Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924

Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 55 37 (1924)
G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
NZ holotype
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
Host: Celmisia petiolata Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 383. Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, 1,000 m., E. H. Atkinson! 15 Feb., 1920. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered or more commonly in small orbicular groups, pallid orange. Peridia flattened-globose, 0.25 mm. diam., immersed, margins incurved, hyaline, covered by the dense tomentum clothing the leaf surface. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted yellow.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, seated on discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, scattered or more commonly in small orbicular groups, pallid orange. Peridia flattened-globose, 0.25 mm. diam., immersed, margins incurved, hyaline, covered by the dense tomentum clothing the leaf surface. Spores polygonal, elliptical, or obovate, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose, 1-1-5 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted yellow.
0. Incognitis. I. Aecidiis hypophyllis, in maculis discoloris, raris vel parvis catervis, flavis. Peridiis plano-globosis, 0.25 mm. latis, immersis, marginibus incurvatis, hyalinis, tornento denso folii tectis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis, ellipticis vel obovatis, 27-45 X 20-26 mmm.; episporio hyalino, solide subtiliter verruculoso, 1-1-5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, luteo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountain regions of the southern portion of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 307.)
This rust is characterized by the depressed-globose aecidia, large spores, and hyaline, finely verruculose epispore. Sections are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
This rust is characterized by the depressed-globose aecidia, large spores, and hyaline, finely verruculose epispore. Sections are necessary to determine the shape and size of the peridium.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Celmisiae petiolatae Hook. f. Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, New Zealand, 1,000 m. E. H. Atkinson.
Taxonomic concepts
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. (1924)
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. (1924)
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. 1924
Aecidium celmisiae-petiolatae G. Cunn. (1924)
Global name resources
Celmisia petiolata Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 383. Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, [New Zealand] 1,000m., B. H. Atkinson 15 Feb., 1920, holotype PDD 383
scientific name
15 December 2003