Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855

Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
Uromyces citriformis
Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(b.) Uromyces citriformis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 210, 1855. Host: " On leaves of some orchid, apparently a Thelymitra."
U. citriformis Bab. (Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 625, 1864) is an error of compilation. Mr. Mason, Imperial Bureau of Mycology, Kew, states that there are no specimens of this species at Kew or the British Museum. As no specimens are known, and as the description is too imperfect for determination, and as the host also is unknown, it would be advisable to discard this name.
(b.) Uromyces citriformis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 210, 1855. Host: " On leaves of some orchid, apparently a Thelymitra."
U. citriformis Bab. (Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 625, 1864) is an error of compilation. Mr. Mason, Imperial Bureau of Mycology, Kew, states that there are no specimens of this species at Kew or the British Museum. As no specimens are known, and as the description is too imperfect for determination, and as the host also is unknown, it would be advisable to discard this name.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
16 February 1993
10 February 1998