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Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
NZ holotype
Coleosporium fuchsiae
New Zealand (Kirk 268). Host: Fuchsia excorticata (Foist. i.)L. f. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 190,620. II. Hawyard's, Upper Hutt (Wellington), T. Kirk , 3 Sept., 1881. Holotype PDD 9798 [see also K(M) 187399]

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Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886

On living leaves of Fuchsia excorticata. New Zealand (Kirk 268).
Epiphyllum. Maculis parvulis, ochraceo-fuscis, angulatis vel confluentibus ; soris gregariis, erumpentibus, demum epidermide rupta cinctis. Conidiis ovalibus (30-40 x 20-22 µ) verrucosis, aurantio-fuscis.

Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886

Host: Fuchsia excorticata (Forst. f.) L. f. On leaves Herb. Nos. 190, 620. II. Hawyard's, Upper Hutt (Wellington), T. Kirk ! 3 Sept., 1881. (Type collection.) Weraroa (Wellington), G. H. C. 6 Oct., 1919. (On seedlings.) York Bay (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson ! 24 Oct., 1920. Palmerston North (Wellington), R. Waters! 27 Jan., 1921. Seashore, Seatoun (Wellington), E. H. Atkinson! G. H. C. 24 March, 1922. Oamaru (Otago), R. B. Tennent! 27 May, 1921. Claudelands, Hamilton, G. H. C. 24 May, 1922.
0, I. Unknown.
II. Uredosori amphigenous, seated on small angular yellow spots, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., orange-yellow, pulverulent, pulvinate, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 20-31 X 14-18 mium; epispore hyaline, closely, coarsely and unequally echinulate, spines sparsely distributed towards base of spore, 1.5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, orange; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Unknown.
The host is endemic, and is abundant throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 186.)
This rust is common in certain parts of New Zealand, and is conspicuous owing to the bright orange colour of the uredosori; in certain specimens the entire leaf-surface may be covered with the sori.
The uredo stage alone is known; the uredospores do not closely resemble other species of the genus, differing particularly in being echinulate and not covered with deciduous tubercules.

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Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke (1886)
Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke (1886)
Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke (1886)

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Coleosporium fuchsiae Cooke 1886
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
MEL has Colenso 1477
New Zealand (Kirk 268). Host: Fuchsia excorticata (Foist. i.)L. f. On leaves. Herb. Nos. 190,620. II. Hawyard's, Upper Hutt (Wellington), T. Kirk , 3 Sept., 1881. Holotype PDD 9798 [see also K(M) 187399]

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scientific name
1 February 2008
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