collected in New Zealand; this is common, and is readily observed owing to the conspicuous nature of the spore-masses.
The description of the uredospores given above is drawn up from information kindly supplied by. Mr. C. C. Brittlebank, Melbourne.
The spores and their pedicels are inextricably interwoven into filaments, so that it is difficult to separate out single spores for the purposes of measurement and drawing. These filaments are formed in the following manner: The sori are at first bullate and covered by the epidermis; this soon becomes ruptured, owing to the increasing pressure exerted by the developing spores, and the spores become exposed, when they are seen as a pulvinate mass standing above the leaf-surface about 0-5 mm. Spores are being produced from the same sorus during the whole of the summer months, and appear to be developed in batches. As each successive batch develops, the spores become forced between the pedicels of the preceding batch, which are consequently: carried upward away from the base of the sorus. Gradually the filament becomes formed, and, as the spores and pedicels of successive batches are closely interwoven, the filament does not break up, but remains compact, and may persist for several seasons, especially if it happens to become entangled with the spines which cover the undersurface of the leaf. The filaments do not, as a rule, remain for any length of time attached to the sori, so that they may frequently be seen on the same leaf with the detached filaments. The empty sorus usually contains numerous incurved, cylindrical paraphyses. Germination occurs as soon as the spores mature, and, as spores of all ages usually occur in the same filament, different stages of development may readily be obtained. The first indication of germination is the appearance of a slight swelling on one side of a cell; this is followed by the gradual development of the basidium, which protrudes at this point. At first unicellular, the basidium soon becomes four-celled by the appearance of transverse septa. Shortly after the septa appear the sterigmata grow out, one from each cell of the basidium; on each a small, smooth-walled, colourless basidiospore appears. The basidia are allantoid, and may attain a size of 60 X 10 mmm.; the basidiospores are obovate or reniform, and usually 15 X 10 mmm.
Until 1912, when P. and H. Sydow (l.c.) separated the species described above, one species only was known. This was by Thuemen in 1875 (Flora, vol. 58, p. 379) described as Phragmidium longissimum. Two years later Koernicke (l.c.) placed it in Hamaspora, a genus he erected to contain it and another form with similar spores (now Gymnosporangium Ellisii Farl.). In 1888 De Toni (in Sacc., Syll., vol. 7, p. 750) compiled it under Phragmidium. Massee in 1893 (Grey., vol. 22, p. 17) considered that it was neither Hamaspora nor Phragmidium, but stated that he did not care to undertake the responsibility of forming a new genus (!). Dietel (1900, p. 73) considered that there were no grounds for separating it from Phragmidium, although he recognized a resemblance to Gymnosporangium in the teleutospore structure. McAlpine (1906, p. 187) in 1906 included it under Phragmidium, but mentioned the fact that it differed considerably from other species included in that genus.
The description of the uredospores given above is drawn up from information kindly supplied by. Mr. C. C. Brittlebank, Melbourne.
The spores and their pedicels are inextricably interwoven into filaments, so that it is difficult to separate out single spores for the purposes of measurement and drawing. These filaments are formed in the following manner: The sori are at first bullate and covered by the epidermis; this soon becomes ruptured, owing to the increasing pressure exerted by the developing spores, and the spores become exposed, when they are seen as a pulvinate mass standing above the leaf-surface about 0-5 mm. Spores are being produced from the same sorus during the whole of the summer months, and appear to be developed in batches. As each successive batch develops, the spores become forced between the pedicels of the preceding batch, which are consequently: carried upward away from the base of the sorus. Gradually the filament becomes formed, and, as the spores and pedicels of successive batches are closely interwoven, the filament does not break up, but remains compact, and may persist for several seasons, especially if it happens to become entangled with the spines which cover the undersurface of the leaf. The filaments do not, as a rule, remain for any length of time attached to the sori, so that they may frequently be seen on the same leaf with the detached filaments. The empty sorus usually contains numerous incurved, cylindrical paraphyses. Germination occurs as soon as the spores mature, and, as spores of all ages usually occur in the same filament, different stages of development may readily be obtained. The first indication of germination is the appearance of a slight swelling on one side of a cell; this is followed by the gradual development of the basidium, which protrudes at this point. At first unicellular, the basidium soon becomes four-celled by the appearance of transverse septa. Shortly after the septa appear the sterigmata grow out, one from each cell of the basidium; on each a small, smooth-walled, colourless basidiospore appears. The basidia are allantoid, and may attain a size of 60 X 10 mmm.; the basidiospores are obovate or reniform, and usually 15 X 10 mmm.
Until 1912, when P. and H. Sydow (l.c.) separated the species described above, one species only was known. This was by Thuemen in 1875 (Flora, vol. 58, p. 379) described as Phragmidium longissimum. Two years later Koernicke (l.c.) placed it in Hamaspora, a genus he erected to contain it and another form with similar spores (now Gymnosporangium Ellisii Farl.). In 1888 De Toni (in Sacc., Syll., vol. 7, p. 750) compiled it under Phragmidium. Massee in 1893 (Grey., vol. 22, p. 17) considered that it was neither Hamaspora nor Phragmidium, but stated that he did not care to undertake the responsibility of forming a new genus (!). Dietel (1900, p. 73) considered that there were no grounds for separating it from Phragmidium, although he recognized a resemblance to Gymnosporangium in the teleutospore structure. McAlpine (1906, p. 187) in 1906 included it under Phragmidium, but mentioned the fact that it differed considerably from other species included in that genus.
Host: Hypericton gramineum Forst. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 279. II. Alexandra (Otago), 600 m., G. H. C. 10 Dec., 1919
0. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, pulverulent, elliptical, 0.2-0.5 mm. long, reddish-orange when fresh, yellowing with age, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis mixed with numerous hyaline capitate paraphyses. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 17-24 X 12-17 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and coarsely verruculose, 1.5-2 mmm. thick; germ-pores scattered, 3-4, obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or aggregated in small irregular groups, subepidermal, minute, 0.3-0.5 mm. diam., at first chestnut-brown, becoming black. Spores prismatic, 22-32 X 6-12 mm.; apex rounded or truncate, slightly (2-3 mmm.) thickened; epispore smooth, yellowish, 1 mm. thick: germ-pore apical, obscure.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, pulverulent, elliptical, 0.2-0.5 mm. long, reddish-orange when fresh, yellowing with age, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis mixed with numerous hyaline capitate paraphyses. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 17-24 X 12-17 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and coarsely verruculose, 1.5-2 mmm. thick; germ-pores scattered, 3-4, obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or aggregated in small irregular groups, subepidermal, minute, 0.3-0.5 mm. diam., at first chestnut-brown, becoming black. Spores prismatic, 22-32 X 6-12 mm.; apex rounded or truncate, slightly (2-3 mmm.) thickened; epispore smooth, yellowish, 1 mm. thick: germ-pore apical, obscure.
Distribution: Japan; Australia.
The host is indigenous, and is fairly widely distributed; it occurs also in Australia, Tasmania, and New Caledonia. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 74.) Only the uredospores have been. collected in New Zealand, but both stages have been recorded from Australia by McAlpine (1906, p. 191) as M. Hypericorum Schroet.
Sydow has suggested (Mon. Ured., vol. 3, p. 386, 1912) that Aecidium disseminatum Berk. is probably the uredo stage of this species; but McAlpine (1906, p. 200) had specimens of an Aecidium on Hypericum japonicum compared with the type of Aec. disseininatum at Kew, when they were found to be identical.
Sydow has suggested (Mon. Ured., vol. 3, p. 386, 1912) that Aecidium disseminatum Berk. is probably the uredo stage of this species; but McAlpine (1906, p. 200) had specimens of an Aecidium on Hypericum japonicum compared with the type of Aec. disseininatum at Kew, when they were found to be identical.
Hosts : Linum monogynum Forst. On leaves and stems. Herb. Nos. 241, 297. II. York Bay (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! 24 Oct., 1920. II, III. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson! 27 Jan., 1921. Linum monogynum Forst. var. chathamicum Cockayne. II. York Bay (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! 23 Jan., 1921.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, numerous, scattered, immersed, inconspicuous.
I. Caeomata amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.2-0.5 mm. diam., orange, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose, 20-28 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verruculose, 1 mmm: thick, cell-contents vacuolate, yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered or crowded, orbicular, 0.5 mm. diam., on stems elliptical and up to 2 mm. long, pulvinate, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis; mixed with numerous incurved, hyaline, capitate paraphyses. Spores subglobose, obovate or broadly. elliptical, 18-24 X 14-18 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely verruculose, 2 mmm. thick; germ-pores equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered or crowded, often confluent and up to 8 mm. long, irregular, discoid, reddish-brown, becoming shining-black, long covered. Spores laterally compacted, subepidermal, prismatic, unicellular, 40-55 X 9-15 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded or truncate, slightly (3 mmm.) or not thickened, base truncate; epispore smooth, brown, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore obscure, apical.
I. Caeomata amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.2-0.5 mm. diam., orange, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose, 20-28 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verruculose, 1 mmm: thick, cell-contents vacuolate, yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered or crowded, orbicular, 0.5 mm. diam., on stems elliptical and up to 2 mm. long, pulvinate, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis; mixed with numerous incurved, hyaline, capitate paraphyses. Spores subglobose, obovate or broadly. elliptical, 18-24 X 14-18 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely verruculose, 2 mmm. thick; germ-pores equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered or crowded, often confluent and up to 8 mm. long, irregular, discoid, reddish-brown, becoming shining-black, long covered. Spores laterally compacted, subepidermal, prismatic, unicellular, 40-55 X 9-15 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded or truncate, slightly (3 mmm.) or not thickened, base truncate; epispore smooth, brown, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore obscure, apical.
Distribution: Europe; North and South America; Australia.
Both hosts are endemic; they are especially abundant along the sea-coasts. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 86.)
The uredosori are common, and are conspicuous owing to their bright orange colour. The teleutosori appear to be rare here, as only a few sori have been found on the abundant material in hand.
The uredosori are common, and are conspicuous owing to their bright orange colour. The teleutosori appear to be rare here, as only a few sori have been found on the abundant material in hand.
Host: Betula alba L. On leaves. Herb. No. 596. II, III. Hanmer (Canterbury), W. Morrison! 2 March, 1922.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, numerous, scattered, flattened, inconspicuous.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, solitary, or in rows parallel to the midrib, reddish-orange. Peridia elliptical, up to 1 mm. high, 1 mm. long, margin irregularly torn, tinted. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 16-25 X 12-16 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and closely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, slightly thinner and more smooth on one side.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, immersed, scattered, orbicular, 0.1 mm. diam. Peridia flattened-globose, dehiscing by an apical pore. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 20-35 X 10-15 mmm.; epispore hyaline, sparsely and somewhat coarsely echinulate, smooth towards the apex, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, immersed, scattered, orbicular, 0.5 mm. diam., chestnut-brown, indehiscent. Spores compacted into a flattened crust, prismatic, 35-45 X 10-15 mmm.; apex and base obtusely rounded; epispore tinted brown, smooth, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore indistinct.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, solitary, or in rows parallel to the midrib, reddish-orange. Peridia elliptical, up to 1 mm. high, 1 mm. long, margin irregularly torn, tinted. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 16-25 X 12-16 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and closely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, slightly thinner and more smooth on one side.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, immersed, scattered, orbicular, 0.1 mm. diam. Peridia flattened-globose, dehiscing by an apical pore. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 20-35 X 10-15 mmm.; epispore hyaline, sparsely and somewhat coarsely echinulate, smooth towards the apex, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, immersed, scattered, orbicular, 0.5 mm. diam., chestnut-brown, indehiscent. Spores compacted into a flattened crust, prismatic, 35-45 X 10-15 mmm.; apex and base obtusely rounded; epispore tinted brown, smooth, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore indistinct.
Distribution: Europe; Asia; North America.
The host is an introduced species, The aecidia occur on Larix spp. Plowright (1890) first worked out the connection between the aecidium on Larix and the uredo- and teleutospores on Betula. The teleutospores germinate the season following their production.
Host: Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm. (= Pteris incisa Thunb.). On fronds. Herb. Nos. 772, 774. II. Karori (Wellington), 400 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 27 April, 1922. Kelburn (Wellington), 120 m., E. H. Atkinson ! C. H. G. 17 Sept., 1922. (Type.)
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, or more commonly crowded in groups which are linear, intercostal, and up to 15 mm. long, seated on irregular discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., orbicular, bullate, covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore. Peridium flattened-globose, ostiolate, composecl of obovate, hyaline cells, outer wall coarsely and densely verruculose. Spores obovate, elliptical, or polygonal, 18-26 X 14-18 mmm.; epispore hyaline, moderately and finely verrucose, 0.75-1 mmm. thick, cell-contents colourless, vacuolate; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Unknown.
III. Unknown.
II. Uredosoris hypophyllis, raris vel in linearis catervis, intercostalibus, ad 15 mm. longis, in masculis maequalis discoloratis, 0.25-0.5 mm. latis, rotundis, bullatis, epidermide tectis, apicale aperto. Peridiis planoglobosis, ostiolatis, obovatis hyalinarum cellularum compositis, cellulo exteriore solide verruculoso. Uredoporis obovatis, ellipticis vel polygoniis, 18-26 X 14-18 mmm.; episporio hyalino, tenuiter verruculoso, 0.75-1 mmm. crasso, contentu hyalino, vacuolato; foraminis germims obscuro. III. Incognitis.
The very thin, moderately and finely verrucose epispore serves to separate this from other species of the genus. The .rust is exceedingly common in the localities where it has been collected; in fact, scarcely a frond could be obtained free from the dead areas in which the uredosori are embedded.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Histiopteridis incisae (Thunb.) J. Sm. Kelburn Wellington, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson., G. H. C.
Host: Acaena nnicrophylla Hook. f. On leaves and petioles. Herb. No. 307. I, III. Botanical Gardens, Gore (Southland), E. B. Levy! 1 Feb., 1921. (Type.)
