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Healy, A. J.; Edgar, E. 1980: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. III. Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous and Spathaceous Monocotyledons. Government Printer, Wellington.

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Healy, A. J.; Edgar, E. 1980: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. III. Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous and Spathaceous Monocotyledons. Government Printer, Wellington.

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Sisyrinchium angustifolium sensu New Zealand Botanists
Sisyrinchium bermudianum sensu New Zealand Botanists

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Stout perennials; thick rhizome or rootstock tuberous; roots numerous, fleshy, Scape stout, ± terete. Leaves all basal, linear, ± fleshy to leathery, erect, arching or spreading, deciduous or evergreen. Flowers many, pedicellate, blue or white, ± actinomorphic, in terminal umbels; spathe-valves 2, deciduous; perianth-segments ± unequal, connate, spreading in upper half. Capsule triquetrous, loculicidal. Seeds many, black, flat, shining, winged. Spp. c. 10, of S. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Robust, evergreen, forming dense clumps to 60 cm high, with thick elongate rhizome. Leaves to 20 on each shoot, 20-70 × 1.5-5.5 cm. ± leathery, arching, canaliculate. Flowers light blue, or white, in many- flowered umbels, 4-4.5 cm long, to 7 cm diam.; tube c. 1.5 cm long; lobes spreading; pedicels 4-9 cm long. Capsule 3-4 cm long.
Robust, arborescent or tufted perennials, with rootstock or rhizome. Stem stout, woody, short or sometimes forming a heavy trunk. Leaves narrow, usually simple, often thick, usually crowded towards apex of stem. Inflorescence racemose or paniculate, sometimes large; branches subtended by bracts. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic; perianth-segments 6, unequal to subequal, ± connate into tube. Stamens 6, shortly adnate to segments; filaments free; anthers introrse, linear, usually dorsifixed, 2-locular, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior or inferior, often beaked, 3-locular; placentae axile; style simple; ovules solitary in each locule, or superposed in 2 series. Fruit a capsule or berry. Seeds few to many, compressed. Genera c. 20, mostly of tropics and subtropics.
Acaulescent perennial. Leaves 1-2 m × 15 cm in large basal rosette fleshy, triangular in section, rosette dying after flowering and replaced by several small lateral rosettes; lamina rigid, leathery, glaucous, lanceolate, ± concave, outer often recurved from above middle, tipped by a conical hard stout dark brown or grey spine 2.5 cm long, margins with coarse grey-brown teeth to 5 mm long borne on horny prominences c. 4 cm apart. Panicle large, 1-2 m long, candelabra-like, terminal on stout ± woody scape 7-10 m high (produced rapidly at maturity of plant after 10-15 years' vegetative growth). Flowers many, yellow. Capsule to 5 cm long, oblong. Seeds black.
Stout succulent or fibrous perennials. Stem present, or lacking. Leaves crowded in rosettes, large, usually stiff and ± fleshy, leaf-tip ending in sharp spine, margins often toothed. Inflorescence a large raceme or much-branched panicle on a long scape. Flowers bisexual, greenish or brownish. Perianth-segments ± equal, usually green, ± connate into tube, persistent. Stamens 6. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; style filiform; stigma slightly 3-lobed; ovules many in each locule. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds many, thin, flat. Spp. c . 300, of southern N. America and tropical S. America. Adventive sp. 1.
Perennial aquatic herbs, rarely submersed. Leaves erect, plantain-like, or rarely floating, long-petioled. Inflorescence a much-branched, pyramidal panicle; each branch with 2-3 papery basal bracts. Flowers many, pedicellate; each pedicel bracteate at base; sepals 3, green, persistent; petals 3, > sepals, white or occasionally rose or pink. Stamens 6-9. Achenes free, numerous, in a single whorl round flattened receptacle. Spp. c. 9, in north temperate regions and Australia. Adventive spp. 2.
Stems stout, erect, to 1 m high; rootstock short, stout. Leaves all basal, erect; laminae 7-23-(28) × (1)-2-5 cm, lanceolate, gradually tapering to subacute tip, gradually narrowed to long petiole. Inflorescence a much-branched panicle; branches whorled, ± straight, usually ascending, basally bracteate. Flowers usually pink, 1 cm diam., pedicels slender, bracteate; sepals ovate; petals ± acute. Achenes c. 20, c. 2.5 mm long, rounded, compressed, in a dense circular head; persistent style from above middle of inner edge of achene, curved in lower part, stigmatic portion occupying ½-⅔ of style-length.
Stems stout, erect, to 1 m high; rootstock short, stout. Leaves all basal, erect; laminae 8-20 × 3-10 cm, ovate, subacute, rounded or subcordate at base; petiole long. Inflorescence a large, much-branched panicle; branches whorled, ± straight, usually ascending, basally bracteate. Flowers usually pale lilac, c. 1 cm diam., pedicels slender, bracteate; sepals oblong; petals rounded. Achenes c. 20, c. 2.5 mm long, rounded, compressed, in a dense circular head; persistent style from below middle of inner edge of achene, ± straight; stigmatic portion occupying 1/8-1/5 of style-length.
Annual or perennial, marsh or aquatic, sometimes lactiferous herbs, erect, rarely with floating leaves; hermaphrodite, monoecious or dioecious, Leaves all basal, long-petioled, sheathing; laminae linear-lanceolate, hastate, sagittate or cordate. Flowers actinomorphic, usually bisexual, in panicles or racemes; sepals 3, green, persistent; petals 3. deciduous, rarely 0. Stamens (3)-6 or more, hypogynous, free; anthers 2-celled. Carpels numerous, superior, free or rarely connate at base, arranged in a ring or irregularly packed over surface of receptacle; style persistent; ovules 1-several. Fruit a head or whorl of achenes, rarely of follicles. Genera 13, of temperate and tropical regions of N. Hemisphere.
Green or glaucous scapose perennials with onion- or garlic-like odour. Bulb tunicate, solitary, or often with stipitate offset bulbs. Leaves 1-many, all basal, sheathing scapes to varying levels, usually linear, solid or hollow. Flowers white, yellow or pink, campanulate, in few- to many-flowered terminal involucrate umbels; spathe-valves 2, ± united; bulbils often present between flowers, occasionally replacing them; perianth-segments free or ± connate at base. Staminal-filaments simple, divided, or with lateral appendages. Capsule ovoid to globose, 3-lobed, loculicidal. Seeds black, ± angular to flat, usually 6. Spp. c. 450, widely distributed in N. Hemisphere, mainly in temperate regions. Adventive spp. 4.
Bulb globose, 1-2 cm diam., with non-stipitate offset bulbs. Leaves 2-3, c. 25 × 1-2 cm, flat, margins finely toothed or ciliate. Scape 20-60 cm high, sheathed at base only, subtriquetrous with 2 angles acute, almost winged, the third more obtuse. Umbels 5-8 cm diam., many- flowered, ± flat-topped; pedicels ± 3 times length of flowers, rigid; spathe-valve 1, persistent. Flowers white, 8-10 mm long, ± 10mm diam., campanulate; segments ovate-elliptic, obtuse. stamens c. ½ length of perianth; filaments simple without appendages. Capsule c. 7 mm long, ± globose, papery, few-seeded. Seeds black, angled, 2-3 mm long.
Bulb whitish, globose, ovate, 1 × 1-(2) cm, with offset bulbs; sheaths elongate, white, papery, to above ground level. Leaves 2-5, broadly linear, = or overtopping scape, strongly channelled. Scape 20-60 cm high, triquetrous, sheathed by leaves at base. Umbels 3-15-flowered, lax without bulbils; pedicels ± drooping, twice length of flowers; spathe-valves 2, ± deciduous. Flowers 10-15-(20) mm long, ± 15 mm diam., campanulate, white; segments oblong, acute, with green central stripe. Stamens ½ length of perianth; filaments simple without appendages. Capsule c. 7 × 7 mm, light brown. Seeds c. 5 mm long, black.
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Large robust plants with thick fleshy rhizome; sap milky. Stem thick, in mature plants trunk-like, to 5 m × 30 cm, with leaf scars, lower part often lying along ground. Leaves large; laminae ovate-sagittate, cuspidate, to 75 × 50 cm, erect, entire, leathery, deep shining green, or green with white patches, veins prominent below, margins often ± undulate, basal lobes obtuse, rounded; petioles to 1.2 m long, lower half sheathing, light green with brown or purple speckles. Spathe with basal cylindric pale green tube c. 7 cm long, limb expanded, boat-shaped, bluish-green to yellowish, to 15 cm long; peduncle terete, to 20 cm long. Spadix fragrant, ± = spathe; basal female zone to 3 cm long, narrower sterile zone 3.5 cm long, upper male zone 5-6 cm long, terminal appendage 5-6 cm long, thick, obtuse, light creamy-yellow to orange. Berry scarlet or orange, glossy, ± 1 cm diam., 1-4-seeded.
Acaulescent or caulescent, ± succulent perennials, with or without offsets, stems if present, simple or branched. Leaves usually sharp-pointed, margins sinuate-dentate, in rosettes. Racemes terminal or lateral, capitate to long-cylindrical, or inflorescence corymbose. Flowers showy, yellowish or reddish, ± zygomorphic, pedicellate, bracts scarious; segments free or connate below into curved or straight tube, lobes spreading. Stamens 6, hypogynous, included or exserted. Ovary many-seeded. Capsule oblong to sub-globose. Seeds many, often winged. Spp. c. 330, from tropical and S. Africa, Madagascar, Arabia. Adventive Sp. 1.