0. Spermogones amphigenous, sparse, scattered, conical, pallid yellow.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular when 0-5-1 mm. diam., or elliptical and up to 3 mm. long, pulvinate, pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of hyaline, incurved, clavate, persistent paraphyses, overtopping the spores. Spores globose, obovate, or less commonly elliptical, 18-28 X 16-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange, vacuolate.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous and petiolicolous, sparse, scattered, orbicular, 0.1-0.5 mm. diam., at first compact and pulvinate, becoming pulverulent, shining-black, naked, with few spores in each sorus. Spores 4-7-celled, commonly 6, long -cylindrical, 50-95 X 20-25 mmm.; apex bluntly acuminate or rounded, slightly or not thickened, often crowned with a prominent hyaline papilla, up to 10 mmm. long, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, base rounded, spore slightly or not narrowed above and below; not or slightly constricted at the septa; wall light chestnut-brown, 3-4 mm. thick, sparsely covered with a few coarse hyaline warts which are more numerous apically or may be almost absent; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, hollow, up to 50 mmm. long, commonly much less, 5-9 mmm. thick, swollen at the base to 20 mmm., lower third closely verruculose, germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, conspicuous.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular when 0-5-1 mm. diam., or elliptical and up to 3 mm. long, pulvinate, pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of hyaline, incurved, clavate, persistent paraphyses, overtopping the spores. Spores globose, obovate, or less commonly elliptical, 18-28 X 16-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange, vacuolate.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous and petiolicolous, sparse, scattered, orbicular, 0.1-0.5 mm. diam., at first compact and pulvinate, becoming pulverulent, shining-black, naked, with few spores in each sorus. Spores 4-7-celled, commonly 6, long -cylindrical, 50-95 X 20-25 mmm.; apex bluntly acuminate or rounded, slightly or not thickened, often crowned with a prominent hyaline papilla, up to 10 mmm. long, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, base rounded, spore slightly or not narrowed above and below; not or slightly constricted at the septa; wall light chestnut-brown, 3-4 mm. thick, sparsely covered with a few coarse hyaline warts which are more numerous apically or may be almost absent; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, hollow, up to 50 mmm. long, commonly much less, 5-9 mmm. thick, swollen at the base to 20 mmm., lower third closely verruculose, germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, conspicuous.
0. Spermagoniis amphigenis, sparsis, raris, conicis, subflavis. I. Caeomatiis hypophyllis, raris, rotundis, 0.5-1 mm. latis, vel ellipticis et 3 mm. longis, pulvinatis, pulverulentibus, flavis; hyalino, clavatis paraphysis cinctis. Caeomatosporis globosis, obovatis, vel ellipticis, 18-28 X 16-29 mmm.; episporio hyalino, minute tenuiter echinulato, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu flavo, vacuolato. III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, caulicolis, sparsis, raris, rotundis, 0.1-0.5 mm. latis, primum compactis et pulvinatis, demum pulverulentibus, splendidis-nigris, nudis, soris cum paucis sporis. Teleutosporis 4-7-cellulo, communiter 6, longis - cylindricis, 50-95 X 20-25 mmm.; apice rustice acuminato, vel rotundato, leniter ad non incrassato, saepe papillato hyalino; ad 10 mmm. longis, basi rotundato, apice et basi saepe necne attenuatts; ad septa leniter necne constrictis; episporio castaneo, 3-4 mmm. crasso, raro hyalino verrucoso; pedicello persistente, hyalino apice tincto, fistuloso, ad 50 mmm. longo, 5-9 mmm. crasso, ad basim 20 mmm. inflato, verruculoso, foramine germinis ad cellulo 2-3, conspicuo.
The host is endemic, and is not uncommon throughout the mountain districts. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 132.)
This species closely resembles Phr. subsimile, but differs in the long-cylindrical shape of the teleutospores, their verrucose apex, much shorter pedicels, and in the cells not being discoid.
This species closely resembles Phr. subsimile, but differs in the long-cylindrical shape of the teleutospores, their verrucose apex, much shorter pedicels, and in the cells not being discoid.
Hab.: In foliis vivis et petiolibus Acaenae microphyllae Hook. f. Horto Botanico, Gore, Southland, New Zealand. E. B. Levy.
Hosts: Rosa Eglentaria Mill. (= R. rubiginosa L.). On leaves, stems, petioles, and fruits. Herb. No. 373. I. York Bay (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! 3 April, 1921. Blenheim, E. H. Atkinson! 3 Nov., 1922. Mapua (Nelson), G. H. C. 17 May, 1922. Rosa sp. cult. II, III. Nelson, W. C. Hyde! 7 Jan., 1922.
0. Spermogones caulicolous, sparse, flattened, immersed, honey-coloured.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, caulicolous, petiolicolous and fructicolous, on leaves scattered or crowded, orbicular, pulvinate, 0.25-1 mm. diam., on stems confluent, up to 20 mm. long, forming large inflated distortions; reddish-orange, pulverulent; paraphyses present and as a rule encircling only the smaller sori; incurved, clavate, hyaline. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-30 x 15-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 2-2.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents oily, reddish-orange.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, seated on pallid-yellow spots, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., orange, pulverulent; encircled by a layer of incurved.hyaline, clavate paraphyses. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-28 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely, finely and bluntly echinulate, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid-orange; germ-pores scattered, numerous (6-8), obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., somewhat pulverulent, black, naked, with numerous spores in each sorus. Spores 5-9-celled, commonly 7-8, oblong-terete, 72-98 X 28-35 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded, not thickened, crowned with a prominent papilla, hyaline at the tip, coloured below, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, up to 12 mmm. long, base rounded or truncate, spore narrowed slightly above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall dark chestnut-brown, opaque, 5-7 mmm. thick, unevenly covered with coarse hyaline warts which are more numerous apically; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, hollow, up to 150 mmm. long, 8-10 mmm. thick, slightly (15 mmm.) swollen at the base, lower third minutely and closely verruculose, central area filled with an oily orange-coloured matrix; germ-pores 3-5 in each cell, commonly 3, conspicuous.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, caulicolous, petiolicolous and fructicolous, on leaves scattered or crowded, orbicular, pulvinate, 0.25-1 mm. diam., on stems confluent, up to 20 mm. long, forming large inflated distortions; reddish-orange, pulverulent; paraphyses present and as a rule encircling only the smaller sori; incurved, clavate, hyaline. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-30 x 15-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 2-2.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents oily, reddish-orange.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, seated on pallid-yellow spots, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., orange, pulverulent; encircled by a layer of incurved.hyaline, clavate paraphyses. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-28 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely, finely and bluntly echinulate, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid-orange; germ-pores scattered, numerous (6-8), obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., somewhat pulverulent, black, naked, with numerous spores in each sorus. Spores 5-9-celled, commonly 7-8, oblong-terete, 72-98 X 28-35 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded, not thickened, crowned with a prominent papilla, hyaline at the tip, coloured below, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, up to 12 mmm. long, base rounded or truncate, spore narrowed slightly above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall dark chestnut-brown, opaque, 5-7 mmm. thick, unevenly covered with coarse hyaline warts which are more numerous apically; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, hollow, up to 150 mmm. long, 8-10 mmm. thick, slightly (15 mmm.) swollen at the base, lower third minutely and closely verruculose, central area filled with an oily orange-coloured matrix; germ-pores 3-5 in each cell, commonly 3, conspicuous.
Distribution: Europe; western Asia; North and South America; Hawaii; Ceylon; Australia.
Both hosts are introduced, the former being common throughout. The caeomata form conspicuous reddish-orange inflated areas on the stems of sweetbrier. The mycelium of this stage is perennial in the host-tissues, so that once the plant has become infected the rust appears on it season after season. Spores so produced cause local infection of the leaves, and these sori in turn give rise to uredo- and teleuto-spores.
This rust is prevalent throughout the Nelson and Marlborough districts, and in the spring becomes conspicuous on account of the brilliant colour of the caeomatospores.
Ramsbottom (1913) has shown that the name of this species should be as above.
This rust is prevalent throughout the Nelson and Marlborough districts, and in the spring becomes conspicuous on account of the brilliant colour of the caeomatospores.
Ramsbottom (1913) has shown that the name of this species should be as above.
Host: Acaena novae-zelandiae T. Kirk. On leaves. Herb. No. 766. I-III. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 27 Jan., 1921. Queenstown (Otago), 400 m., W. D. Reid ! 18 Dec., 1921. (Type.)
0. Spermogones similar to Phr. Acaenae.
I. Caeomata similar to Phr. Acaenae.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, sparse, elliptical, up to 3 mm long, pulvinate, pulverulent, the spores becoming agglutinated into compact masses, dull greyish-black, naked, with very many spores in each sorus. Spores 4-8-celled, commonly 6-7, oblong-cylindrical, 65-118 X 18-24 mmm.; apex acuminate, seldom rounded, not or slightly thickened, drawn into a long papilla, continuous with the upper cell-wall, tinted, hyaline at the tip, up to 8 mmm. long, base rounded or slightly attenuate, spore slightly narrowed above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall sepia-coloured, 4-6 mmm. thick, coarsely and densely warted, warts hyaline and more numerous apically; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, hyaline below, tinted above, up to 100 mmm. long, 4-6 mmm. thick, not or slightly inflated basally, lower half minutely and densely verruculose, germ-pores 2-4 in each cell, conspicuous.
I. Caeomata similar to Phr. Acaenae.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, sparse, elliptical, up to 3 mm long, pulvinate, pulverulent, the spores becoming agglutinated into compact masses, dull greyish-black, naked, with very many spores in each sorus. Spores 4-8-celled, commonly 6-7, oblong-cylindrical, 65-118 X 18-24 mmm.; apex acuminate, seldom rounded, not or slightly thickened, drawn into a long papilla, continuous with the upper cell-wall, tinted, hyaline at the tip, up to 8 mmm. long, base rounded or slightly attenuate, spore slightly narrowed above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall sepia-coloured, 4-6 mmm. thick, coarsely and densely warted, warts hyaline and more numerous apically; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, hyaline below, tinted above, up to 100 mmm. long, 4-6 mmm. thick, not or slightly inflated basally, lower half minutely and densely verruculose, germ-pores 2-4 in each cell, conspicuous.
0. Spermagoniis Phr. Acaenae similibus.
I. Caeomatiis Phr. Acaenae similibus.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, sparsis, ellipticis ad 3 mm. longis, pulvinatis, primum pulverulentibus, demum in solide catervis conglutinaris, pallidis glauco-nigris, nudis, sporis numerosis in soris. Teleutosporis 4-8-cellulo, communiter 6-7, oblongis-cylindricis, 65-118 X 18-24 mmm.; apice acuminato, raro rotundato, leniter necne. crassato, in papillo apice cellulo episporio continuato, tincto, in summa hyalino, 8 mmm. longo, basi rotundato vel leniter attenuato; ad septa non constrictis; episporio fusco-nigris, 4-6 mmm. crasso, rustice solide verrucoso; pedicello persistente, hyalino apice tincto, ad 100 mmm. longo, 4-6 mmm. crasso, basim leniter necne inflato, verruculoso; foramine germinis ad cellulo 2-4, conspicuo.
I. Caeomatiis Phr. Acaenae similibus.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, sparsis, ellipticis ad 3 mm. longis, pulvinatis, primum pulverulentibus, demum in solide catervis conglutinaris, pallidis glauco-nigris, nudis, sporis numerosis in soris. Teleutosporis 4-8-cellulo, communiter 6-7, oblongis-cylindricis, 65-118 X 18-24 mmm.; apice acuminato, raro rotundato, leniter necne. crassato, in papillo apice cellulo episporio continuato, tincto, in summa hyalino, 8 mmm. longo, basi rotundato vel leniter attenuato; ad septa non constrictis; episporio fusco-nigris, 4-6 mmm. crasso, rustice solide verrucoso; pedicello persistente, hyalino apice tincto, ad 100 mmm. longo, 4-6 mmm. crasso, basim leniter necne inflato, verruculoso; foramine germinis ad cellulo 2-4, conspicuo.
The host is endemic and is not uncommon throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 131.)
This rust is characterized by the large size of the teleutospores, large number of cells, dark and thick wall, and acuminate apex. The pedicels are more slender than in our other species, and are not swollen at the base. The large number of teleutospores in the sorus, and the manner in which they are compacted together, serve to separate this from any other species that may be present on the same plant.
This rust is characterized by the large size of the teleutospores, large number of cells, dark and thick wall, and acuminate apex. The pedicels are more slender than in our other species, and are not swollen at the base. The large number of teleutospores in the sorus, and the manner in which they are compacted together, serve to separate this from any other species that may be present on the same plant.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Acaenae novae-zelandiae T. Kirk. Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Two of the hosts are indigenous, A. novae-zelandiae var. pallida being endemic; A. ovina has been introduced from Australia. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 131, 1073.)
The New Zealand form does not agree in all particulars with the European, differing mainly in the acuminate apex of the teleutospore. The cylindrical shape of the teleutospore, smooth, light-coloured wall, constrictions at the septa, and very long slender pedicels, separate this from other species found in New Zealand on Acaena. Specimens vary somewhat in the degree of roundness or otherwise of the apex, as well as in the length of the pedicels, for in certain sori the spores may all be rounded at the apex, and in others they all may be acuminate; the pedicels may average 100 mmm. in length, or may be twice this length. Generally, the larger the sorus the longer the pedicels.
Teleutospores are abundant in New Zealand, and in some collections literally cover the leaves of the host. As they may frequently be found on the same plant with Phr. subsimile, and occasionally even on the same leaf, the following method of separating the two on sorus characters may prove useful :-
The New Zealand form does not agree in all particulars with the European, differing mainly in the acuminate apex of the teleutospore. The cylindrical shape of the teleutospore, smooth, light-coloured wall, constrictions at the septa, and very long slender pedicels, separate this from other species found in New Zealand on Acaena. Specimens vary somewhat in the degree of roundness or otherwise of the apex, as well as in the length of the pedicels, for in certain sori the spores may all be rounded at the apex, and in others they all may be acuminate; the pedicels may average 100 mmm. in length, or may be twice this length. Generally, the larger the sorus the longer the pedicels.
Teleutospores are abundant in New Zealand, and in some collections literally cover the leaves of the host. As they may frequently be found on the same plant with Phr. subsimile, and occasionally even on the same leaf, the following method of separating the two on sorus characters may prove useful :-
Teleutosori compact, shining-black, usually small .....Phr. Poteztillae.
Teleutosori pulverulent, greyish-black, usually large ........ Phr. subsimile.
It is difficult to separate caeomata from uredosori, as they generally closely resemble one another; frequently sections are necessary to determine the difference. In this species, however, the uredosori are generally surrounded by the ruptured epidermis, which persists for a considerable time; this feature is generally absent from the caeomata, or, if not absent, is invariably less noticeable.
Hosts: Acaena Sanquisorbae Vahl. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 75, 765, 770. I. Karori (Wellington)., 100 m., G. H. C. 5 Mar., 1920. III. Routeburn Valley (Otago), 500 m, W. D. Reid ! 8 May, 1921. II, III. Table Bay, Wakatipu (Otago), 850 m., W. D. Reid ! 23 May, 1922. Acaena novae-zelandiae var. pallida T. Kirk. Herb. No. 296. II. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 27 Jan., 1921. Acaena ovina A. Cunn. Herb. No. 296. II. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 27 Jan., 1921.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, in small scattered groups, pallid yellow.
I. Caeomata amphigenous, solitary or crowded, often confluent, elliptical, less commonly orbicular, 0.5-1.5 mm. long, pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of cylindrical, hyaline, incurved paraphyses. m Spores subglobose or elliptical, 20-26 X 15-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verrucose, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.5-2 min. diam., pulverulent, orange, encircled by a layer of cylindrical or clavate hyaline, incurved paraphyses. Spores subglobose or obovate, 18-26 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline; finely and closely echinulate, 1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange; germ-pores scattered, numerous, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered or confluent, orbicular, 0.25-3 mm. diam., pulvinate, compact, shining-black, naked, with numerous spores in each sorus. Spores 1-5-celled, commonly 4, cylindrical, 55-95 X 18-25 mmm.; apex acuminate or rounded, not thickened nor papillate, base rounded; constricted at the septa; wall golden - brown, smooth, 2-4 mmm. thick; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, very long, up to 200 mmm. by 4-7 mmm. thick, hyaline, hollow, not or slightly swollen at the base, lower third closely"and finely verruculose; germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, conspicuous.
I. Caeomata amphigenous, solitary or crowded, often confluent, elliptical, less commonly orbicular, 0.5-1.5 mm. long, pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of cylindrical, hyaline, incurved paraphyses. m Spores subglobose or elliptical, 20-26 X 15-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and closely verrucose, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.5-2 min. diam., pulverulent, orange, encircled by a layer of cylindrical or clavate hyaline, incurved paraphyses. Spores subglobose or obovate, 18-26 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline; finely and closely echinulate, 1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange; germ-pores scattered, numerous, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered or confluent, orbicular, 0.25-3 mm. diam., pulvinate, compact, shining-black, naked, with numerous spores in each sorus. Spores 1-5-celled, commonly 4, cylindrical, 55-95 X 18-25 mmm.; apex acuminate or rounded, not thickened nor papillate, base rounded; constricted at the septa; wall golden - brown, smooth, 2-4 mmm. thick; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, very long, up to 200 mmm. by 4-7 mmm. thick, hyaline, hollow, not or slightly swollen at the base, lower third closely"and finely verruculose; germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, conspicuous.
Distribution: Europe; Asia Minor; Siberia; Japan; North America; Australia.
Hosts: Acaena Sanguisorbae Vahl. var. pilosa T. Kirk. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 443, 767, 768. I, III. Macraes (Otago) 600m., W. D. Reid! 28 Nov., 1921. Queenstown (Otago), 650 m., W. D. Reid! 18 Dec., 1921. (Type.) Acaena Sanguisorbae Vahl. Herb. No. 769. I, III. Table Bay, Wakatipu (Otago), 850 m., W. D. Reid ! 23 May, 1922.
0. Spermogones hypophyllous, sparse, scattered, pallid yellow.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, sparse, scattered, orbicular, 0.5-3 mm. diam., pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of hyaline, clavate, incurved, persistent paraphyses. Spores subglobose, 18-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and closely verrucose, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered, elliptical, up to 2 mm. long, pulverulent, greyish-black, containing very many spores in each sorus. Spores 5-7-celled, commonly 6, oblong-terete, 57-70 X 22-30 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, often crowned with a prominent, tinted, smooth papilla, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, up to 10 mmm. long, base rounded, spore markedly narrowed above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall chestnut-brown, 3-5 mmm. thick, sparsely and coarsely warted, warts hyaline, unequally distributed; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, stout, up to 100 mmm. long, 6-10 mmm. thick, hollow, swollen to 18 mmm. at base, lower half closely and minutely verruculose; germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, obscure.
I. Caeomata hypophyllous, sparse, scattered, orbicular, 0.5-3 mm. diam., pulverulent, orange; encircled by a dense layer of hyaline, clavate, incurved, persistent paraphyses. Spores subglobose, 18-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and closely verrucose, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered, elliptical, up to 2 mm. long, pulverulent, greyish-black, containing very many spores in each sorus. Spores 5-7-celled, commonly 6, oblong-terete, 57-70 X 22-30 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, often crowned with a prominent, tinted, smooth papilla, not continuous with the upper cell-wall, up to 10 mmm. long, base rounded, spore markedly narrowed above and below; not constricted at the septa; wall chestnut-brown, 3-5 mmm. thick, sparsely and coarsely warted, warts hyaline, unequally distributed; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, tinted above, hyaline below, stout, up to 100 mmm. long, 6-10 mmm. thick, hollow, swollen to 18 mmm. at base, lower half closely and minutely verruculose; germ-pores 2-3 in each cell, obscure.
0. Spermagoniis hypophyllis, sparsis, raris, flavidulis. I. Caeomatiis hypophyllis, sparsis, raris, rotundis, ad 0.5-3 mm. latis, pulverulentibus, flavis; paraphysibus hyalinis incurvatis clavatis cinctis. Caeomatosporis subglobosis, 18-22 mmm. latis; episporio hyalino, solide tenuiter verrucoso, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo. III. Sons teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, raris, ellipticis, ad 2 mm. longis, pulverulentibus, glauco-nigris, in soris sporis numerosis. Teleutosporis 5-7-cellulo, communiter 6, oblongo-teretis, 57-70 X 22-30 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, saepe prominente tincto papilloso coronato, ad 10 mmm. longis, basi rotundato, basi vel apice fortiter attenuato; ad septa non constrictis; episporio castaneo, 3-5 mmm. crasso, sparse rusticeque verrucoso; pedicello persistente, hyalino, apice tincto, crasso, ad 100 mmm. longis, 6-10 mmm. crasso; fistuloso, basi 18 mmm. inflato, verruculoso; foramine germinis ad cellulo 2-3, obscuro.
The host species A. Sanguisorbae is indigenous and widespread; it occurs also in Australia, Tasmania, and Tristan d'Acunha; the variety pilosa is endemic, and is not uncommon. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 131.)
This species somewhat resembles Phr. Sanguisorbae Schroet. (fig. 91), but differs in the differently-shaped, broader teleutospores, in there being 5-7 cells in the spore instead of 2-5, and in the much longer pedicels. The teleutosorus characters, too, are quite different.
This species serves as a connecting-link between Phr. Acaenae and Phr. Sanguisorbae; and, of the New Zealand species, one would imagine the ancestral form to have been of the Phr. Sanguisorbae type, from which arose in succession Phr. subsimile, Phr. Acaenae, and finally Phr. novae-zelandiae. Phr. Potentillae, on the other hand, would appear to have arisen from a different form, as it has not the same general resemblance to the three species discussed above. Dr. Cockayne informs me that the hosts readily hybridize; and that the so-called species A. Sanguisorbae is in reality a composite species. This would partly account for the fact that on this species as many as three species of Phragmidium occur, whereas on other well-defined host species, and even varieties, one rust only is found.
I am indebted to Dr. Grove for specimens of Phr.Sanguisorbae, from which fig. 91 has been drawn.
This species somewhat resembles Phr. Sanguisorbae Schroet. (fig. 91), but differs in the differently-shaped, broader teleutospores, in there being 5-7 cells in the spore instead of 2-5, and in the much longer pedicels. The teleutosorus characters, too, are quite different.
This species serves as a connecting-link between Phr. Acaenae and Phr. Sanguisorbae; and, of the New Zealand species, one would imagine the ancestral form to have been of the Phr. Sanguisorbae type, from which arose in succession Phr. subsimile, Phr. Acaenae, and finally Phr. novae-zelandiae. Phr. Potentillae, on the other hand, would appear to have arisen from a different form, as it has not the same general resemblance to the three species discussed above. Dr. Cockayne informs me that the hosts readily hybridize; and that the so-called species A. Sanguisorbae is in reality a composite species. This would partly account for the fact that on this species as many as three species of Phragmidium occur, whereas on other well-defined host species, and even varieties, one rust only is found.
I am indebted to Dr. Grove for specimens of Phr.Sanguisorbae, from which fig. 91 has been drawn.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Acaenae Sanguisorbae Vahl. et A. Sanguisorbae Vahl. var. pilosae T. Kirk. Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand, 650 m. W. D. Reid.
Host: Anisotome Haastii (F. v. M.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves. Herb. No. 743. II, III. Lake Harris track, Otago, 1,000 m., W. D. Reid ! 6 May, 1921. (Type.)
0, I. Unknown.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, crowded on discoloured spots, elliptical, 1-2 mm. long, bullate, pallid ferruginous, long covered. Spores subglobose, elliptical or obovate, 24-40 X 18-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, sparsely and somewhat coarsely echinulate, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted brown; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, crowded in scattered groups, elliptical when 1-1.5 mm. long, or confluent and attaining a length of 3 mm., bullate, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown, long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elongate-clavate, 40-60 X 17-22 mmm.; apex bluntly acuminate, seldom rounded, thickened up to 6 mmm., base attenuate, basal cell slightly longer and narrower than the upper; constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, golden-brown, 2-2.5 mmm. thick in upper cell, 1.5-2 mmm. thick in lower, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 40 X 7 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, crowded on discoloured spots, elliptical, 1-2 mm. long, bullate, pallid ferruginous, long covered. Spores subglobose, elliptical or obovate, 24-40 X 18-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, sparsely and somewhat coarsely echinulate, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted brown; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, crowded in scattered groups, elliptical when 1-1.5 mm. long, or confluent and attaining a length of 3 mm., bullate, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown, long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elongate-clavate, 40-60 X 17-22 mmm.; apex bluntly acuminate, seldom rounded, thickened up to 6 mmm., base attenuate, basal cell slightly longer and narrower than the upper; constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, golden-brown, 2-2.5 mmm. thick in upper cell, 1.5-2 mmm. thick in lower, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 40 X 7 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
0, I. Incognitis.
II. Uredosoris hypophyllis, in maculis catervis, ellipticis, ad 1-2 mm. latis, bullatis, pallido-ferruginiis, tectis. Uredosporis subglobosis, ellipticis vel obovatis, 24-40 X 18-22 mmm.; episporio hyalino, raro rusticeque echinulato, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, fuscus, foraminibus germinis 4, circulis, obscuris.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigenis, praecipuo hypophyllis, confertis, ellipticis ad 1-1.5 mm. longis, vel confluentibus, ad 3 mm. longis; bullatis, pulverulentibus, fusco-castaneis, diu tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Teleutosporis elongato-clavatis, 40-60 X 17-22 mmm.; apice rustice acuminato, raro rotundatis ad 6 mmm. crasso, basi attenuato; ad septum constrictis; episporio lever aureo-fusco, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso in cellulo superiore, 1-1.5 mmm. in cellulo inferiore, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistente, hyalino, delicato, ad 40 X 7 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
II. Uredosoris hypophyllis, in maculis catervis, ellipticis, ad 1-2 mm. latis, bullatis, pallido-ferruginiis, tectis. Uredosporis subglobosis, ellipticis vel obovatis, 24-40 X 18-22 mmm.; episporio hyalino, raro rusticeque echinulato, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, fuscus, foraminibus germinis 4, circulis, obscuris.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigenis, praecipuo hypophyllis, confertis, ellipticis ad 1-1.5 mm. longis, vel confluentibus, ad 3 mm. longis; bullatis, pulverulentibus, fusco-castaneis, diu tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Teleutosporis elongato-clavatis, 40-60 X 17-22 mmm.; apice rustice acuminato, raro rotundatis ad 6 mmm. crasso, basi attenuato; ad septum constrictis; episporio lever aureo-fusco, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso in cellulo superiore, 1-1.5 mmm. in cellulo inferiore, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistente, hyalino, delicato, ad 40 X 7 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the South Island, where it is not uncommon in the mountain districts. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 217.) This rust is separated from the two preceding species on account of the differently-shaped longer teleutospores (which have a smooth epispore), and much larger coarsely-echinulate uredospores. The five species which have been recorded on the genera Angelica and Anisotome show a general family resemblance to one another, and may readily be separated by reference to the following table. The presence or absence of an aecidium is not given below as a specific character, as the cycle of those species in which it appears to be absent is at present too imperfectly known.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Anisotominis Haastii (F. v. Al.) Cockayne et Laing. Lake Harris track, Otago, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Hosts Celmisia coriacea (Forst. f.) Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 748, 749. II, III. Mount Isobel, Hammer (Canterbury), I,170 m., W. D. Reid ! 4 Nov., 1921. (Type.) II. Arthur's Pass (Canterbury), T. Kirk! (Type uredo material from Kew.) II. Fairfield (Dunedin), A. W. Bathgate ! 20 June, 1921. II. Jack's Pass, Hammer (Canterbury), 900m., W. D. Reid ! 12 Nov., 1921. Arthur's Pass (Canterbury), J. G. Myers. 1 Jan., 1923. Celmisia Hookeri Cockayne. Herb. No. 747. II. Macraes (Otago), 600 m., W. D. Reid ! 29 Nov., 1921. Celmisia longifolia Cass. Herb. No. 764. III. Routeburn Valley (Otago), 800m., W. D. Reid ! 7 May, 1921. Lake Harris track (Otago), 1,100 m., W. D. Reid! 6 May, 1921. Macraes (Otago), .600m., W. D. Reid ! 29 Nov., 1921. Taupo-Tokaanu Road, Taupo, 450m., E. H. Atkinson ! 6 Mar., 1922 Celmisia lonngifoia Cass. var. alpina T. Kirk. II. Walter Peak (Otago), 400 m., W. D. Reid ! 27 April, 1921.