Plant acaulescent, densely caespitose, or a caulescent basal rosette. Leaves 12-20 in a dense rosette, 15-30 × 5-12 cm, c. 5 mm thick, lanceolate, erect and spreading, ± recurved near apex, flat to ± canaliculate, dark green or purple-tinged, with glaucous frosting and numerous white oblong spots in irregular transverse bands, margins cartilaginous, sinuate-dentate with brown horny pungent teeth 3-5 mm long and c. 10 mm distant. Scapes simple or branched, 40-100 cm high, racemes 10-12 × 12-16 cm, densely capitate. Flowers yellow, salmon-pink, orange to red, erect, later drooping; pedicels 35-45 mm long, bracteate; segments 3.5-4.5 cm long, connate below with tube twice as long as spreading lobes. Capsule 2.5-4 cm long, globose-trigonous.
Erect perennial, to 1 m high. Rhizome slender, hard, woody, c. 5 mm diam., with some roots becoming fleshy. Stems purplish and sometimes woody below with short, acute, membranous bracts, green and leafy above. Leaves thin, ± glaucous below, c. 6-13 × 0.5-2 cm, narrow-linear to lanceolate to ± elliptic, many-nerved, midrip ± indistinct, petiole short, narrow, twisted, with short sheath. Umbel compound, with 3-6 primary rays c. 5 cm long, each ultimate branch bearing 1-3 flowers, bases of primary and secondary rays with bract-like leaves similar to, and not much shorter or narrower than foliage leaves. Flowers c. 5 cm long, 1.5-3 cm diam., bright yellow with reddish markings; segments free, clawed, outer oblong, reddish-tinged towards green obtuse tip, inner slightly longer and much narrower than outer, acute, 2 upper with red-purple streaks. Capsule c. 2 × 1.5 cm, longitudinally 6-ribbed, with smooth apiculate cap.
Perennial herbs, erect or disposed to climb. Perianth-segments in 2 whorls, inner whorl unequal, one segment differently shaped and marked. Ovary 3-locular. Other characters as for the family. Spp. c. 60, of S. America. Adventive spp. 2.
Herbaceous perennial; tubers fleshy, in dense clusters. Stems of two kinds: short, to 15 cm high, non-flowering (sterile) with loose clusters of leaves above; taller, stouter, flowering, to 60 cm high, with leaves evenly dispersed. Leaves thin, dull green, many-nerved, midrib ± indistinct, obtuse; leaves of sterile stems elliptic, c. 6 × 2 cm, petioles to 2.5 cm long; leaves of flowering stems ± linear, recurved, c. 4 × 1-1.5 cm, petioles 2-3 mm long. Umbel simple, flowers 4-8 surrounded by a whorl of leaf-like bracts, similar to leaves flowering stem but smaller; rays c. 1 cm long. Flowers c. 5 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm diam., dull rosy-red tipped with green and cream, streaked with brown inside; segments all shortly apiculate, with minute hairs on margins of claws, inner whorl unequal, lower segment markedly shorter. Capsule green, c. 1.5 × 1.5 cm, longitudinally 6-ribbed, with smooth apiculate cap.
Herbaceous or ± slightly woody perennials; rhizomatous, or roots fleshy or tuberous. Stems erect, ± climbing, or twining, leafy. Leaves alternate, petiole usually twisted to reverse leaf-surfaces. Flowers ± actinomorphic, bisexual, in few-to many-flowered terminal umbellate inflorescences, rarely solitary, surrounded by a whorl of bract-like leaves; perianth-segments 6, petaloid, free, clawed, in 2 similar or dissimilar whorls. Stamens 6; filaments free; anthers basifixed. Ovary inferior, 3- or 1-locular; style filiform; stigma shortly 3-lobed; ovules many. Fruit a loculicidal capsule. Seeds many. Genera 4, of Central and S. America.
Clump-forming perennial herbs; bulb tunicate. Leaves few, basal, ± linear to lorate. Flowers bisexual, usually actinomorphic and umbellate, occasionally solitary; spathe of 1-2 valves, scarious, persistent or deciduous before maturity. Perianth petaloid, with or without tube, sometimes with corona. Stamens 6, opposite perianth-segments, inserted on them or free; filaments free, or expanded at base and connate. Ovary inferior; style slender, with capitate or 3-lobed stigma; ovules usually many. Fruit a capsule, or fleshy and indehiscent. Genera c. 85, of temperate and warm temperate regions, rarer in the tropics; many genera and spp. cultivated.
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Characteristics of the species. Monotypic S. African genus. Adventive sp. 1.
Characters of the family. Spp. 30, of Africa, Asia, New Guinea and Australia. Adventive sp. 1.
Aquatic, scapose, perennial herbs, with globose tubers. Leaves floating or erect, usually long-petioled. Inflorescence of 1-2-(5) spikes, often enclosed at first in a caducous sheath. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual; segments 3-1 or 0, petaloid or bract-like, usually persistent. Stamens 5-18, free, hypogynous; filaments usually flattened; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Carpels 2-6, free, superior, sessile. Ovules 2 or more, basal. Fruit of 3-(8) hardened follicles. Seeds 4-8, oblong or cylindric. One genus, in the tropics of the Old World and in S. Africa.
Rhizomatous or tuberous, scapose or caulescent, perennial herbs or vines, rarely shrubs, small trees or aquatic herbs; hermaphrodite, monoecious or dioecious; often with milky, watery or pungent sap and tissues rich with crystals of calcium oxalate. Leaves solitary or few, mostly basal; laminae often hastate or sagittate, parallel- or net-veined, sometimes large and fleshy; petioles sheathing. Inflorescence a thick fleshy cylindric spadix, often ± enclosed in a terminal spathe. Flowers minute, actinomorphic, ebracteate, densely crowded over whole, or lower part of spadix, female flowers at base of spadix, male flowers above, occasionally with sterile flowers interspersed, or in a band above both male or female flowers. Spadix with or without terminal sterile appendage. Perianth present in bisexual flowers, segments 4-6, usually lacking in unisexual flowers. Stamens 1-many, free or ± connate; anthers usually 2-celled, opening by pores or slits. Ovaries 1-many, superior, 1-3-(many)-locular with 1-many ovules in each locule; style usually very short, occasionally 0. Fruit a berry, 1-many-seeded. Over 100 genera, mainly of tropics and subtropics but some in temperate regions.
Evergreen perennial. Rhizome woody, long or short. Leaves several, basal and a few cauline, acuminate, linear, parallel-veined, ensiform, equitant, erect or in a flattened fan. Scape compressed or subterete. Spike, raceme or corymb; lower spathe-valves foliaceous, bracteoles and upper bracts membranous; or flower solitary. Flowers blue, rarely white, clustered 3 or more within each pair of spathe-valves, sessile to distinctly pedicelled, fugacious; lobes only slightly joined at base, ± equal, spreading, twisting spirally after flowering. Style filiform, unbranched or occasionally with 3 very short flattened lobes. Capsule oblong or cylindrical, trigonous to triquetrous. Seeds many, globose or angled. Spp. c. 60 of tropical and S. Africa, Madagascar. Adventive sp.1.
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Summer-green scrambling or twining perennial; roots tuberous. Stems to 3 m long, tortuous, green, or slightly woody and brownish, branches spreading, angled, scabrid on angles. Scale-leaves scarious, entire, basal spur absent. Cladodes solitary at each node, 1-3.5 cm × 4-15 mm, flattened, broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute, with c. 7 prominent veins usually spreading horizontally. Flowers 1-2, axillary, 5-6 mm long, greenish-white, pedicels c. 5-8 mm long. Berry globose, 6-10 mm diam., red. Seeds 2-8, c. 2 mm diam., black.
Evergreen or summer-green perennials, roots fleshy and cylindric or tuberous. Stems erect or climbing, branched, often woody. Leaves reduced, scale-like, often with basal spine, with solitary or fascicled needle or leaf-like cladodes characteristic for each sp. Flowers small, campanulate, usually axillary or terminal, solitary or in small fascicles, or racemose on special branches lacking cladodes; pedicels articulate; segments 6, ± similar, free or nearly so, spreading above. Berry 1-several seeded. Seeds globose or flat on one side. Spp. c. 300, of Africa, Europe, Asia and Malaysia. Adventive spp. 4.
Summer-green dioecious perennial, with woody crown; roots long, cylindrical, fleshy. Stems 60-120 cm high, bright green, stiffly erect, ± woody below, branched above; shoots fleshy, edible. Scale-leaves scarious, 1-5 mm long, with short soft basal spur. Cladodes needle-like, 5-15 mm long, 2-8 at each node. Flowers axillary, 1-2-(4), greenish-yellow; pedicels drooping, 5-10 mm long; male flowers 5-6 mm long, stamens ± 3 mm long, ovary rudimentary; female flowers shorter, ± 4 mm long, stamens ± 1.5 mm long, functionless. Berry globose, ± 6-8 mm diam., red. Seeds 1-9, ± 3 mm diam., black.
Slender scrambling or climbing perennial; roots tuberous. Stems to 2m long, green, much-branched above; branches widely spreading, angled. Scale-leaves scarious, much divided, basal spine absent. Cladodes in threes, occasionally 2, 4, or 5 at each node, spreading in one plane, 5-15 × 0.8-1.5 mm, one conspicuously longer, flattened, linear-lanceolate, falcate, 1-veined. Flowers 3-4 mm long, solitary, axillary, white, rarely pale pink; pedicel c. 10 mm long. Berry globose, ± 8 mm diam., red. Seed solitary, ± 4 mm diam., globose, black.
Slender, scrambling or climbing perennial. Stems to 2 m long, ± woody below, green and much-branched above; branches widely spreading with branchlets and cladodes all lying in one plane. Scale-leaves scarious, entire, basal spur to 2.5 mm long, grey-brown, finely pointed, reflexed. Cladodes needle-like, extremely fine, 3-7 mm long, 7-20 at each node. Flowers terminal, 1-4, white. Berry globose, ± 6 mm diam., purple-black. Seeds 1-3, ± 3 mm diam., globose, black.
Short-lived perennial, roots fleshy-fibrous. Leaves densely tufted, linear, 12-25 cm × 2-4 mm, fleshy, striate, hollow, semicylindric to ± trigonous, finely scabrid. Scape simple or branched, 20-60 cm high, firm. Racemes to 20 cm long, lax; pedicels erect, articulate at middle, bract acuminate. Flowers c. 1 cm long, 2 cm diam., white or pale pink; segments spreading, each with a conspicuous green or purple median vein. Staminal-filaments dilated and ciliate at base. Capsule c. 5 × 5 mm, retuse, valves with few large transverse furrows. Seeds c. 3.5 mm long, fusiform-trigonous, black.
Perennial or annual herbs; rhizome short, or roots fibrous or tuberous. Leaves all basal, linear, 3-angled or tubular. Scape simple, or branched and bracteate; inflorescence a raceme or panicle. Flowers white or pink, pedicellate, bracteate; segments ± equal, free or ± connate at base, spreading above, 1-nerved. Capsule subglobose, leathery, loculicidal. Seeds triquetrous. Spp. c. 12, from the Mediterranean across S. Asia to India. Adventive sp. 1.
Summer-green perennial. Corm small; tunic very tough. Stems usually hairy. Leaves usually strongly plicate. Spike simple or branched, pubescent. Flowers rich blue, mauve, crimson, cream or white, subzygomorphic, each within 2 lanceolate, hairy spathe-valves; tube straight, cylindric at base, widening to funnel-shaped above. Stamens asymmetrical. Style-branches short, undivided, usually flattened towards tip. Capsule many-seeded. Spp. c. 60 from tropical and S. Africa, and 1 from Socotra. Adventive sp. 1.
Corm 1 × 1.5 cm; tunic fibrous, red-brown. Stem to 40 cm high, sturdy, curved, pubescent, purple above. Leaves c. ½ length of stem, to 1 cm wide, strongly plicate, pubescent. Spike 2-9-flowered; spathe-valves striate, ± 1.5 cm long, green with brown tips, softly hairy. Flowers ± 3 cm long, ± 3 cm diam., deep bluish-purple, or reddish-purple, or lilac; tube c. 7-10 mm long; lobes equal, inner with white spot in centre. Ovary pubescent.
Stems 1-2 m high, sturdy, glabrous, green. Leaves c. 45 cm long, oblong, green. Flowers in a lax raceme, often in pairs; bracts green, almost orbicular; sepals c. 1 cm long; petals 3-4 cm long, pinkish-red, lanceolate, acuminate. Erect staminodia 5-6 cm long, red, obovate-spathulate, entire; recurved staminode (labellum) narrower, entire, reddish-yellow, spotted red. Capsule ± globose, c. 2 × 1.5 cm, crowned by persistent sepals. Seeds globose, black.
Characters of the family. Spp. c. 55, probably all native to tropics and subtropics of America but some spp. long established in the Old World.
Tall, unbranched, leafy perennial rhizomatous herbs. Leaves cauline, large, broad, pinnately veined, midrib prominent, petiolate, sheathing below. Flowers bisexual, very zygomorphic, usually large and brightly coloured, in racemes or panicles, short-pedicelled, each bracteate. Perianth-segments 6 in 2 whorls; sepals3, free, small, usually green; petals 3, similar to sepals but longer, connate at base, Staminodia (3)-4-5, petaloid, very showy, ± connate at base, the inner occasionally connate above, 1 often recurved. Stamen 1, petaloid, free, with a 1-celled anther adnate to margin of petaloid filament. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; style and stigma petaloid; ovules many. Fruit a warted capsule. A single genus of tropical and subtropical America.
Small tufts usually 4-7 cm high; rhizomes short. Leaves setaceous. Inflorescence a solitary dark brown spike ± 5 mm long, lowermost glumes bract-like. Utricles with long scabrid beak; rhachilla enclosed. Stigmas 3.
Strikingly pale buff stiff tufts 25-35 cm high. Leaves plano-convex, much > stems; sheaths dark brown to purple-red. Female spikes c. 5, distant, ± sessile, very pale brown, to 2 cm × 3-4 mm. Utricle-beak scabrid, deeply cleft, ± 0.5 mm long. Stigmas 3.
Tufts distant on far-extending rhizomes. Inflorescence a solitary red-brown spike ± 4 mm long. Utricles scabrid; rhachilla enclosed. Stigmas 3.
Stout, harshly scabrid, rigid tussocks to ± 80 cm high. Inflorescence an erect stiff panicle 6-25 cm long with appressed branches ± 3 cm long. Spikes numerous, sessile, red-brown, male flowers at top. Utricles many-nerved. Stigmas 2.
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Rhizome far-extending, ± 3 mm diam. with numerous overlapping fibrous scales. Stems c. 20. cm high, ± = leaves, 3-angled, ± 1 mm diam. Leaves to 2 mm wide, grey-green (when dry), channelled, noticeably scabrid on margins and along lateral nerves on adaxial surface; sheaths grey-brown, some reddish-tinged. Inflorescence incomplete in N.Z. specimen - only one much damaged male spike remaining. Female spikes at least 2-3, erect, lowest ± 1.5 cm × 4 mm, distant on peduncle 3 cm long. Glumes ± = utricles, red-purple, tapered to subemarginate or acute scabrid tip, light brown midrib occasionally scabrid above, produced to a stiff, scabrid awn. Utricles ± 3.5 ×1.5 mm, ovate, ± corky, glabrous, grey with reddish-purple markings, nerves impressed, ± indistinct; beak ± 1 mm long, orifice wide, bidentate. Stigmas 3. (Nut immature.)
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Rather flaccid yellow-green tufts to 10 cm high. Inflorescence a solitary ebracteate spike 5-8 mm long, male flowers above, female below. Glumes light brown. Utricles green. Stigmas 3.
Rhizomes far-extending; forming a continuous grassy sward usually 7-15 cm high. Inflorescence of 3-5 spikes clustered in a greenish head ± 1.5 cm long. Utricles 7-8.5 mm long, much > glumes, tapered to a long beak. Stigmas 3.
Stout, rigid tufts to 35 cm tall. Female spikes ± 5, erect, stoutly pedunculate, to ± 7.5 × 1.5 cm, brown. Glumes light to dark brown or red-purple much > utricles. Stigmas 3.
Small grey-green or reddish tufts to ± 12 cm high. Leaves > stems, concavo-convex, tips curled. Inflorescence hidden among leaves; female spikes c. 3, approximate, light pinkish-brown, to 8 mm long. Stigmas 2.
Stems to 60 cm long, often drooping. Leaves > stems; sheaths red-brown. Female spikes c. 5, ± distant, ± pedunculate, to 7 × ± 1 cm, red-brown or greenish-brown. Utricles scarcely nerved when mature. Stigmas 3.
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Very leafy dense red or yellow-green tufts to 25 cm high. Leaves concavo-convex, usually > stems, drooping above; sheaths dull brown to purple-black. Female spikes c. 5, distant, ± pedunculate, light brown to red-brown, to 2.5 cm × 3-4 mm. Utricle-beak deeply cleft, scabrid, ± 1 mm long. Stigmas 3.
Rhizomatous, summer-green coarse tufts to 1 m high. Female spikes in twos or threes at each inflorescence-node, greenish- or yellowish-brown, pendulous, on long peduncles. Utricles ± 2.5 mm long, almost smooth, not easily punctured; beak minute. Stigmas 2.
Slender, dull red tufts; rhizome short. Stems elongating when mature to ± 50 cm, > rather narrow channelled leaves. Female spikes 2-3, ± approximate and sessile, except occasionally lowest, ± 1 cm × 4 mm, dark red-brown. Stigmas 3.
Small, stiff, bright green or yellow-green tufts to 9 cm high. Leaves much > stems, rigid, concavo-convex. Inflorescence a dense head to 1 cm long, of 3-5 light brown spikes. Utricles faintly nerved. Stigmas 3.
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Shoots close together from woody, dark brown rhizomes, loosely tufted, not tussock-forming, pale or bright green, to 55 cm high. Inflorescence a spike-like greenish-brown panicle 1.5-5 cm long. Spikes many, sessile, ± densely clustered, male flowers at top. Utricles dark brown, nerved on one face; beak-margins scabrid. Stigmas 2.