0, I. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on discoloured spots, orbicular, 1 mm. diam., scattered, or circinnate, when circles up to 5 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, reddish-orange, becoming pallid yellow with age, on the lower surface deeply buried in the dense tomentum of the leaf, on the upper surface long covered by the cuticle. Spores globose or obovate. 25-40 X 23-30 mmm.; epispore hyaline, somewhat closely and finely echinulate, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to and arising from the same sori, chestnut-brown. Spores broadly elliptical, 50-62 X 30-36 mmm.; apex rounded, seldom acuminate, not or slightly thickened, base rounded or attenuate, both cells the same size and colour; not or slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 2-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, fragile, 30 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath or 4 way below the septum, obscure.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on discoloured spots, orbicular, 1 mm. diam., scattered, or circinnate, when circles up to 5 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, reddish-orange, becoming pallid yellow with age, on the lower surface deeply buried in the dense tomentum of the leaf, on the upper surface long covered by the cuticle. Spores globose or obovate. 25-40 X 23-30 mmm.; epispore hyaline, somewhat closely and finely echinulate, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to and arising from the same sori, chestnut-brown. Spores broadly elliptical, 50-62 X 30-36 mmm.; apex rounded, seldom acuminate, not or slightly thickened, base rounded or attenuate, both cells the same size and colour; not or slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 2-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, fragile, 30 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath or 4 way below the septum, obscure.
0, I. Incognitis.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, in maculis discoloratis, rotundatis, raris, ad 1 mm. latis vel circinnatis ad 5 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, luteis, in denso tomento folii profunde immersis. Uredosporis globosis vel obovatis, 25-40 X 23-30 mmm.; episporio hyalino, minute tenuiter echinulato, 2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo; foraminibus germinis raris, 6-8, obscuro.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris similibus, castaneis. Teleutosporis late ellipticis, 50-62 X 30-36 mmm.; apice rotundato, non inerassato, basi rotundato vel attenuatts, ad septum necne leniter constricto; episporio leve, pallido-castaneo, 2-3 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello deciduo, hyalino, delicato, ad 30 X 10 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, obscuro, foramine basali etatim infra vel j infra septum, obscuro.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, in maculis discoloratis, rotundatis, raris, ad 1 mm. latis vel circinnatis ad 5 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, luteis, in denso tomento folii profunde immersis. Uredosporis globosis vel obovatis, 25-40 X 23-30 mmm.; episporio hyalino, minute tenuiter echinulato, 2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo; foraminibus germinis raris, 6-8, obscuro.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris similibus, castaneis. Teleutosporis late ellipticis, 50-62 X 30-36 mmm.; apice rotundato, non inerassato, basi rotundato vel attenuatts, ad septum necne leniter constricto; episporio leve, pallido-castaneo, 2-3 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello deciduo, hyalino, delicato, ad 30 X 10 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, obscuro, foramine basali etatim infra vel j infra septum, obscuro.
All hosts with the exception of Celmisia longifolia Cass. are endemic; the latter species occurs also in Australia and Tasmania (Cheeseman, 1906, pp. 310-314.)
One other rust found on Celmisia in New Zealand, P. fodiens G. H. Cunn. (fig. 87), closely resembles the species described above, but differs in several particulars. The main differences are tabulated below, and in the text the two illustrations are placed together so that the differences may be observed the more readily.
P. fodiens : Uredospores - Epispore sparsely and coarsely echinulate, 3 mmm. thick. Teleutospores - 40-55 X 28-35 mmm.; apex acuminate, thickened up to 10 mmm., epispore finely punctate.
P. Celmisiae : Uredospores - Epispore fairly closely and finely echinulate, epispore 1-5-2 mmm. thick Teleutospores - 50-62 x 30-36 mmm.; apex rounded, not or slightly thickened, epispore smooth.
One other rust found on Celmisia in New Zealand, P. fodiens G. H. Cunn. (fig. 87), closely resembles the species described above, but differs in several particulars. The main differences are tabulated below, and in the text the two illustrations are placed together so that the differences may be observed the more readily.
P. fodiens : Uredospores - Epispore sparsely and coarsely echinulate, 3 mmm. thick. Teleutospores - 40-55 X 28-35 mmm.; apex acuminate, thickened up to 10 mmm., epispore finely punctate.
P. Celmisiae : Uredospores - Epispore fairly closely and finely echinulate, epispore 1-5-2 mmm. thick Teleutospores - 50-62 x 30-36 mmm.; apex rounded, not or slightly thickened, epispore smooth.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Celmisiae coriaceae (Forst. f.) Hook. f. et Celmisiae Hookeri Cockayne. Mount Isobel, Hammer, Canterbury, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Hosts : Deyeuxia Forsteri Kunth. On leaves and culms. Herb. No. 739. II, III. Lake Harris track, Otago, 650 m., W. D. Reid! 6 May, 1921. Triticum vulgare Vill. Herb. No. 1268. Ruakura, Auckland, A. W. Green! 9 Jan., 1922.
0. Spermogones epiphyllous. crowded in small groups, seated on inflated areas, immersed, honey-coloured.
1. Aecidia hypophyllous and petiolicolous, crowded in small groups up to 5 mm. diam., seated on somewhat inflated areas, orange. Peridia cylindrical, up to 2 mm. high, 0.1-0.3 mm. diam., margins slightly expanded, not revolute, white, finely laciniate. Spores globose or elliptical, 18-28 X 15-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, scattered or crowded, seated on pallid spots, linear, 0.5-1 mm. long, orange-yellow, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose, elliptical or obovate, 28-32 X 23-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline; finely and closely echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange-yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and culmicolous, scattered or crowded, often confluent, linear, 0.5-2 mm. long, dark chestnutbrown, pulvinate, compact, long covered by the epidermis. Spores ellipticoblong or subclavate, 40-60 X 15-20 mmm.; apex acuminate, bluntly rounded, or truncate, thickened up to 10 mmm., darker in colour, base attenuate, basal cell narrower, longer, and lighter in colour than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 1.5-2 mmm. thick in the upper cell, 1-1-5 mmm. in the lower; pedicel persistent, hyaline, tinted beneath the spore, short, up to 15 X 6 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, elongate-elliptical, up to 40 X 12 mmm.
1. Aecidia hypophyllous and petiolicolous, crowded in small groups up to 5 mm. diam., seated on somewhat inflated areas, orange. Peridia cylindrical, up to 2 mm. high, 0.1-0.3 mm. diam., margins slightly expanded, not revolute, white, finely laciniate. Spores globose or elliptical, 18-28 X 15-23 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, scattered or crowded, seated on pallid spots, linear, 0.5-1 mm. long, orange-yellow, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose, elliptical or obovate, 28-32 X 23-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline; finely and closely echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange-yellow; germ-pores scattered, 6-8, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and culmicolous, scattered or crowded, often confluent, linear, 0.5-2 mm. long, dark chestnutbrown, pulvinate, compact, long covered by the epidermis. Spores ellipticoblong or subclavate, 40-60 X 15-20 mmm.; apex acuminate, bluntly rounded, or truncate, thickened up to 10 mmm., darker in colour, base attenuate, basal cell narrower, longer, and lighter in colour than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 1.5-2 mmm. thick in the upper cell, 1-1-5 mmm. in the lower; pedicel persistent, hyaline, tinted beneath the spore, short, up to 15 X 6 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, elongate-elliptical, up to 40 X 12 mmm.
Distribution: Europe; Asia Minor; Japan; North and South America; Australia.
One host is indigenous and widely spread throughout; it occurs also in Australia and Tasmania (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 868). The other is widely cultivated throughout the world.
Arthur has by a long series of cultures shown that this species consists of numerous races formerly considered to be distinct species. These so-called species were separated on account of the fact that the aecidia were known to occur on several hosts; but until the necessary cultural work had been performed by Arthur apparently no attempt had been made to ascertain whether these races were in any way associated. His arrangement of these races under the one species is followed here, and the synonymy, given above taken from his paper in North American Flora, vol. 7, p. 333, 1920. In this paper he records fifty-nine aecidial hosts (all belonging to the family Ranunculaceae) and ninety-three telial hosts belonging to the Poaceae.
The genus Rostrupia Lagerh. was based on abnormal 3-4-celled forms of the teleutospores of this species.
It may be mentioned that Arthur includes here P. agropyrina Erikss. and P. triticina Erikss., two races formerly included under P. dispersa Erikss. et Henn. Although not sufficiently differentiated to separate as distinct species, these two forms may in the uredo stage be separated on account of the ferruginous colour of the uredosori.
Arthur has by a long series of cultures shown that this species consists of numerous races formerly considered to be distinct species. These so-called species were separated on account of the fact that the aecidia were known to occur on several hosts; but until the necessary cultural work had been performed by Arthur apparently no attempt had been made to ascertain whether these races were in any way associated. His arrangement of these races under the one species is followed here, and the synonymy, given above taken from his paper in North American Flora, vol. 7, p. 333, 1920. In this paper he records fifty-nine aecidial hosts (all belonging to the family Ranunculaceae) and ninety-three telial hosts belonging to the Poaceae.
The genus Rostrupia Lagerh. was based on abnormal 3-4-celled forms of the teleutospores of this species.
It may be mentioned that Arthur includes here P. agropyrina Erikss. and P. triticina Erikss., two races formerly included under P. dispersa Erikss. et Henn. Although not sufficiently differentiated to separate as distinct species, these two forms may in the uredo stage be separated on account of the ferruginous colour of the uredosori.
Host: Euphrasia cuneata Forst. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 727, 744. I, II. York Bay, Wellington, E. H. Atkinson ! 10 Mar., 1922. II, III. York Bay, E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 12 July, 1922; 14 Oct., 1922.
0. Spermogones hypophyllous, immersed, sparse, scattered, associated with the aecidia.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in scattered groups up to 5 mm. diam., irregular, seated on discoloured spots which are absent in certain specimens, pallid-orange. Peridia depressed - globose, or angular, flattened, 0.2 mm. diam., immersed and covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore, hyaline. Spores subglobose, polygonal or elliptical, 22-30 x. 18-22 mmm; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, .1-5 mmm thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular or elliptical, 0.5-1 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, cinnamon -brown, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 20-30 X 18-23 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon, moderately and finely echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, cinnamon; germ-pores 2, equatorial, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, in small scattered groups of 3 or 4 sori, seated on dead and discoloured spots, bullate, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown; partially covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, seldom subclavate, 28-38 X 15-20 mmm.; apex. rounded, not thickened; base slightly attenuate, or rounded, both cells about the same size; constricted at the septum; epispore smooth; chestnut-brown, 1.5 mmm. thick; pedicel persistent, hyaline, up to 50 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath the septum; obscure.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in scattered groups up to 5 mm. diam., irregular, seated on discoloured spots which are absent in certain specimens, pallid-orange. Peridia depressed - globose, or angular, flattened, 0.2 mm. diam., immersed and covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore, hyaline. Spores subglobose, polygonal or elliptical, 22-30 x. 18-22 mmm; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, .1-5 mmm thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular or elliptical, 0.5-1 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, cinnamon -brown, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 20-30 X 18-23 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon, moderately and finely echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, cinnamon; germ-pores 2, equatorial, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, in small scattered groups of 3 or 4 sori, seated on dead and discoloured spots, bullate, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown; partially covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, seldom subclavate, 28-38 X 15-20 mmm.; apex. rounded, not thickened; base slightly attenuate, or rounded, both cells about the same size; constricted at the septum; epispore smooth; chestnut-brown, 1.5 mmm. thick; pedicel persistent, hyaline, up to 50 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, obscure, basal pore immediately beneath the septum; obscure.
Distribution: Chile
0. Spermagoniis hypophyllis, immersis, sparsis, raris, aliquantum aecidiis immixis.
I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in raris catervis ad 5 mm. latis, in maculis decolatis, luteo. Peridiis plano-globosis, vel irregularibus, ad 0.2 mm. latis, diu epidermide tectis, hyalinis. Aecidiosporis subglobosis, polygoniis vel ellipticis, 22-30 X 18-22 mmm.; episporio hyalino, dense minuteque verruculoso, 1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, raris, rotundatis vel ellipticis, ad 0.5-1 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, cinnamomeis, epidermide rupta cinctis. Uredosporis subglobosis vel ellipticis, 20-30 x 18-23 mmm.;. episporio pallido-cinnamomeo, leniter et aliquantum minute echinulato, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, cinnamomeo; foraminibus germinis 2, circulis, conspicuis.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigeniis, in raris catervis 3-4 soriis, in maculis decoloratis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, fusco-castaneis, rupta epidermide cinctis et partim tectis. Teleutosporis ellipticis vel subclavatis, 23-38 X 15-20 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi leniter attenuato vel rotundato; ad septum constrictis; episporio leve, castaneo, 1.5 mmm.. crasso; pedicello persistente, hyalino, ad 50 X 8 mmm; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, obscuro, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in raris catervis ad 5 mm. latis, in maculis decolatis, luteo. Peridiis plano-globosis, vel irregularibus, ad 0.2 mm. latis, diu epidermide tectis, hyalinis. Aecidiosporis subglobosis, polygoniis vel ellipticis, 22-30 X 18-22 mmm.; episporio hyalino, dense minuteque verruculoso, 1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, raris, rotundatis vel ellipticis, ad 0.5-1 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, cinnamomeis, epidermide rupta cinctis. Uredosporis subglobosis vel ellipticis, 20-30 x 18-23 mmm.;. episporio pallido-cinnamomeo, leniter et aliquantum minute echinulato, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, cinnamomeo; foraminibus germinis 2, circulis, conspicuis.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigeniis, in raris catervis 3-4 soriis, in maculis decoloratis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, fusco-castaneis, rupta epidermide cinctis et partim tectis. Teleutosporis ellipticis vel subclavatis, 23-38 X 15-20 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi leniter attenuato vel rotundato; ad septum constrictis; episporio leve, castaneo, 1.5 mmm.. crasso; pedicello persistente, hyalino, ad 50 X 8 mmm; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, obscuro, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
The host is endemic, and is not uncommon in the North Island, but is sparingly distributed in the South. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 553.)