Harsh, light green or reddish tufts to 75 cm high. Female spikes 2-5, ± distant, ± sessile, ± 2.5 cm × 5 mm, red-brown. Glumes obtuse, membranous, midrib often not reaching margin. Utricles crowded, spreading when ripe, margins usually scabrid. Stigmas 2.
Bright green or reddish leafy tufts usually 45-80 cm high, stems drooping above. Female spikes c. 5, ± distant, ± pedunculate, ± 2 cm × 5 mm, usually dark reddish-brown. Stigmas 3.
Loose reddish-green tufts to 30 cm high. Male spike to 3 mm diam., usually clavate. Female spikes 2-3, ± distant, sessile, ± 2.5 cm × 5 mm, dark red-purple. Stigmas 2.
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Light reddish tufts to 35 cm high. Leaves plano-convex, tips curled. Female spikes c. 5, ± sessile, light reddish-brown, ± 1 cm × 4 mm, Stigmas 3.
Leaves 1.5-2 mm wide. Spikes all close-packed.
Leaves ± 1 mm wide. Spikes ± distant below.
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Reddish tufts to ± 10 cm high; rhizome short. Leaves concavo-convex usually > stems. Female spikes 2-3, sessile, close-packed, to 1 cm long. Glumes ± ½ length of black-tipped utricles. Stigmas 3.
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Dense close turf usually ± 1.5 cm high; rhizomes short. Leaves setaceous. Inflorescence a small solitary light brown terminal spike, ± 4 mm long; lowest glume bract-like. Utricles smooth; rhachilla enclosed. Stigmas 3.
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Pale green or reddish tufts to 20 cm high; stems filiform; stolons slender. Leaves filiform, twice as long as stems, plano-convex. Female spikes 2-3, usually all crowded, ± 0.5 cm long, light brown. Stigmas 3.
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Dense green or red tufts to 1 m high. Stems often elongating to 2 m when mature. Female spikes c. 5, usually distant and pedunculate, erect, ± 3 cm × 4 mm, brown. Glumes red-brown with conspicuous paler midrib. Utricles usually almost nerveless and glabrous. Stigmas 2.
Rather stiff tufts to 30 cm high with almost flat leaves much > stems. Inflorescence of 3-8 yellow-green, sessile, densely crowded spikes forming a head to 3 cm long. Utricles ± inflated. Stigmas 3.
Large leafy tufts to 1.2 m high, red-brown at base. Female spikes c. 5, ± distant, ± pedunculate, 6-11 cm × 5-11 mm, greenish. Utricles tapering to a long beak with oblique bifid orifice. Stigmas 3.
Light yellow-green ± stiff tufts to ± 20 cm high. Leaves plano-convex, tips strongly curled; sheaths light brown. Female spikes 3-4, ± distant, ± pedunculate, light brown, to 2.5 cm × ± 5 mm. Utricles-beak glabrous, but orifice scabrid, 0.4 mm long. Stigmas 3.
Flaccid, narrow-leaved grass-like tufts of variable size from 6-30 cm high; rhizome far-extending. Inflorescence of 3-5 small, very dark brown, ± approximate sessile spikes. Utricle-beak minute. Stigmas 2.
Robust, rhizomatous, to 1.5 m high. Female spikes in twos, threes or occasionally fives at each inflorescence-node, brown, pendulous on long peduncles. Utricles ± 2.5-3 mm long, not easily punctured; beak minute. Stigmas 2.
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Blue-green tufts to ± 15 cm high with stems hidden among plano-convex leaves; rhizome short. Inflorescence 0.5-1.5 cm long, of 3-4 close-packed, ± sessile, red-brown spikes. Utricles many-nerved, later nerveless, dark brown. Stigmas 3.
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Narrow-leaved, dark green, grass-like tufts from far-extending rhizomes. Stems to 1 cm long enclosed by brown leaf-sheaths. Leaves much > stems. Inflorescence of 3 pedunculate short spikes. Utricles 6-7 mm long, dark red-purple; beak 3 mm long. Stigmas 3.
Very variable, forming a matted sward, 10-30 cm (or more) high, soft, grass-like, bright green; rhizome far-extending. Inflorescence a green ovate head ± 1 cm long. Spikes approximate, sessile, male flowers at base Stigmas 2.
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Reddish- or yellow-green tussocks to 75 cm high; rhizome stout, long or short. Inflorescence usually 7-18 cm long, narrow, branches short with many pale straw-coloured ± distant sessile spikes. Male flowers above female. Stigmas 2.
Robust tufts with leaves much > stems. Inflorescence of 5-10, often compound, ± approximate light brown spikes. Female spikes to 5.5 cm × 5-7 mm, occasionally with a few male flowers at base. Stigmas 3. K.
Bright green wiry-leaved tufts; rhizome short to long. Inflorescence pale green to pale brown. Spikes few, sessile, male at top. Stigmas 2.
Plants usually 10-30 cm high. Upper part of stems visible. Inflorescence 1-4 cm long.
Perennial herbs, tufted, rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Stems usually 3-angled and solid, rarely terete and hollow. Leaves tristichous, usually linear, mostly crowded at base of stem and sheathing, sheath closed, with a minute, membranous ligule. Plants usually monoecious, rarely dioecious. Inflorescence a spike, cluster of spikes, or panicle; bracts leaf-like or setaceous. Spikes sessile or pedunculate, unisexual or bisexual, composed of numerous 1-flowered spikelets, each subtended by a glume. Flowers unisexual, perianth 0. Male flower with 3 stamens (rarely 2). Female flower a single pistil enclosed in an utricle; style 1, branched above to 2 or 3 stigmas projecting from utricle. Nut trigonous or biconvex, enclosed within persistent utricle. A genus of 1500-2000 spp. in cold and temperate regions or at high altitudes in the tropics. Native spp. 73, adventive 22.
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Bright green, robust, leafy tufts to 1 m high. Female spikes c. 5, erect on short peduncles, ± 5 cm × 5 mm, dark red-brown. Glumes all deeply emarginate. Utricles obovoid. Stigmas 3.
Robust, rhizomatous, to 1.5 m high. Female spikes in twos, threes or occasionally fives at each inflorescence-node, red-brown, on often short peduncles. Utricles 3-3.5 mm long, easily punctured, beak minute. Stigmas 2.
Dingy reddish-green tufts to 25 cm high; rhizome short. Leaves concavo-convex, much > stems. Female spikes 2-4, sessile, close-packed, to 1 cm long, reddish-green to brownish. Utricles reddish-tipped. Stigmas 3.
Pale green, occasionally reddish, dense tufts to ± 70 cm high. Leaves plano-convex. Female spikes 2-4, usually approximate and sessile, 1-2 cm long, ovate, erect, light brown. Utricles usually nerveless; beak wide; with very wide orifice. Stigmas 3.
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Small stiffly erect yellow-green tussocks to 30 cm high; rhizome stout, short. Leaves plano-convex. Inflorescence 1.5-3 cm long, of 5-10 ± contiguous, pale straw-coloured, sessile spikes. Almost dioecious. Stigmas 2.
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Light green, robust, densely tufted, 45-100 cm high. Female spikes c. 5, distant, erect on short peduncles, ± 5 cm × 5 mm, very light brown. Glumes pale cream. Utricles distinctly nerved. Stigmas 3.
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Dense red tufts to ± 30 cm high. Leaves concavo-convex, tips twisted when dry, sheaths ± 3 times wider than lamina. Female spikes 3-4, very dark red, ± 5 cm × 5 mm, lowest usually distant on stiff peduncles. Glumes light brown. Utricles almost black. Stigmas 3.
Dense, leafy, pale green tufts to 40 cm high. Leaves concavo-convex, tips curled. Female spikes c. 5, lowest distant and pedunculate, 1-2 cm × ± 5 mm, light brown. Utricles glabrous, long-beaked. Stigmas 3.
Tufts squat, coarse-leaved, pale green, 2-7 cm high; rhizome short, woody. Stems almost hidden by dark brown leaf-sheaths. Inflorescence an ovate, brownish head ± 7 × 7 mm with 2-4 congested sessile spikes. Male flowers at tip of spike. Utricles ± papillose, winged. Stigmas 2.
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Usually dark green tufts to 90 cm high. Leaves soft, double-folded. Inflorescence of 5-7 sessile, light reddish-brown spikes, ± 4 cm × 5 mm, terminal male spikes usually partly female. Glumes membranous. Utricles often scabrid on both surfaces of upper half. Stigmas 2.
Shoots spaced singly and evenly along far-extending rhizomes. Stems hidden by leaf-sheaths. Leaves to 8 cm long. Inflorescence a pale green compact ovate head 4-8 mm long. Spikes 2-3, approximate, sessile, male flowers at base. Stigmas 2.
Tufted, to 90 cm high. Rhizome far-extending, stout with fibrous grey-brown scales. Stems sharply 3-angled, scabrid on angles just below inflorescence. Leaves > stems, to 15 mm wide, rigid, erect, channelled to double-folded, blue-green, minute cross-veinlets very distinct when dry; sheaths very long, bright reddish to whitish, distinctly septate-nodulose. Inflorescence with longer, narrow, leaf-like bracts below; spikes numerous, erect, brown. Male spikes 3-4, crowded, 2-6 cm × 5-10 mm, tapered above to a point; glumes very narrow-lanceolate, acuminate or with excurrent midrib. Female spikes 2-4, occasionally male at top, 6-11 × 1-1.2 cm, fusiform, upper sessile, lower pedunculate; glumes > utricles, lanceolate with midrib long-excurrent. Utricles 5-5.5 × 2 mm, with numerous fine nerves, glabrous, dull grey-brown, subtrigonous, ovate, gradually tapered to a bifid beak ± 1 mm long. Stigmas 3. Nut oblong-ovoid, trigonous, shortly stipitate.
Small stiff reddish-brown tufts usually to 10 cm high; rhizome short. Leaves much > stems, plano-convex, tip curled. Inflorescence 1-1.5 cm long, usually hidden among leaves. Spikes 3-4, yellow-brown. Stigmas 2.
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Large harshly scabrid tussocks on tall trunk-like bases. Stems and leaves drooping. Spikes light brown, sessile male flowers at top. Utricles dark brown, smooth, shining. Stigmas 2.
Stems 20-50 cm long. Leaves 2 mm wide. Inflorescence to 20 cm long, unbranched or sparingly branched.
Harshly-scabrid tussocks on trunk-like bases. Inflorescence usually to 25 cm long with numerous stiff crowded branches ± 3 cm long. Spikes numerous, sessile, red-brown, male flowers at top. Utricles ± nerveless, dark brown, shining. Stigmas 2.
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Dense tufts to 1 m high, upper part of leaves and stems drooping. Female spikes c. 5, distant, usually pendulous on long filiform peduncles, ± 4 cm × 3-4 mm. Glumes very light brown. Utricles almost black when mature. Stigmas 3.
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Stiff dark green tufts to c. 60 cm high, dark red-purple at base. Female spikes c. 5, upper close-set, lower distant, drooping, to 8.5 cm × 4 mm, bright red-purple. Stigmas 3.
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Robust, rhizomatous, to 1.8 m high. Male spikes with long-awned glumes; female spikes in twos or threes at each inflorescence-node, red-brown with long-awned glumes, peduncles erect to pendulous. Utricles 2-3 mm long; beak minute. Stigmas 2.
Green or red tufts to 60 cm high. Stems often greatly elongated at maturity to 3 m. Female spikes 2-4, ± approximate, ± sessile, to 2.5 cm × ± 5 mm, light to dark brown. Glumes membranous, awned. Stigmas 2.
Grass-like tufts to 30 cm high; rhizome short, woody. Inflorescence a compact head 1-1.5 cm long, of light to dark brown, close-packed, sessile spikes. Male flowers at top of spike. Utricles papillose, winged. Stigmas 2.
Dense reddish tufts to ± 20 cm high. Leaves plano-convex. Female spikes 2-4, ± approximate, sessile, to 1 cm × ± 5 mm, red-brown. Stigmas 3.
Very robust dense wide-leaved tussocks to 1 m high. Inflorescence of 6-9 (or more) sturdy, ± approximate, ± sessile, chestnut-brown spikes to 10 × 1.5 cm. Glumes > utricles. Stigmas 3.
Very dense, dingy-red tufts to 7 cm high; rhizome short. Leaves narrow, plano-convex, much > stems. Inflorescence a short dense head of 3-4, sessile, crowded, light brown spikes ± 5 mm long, hidden among leaves. Utricles light red-brown, distinctly beaked. Stigmas 3.
Very leafy tufts ± 60 cm high. Female spikes c. 5, lowest usually distant, to 9.5 cm × ± 7 mm, light greenish-brown. Glumes ± colourless, membranous, transparent. Stigmas 3.
Dense harshly scabrid tussocks to 1.2 m high. Inflorescence a narrow panicle 10-26 cm long with stiff erect branches. Spikes numerous, sessile, light grey- or yellow-brown, male flowers at top. Utricles greyish-brown, nerved. Stigmas 2.
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Small, tufted, grass-like annual, or moss-like perennial herbs. Stems slender, densely packed in perennial spp. Leaves linear or setaceous, all basal, or cauline and imbricate; sheaths open, distinct, membranous. Flowers minute, unisexual, without perianth, in terminal complex "spike-like" inflorescences with 2 or more distichous glume-like bracts. Each bract usually enclosing 1-several pseudanthia; each pseudanthium consisting of 1, 2 or 0 male flowers and 1-many superposed or collateral, sessile, often ± connate female flowers; pseudanthia frequently with 1-3 hyaline bracteoles. Male flower a single stamen, filament thread-like, anther 1-celled, versatile, opening lengthwise by a slit. Female flower a single unilocular ovary; style 1; ovule 1. Fruit with membranous pericarp, dehiscing longitudinally. Four genera with 30-35 spp., of Malesia, S.E. Asia, Australia, N.Z. and 1 sp. in S. America.
Moss-like perennial to 8 cm high, in very broad dense cushions. Leaves to 2.5 cm long, distichous, closely imbricate, setaceous, sheaths with ciliate margins. Flowering stems > leaves. Lowermost glume-like bract with 1-2 pseudanthia and enclosing a short peduncle bearing upper glume and flowers; this peduncle persistent after bracts have fallen.
Small herbs, tufted annuals, or cushion-forming perennials. Leaves linear-filiform and crowded at base of stem, or, in perennial cushion plants, densely imbricate up stem, with stiff, terete, compressed or channelled laminae. Flowers numerous, in a terminal complex "spike" within 2 ± opposite, unequal glume-like bracts. Pseudanthia (partial inflorescences) within each bract 1-8- (20), each with 1-3, or 0 hyaline bracteoles. Male flowers 1 or 0 per pseudanthium with 1-celled anther. Female flowers (1) -2-20 in each pseudanthium, ± connate and superposed in 1-2 rows, all styles free or ± connate at base. Fruit dehiscing longitudinally. Spp. c. 25 of Australia, N.Z., Malaysia and S.E. Asia. C. strigosa of Australia is now regarded as adventive in N.Z., the other 3 N.Z. spp. are endemic.
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Dense, pale or bright green, moss-like perennial cushions. Leaves to 9 mm long, distichous, closely imbricate, stiff, glabrous. Flowering stems c. = leaves. Glume-like bracts each enclosing 1 or 0 pseudanthia.
Small tufted annual, 1.5-7 cm high, hispid throughout with white, rigid, multicellular hairs. Leaves 1-3 cm long, all basal, filiform; lamina broadening at base to membranous sheath; tip acicular. Scapes 2-7 cm long, much > leaves; glume-like bracts 2, occasionally 3, c. 3 mm long, green or pinkish, ovate, spreading; awn glabrous c. 1 mm long with acicular tip. Pseudanthia 4-8 in each bract, ± = bracts, each with 3 hyaline fringed bracteoles, one very short, one sheathing male flower, one sheathing female flowers. Male flower 1 in each pseudanthium; female flowers 4-8 in each pseudanthium, connate and superposed in 2 rows; styles not connate. Seeds c. 0.5 mm long, obovate-oblong, blunt at top, testa faintly reticulate, brown with dark tip at each end.
Corm ± 4 cm wide; tunic papery, light brown, Stems 70-100 cm high. Leaves ± ½ length of stem, to 3 cm wide, midvein slightly prominent. Spike to 25 cm long, many-flowered, occasionally branched at base; spathe-valves brown, membranous. Flowers ± 6 cm long, ± 1 cm diam., upper side scarlet, lower side yellow and green; tube 0.5 cm × 1 mm in lower narrow portion, 2 cm × 5 mm above; upper lobe 3 cm long, obtuse, scarlet, other lobes all acute, c. 5 mm long, with red lobe either side of long lobe, 3 remaining lobes green, narrower. Anthers black, projecting beyond long perianth-lobe. Seeds globose to slightly angled, orange-red, dull.
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Leafless at flowering in autumn, leaves produced in spring as fruit ripens. Corm 3-5 cm long, ovate; sheaths dark brown, ± leathery, elongate. Leaves 15-35 × 2-5 cm, spreading, clustered 4 or more, linear- to broadly-lanceolate, bright glossy-green, flat, ± obtuse, glabrous or slightly papillose on margins. Flowers solitary or 2-4, rarely more, pale to deep lilac, rarely white, 8-25 cm long, tube 2-5 times as long as oblong-elliptic lobes. Ovary remaining at base of perianth-tube in ground; styles very long, = or > stamens, recurved at tip to a small obtuse orange stigma. Capsule remaining underground until leaves are mature, when scape elongates and appears above ground ensheathed by leaves, to 8 cm long, oblong-ovate, acute, many-seeded, Seeds c. 3-6 mm diam., many, subglobose, brown, ± rough.
Perennials, cormous, or rarely with a rootstock; with crocus-like flowers in autumn, rarely spring-flowering. Leaves basal, rarely a few cauline, herbaceous to fleshy, usually produced in spring. Flowers 1-3, rarely more, from an extremely short underground scape. Perianth variously coloured, from deep lilac to white, rarely yellow; segments connate below, forming a very long stalk-like tube, spreading above and campanulate with 6 free lobes. Capsule septicidal. Seeds many, subglobose. Spp. c. 65, of Europe, Mediterranean, Central Asia and N. India. Adventive sp. 1.