Hab. : In foliis vivis Euphrasiae cuneatae Forst. York Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson, G. H. C.
Host: Ranunculus Enysii T. Kirk. On leaves, stems, and petioles. Herb. No. 581. I-III. Cass (Canterbury), 650 m., N. R. Foy ! 20 Jan., 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, in crowded irregular groups, seated on somewhat inflated spots up to 10 mm. diam., orange. Peridia copulate, 0.5 mm. diam., margins erect, somewhat incurved, white, laciniate. Spores polygonal or elliptical, 22-30 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, petiolicolous and caulicolous, arranged in scattered groups up to 5 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, less commonly clavate, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apex acuminate, seldom rounded, crowned with a prominent hyaline papilla, slightly (6 mmm.) or not thickened, base rounded or bluntly attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, bright chestnut-brown, 2.5-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, up to 30 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, papillate, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, conspicuous, papillate.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, elliptical, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
I. Aecidia amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, in crowded irregular groups, seated on somewhat inflated spots up to 10 mm. diam., orange. Peridia copulate, 0.5 mm. diam., margins erect, somewhat incurved, white, laciniate. Spores polygonal or elliptical, 22-30 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, petiolicolous and caulicolous, arranged in scattered groups up to 5 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, less commonly clavate, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apex acuminate, seldom rounded, crowned with a prominent hyaline papilla, slightly (6 mmm.) or not thickened, base rounded or bluntly attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, bright chestnut-brown, 2.5-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, up to 30 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, papillate, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, conspicuous, papillate.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, elliptical, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
0. Incognitis.
I. Aecidiis amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, in catervis irregularibus. congestis, ad 10 mm. latis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, 0.5 mm. latis, marginibus erectis, aliquantum incurvis, albis, laciniatis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel ellipticas, 22-30 X 15-20mmm.; episporio hyalino, dense minuteque verrucoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigeniis, petiolicoliis, et caulicolis, in catervis congestis, ad 5 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rotundis, ad 0.25-0.5 mm. latis, diu tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Teleutosporis ellipticis, raro obovatis, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apice acuminato, raro rotundato, papillato, leniter (6 mmm.) vel non incrassato, basi rotundato, non saepe attenuato, leniter ad septum constricto, epispono leve, castaneo, 2.5-3 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello deciduo, hyalino, ad 30 X 8 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae supenoris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, conspicuo, saepe papillato.
X. Mesosporis vulgaribus, ellipticis, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
I. Aecidiis amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, in catervis irregularibus. congestis, ad 10 mm. latis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, 0.5 mm. latis, marginibus erectis, aliquantum incurvis, albis, laciniatis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel ellipticas, 22-30 X 15-20mmm.; episporio hyalino, dense minuteque verrucoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigeniis, petiolicoliis, et caulicolis, in catervis congestis, ad 5 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rotundis, ad 0.25-0.5 mm. latis, diu tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Teleutosporis ellipticis, raro obovatis, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apice acuminato, raro rotundato, papillato, leniter (6 mmm.) vel non incrassato, basi rotundato, non saepe attenuato, leniter ad septum constricto, epispono leve, castaneo, 2.5-3 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello deciduo, hyalino, ad 30 X 8 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae supenoris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, conspicuo, saepe papillato.
X. Mesosporis vulgaribus, ellipticis, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountains of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 14.)
The conspicuous hyaline apical papilla, thick epispore, and large size of the teleutospores, separate this species from P. contegens G. H. Cunn.
The conspicuous hyaline apical papilla, thick epispore, and large size of the teleutospores, separate this species from P. contegens G. H. Cunn.
Habitat: In foliis vivis, petiolibusque et caulisque Ranunculi Enysii T. Kirk. Cass, Canterbury, New Zealand. N. R. Foy.
Host: Anisotome filifolia (Hook. f.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves and stems. Herb. No. 741. I, II. Mount Isobel, Hammer (Canterbury), 1,000 m., W. D. Reid! 4 Nov., 1921. I, II, III. Sugarloaf, Cass (Canterbury), 1,500 m., W. D. Reid ! N. R. Foy ! 20 Jan., 1922.
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and caulicolous, crowded in scattered groups up to 25 mm. long, seated on slightly inflated, discoloured spots, orange. Peridia copulate, 0.25 mm. diam., 1 mm. high, margins erect, not revolute, laciniate, white. Spores polygonal or subglobose, 18-24 mmm. diam.; epispore tinted yellow, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, on leaves scattered, orbicular, up to 1.5 mm. diam., seated on pallid yellow spots; on stems linear, up to 3 mm. long, seldom confluent; orange-yellow, bullate, pulverulent, surrounded and partly covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, seldom globose, 18-30 X 16-22 mmm.; epispore tinted yellow, sparsely and moderately echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, sulphur-yellow; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to the uredosori but chestnut-brown. Spores subclavate or elliptical, 30-40 X 18-26 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, base attenuate, lower cell narrower than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore coarsely warted, chestnut-brown, 2-2.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 25 X 7 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore 3/4 below the septum, conspicuous.
I. Aecidia amphigenous and caulicolous, crowded in scattered groups up to 25 mm. long, seated on slightly inflated, discoloured spots, orange. Peridia copulate, 0.25 mm. diam., 1 mm. high, margins erect, not revolute, laciniate, white. Spores polygonal or subglobose, 18-24 mmm. diam.; epispore tinted yellow, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, on leaves scattered, orbicular, up to 1.5 mm. diam., seated on pallid yellow spots; on stems linear, up to 3 mm. long, seldom confluent; orange-yellow, bullate, pulverulent, surrounded and partly covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, seldom globose, 18-30 X 16-22 mmm.; epispore tinted yellow, sparsely and moderately echinulate, 1-1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, sulphur-yellow; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to the uredosori but chestnut-brown. Spores subclavate or elliptical, 30-40 X 18-26 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, base attenuate, lower cell narrower than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore coarsely warted, chestnut-brown, 2-2.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 25 X 7 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore 3/4 below the septum, conspicuous.
0. Incognitis.
I. Aecidiis amphigeniis et caulicolis, in catervis congestis, ad 25 mm. longis, in maculis decoloratis inflatis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, 0.25 mm. latis, I mm. exstitis, marginibus erectis, non revolutis, laciniatis, albis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel subglobosis, 18-24 mmm. latis; episporio pallido-flavo, dense minuteque verrucoso, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, et caulicolis, in foliis raris, rotundis, ad 1.5 mm. latis, in maculis pallido-flavis, in caulibusque ellipticis, ad 3 mm. longis, raro confluentibus, luteis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rupta epidermide cinctis et partim tectis. Uredosporis ellipticis, obovatis, raro globosis, 18-30 X 16-22 mmm.; episporio pallido-flavo, raro et leniter ecbinulato, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris immixis et similibus, castancis. Teleutosporis subclavatis vel ellipticis, 30-40 X 18-26 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi attenuato; ad septum leniter constricto; episporio rustice verrucoso, castaneo, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistence, hyalino, delicato, ad 25 X 7 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basal 4 infra septum, conspicuo.
I. Aecidiis amphigeniis et caulicolis, in catervis congestis, ad 25 mm. longis, in maculis decoloratis inflatis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, 0.25 mm. latis, I mm. exstitis, marginibus erectis, non revolutis, laciniatis, albis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel subglobosis, 18-24 mmm. latis; episporio pallido-flavo, dense minuteque verrucoso, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, et caulicolis, in foliis raris, rotundis, ad 1.5 mm. latis, in maculis pallido-flavis, in caulibusque ellipticis, ad 3 mm. longis, raro confluentibus, luteis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rupta epidermide cinctis et partim tectis. Uredosporis ellipticis, obovatis, raro globosis, 18-30 X 16-22 mmm.; episporio pallido-flavo, raro et leniter ecbinulato, 1-1.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris immixis et similibus, castancis. Teleutosporis subclavatis vel ellipticis, 30-40 X 18-26 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi attenuato; ad septum leniter constricto; episporio rustice verrucoso, castaneo, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistence, hyalino, delicato, ad 25 X 7 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basal 4 infra septum, conspicuo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountains of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 218.)
This species is characterized by the coarsely-warted epispore of the teleutospore.
This species is characterized by the coarsely-warted epispore of the teleutospore.
Hab.: In folds vivis et caulisque Anisotominis filifoliae (Hook. f.) Cockayne et Laing. Mount Isobel, Hammer, Canterbury, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(d.) Puccinia novo-zelandica Bubak, Sitz-ber. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., p. 5, 1901. P. compactor Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855. Host: Myosotis capitata Hook. f.
These specimens were said to have been collected in the South Island, but the host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 463.)
(d.) Puccinia novo-zelandica Bubak, Sitz-ber. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., p. 5, 1901. P. compactor Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855. Host: Myosotis capitata Hook. f.
These specimens were said to have been collected in the South Island, but the host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 463.)
Hosts : Galium umbrosum Sol. On leaves and stems. Herb. No. 745. II, III. Dunstan Mountains (Otago), 600 m., A. H.. Cockayne ! 6 Feb., 1921. II, III. Sandhills, Levin (Wellington), 16m., E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 12 Oct., 1922. Asperula perpusilla Hook. f. Herb. No. 746. I. Glenorchy (Otago), 400 in., W.D. Reid ! 15 Dec., 1921. Otira . Railway-station - (Canterbury), W. Martin! 10 Feb., 1922. Ben Lomond spur (Otago), W. D. Reid ! 31 Mar., 1921.
0. Spermogones epiphyllous, sparse, in small groups, honey-coloured.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in small groups, or scattered, seated on pallid spots, orange-yellow. Peridia cupulate, 0.25 mm. diam., margins short, erect, or somewhat recurved, finely laciniate, white. Spores globose or elliptical, 16-24 X 16-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange-yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, on leaves scattered, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., on stems elliptical, up to 2 mm. long, cinnamon - brown, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate or subglobose, 22-28 X 18-22 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon-brown, sparsely and moderately echinulate, 1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, cinnamon; germ-pores 2, super-equatorial, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous and caulicolous, minute, orbicular, 0.25-1 mm. diam., chocolate-brown, pulvinate, semi-compact, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores clavate, less commonly elliptical, 35-50 X 15-22 mmm.; apex rounded, seldom acuminate, thickened up to 14 mmm.; base attenuate, lower cell narrower and lighter in colour than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, golden-brown, 2 mmm. thick in upper cell, 1.5 mmm. in lower; pedicel persistent, hyaline, tinted at the apex, up to 40 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
X. Mesospores common, obovate or elliptical, 25-35 mmm. long.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, in small groups, or scattered, seated on pallid spots, orange-yellow. Peridia cupulate, 0.25 mm. diam., margins short, erect, or somewhat recurved, finely laciniate, white. Spores globose or elliptical, 16-24 X 16-22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange-yellow.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, on leaves scattered, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., on stems elliptical, up to 2 mm. long, cinnamon - brown, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate or subglobose, 22-28 X 18-22 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon-brown, sparsely and moderately echinulate, 1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, cinnamon; germ-pores 2, super-equatorial, conspicuous.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous and caulicolous, minute, orbicular, 0.25-1 mm. diam., chocolate-brown, pulvinate, semi-compact, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores clavate, less commonly elliptical, 35-50 X 15-22 mmm.; apex rounded, seldom acuminate, thickened up to 14 mmm.; base attenuate, lower cell narrower and lighter in colour than the upper; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, golden-brown, 2 mmm. thick in upper cell, 1.5 mmm. in lower; pedicel persistent, hyaline, tinted at the apex, up to 40 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
X. Mesospores common, obovate or elliptical, 25-35 mmm. long.
Distribution: Europe; Siberia; North America; Chile.
Both hosts are endemic and common throughout. Cheeseman (1906: p. 267) states that Asperula perpusilla would almost be better placed in Galium, as the corolla-tube (the only character upon which the genus is separated from Galium) is much shorter than is usual in this genus.
Several species are recorded as occurring on Galium in Europe. Of these, P. difformis K. et S. differs in the uredosori being absent; P. Valantiae Pers. in both aecidia and uredosori being absent; and P. Celakovskyana Bubak in the absence of aecidia. P. Asperulae-odoratae Wurth is separated, as it occurs on Asperula. and is unable to infect Galium; morphologically it is practically identical with P. punctata, so that I can see no valid reason for maintaining it other than as a biological form of this latter species.
In Australia McAlpine (1906, pp.. 91 and 165) records two rusts, Uromyces Asperulae McAlp. and Puccinia Oliganthae McAlp., as occurring on Asperula. The latter species closely resembles P. punctata, but differs in the more acuminate and narrower teleutospore.
In our form the aecidia differ slightly from the European in being amphigenous and caulicolous, but, as the peridial and spore characters are identical, I have thought it better to maintain all spore forms under the one name.
Several species are recorded as occurring on Galium in Europe. Of these, P. difformis K. et S. differs in the uredosori being absent; P. Valantiae Pers. in both aecidia and uredosori being absent; and P. Celakovskyana Bubak in the absence of aecidia. P. Asperulae-odoratae Wurth is separated, as it occurs on Asperula. and is unable to infect Galium; morphologically it is practically identical with P. punctata, so that I can see no valid reason for maintaining it other than as a biological form of this latter species.
In Australia McAlpine (1906, pp.. 91 and 165) records two rusts, Uromyces Asperulae McAlp. and Puccinia Oliganthae McAlp., as occurring on Asperula. The latter species closely resembles P. punctata, but differs in the more acuminate and narrower teleutospore.
In our form the aecidia differ slightly from the European in being amphigenous and caulicolous, but, as the peridial and spore characters are identical, I have thought it better to maintain all spore forms under the one name.