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Annual or perennial herbs, usually ± succulent, glabrous, rarely hairy. Stems erect or prostrate, long and many-noded or almost 0. Leaves alternate, entire, with basal, membranous, closed sheath. Flowers bisexual, usually actinomorphic, usually in terminal simple or compound cymes or panicles, sometimes in axillary clusters, rarely solitary; sepals 3, green, herbaceous, usually free; petals 3, coloured or white, equal or unequal, free or rarely united in a tube, ± ephemeral or deciduous. Stamens usually 6, occasionally 3, rarely 1, fertile and remainder reduced to staminodia. Ovary superior, 3-(2)-locular; ovules few to solitary in each locule; style simple; stigma capitate or rarely 3-fid. Fruit a loculicidal 2-3-celled capsule occasionally enclosed by fleshy sepals, rarely fruit fleshy and indehiscent. Seeds few to many. About 40 genera, mainly of tropical and subtropical regions.
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Plant to 12-(20) m high; young unbranched stems 5-10 cm diam.; older trees with massive trunk to 1.5m diam., much-branched above. Leaves 30-100 × 3-6 cm, only slightly narrowed above base; midrib indistinct, nerves fine. Panicle lax, 60-150 cm long. Flowers fragrant, white; segments 5-6 mm long. Berry whitish.
Plant to 4 m high; stems c. 10-15 cm diam., usually a number from near ground level, sparingly branched. Leaves 1-2 m × 4-8 cm, narrowed above base to channelled petiole ¼-1/5 leaf-length; midrib and several nerves prominent. Panicle lax, 1-2 cm long. Flowers fragrant, white; segments c. 10 mm long. Berry white or bluish.
Tufted to arborescent perennials. Trunk woody, with characteristic secondary thickening, the stout axis continued vertically downwards in an equally stout rhizome (sometimes 2). Leaves crowded in tufts at ends of branched or unbranched stems, long-linear to narrow-elliptic, ± petiolate, with strong fibrous veins. Inflorescence a terminal panicle soon pushed aside by a leafy shoot from axil of adjacent leaf; bracts leaf-like. Flowers bisexual, small, actinomorphic, pedicellate; each pedicel with 2 chaffy bracts; perianth-tube short, becoming ± fleshy; lobes subequal, spreading. Staminal-filaments ± flattened; anthers dorsifixed and versatile. Ovary superior; stigma ± 3-lobed; ovules several to many in each locule. Fruit a globose berry. Seeds usually curved, black. Spp. c. 15, scattered from India to N.Z. and pacific, also recorded in S. America. Native spp. 5, adventive 1.
Plant to c. 8 m high; stems massive, rather sparingly branched. Leaves to 1-2 m × 10-15 cm, broadly ensiform, narrowed above base to short petiole; midrib and several nerves conspicuous, reddish. Panicle tightly compact, 60-160 cm long. Flowers long-pedicelled, ± fleshy; segments 7-8 mm long. Berry bluish.
Small widely-branched tree to c. 4 m high; trunk single or several. Leaves c. 60-65 × 5.5-7 cm, narrowed above base to short petiole; midrib obscure, nerves fine. Panicle lax, to 80 cm long. Flowers white or yellowish; segments 5-6 mm long. Berry white.
Plant rarely > 2 m high usually not very stiffly erect. Leaves 30-60-(100) × 1-2 cm, ± narrowed above base to short petiole; midrib prominent abaxially towards base. Panicle very lax, c. 60 cm long, branches slender. Flowers small, widely spaced, very shortly pedicellate, whitish or pink externally; segments 4-5 mm long. Berry bluish or blue-flecked.
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Erect, sometimes rhizomatous, evergreen or summer-green perennial. Corms globose. Leaves distichous, ensiform, in basal fan, and cauline. Inflorescence ± flattened, usually sparingly branched, branches flexuous. Flowers orange to brick-scarlet, each within 2 short, brownish, acute or obtuse, apiculate spathe-valves; tube cylindrical, straight or curved, slightly dilated above; lobes ± equal, spreading, obtuse, or uppermost ± hooded. Stamens ± symmetrical. Style 3-fid; branches entire, ± dilated at tip. Capsule subglobose. Seed usually 1-2 in each locule, numerous aborted ovules present. Spp. 6 of tropical and S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
Herbs, usually perennial, often rhizomatous. Stems usually solid, often 3-angled. Leaves usually linear, some or all often reduced to basal sheaths. Flowers hermaphrodite or unisexual, each in the axil of a glume (bracteole), arranged in spikelets; inflorescence various, a simple or compound irregular umbel or panicle, or a capitate cluster of spikelets or a solitary terminal spike; commonly with 1 to several setaceous to leaf-like involucral bracts. Perianth of bristles, scales, hairs or 0. Stamens 3-(2-1), rarely 4-6. Ovary superior, 1-locular; style-branches 2 or 3; ovule solitary. Fruit a nut, indehiscent. Cosmopolitan, c. 90 genera and c. 4000 spp.
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Rhizomatous, grassy, turf-forming, it sometimes forms dense extensive swards on damp flats, as in parts of North Auckland and the Bay of Plenty. At times it invades poorer pasture on damp soils, is grazed by both sheep and cattle, and is tolerant of trampling. It occurs in some lawns in the Westport district, gradually replacing the sown sward.
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Rhizome short, stout. Stems to 60 cm high, stout, subterete. Leaves reduced to closely appressed, very pale brown basal sheaths. Involucral bracts many, ± equal, to 25 cm × 10 mm, > inflorescence, tips shortly acuminate. Inflorescence a compound umbel; rays many, to 8 cm long. Spikelets in small clusters at tips of rays, ± 4 × 2 mm, ovoid to linear-oblong, compressed, shining. Glumes densely imbricate, ± 2 mm long, ovate, obtuse, hyaline, white to light brown with green keel. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut ± ⅓ length of glume, trigonous, ovoid-ellipsoid, brown.
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Annual, or perennial, often rhizomatous herbs. Stems leafy at base or leaves reduced to basal sheaths. Inflorescence umbellate or capitate, surrounded by 1-several leaf-like involucral bracts. Spikelets compressed or subterete, 1-many-flowered, usually clustered in spikes at tips of rays or in a sessile spike. Flowers hermaphrodite. Glumes distichous, usually all fertile. Hypogynous bristles 0. Stamens 2-3, or 1. Style 2-3-fid, continuous with ovary, not thickened at base. Nut trigonous or biconvex. A tropical and warm temperate genus of c. 550 spp., one endemic in N.Z.; 13 adventive.
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Robust tufts, 0.6-1.2- (2) m high. Stems sharply 3-angled with very sharply scabrid leaves. Leaves and sheaths with evident minute transverse septa between veins. Involucral bracts many, much > inflorescence. Inflorescence usually a simple umbel; rays 6-12, unequal. Spikelets crowded at end of each ray into dense spikes ± 5 cm long. Glumes hard, shining, usually purple-brown.
Evergreen perennial. Corm with dry coats of parallel fibres. Leaves linear, rigid, grass-like, distichous. Panicle lax with slender pendulous branches. Flowers showy, each within 2 membranous spathe-valves; tube short, dilated at throat; lobes subequal, > tube. Stamens symmetrical. Style with 3 short, entire, cuneate branches. Capsule small, oblong. Seeds small, globose or angled by pressure. Spp. c. 25, of tropical and S. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Large evergreen clumps. Corm large, globose, tunic fibres splitting into long bristles at top. Stems 1-2 m high, arching, slender, terete. Leaves 45-90 × c. 1 cm, ± stiff, dull olive-green. Panicle with drooping filiform branches to 15 cm long; spathe-valves papery, ± 2 cm long, whitish, speckled with small brown lines. Flowers pinkish-purple, 3-3.5 cm long, 3-4 cm diam., 5-7 alternate, ± 1 cm apart towards extremities of branches. Capsule enclosed in persistent spathe-valves, ± 3.5 mm long Seeds few.
Large, tuberous, scapose, monoecious, perennial herbs. Leaves fan-like, palmately cut almost to midrib into several toe-like segments (pedatisect). Inflorescence solitary, terminal, usually strong-smelling; scape > leaves. Spathe funnel-shaped. Spadix ± = spathe; female and male flowers contiguous; terminal sterile appendage very long. Berry scarlet. Spp. 2, one from S. Europe, one from Canary Is. Adventive sp. 1.
Stout, spotted-sheathed, erect, tuberous perennial herb to 1 m high. Leaves dissected; laminae bright green, fan-shaped, ± 20 × 30 cm, with bow-shaped base curving out on either side of petiole, remainder cut into 11-15 lanceolate segments, central one much broader than laterals with scattered narrow-linear white marks; petioles green, c. 20 cm long, leathery; sheaths to 70 cm long, conspicuously streaked and spotted with red, black, green and brown markings. Scape thick, green, not spotted, c. 50 cm long. Spathe c. 45 × 15 cm, green on outside, deep reddish-purple on inside, margin purple, ruffled, tube green inside with vertical purple lines. Spadix ± = spathe, red-purple to very dark purple almost black, basal female zone c. 1.5 cm long, male zone c. 1.5 cm long, sometimes topped by a few sterile flowers or purple papillae; terminal sterile appendage ± 40 cm long, tapering, stipitate. Berries scarlet.
Vigorous submersed perennial. Stems branched, brittle, c. 3 mm diam. Leaves very dark green, in whorls of 3 below, in whorls of 4 or more above, 15-30 × 4 mm, linear, lax, abruptly acute to acuminate. Male flowers obvious, usually 2-3 per spathe in axils of upper leaves; sepals green c. 4 mm long, petals white, c. 7 mm long; stamens 9, golden. Female flowers and fruits not known in N.Z.
Submersed aquatic perennials of fresh water, rooting or drifting; dioecious. Stems simple or dichotomously branched. Leaves numerous, sessile, whorled, margins minutely toothed. Flowers unisexual, with slender pedicel-like perianth-tubes from sessile axillary spathes; sepals 3, green, herbaceous; petals 3, white, membranous, > sepals. Male flowers 2-4 from each spathe, each with 9 stamens; filaments glandular-papillose; female flowers with 3 staminodia, stigmas 3, bifid; all flowers with central nectary. Fruit obscurely trigonous, 3-6-seeded. Spp. 2, of subtropical America. Adventive sp. 1.
Free-floating aquatic with many long purple feathery roots which may anchor the plant in mud around edges of ponds, streams, etc.; stolons many, thick, fleshy, radiating in all directions, producing leafy tufts which readily separate and form new plants. Leaves bright green, smooth, leathery; laminae to 8 cm wide, ovate to orbicular, many-nerved; petiole usually inflated below, spongy and bladder-like. Flowers to 7 cm diam., bluish-purple, 8-10, spirally arranged in a terminal spike; scape to ± 20 cm high with leaf-like bract; tube green; lobes blue-purple, uppermost widest with a deeper blotch containing a bright yellow spot. Capsule membranous, 3-celled, many-seeded, enclosed in withered perianth. Seeds small, ovoid, ribbed.
Floating or creeping aquatic perennials, stoloniferous. Leaves orbicular, or oblong-or linear-lanceolate; petioles sheathing at base. Flowers showy, solitary or in spikes or panicles, with sheathing bract. Perianth funnel-shaped; tube short; lobes slightly irregular. Stamens 6, upper 3 included, lower 3 exserted. Ovary 3-locular; stigma entire or shortly 3-6-lobed; ovules many. Capsule membranous, enclosed in the faded perianth. Seeds many. Spp. 7; 6 of tropical or subtropical America, 1 of tropical Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Vigorous dioecious perennial. Stems slender, branched, very brittle, to 6 m long, c. 1 mm diam. Leaves opposite below, crowded and in whorls of 3 above, 6-12 × c. 2 mm, oblong or ovate-oblong, subobtuse, translucent, margins minutely toothed. All N.Z. collections, with exception of 2 from Hawkes Bay, have been from female plants. Flowers 1 per spathe in axils of upper leaves; male flowers with broad green, purple-striped sepals and narrow petals; female flowers with small, green, purple-spotted sepals and white petals ± 2.5 mm long, on perianth-tube to 20 cm long. Capsules not present in N.Z.
Submersed aquatic perennials of fresh water, rooting or drifting; dioecious, occasionally hermaphrodite. Stems simple or sparingly dichotomously branched. Leaves numerous, sessile, margins minutely toothed; lowest leaves opposite, middle and upper leaves whorled. Flowers unisexual and bisexual, solitary, long-exserted on pedicel-like extension of perianth-tube, from tubular sessile axillary spathes; male flowers usually breaking off and floating; female flowers reaching to surface of water; sepals 3, green; petals 3, rarely 0, white to purple. Male flowers with 9 stamens, usually 6 in a lower outer ring and 3 inner raised on a fused filament column; female flowers with 3 staminodia alternating with the 3 entire or bifid stigmas; bisexual flowers with 3 stamens, and pistil as in female. Fruit a capsule. Seeds several. Spp. 21, of N. and S. America. Adventive sp. 1.
Summer-green perennial, cormous with fibrous tunic. Leaves distichous, flattened. Spike secund, axis usually bent at abrupt angle from stem. Flowers several, often sweet-scented, alternate on axis, all curved toward upper side, each within 2 small green membranous spathe-valves; tube distinct, usually curved, lower portion slender, funnel-shaped above; lobes all similar, or 3 inner dissimilar. Stamens asymmetric. Style filiform; style-branches 3, each deeply bifid. Capsule subglobose. Seeds many. Spp. c. 20, all of S. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
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Robust perennials not dying after flowering. Trunk short, 0.8-1.3 m × 10 cm. Leaves many in a rosette, 1-2.5 m × 10-20 cm, broadly lanceolate, stiff, flat towards tip, deltoid (in T. S.) towards base, margins with ± regularly spaced, horny spines curved towards leaf-tip, or margins entire; tip pungent and horny. Panicle open, tall, erect, to 10m high, ± 14 cm diam. at base, contracting abruptly to ± 9 cm then tapering gradually, branches glabrous. Flowers 3-4 cm long, pendulous on short pedicels c. 1 cm long, strongly scented, whitish-green, perianth fleshy. Fruit not seen but bulbils freely produced in axils of bracteoles, with leaf-margins spiny or entire.
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Summer-green perennial. Corm globose; tunic fibrous, brown. Leaves often ensiform, equitant. Spike loose, unilateral or distichous. Flowers showy, each with 2 large, herbaceous, lanceolate, green spathe-valves (inner valve bifid); tube funnel-shaped, gradually dilated, curved; iobes usually unequal, 3 upper larger. Stamens asymmetric. Style-branches entire. Capsule oblong, globose to cylindrical. Seeds many. Spp. c. 180 of Europe, Asia, tropical and S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
Corm ± 5 cm diam., ± flattened, with numerous cormils at base. Stems ± 1.5 m high. Leaves ± 3 cm wide, stiff. Flowers ± 10 cm long, ± 7 cm diam., to 10 or more in a unilateral spike, yellow, reddening from bud to fully open; outer spathe-valves ± = perianth-tube; tube ± 5 cm long, curved; upper lobes ± 5 × 3 cm, broadly obovate, obtuse, red; lower lobes slightly shorter and much narrower, yellow, broad, red zone at apex. Anthers yellow. Capsule oblong, ± ½ length of spathe-valves. Seeds broadly winged.
Corm c. 2 cm diam., with numerous cormils at base. Stems of 60 cm high. Leaves almost = stems, linear, narrow, 1-1.5 cm wide, green tinged purple, sheaths deep red-purple. Flowers 10-12 cm long, to 8 cm diam., 3-8 in a loose, unilateral spike, greenish-cream; spathe-valves ? to ½ length of flower; tube c. 7 cm long, upper third widened and fluted; lobes 3-5 cm long, ± crinkled, tapering, with recurved tips, 3 lower lobes with central purple stripe at throat or purple colouring absent. Anthers greenish-blue. Style branches entire. Capsule not seen.
Perennial, rarely annual herbs, tufted or not, rhizomatous, stoloniferous, or cormous. Leaves mostly basal, distichous, linear or ensiform, sheathing at base. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic or ± zygomorphic, in cymes, racemes or panicles, often densely villous. Perianth persistent, petaloid, segments 6 in 2 series, tube short to long, or 0. Stamens 6 or 3; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior to inferior, 3-locular; style usually filiform; stigma capitate, minute, or stigmas 3; ovules 1-many in each locule. Fruit a 3-valved loculicidal capsule. Genera c. 14, mainly of S. Hemisphere.
Rhizomes thick, fleshy. stems stout, erect, leafy, (1)-2-3 m high. Leaves to 50 × 10 cm, lanceolate, sessile, tapered to acuminate apex, under surface with scattered fine soft white hairs; ligule 3.5-5 cm long, membranous, brownish, finely pubescent. Inflorescence c 15 × 10 cm, compact, cone-like, with broad overlapping fimbriate bracts. Flowers fragrant, off-white to cream, 3 per bract. Calyx 3.5-5 cm long, with scattered hairs except at centre and with a tuft of hairs at tip. Corolla-tube yellowish, c. 7 cm long; lobes narrow, c. 3.5 cm long, yellow-green. Lateral staminodia white to cream, c. 4 cm long, oblong-lanceolate. Labellum white to cream, often with yellow patch near base, c. 4 × 3cm, bilobed at apex, staminal-filament white to cream, top of anther protruding slightly beyond lip. Fruit not seen.
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Terrestrial or epiphytic summer-green, perennial herbs with erect unbranched leafy stems from stout rhizomes. Leaves distichous, sessile or short-petioled, oblong to linear or lanceolate, acuminate; ligule small or large, a continuation of the membranous sheath-margins. Flowers large, in often dense, bracteate spikes, each bract subtending 2-3 flowers. Calyx-tube of 3 connate sepals, often hairy, slender; corolla-tube very slender, much > calyx; lobes long, narrow, reflexed. Staminodia petaloid, as long as corolla but wider than its lobes, white or coloured; labellum broader than other staminodia, ± deeply bilobed. Filament of fertile stamen elongate, ± = staminodia, much > anther. Capsule globose, 3-valved, loculicidal. Seeds with aril deeply divided into many long irregular lobes . Spp. c. 50, of India, East Asia, Malaysia and Madagascar. Adventive spp. 2.
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Rhizomatous perennials. Leaves all basal, sessile, distichous, linear, keeled. Scape tall, usually branched. Flowers large, yellow or reddish, in terminal corymbs; each flower shortly pedicellate, bract 1; perianth united below, funnel-shaped above with spreading or recurved lobes > tube. Capsule leathery, loculicidal, 3-angled. Spp. C. 20, of temperate Eurasia. Adventive sp. 1.