Host: Sonchus oleraceus L. On leaves and stems. Herb. No 281. II, III. Palmerston North (Wellington), 300 m., G. H. C. 14 June, 1919.
0. Spermogones amphigenous, scattered, sparse, associated with the uredosori.
II. Uredosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered, or more commonly in small orbicular or elliptical groups of 3-5 sori, 1-3 mm. long, seated on discoloured spots, orbicular, 0.25-1 mm. diam., on stems elliptical, confluent, and up to 5 mm. long, bullate, immersed, partly covered by the epidermis, yellow, opening by an irregular apical pore, encircled by a single layer of thick-walled chestnut-brown paraphyses. Spores elliptical or obovate, 30-42 X 20-24 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and finely verrucose, 3-4 mmm. thick, cell-contents yellowish, oily; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or confluent; seated on discoloured spots, bullate, dark chestnut-brown, orbicular or irregular, up to 2 mm. diam., compact, long covered by the epidermis; encircled by a single layer of chestnut-brown clavate paraphyses. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 50-60 X 24-31 mmm.; apex rounded or bluntly acuminate, thickened up to 6 mmm., base attenuate, frequently rounded, lower cell slightly narrower; not or slightly constricted at the septum: epispore smooth, pallid chestnut-brown, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, tinted brown, up to 38 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical or slightly oblique, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, conspicuous.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, subclavate or obovate, up to 53 mmm. long.
II. Uredosori amphigenous and caulicolous, scattered, or more commonly in small orbicular or elliptical groups of 3-5 sori, 1-3 mm. long, seated on discoloured spots, orbicular, 0.25-1 mm. diam., on stems elliptical, confluent, and up to 5 mm. long, bullate, immersed, partly covered by the epidermis, yellow, opening by an irregular apical pore, encircled by a single layer of thick-walled chestnut-brown paraphyses. Spores elliptical or obovate, 30-42 X 20-24 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and finely verrucose, 3-4 mmm. thick, cell-contents yellowish, oily; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, scattered or confluent; seated on discoloured spots, bullate, dark chestnut-brown, orbicular or irregular, up to 2 mm. diam., compact, long covered by the epidermis; encircled by a single layer of chestnut-brown clavate paraphyses. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 50-60 X 24-31 mmm.; apex rounded or bluntly acuminate, thickened up to 6 mmm., base attenuate, frequently rounded, lower cell slightly narrower; not or slightly constricted at the septum: epispore smooth, pallid chestnut-brown, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, tinted brown, up to 38 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical or slightly oblique, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, conspicuous.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, subclavate or obovate, up to 53 mmm. long.
Distribution: Western Europe; Algeria; Canaries; Japan; Ceylon.
The host is introduced.
Grove (1913, p. 156) states that the paraphyses of the uredosori are in reality the upper part of an imperfect peridium; at the top these cells become elongated and parallel, they are at first hyaline, but finally become dark brown and irregular in shape. This peculiar feature, and the immersed character, has led systematists to confuse it with an aecidium, but, as the uredospores are borne singly on pedicels, no such confusion should arise. In the specimens at hand a few teleutospores are present in the uredosori.
Grove (1913, p. 156) states that the paraphyses of the uredosori are in reality the upper part of an imperfect peridium; at the top these cells become elongated and parallel, they are at first hyaline, but finally become dark brown and irregular in shape. This peculiar feature, and the immersed character, has led systematists to confuse it with an aecidium, but, as the uredospores are borne singly on pedicels, no such confusion should arise. In the specimens at hand a few teleutospores are present in the uredosori.
Host: Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook. On leaves, stems, and inflorescences. Herb. No. 592. III. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, 830 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 12 Mar., 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, caulicolous, and on inflorescences, on leaves orbicular; 1 mm. diam., scattered, on stems linear, 1.5 mm. long compact, pulvinate, pallid brown, naked or surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores fusiform or subclavate, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apex strongly acuminate, thickened up to 18 mmm., base attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, hyaline, or tinted brown, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, tinted brown; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, hyaline, stout, up to 30 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, caulicolous, and on inflorescences, on leaves orbicular; 1 mm. diam., scattered, on stems linear, 1.5 mm. long compact, pulvinate, pallid brown, naked or surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores fusiform or subclavate, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apex strongly acuminate, thickened up to 18 mmm., base attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, hyaline, or tinted brown, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, tinted brown; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, hyaline, stout, up to 30 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
0. Incognitis.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, caulicolis et floricolis, in foliis rotundis, raris, ad 1 mm. latis, in caulibusque ellipticis, ad 1.5 mm. longis, compactis, pulvinatis, pallido-fuscis, nudis vel epidermide rupta cinctis. Teleutosporis fusiformis vel subclavatis, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apice fortis acuminato, ad crasso 18 mmm., basi attenuato; ad septum leniter necne constrictis; episporio leve, hyalino, vel pallido-fusco, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, pallido-fusco; pedicello persistente, hyalino, crasso, ad 30 X 10 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, caulicolis et floricolis, in foliis rotundis, raris, ad 1 mm. latis, in caulibusque ellipticis, ad 1.5 mm. longis, compactis, pulvinatis, pallido-fuscis, nudis vel epidermide rupta cinctis. Teleutosporis fusiformis vel subclavatis, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apice fortis acuminato, ad crasso 18 mmm., basi attenuato; ad septum leniter necne constrictis; episporio leve, hyalino, vel pallido-fusco, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, pallido-fusco; pedicello persistente, hyalino, crasso, ad 30 X 10 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
The host is endemic, and is abundant in hilly and mountainous country throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 403.)
This rust is characterized by the strongly acuminate apex and persistent stout pedicels of the teleutospores.
This rust is characterized by the strongly acuminate apex and persistent stout pedicels of the teleutospores.
Hab. : In foliis vivis et caulibusque Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson.
Host: Anistome filifolia (Hook. f.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves and stems. Herb. No. 742. II, III. Table Bay, Wakatipu (Otago), 830 m., W. D. Reid ! 23 May, 1922. (Type.)
0, I. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, elliptical, 0.25-1 mm. long, scattered or crowded, bullate, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-35 X 18-25 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon, sparsely and bluntly echinulate, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, cinnamon; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to the uredosori but dark chestnut-brown. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 30-40 X 20-26 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, base rounded, less commonly attenuate, both cells about the same size; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore minutely verruculose, chestnut-brown, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 30 X 6 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore 2 below the septum, obscure.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, elliptical, 0.25-1 mm. long, scattered or crowded, bullate, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22-35 X 18-25 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon, sparsely and bluntly echinulate, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, cinnamon; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure.
III. Teleutosori similar to the uredosori but dark chestnut-brown. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 30-40 X 20-26 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, base rounded, less commonly attenuate, both cells about the same size; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore minutely verruculose, chestnut-brown, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 30 X 6 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore 2 below the septum, obscure.
0, I. Incognitis.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis et caulicolis, ellipticis, ad 0.25-1 mm. longis, raris vel catervis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, cinnamomees, din tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Uredosporis ellipticis, obovatis vel, subglobosis, 22-35 X 18-25 mmm.; episporio pallido-cinnamomeo, raro rustice echinulato, 2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, cinnamomeo; foraminibus germinis 4, circulis, obscuris.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris similibus, castaneo-fuscis. Teleutosporis ellipticis vel subclavatis, 30-40 X 20-26 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi rotundato raro attenuato; ad septum leniter constrictis; episporio subtiliter verruculoso, castaneo, 1.5-2 mmm. . crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistence, hyalino, delicato, ad 30 X 6 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali s infra septum, obscuro.
II. Uredosoris amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis et caulicolis, ellipticis, ad 0.25-1 mm. longis, raris vel catervis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, cinnamomees, din tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Uredosporis ellipticis, obovatis vel, subglobosis, 22-35 X 18-25 mmm.; episporio pallido-cinnamomeo, raro rustice echinulato, 2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, cinnamomeo; foraminibus germinis 4, circulis, obscuris.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis uredosoris similibus, castaneo-fuscis. Teleutosporis ellipticis vel subclavatis, 30-40 X 20-26 mmm.; apice rotundato, non incrassato, basi rotundato raro attenuato; ad septum leniter constrictis; episporio subtiliter verruculoso, castaneo, 1.5-2 mmm. . crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello persistence, hyalino, delicato, ad 30 X 6 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali s infra septum, obscuro.
This species is separated from the preceding on account of the minutely -verruculose epispore of the teleutospores, sparsely -warted cinnamon-coloured epispore of the uredospores, and different sorus characters. Although both occur on the same host, they show little other than a general resemblance to each other.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Anisotominis filifoliae (Hook. f.) Cockayne et Laing. Table Bay, Wakatipu, Otago, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Host: Epilobium pube-ns A. Rich. On leaves. Herb. No. 756 II. Tiritea, Palmerston North (Wellington), 300 m., G. H. C. 3 Mar., 1921.
0. Spermogones hypophyllous, flattened, abundant, subcuticular.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, mostly in two rows corresponding to the white lines of the leaf, 0.25 mm. diam. Peridia hyaline, 1 mm. high, dehiscing by longitudinal fissure or irregular rupture of the. apex, cylindrical, erect, not revolute, margin lacerate, hyaline. Spores obovate or subglobose, 13-22 X 10-14 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and moderately verruculose, with an elongated smooth area on one side, 1-1.-5 mmm. thick.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, or frequently crowded in small groups which are seated on irregular discoloured spots, sulphur-yellow, orbicular, 0.1-0.3 mm. diam., bullate, immersed, somewhat pulverulent, opening by an apical pore. Peridia flattened-globose, delicate, hyaline. Spores obovate, polygonal, or elliptical, 15-24 X 10-15 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and moderately echinulate, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid orange; germ-pores indistinct; paraphyses absent.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, flattened, 0.25 mm. diam., scattered or confluent, irregular, chestnut-brown, indebiscent. Spores cylindrical or prismatic, 17-35 X 7-14 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded or truncate, thickened to 3 mmm., base truncate; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore indistinct.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, mostly in two rows corresponding to the white lines of the leaf, 0.25 mm. diam. Peridia hyaline, 1 mm. high, dehiscing by longitudinal fissure or irregular rupture of the. apex, cylindrical, erect, not revolute, margin lacerate, hyaline. Spores obovate or subglobose, 13-22 X 10-14 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and moderately verruculose, with an elongated smooth area on one side, 1-1.-5 mmm. thick.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, or frequently crowded in small groups which are seated on irregular discoloured spots, sulphur-yellow, orbicular, 0.1-0.3 mm. diam., bullate, immersed, somewhat pulverulent, opening by an apical pore. Peridia flattened-globose, delicate, hyaline. Spores obovate, polygonal, or elliptical, 15-24 X 10-15 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and moderately echinulate, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents pallid orange; germ-pores indistinct; paraphyses absent.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, flattened, 0.25 mm. diam., scattered or confluent, irregular, chestnut-brown, indebiscent. Spores cylindrical or prismatic, 17-35 X 7-14 mmm.; apex obtusely rounded or truncate, thickened to 3 mmm., base truncate; epispore smooth, chestnut-brown, 1 mmm. thick; germ-pore indistinct.
Distribution : Europe; North America.
The host is indigenous, and is widespread; it occurs also in Australia. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 175.)
In Europe and North America the aecidia occur on Abies pectinata DC. The uredo stage has been described from New Zealand material, but the aecidia and teleuto stages have been described from material kindly supplied by Dr. J. R. Weir (herb. J. R. Weir, No. 11555) and Mrs. F. W. Patterson (U.S. .Dept. Agr. Myc. Exc., Nos. 744, 745).
The uredosori are small and easily overlooked, largely on account of their being immersed in the host tissues; their presence is, as a rule, indicated by the presence of small dead areas on the leaf.
In Europe and North America the aecidia occur on Abies pectinata DC. The uredo stage has been described from New Zealand material, but the aecidia and teleuto stages have been described from material kindly supplied by Dr. J. R. Weir (herb. J. R. Weir, No. 11555) and Mrs. F. W. Patterson (U.S. .Dept. Agr. Myc. Exc., Nos. 744, 745).
The uredosori are small and easily overlooked, largely on account of their being immersed in the host tissues; their presence is, as a rule, indicated by the presence of small dead areas on the leaf.
Habitat: Parasitic upon Aecidium otagense Linds. on Clematis Colensoi Hook. f. Miramar (Wellington), 20 m., J. W. Bird! 5 Nov., 1920.
Sporodochia discoid; 0.1-1.25 mm. diam., immersed, surface alone showing, pulverulent, consisting of closely compacted tinted hyphae, 25-80 mmm. long, 2.5 mmm. thick. Conidia unicellular, globose, or shortly elliptical, 7-14 mmm. diam., epispore smooth, tinted dingy-violet or violet-brown, 1 mmm. thick.
Distribution : Europe.
This fungus is conspicuous owing to the powdery nature of the spore-masses, and the purple colour of the spores and sporodochia. These are plano-discoid in shape, and are surrounded by the ruptured epidermis and partly disintegrated peridia of the aecidia; the conidiophores are closely packed together, and somewhat resemble the hymenium of Stereum or some similar Basidiomycete. On their apices are borne the spores, which, owing to the method of production, frequently occur in chains.
In the specimens at hand the parasite is seen frequently to infect the aecidia before they appear on the surface - 4.e., before they dehisce - as when sections are examined aecidia in different stages of development may be seen in all stages of infection. But by far the greater number of parasitized aecidia appear to have been infected after they have expanded, since the sporidochia of the parasite are frequently seen to be partially surrounded by portions of the revolute margins, which give a very ragged appearance to the shoots of Clematis upon which the aecidia are located.
Considerable confusion has arisen in the past as to the systematic position of Tuberculina, and in many systematic papers it has been placed under the Ustilaginaceae; in fact, certain authors state that on germination the spores give rise to promycelia [basidia] bearing sickle-shaped conidia [basidiospores]. This is not the case, however, for I have germinated the spores and find they produce long and slender hyphae.
I have little doubt but that the so-called aecidium described and figured by Plowright (1899, p. 161) as occurring in the cycle of Puccinia vincae Berk. is this species. He states that the spores are finely echinulate; but Grove (1913, p. 177), in a discussion of this so-called aecidium, states that they are smooth. Grove states that the organism in question is not an aecidum, and suggests that it may be a parasite; his description agrees closely with T. persicina, differing only in colour, which is stated to be dark-brown with a greyish bloom. Grove also mentions that both Sydow (1904, p. 338) and Fischer (1904, p. 167) considered the sporidochia on Puccinia vincae to be primary uredosori.
It is worthy of mention that the larva of a dipterous insect, Cecidomyia uredinicola, also parasitizes the spores of many of our species of Uromyces, Puccinia, &c. The larva is about 3 mm. in length,. and is conspicuous on account of its bright reddish-orange colour. It feeds only on the spores.
In the specimens at hand the parasite is seen frequently to infect the aecidia before they appear on the surface - 4.e., before they dehisce - as when sections are examined aecidia in different stages of development may be seen in all stages of infection. But by far the greater number of parasitized aecidia appear to have been infected after they have expanded, since the sporidochia of the parasite are frequently seen to be partially surrounded by portions of the revolute margins, which give a very ragged appearance to the shoots of Clematis upon which the aecidia are located.
Considerable confusion has arisen in the past as to the systematic position of Tuberculina, and in many systematic papers it has been placed under the Ustilaginaceae; in fact, certain authors state that on germination the spores give rise to promycelia [basidia] bearing sickle-shaped conidia [basidiospores]. This is not the case, however, for I have germinated the spores and find they produce long and slender hyphae.
I have little doubt but that the so-called aecidium described and figured by Plowright (1899, p. 161) as occurring in the cycle of Puccinia vincae Berk. is this species. He states that the spores are finely echinulate; but Grove (1913, p. 177), in a discussion of this so-called aecidium, states that they are smooth. Grove states that the organism in question is not an aecidum, and suggests that it may be a parasite; his description agrees closely with T. persicina, differing only in colour, which is stated to be dark-brown with a greyish bloom. Grove also mentions that both Sydow (1904, p. 338) and Fischer (1904, p. 167) considered the sporidochia on Puccinia vincae to be primary uredosori.
It is worthy of mention that the larva of a dipterous insect, Cecidomyia uredinicola, also parasitizes the spores of many of our species of Uromyces, Puccinia, &c. The larva is about 3 mm. in length,. and is conspicuous on account of its bright reddish-orange colour. It feeds only on the spores.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(h.) Uredo Acaciae Cke., Grev., vol. 19, p. 3, 1890. Host: Acacia sp.
The description is too incomplete for determination, but it will doubtless prove to be a species of Uromycladium.
(h.) Uredo Acaciae Cke., Grev., vol. 19, p. 3, 1890. Host: Acacia sp.
The description is too incomplete for determination, but it will doubtless prove to be a species of Uromycladium.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(i.) Uredo antarctica Berk., Fl. Antarct., p. 176, 1847.
Host: Lumla crinita Hook. f. The host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands.
(i.) Uredo antarctica Berk., Fl. Antarct., p. 176, 1847.
Host: Lumla crinita Hook. f. The host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands.
Host : Dichelachne crinita (Forst. f.) Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 760. Akaroa (Banks Peninsula), 300m., W. D. Reid ! 16 Jan., 1922. (Type.) .
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on discoloured spots, scattered, seldom confluent, elliptical, 1 mm. long, reddish-orange, pulverulent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores globose or subglobose, 38-41 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely echinulate, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents orange-yellow, granular; germ-pores scattered, numerous (12-18), conspicuous; mixed with and partially surrounded by numerous hyaline, capitate paraphyses.
II. Soris uredosporiferis amphigeniis, in maculis discoloratis, raris, raro confluentibus, ellipticis, 1 mm. longis, rubescente-aurantiacis, pul.verulentibus, rupta epidermide cinctis. Uredosporis globosis vel subglobosis, 38-41 mmm. latis; episporio hyalino, solide subtiliter echinulato, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu aurantiaco, granuloso; foraminibus germinis raris, numerosis (12-18), conspicuis; numerosis hyalinis, capitatis paraphysibus immixtis.
The host is indigenous and is widespread; it occurs also in Australia and Tasmania. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 873.)
This rust is readily distinguished from any other on the Gramineae by the large globose spores, thin hyaline finely-echinulate epispore, :and numerous scattered, conspicuous germ-pores.
This rust is readily distinguished from any other on the Gramineae by the large globose spores, thin hyaline finely-echinulate epispore, :and numerous scattered, conspicuous germ-pores.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Dichelachnidis crinitae (Forst. f.) Hook. f. Akaroa, Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Host: Dianella intermedia Endl. On leaves. Herb. No. 762. Horahora Rapids, Waikato River (Auckland); E. H. Atkinson ! 26 March, 1921.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on reddish-purple spots which are visible on the upper surface, scattered, elliptical, 1 mm. long, or confluent and up to 5 mm. long, pulverulent, pallid brown, bullate, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose or broadly elliptical, 16-22 mmm. diam.; epispore hyaline, densely and finely echinulate, 1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, yellow; germ-pores scattered, numerous (6-8), obscure.
Distribution: Java; Ceylon; Hong-Kong.
The host is indigenous; and is widespread; it occurs also in Norfolk Island and Polynesia. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 715.)
Characterized by the small spores, densely and finely echinulate hyaline epispore, and numerous scattered, obscure germ-pores.
Although this form does not agree in all particulars with the description published by Dietel, it resembles it too closely to allow of its being separated as a distinct species. It agrees in most particulars with U. Dianellae Rae., so that this form is better classed as a synonym.
Characterized by the small spores, densely and finely echinulate hyaline epispore, and numerous scattered, obscure germ-pores.
Although this form does not agree in all particulars with the description published by Dietel, it resembles it too closely to allow of its being separated as a distinct species. It agrees in most particulars with U. Dianellae Rae., so that this form is better classed as a synonym.
Host: Anisotome latifolia Hook. f. (=Ligusticum latifolium Hook. f.). On leaves. Herb. No. 41. Campbell Islands, T. Kirk! 1890. (Type collection.)
II. Uredosori amphigenous, crowded or scattered, seldom confluent, irregular in shape, usually elliptical when up to 4 mm. long, bullate, pallid ferruginous, long covered by the epidermis. Spores globose or shortly elliptical, 25-35 X 22-32 mmm.; epispore hyaline, minutely and densely verruculose (appearing smooth when wet), up to 6 mmm. thick, slightly thickened at the apex (2-3 mmm.), cell-contents granular, tinted cinnamon; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 25 X 5 mmm.; germ-pores indistinct.
Distribution: Campbell Islands.
The host is endemic, and confined to the Campbell and Auckland Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906. p. 215.)
This species is characterized by the almost smooth thick and hyaline epispore. This may prove to be a species of Uromyces, but this can be verified only by germinating the spores, and as the material at hand is too old (all attempts to germinate the spores having failed) it is retained here for the present.
This species is characterized by the almost smooth thick and hyaline epispore. This may prove to be a species of Uromyces, but this can be verified only by germinating the spores, and as the material at hand is too old (all attempts to germinate the spores having failed) it is retained here for the present.
Host: Hierochloe redolens (Forst. f.) R. Br. On leaves. Herb. No. 762. Sea-level, Bluff (Southland), W. D. Reid ! 26 May, 1922. (Type.)
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on dark-coloured spots visible on the upper surface, linear, 1 mm. long, seldom confluent, pulverulent, orange-yellow, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores subglobose or obovate, 34-45 X 30-35 mmm.; epispore tinted yellow, finely and moderately echinulate, 2-2-5 m. thick, cell-contents yellow, granular; germ-pores scattered, numerous (8-12), obscure.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, in maculis fuscis, linearibus, raro confluentibus, pulverulentibus, 1 mm. longis, luteo-aurantiacis, rupta epidermide cinctis. Uredosporis subglobosis vel obovatis, 34-45 X 30-35 mmm.; episporio pallido-luteo, leniter subtiliter echinulato, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu luteo, granuloso; foraminibus germinis raris, numerosis (8-12), obscuris.
The host is indigenous, and is abundant in moist places throughout; it occurs also in Fuegia, Tasmania, and Victoria. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 855.) This rust is characterized by the large size of the spores, thick, finely-echinulate epispore, and numerous scattered obscure germ-pores. Puccinia Hierochloae S. Ito, a species belonging to the P. coronata group on account of the coronate apex of the teleutospores, differs in the uredospore stage from that described above, the uredospores of this species being much smaller (16-27 X 12-18 mmm.). It was first described from Japan by Ito (1909).
Hab. : In foliis vivis Hierochloidis redolentis (Forst. f.) R. Br. Sea-level, Bluff, Southland, New Zealand. W. D. Reid.
Host: Olearia Lyallii Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 42. Port Ross (Auckland Islands), T. Kirk! 1890. (Type collection.)
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, orbicular; 1 mm. diam., pulverulent, reddish-brown, deeply seated in the dense tomentum clothing the leaf-surface. Spores subglobose, elliptical, or obovate. 42-55 X 35-40 mmm.; epispore hyaline, coarsely and sparsely echinulate, varying in thickness from 3 to 6 mmm., cell-contents granular, tinted ferruginous; germ-pores indistinct.
Distribution : Auckland Islands.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the Auckland Islands and the Snares. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 283.)
The published description of Cooke's is far from accurate; as the spores are stated to be 22 X 15 mmm., and the epispore to be smooth. Fortunately I have part of the type collection, and the above description has been drawn up from this. The epispore in different spores varies in thickness, and when mounted and examined in the usual manner is seen to be very irregular; when the spores are boiled for a few seconds in lactic acid the outer covering swells somewhat and a distinct inner wall becomes visible (fig. 125, a). The large size of the spores, together with the thick coarsely-echinulate epispore, serve to characterize the species.
The published description of Cooke's is far from accurate; as the spores are stated to be 22 X 15 mmm., and the epispore to be smooth. Fortunately I have part of the type collection, and the above description has been drawn up from this. The epispore in different spores varies in thickness, and when mounted and examined in the usual manner is seen to be very irregular; when the spores are boiled for a few seconds in lactic acid the outer covering swells somewhat and a distinct inner wall becomes visible (fig. 125, a). The large size of the spores, together with the thick coarsely-echinulate epispore, serve to characterize the species.
Hosts : Phormium tenax Forst. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 755, 775. Plimmerton (Wellington), 20 m., R. Waters! H. Drake! G. H. C. 16 Jan., 1922. (Type.) Phormium Colensoi Hook. f. Herb. No. 757. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, 800 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 11 March, 1922.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered or more commonly crowded into irregular groups often covering the entire under-surface of the leaf, elliptical, l mm. long; or confluent and up to 6 min. long, ferruginous, bullate, pulverulent, surrounded and partially covered by the ruptured epidermis. Spores obovate, elliptical, or subglobose, 21-30 X 1.7-22 mmm.; epispore golden-brown, coarsely and sparsely echinulate, 2.5-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents brown, granular; germ-pores scattered; 3-5, commonly 3, conspicuous.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, in maculis discoloratis, raris vel in catervis irregularibus, ellipticis. 1 mm. longis, aut confluentibus vel 6 mm. longis, ferrugineis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rupta epidermide cinctis et partim tectis. Uredosporis obovatis, ellipticis vel subglobosis, 21-30 X 17-22 mmm.; episporio flavo-brunneo, rustice raro echinulato, 2-5-3 mmm. crasso, contentu brunneo, granuloso; foraminibus germinis raris, 3-5, communiter 3, conspicuis.
Both hosts are indigenous, the former being common throughout, and extending to Norfolk Island, whilst the latter is endemic. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 716.)
This rust is characterized by the small spores, coloured coarsely and, sparsely echinulate thick epispore, and conspicuous scattered germ-pores. Severely infected leaves are useless for milling purposes.
This rust is characterized by the small spores, coloured coarsely and, sparsely echinulate thick epispore, and conspicuous scattered germ-pores. Severely infected leaves are useless for milling purposes.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Phormii tenacis Forst. et P. Colensoi Hook. f. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, New Zealand, 800 m. E. H. Atkinson.
Host: Rhagodia nutans R. Br. On leaves. Herb. No. 294. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 27 Jan., 1921.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, bullate, reddish-brown, orbicular, 1-1.5 mm. diam., long covered, at length free and surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores globose or obovate, 22-30 X 20-23 mmm.; epispore cinnamon-brown, sparsely and moderately echinulate, 2-2.5 mmin. thick, cell-contents granular, cinnamon-brown; germ-pores scattered, numerous (8-10), conspicuous.
Distribution : Victoria.
The host is indigenous, and is not uncommon on rocky areas near the sea-coast; it occurs also in eastern Australia. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 578.)
The spore-measurements (20 X 15 mmm.) given by Cooke and Massee are much too small, as has been ascertained by McAlpine (1906, p. 207) from an examination of part of the type material.
The spore-measurements (20 X 15 mmm.) given by Cooke and Massee are much too small, as has been ascertained by McAlpine (1906, p. 207) from an examination of part of the type material.
Host: Scirpus inundatus Poir. On stems. Herb. Nos. 282, 325. Seashore (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson! 17 April, 1920; 27 Jan., 1921. Bog, Tiritea, Palmerston North (Wellington), 300 m., G. H. C. 4 March, 1921. Seashore, Bluff (Southland) W. D. Reid ! 26 May, 1922.
II. Uredosori caulicolous, scattered or crowded, elliptical, up to 2 mm. long, cinnamon-brown, bullate, pulverulent, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 25-35 X 20-25 mmm.; epispore tinted cinnamon-brown, coarsely and sparsely echinulate, 2-2.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, cinnamon-brown; germ-pores equatorial, 2, conspicuous.
Distribution: Victoria.
The host is indigenous, and is widespread, occurring in marshy localities from sea-level to 1,000m.; it occurs also in Australia, Malay Archipelago, and temperate South America. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 775.)
The rust forms conspicuous bullate sori on the stems; these are usually severely infected with Darluca filum Cast. Characterized by the thick coloured epispore, and the two equatorial conspicuous germ-pores.
The rust forms conspicuous bullate sori on the stems; these are usually severely infected with Darluca filum Cast. Characterized by the thick coloured epispore, and the two equatorial conspicuous germ-pores.
Host: Olearia anqustifolia Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 753. Stewart Island, T. Kirk ! Jan., 1882. Sea - level, Bluff (Southland), L. Cockayne ! 26 May, 1922. (Type.)
II. Uredosori epiphyllous, scattered evenly over the leaf-surface, orbicular, 1-2 mm. diam., bullate, golden-brown, long covered. Spores subglobose or elliptical, 28-35 X 24-28 mmm.; epispore hyaline, coarsely and sparsely echinulate, 4-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange; germ-pores indistinct.
II. Soris uredosporiferis epiphylli, raris, rotundatis, 1-2 mm. latis, bullatis, flavo-brunneis, tectis. Uredosporis subglobosis vel ellipticis, 28-35 X 24-28 mmm.; episporio hyalino, rustice raro echinulato, 4-5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, aurantiaco; foramine germinis non conspicuo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the southern part of the South Island and to Stewart Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 281.)
This species is characterized by the thick, coarsely and sparsely echinulate epispore, and by the epiphyllous covered sori.
This species is characterized by the thick, coarsely and sparsely echinulate epispore, and by the epiphyllous covered sori.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Oleariae angustifoliae Hook. f. Sea-level, Bluff, Southland, New Zealand. L. Cockayne.
Host: Arundo conspicua Forst. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 759. Hokianga (Auckland), E. B. Levy! 24 Feb., 1921. Sandhills, Levin (Wellington), 16m., E. H. Atkinson ! G. H. C. 12 Oct., 1922. (Type.)
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, elliptical, 0.5-1. mm.. long, or confluent and up to 4 -mm. long, bright reddish-brown, pulverulent, naked or surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical or subglobose, 20-30 X 20-26 mmm.; epispore reddish-brown, finely and closely echinulate, 1.5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, brown; germ-pores scattered, numerous (7-12), conspicuous, papillate.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, raris, in maculis discoloratis, ellipticis, 0.5-1 mm. latis, aut confluentibus ad 4 mm. longis, rubro-brunneis, subtiliter dense echinulato, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, brunneis; foramine germinis raris, 7-12, conspicuo, papillato.
The host is endemic, and is abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 893.).
The rust is characterized by the conspicuous reddish-brown sori, closely and finely echinulate epispore, and numerous scattered, conspicuous; papillate germ-pores.
The rust is characterized by the conspicuous reddish-brown sori, closely and finely echinulate epispore, and numerous scattered, conspicuous; papillate germ-pores.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Arundinis conspicuae Forst. f. Sandhills, Levin. Wellington; New Zealand, 16 m. E. H. Atkinson, G. H. C.
Host: Olearia Colensoi Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 758, 773. Mount Waiopehu (Wellington), 1,700 m., G. H. C. 26 October, 1919. (Type.) Table-top, Mount Hector (Wellington), 1,120 m., E. H. Atkinson! 6 Feb., 1921. Mount Dennan (Wellington), 1,000 m., E. H. Atkinson! 7 Jan., 1922.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, seated on pallid spots visible on the upper surface, orbicular, 1 mm. diam., orange, fading with age to pallid yellow, pulverulent, deeply seated in the dense tomentum of the leaf. Spores obovate or elliptical, 40-55 X 25-31 mmm.; epispore hyaline, closely and finely echinulate, 1.5-2 mmm., cell-contents granular, yellow; germ-pores scattered, numerous (6-8), obscure.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, raris, in maculis pallidis, rotundatis, 1 mm. latis, aurantiacis, pulverulentibus, diu tomento folii tectis. Uredosporis obovatis vel ellipticis, 40-55 X 25-31 mmm.; episporio - hyalino, dense minuteque echinulato, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo; foraminibus germinis raris, 6-8, obscuris.
The host is endemic, and widely spread throughout the mountain areas. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 282.)
The large-sized spores and closely and finely echinulate epispore characterize this species.
The large-sized spores and closely and finely echinulate epispore characterize this species.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Oleariae Colensoi Hook. f. Mount Waiopehu, Wellington, New Zealand, 1,700 in. G. H. C.
Host: Olearia insignis Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 778. Woodside Creek, Wharanui (Marlborough), B. H. Atkinson ! 3 Nov., 1922.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on pallid spots visible on the upper surface, orbicular, 1 mm. diam., bullate, reddish-orange, pulverulent, deeply buried in the dense tomentum of the leaf-surface. Spores elliptical or obovate, 35-55. X 26-34 mmm.; epispore hyaline, coarsely and moderately echinulate, 2-2.5 mmm., thick, cell-contents granular, reddish-orange; germ-pores indistinct.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, in inaculis pallidis, rotundatis, 1 mm. latis, bullatis, rubro-aurantiacis, pulverulentibus diu tomento folii tectis. Uredosporis ellipticis vel obovatis, 35-55 X 26-34 mmm.; episporio hyalino, sparse rustice echinulato, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, rubro-aurantiaco; foramine germinis non conspicuo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the Marlborough District. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 279.)
In size and shape the spores of this species resemble the preceding; it is separated on account of the thicker, coarsely and moderately echinulate epispore, and bright reddish-orange colour of the sori.
In size and shape the spores of this species resemble the preceding; it is separated on account of the thicker, coarsely and moderately echinulate epispore, and bright reddish-orange colour of the sori.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Oleariae insignis Hook. f. Woodside Creek, Wharanui, Marlborough, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(a.) Uromyces Azorellae Cke., Grev., vol. 10, p. 2, 1890.
Host: Azorella trifoliata Benth. et Hook. f. (Pozoa trifoliata Hook. f.). Collected in Hawke's Bay by Colenso.
(a.) Uromyces Azorellae Cke., Grev., vol. 10, p. 2, 1890.
Host: Azorella trifoliata Benth. et Hook. f. (Pozoa trifoliata Hook. f.). Collected in Hawke's Bay by Colenso.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(b.) Uromyces citriformis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 210, 1855. Host: " On leaves of some orchid, apparently a Thelymitra."
U. citriformis Bab. (Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 625, 1864) is an error of compilation. Mr. Mason, Imperial Bureau of Mycology, Kew, states that there are no specimens of this species at Kew or the British Museum. As no specimens are known, and as the description is too imperfect for determination, and as the host also is unknown, it would be advisable to discard this name.
(b.) Uromyces citriformis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 210, 1855. Host: " On leaves of some orchid, apparently a Thelymitra."
U. citriformis Bab. (Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 625, 1864) is an error of compilation. Mr. Mason, Imperial Bureau of Mycology, Kew, states that there are no specimens of this species at Kew or the British Museum. As no specimens are known, and as the description is too imperfect for determination, and as the host also is unknown, it would be advisable to discard this name.
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(c.) Uromyces scariosus Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855.
Hosts: Geranium disseetum Land G. microphyllum Hook. f. (= Geranium potentilloides Hook. f. Collected in Hawke's Bay by Colenso.
(c.) Uromyces scariosus Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855.
Hosts: Geranium disseetum Land G. microphyllum Hook. f. (= Geranium potentilloides Hook. f. Collected in Hawke's Bay by Colenso.
Cited scientific names
- Acaena agnipila Gand.
- Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst) J.B.Armstr.
- Acaena caesiglauca (Bitter) Bergmans
- Acaena microphylla Hook.
- Acaena novae-zelandiae Kirk
- Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan
- Acaena profundeincisa (Bitter) B.H.Macmill.
- Aecidium anisotomes Reichardt 1865
- Aecidium celmisiae-discoloris G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium celmisiae-petriei G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium discariae Cooke 1886
- Aecidium disseminatum Berk. 1867
- Aecidium hupiro G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium kowhai G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium macrodontae G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium milleri G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium monocystis Berk. 1855
- Aecidium myopori G. Cunn. 1924
- Aecidium otagense Linds. 1867
- Aecidium plantaginis-variae McAlpine 1906
- Aecidium ranunculacearum DC. 1815
- Aecidium ranunculi-depressi G. Cunn. 1930
- Aecidium ranunculi-insignis G. Cunn. 1930
- Anisotome capillifolia (Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Anisotome filifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anisotome haastii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
- Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Betula pendula Roth
- Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Celmisia discolor Hook.f. var. discolor
- Celmisia gracilenta Hook.f.
- Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
- Celmisia petriei Cheeseman
- Celmisia prorepens Petrie
- Celmisia semicordata Petrie
- Celmisia sinclairii Hook.f.
- Celmisia verbascifolia Hook.f. subsp. verbascifolia
- Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
- Coprosma foetidissima J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Cortaderia toetoe Zotov
- Darluca filum (Biv.) Castagne 1860
- Dianella nigra Colenso
- Dichelachne crinita (L.f.) Hook.f.
- Einadia triandra (G.Forst.) A.J.Scott
- Epilobium pubens A.Rich.
- Euphrasia cuneata G.Forst.
- Fuchsia excorticata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) L.f.
- Galium perpusillum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Galium propinquum A.Cunn.
- Hamaspora acutissima sensu G. Cunn. 1924
- Hamaspora australis G. Cunn. 1930
- Hierochloe redolens (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.
- Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.
- Hypericum gramineum G. Forst. 1786
- Isolepis prolifera (Rottb.) R.Br.
- Lachnagrostis filiformis (G.Forst.) Trin.
- Linum monogynum G.Forst.
- Melampsora kusanoi Dietel 1905
- Melampsora lini (Ehrenb.) Desm. 1850
- Melampsoridium betulinum Kleb. 1899
- Mentha cunninghamii Benth.
- Milesina histiopteridis G. Cunn. 1924
- Miyagia pseudosphaeria (Mont.) Jørst. 1962 [1961]
- Myoporum laetum G.Forst.
- Olearia angustifolia Hook.f.
- Olearia colensoi Hook.f.
- Olearia lyallii Hook.f.
- Olearia macrodonta Baker
- Pachystegia insignis (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Phormium cookianum Le Jol.
- Phormium tenax J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Phragmidium acaenae G. Cunn. 1924
- Phragmidium constrictosporum G.F. Laundon 1976
- Phragmidium mucronatum (Pers.) Schltdl. 1824
- Phragmidium novae-zelandiae G. Cunn. 1924
- Phragmidium potentillae sensu G. Cunn. 1924
- Phragmidium potentillae sensu G. Cunn. 1924
- Phragmidium subsimile G. Cunn. 1924
- Plantago spathulata Hook.f.
- Puccinia allanii G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia anisotomes G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia atkinsonii G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia aucta Berk. & F. Muell. 1872 [1873]
- Puccinia cardui-pycnocephali P. Syd. & Syd. 1902 [1904]
- Puccinia caricis J. Schröt. 1873
- Puccinia celmisiae G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia cichorii Bellynck 1867
- Puccinia cinerariae McAlpine 1906
- Puccinia cockaynei G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia contegens G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia crinitae McNabb 1962
- Puccinia cuniculi G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia cyani Pass. 1874
- Puccinia dichondrae Mont. 1852
- Puccinia distincta McAlpine 1896 [1895]
- Puccinia egmontensis G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia elymi Westend. 1851
- Puccinia erechtitis McAlpine 1895 [1894]
- Puccinia euphrasiana G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia fodiens G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia granularis Kalchbr. & Cooke 1882
- Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia hederaceae McAlpine 1906
- Puccinia hydrocotyles Cooke 1880
- Puccinia inornata G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia kopoti G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke 1884
- Puccinia lapsanae Fuckel 1860
- Puccinia menthae sensu G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia namua G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia novae-zelandiae G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
- Puccinia obtegens (Link) Tul. 1854
- Puccinia oreomyrrhidis G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia pedatissima G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia plagianthi McAlpine 1895 [1894]
- Puccinia pounamu G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia pulverulenta Grev. 1824
- Puccinia punctata Link 1816 [1813]
- Puccinia recondita Desm. 1857
- Puccinia reidii G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia sonchi Roberge & Desm. 1849
- Puccinia tararua G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia tasmanica Dietel 1903
- Puccinia tetragoniae McAlpine 1895
- Puccinia tetragoniae var. novae-zelandiae McKenzie 1991
- Puccinia tiritea G. Cunn. 1923
- Puccinia unciniarum Dietel & Neger 1896
- Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
- Puccinia whakatipu G. Cunn. 1924
- Pucciniastrum pustulatum (Pers.) Dietel 1897
- Ranunculus brevis Garn.-Jones
- Ranunculus depressus
- Ranunculus enysii Kirk
- Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
- Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus nivicola Hook.f.
- Ranunculus pachyrrhizus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus verticillatus Kirk
- Rosa
- Rosa rubiginosa L.
- Rubus australis G.Forst.
- Rubus cissoides A.Cunn.
- Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn.
- Sonchus oleraceus L.
- Sophora microphylla Aiton
- Triticum aestivum L.
- Tuberculina persicina (Ditmar) Sacc. 1881
- Uredo acaciae Cooke 1890
- Uredo antarctica Berk. 1845
- Uredo brownii Syd. & P. Syd. 1907
- Uredo crinitae G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo dianellae Dietel 1898
- Uredo fuchsiae (Cooke) Henn. 1903
- Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
- Uredo inflata Cooke 1890
- Uredo karetu G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo oleariae Cooke 1890
- Uredo phormii G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo rhagodiae Cooke & Massee 1887
- Uredo scirpi-nodosi McAlpine 1906
- Uredo southlandicus G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo toetoe G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo tupare G. Cunn. 1924
- Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
- Uromyces azorellae Cooke 1890
- Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
- Uromyces discariae G. Cunn. 1923
- Uromyces edwardsiae G. Cunn. 1924
- Uromyces microtidis Cooke 1885
- Uromyces otakou G. Cunn. 1923
- Uromyces polygoni (Pers.) Fuckel 1870
- Uromyces puccinioides Berk. & F. Muell. 1872 [1873]
- Uromyces scariosus Berk. 1855
- Uromyces thelymitrae McAlpine 1906
- Uromycladium alpinum McAlpine 1905
- Uromycladium notabile McAlpine 1905
- Uromycladium tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlpine 1905
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
9 September 2004