Corm globose; tunic of coarse woody fibres. Basal leaves 1-3, bifacial. Inflorescence simple to corymbose. Flowers funnel-shaped, fugacious, pedicelled, 2-4 opening successively within terminal paired spathe-valves; tube short or 0; lobes subequal, spreading. Stamens with filaments united in a tube round style. Style-branches short, broadly cuneate, truncate, or shortly bifid occasionally with 2 very small incurved crests. Spp. 37, all of S.Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Aquatic perennials of fresh or salt water, partly or completely submersed; monoecious or dioecious. Stems long, slender, simple or branched, or 0. Leaves basal or cauline, usually sessile, alternate or whorled, variable in shape and size, submersed or floating. Flowers actinomorphic, commonly unisexual, sometimes bisexual. Inflorescence (or flower) sessile or long-pedunculate, in a tubular bifid spathe or within 2 opposite bracts; male flowers usually many within spathe; female flowers solitary; bisexual flowers solitary or several together. Perianth-segments usually 6 or fewer, in 1-2 whorls, 3 (rarely 2) in each whorl; tube often elongate. Stamens (1)-3-many, anthers 2-celled, opening by longitudinal slits (staminodia in female flowers). Ovary inferior, syncarpous, 1-locular, with 3-6 (rarely more) parietal placentae (rudimentary ovaries in male flowers); style-branches as many as placentae; stigmas entire or bifid; ovules many. Fruit submersed, often fleshy, indehiscent, occasionally rupturing irregularly. Seeds many. Genera c.16, in warmer regions of the world, a few in temperate regions.
Glabrous, lactiferous aquatic herbs. Stems rooting at nodes. Leaves floating. Flowers solitary, occasionally crowded; sepals 3, persistent; petals 3, delicate yellow, deciduous. Stamens many, outer staminodia. Carpels 3-6-(8), ± connate at base; style short. Follicles free, membranous. Spp. 4, of tropical S. America. Adventive sp. 1.
Herbs with tuberous rhizome or corm covered with membranous or fibrous sheaths. Leaves usually all basal, often with long hairs. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, mostly white or yellow, solitary, or in spicate, racemose or subumbellate inflorescences; segments 6, subequal, free or basally connate. Stamens usually 6, inserted at base of perianth-segments; anthers often 2-lobed at base, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; ovules usually many, in 2 series on axile placenta in each locule. Fruit usually a capsule crowned by persistent perianth; dehiscence by irregular, often ± circular slits; fruit occasionally fleshy and indehiscent. Seeds small, often black. Five genera (as treated by Hutchinson), mainly S. Hemisphere and tropical Asia.
Small to minute tufted summer-dormant herbs. Roots mostly fibrous, a few fleshy and contractile. Corm 5-8 mm diam., seated on a stack of saucer-shaped shrunken earlier corms and surrounded by fibrous ± reticulate remains of old leaf-sheaths. Stem erect, very short. Leaves 1.5-6 cm × 1-2 mm, sheath closed; lamina narrow-linear, slightly fleshy, channelled and with rounded keel, subulate towards tip, glabrous except for minute marginal cilia. Peduncle arising from within sheath of associated leaf on side opposite lamina, sometimes as many as 6 peduncles in successive leaves; peduncle from entirely hidden within sheath to 15 mm long, with 2 opposite usually short subulate bracts; pedicels 1 or 2, 5-(20) mm long. Flower to 10 mm diam., opening only briefly; segments lanceolate, acute, the outer c. 4-6 × 1.5-2 mm, green outside and yellow inside, the inner slightly smaller, yellow. Ovary c. 2 × 1.2 mm, narrow-turbinate. Fruit 2.5-6 × 1.5-3 mm, subglobose to turbinate, contracted above into narrow neck below persistent green perianth-cone; pericarp whitish and membranous when mature; dehiscence irregularly circumscissile. Seeds c. 0 75 mm diam., black, globose, with shallow, rounded surface pattern.
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Low-growing bulbous perennials with oniony smell when bruised. Bulb tunicate. Leaves all basal, linear, ± fleshy, flat, base sheathing. Scape erect; spathe-valves 2. Flowers solitary, pedicellate, tubular below, lobes spreading above. Staminal-filaments without appendages, broadened below, subulate above. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds many. Spp. c.10, of S. America (Uruguay, S. Brazil, Argentina and Chile), see Guaglianone in Darwiniana 17, 1972, 159-242. Adventive sp. 1.
Summer-green perennial. Bulb c. 2 × 1 cm, white. Leaves all basal, c. 25 cm × 5 mm, ± flat, ± glaucous. Scape erect, 15-20 cm high. Flowers 1-(2), light blue-violet or whitish, to 3 cm diam., tubular portion c. 1 cm long, lobes acute with a single dark purple vein; pedicel c. 3 cm long, invested for more than ½ its length by 2 connate purple-veined spathe-valves. Capsule globose, c. 7-8 mm long.
Perennial, rarely annual, glabrous, rarely pubescent herbs with rhizomes, corms and bulbs. Leaves often crowded at base of stem, mostly narrow-linear, flattened at sides, sheathing and equitant at base. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic to completely zygomorphic, in spikes, racemes or panicles, sometimes solitary, enclosed 1-several within 2 spathe-valves consisting of a bract and more membranous bracteole. Perianth petaloid, ± marcescent; segments 6, connate basally into tube or occasionally free, ± similar or 3 outer different in shape, size or colour from inner. Stamens 3, symmetrically placed in actinomorphic flowers, slightly irregularly placed, asymmetric, in zygomorphic flowers; filaments free or partly connate; anther 2-locular, opening extrorsely or laterally by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, usually 3-locular with axile placentae; style 3-lobed in upper part, branches entire to deeply lobed, sometimes winged and petaloid, stigmatose at the top or within. Capsules loculicidally dehiscent. Seeds few to many. Generally distributed, though predominantly a S. African family, including some 70 genera.
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Evergreen perennial, with rhizomes (sympodial), or bulbous. Leaves equitant, ensiform, distichous. Cyme shortly branched, few-flowered. Flowers pedicellate, large and showy, blue, violet, white or yellow, in clusters of 2 or more, (or solitary), terminal flowers within 2 spathe-valves, lateral within a single valve; tube bright green, usually short; segments (each consisting of broader "limb" and narrow basal "claw" or "haft") in 2 whorls; 3 outer (falls), usually reflexed or spreading, 3 inner (standards), usually erect and often incurved, or spreading. Stamens 3, inserted at base of outer segments. Style-branches broad, petaloid, ± deeply bifid at tip, curved over stamens and concealing them, stigma a small flap situated on underside of petaloid style-branch just below bifid "crest". Capsule coriaceous, ovoid-oblong. Seeds many, globular, ± compressed. Spp. c. 300, from temperate regions of N. Hemisphere. Adventive spp. 5.
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Clumps very leafy, many-flowered, to 1 m high, dark green, ± glaucous, purple at base. Rhizome c. 3 cm diam., reddish-brown. Leaves c. = stems, 2-3 cm wide, cross-veinlets apparent when leaf is held up to light, midrib distinct. Stems terete, with several long leaves. Inflorescence usually branched, central axis and each branch terminated by 2-5-flowered clusters. Flowers to 12 cm diam., yellowish, varying from golden-orange to very pale cream, without scent; pedicels long, stout, > ovary; tube funnel-shaped, ± ½ length of ovary; outer segments 7 cm long, oval-oblong, limb c. 4 cm wide, very drooping, abruptly narrowed to dark brown-veined claw; inner segments c. 3 cm long, shorter and narrower but more erect than style-branches. Style-branches oblong, bifid crest fimbriate. Capsule c. 5 × 2 cm, oblong-elliptic, beaked; seeds brown, ± trigonous.
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Summer-green perennial. Corm small; tunic fibrous. Stem wiry, simple or occasionally branched. Leaves few, distichous, grass-like, soft to firm; veins prominent. Inflorescence simple or branched, few- to many-flowered. Flowers usually many, mostly actinomorphic, colours various, spirally and ± densely arranged on the slender scape, each within 2 membranous or chartaceous, usually brown, ovate, truncate, usually tridentate, spathe-valves; tube short or long, straight, cylindrical and slender or dilated above; lobes subequal, spreading. Stamens symmetrical. Style-branches entire, subulate or filiform. Capsule oblong to globose, thin-walled. Seeds many, small, brown, ± angled. Spp. c. 45, 1 of tropical Africa, remainder from S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
Grass-like, tufted. Corm globose, 1.5- (2.5) cm diam., tunic fibrous-membranous, creamy. Stems to 70 cm high, slender, wiry. Leaves 4-5- (8), narrow-linear, ± ⅔ length of stem, 3-6- (8) mm wide, erect, distinctly fine-veined. Spike short, axis ± flexuous, occasionally branched, with 4-12 close-set flowers; spathe-valves ± 1 cm long, membranous, very light red-brown. Flowers 4-5-(6.5) cm diam., cream to orange-yellow with dark brown to reddish-black circular patch in centre and usually ± reddish on outside, entirely cerise in some large plants often with branched inflorescence; tube (0.5)-1-1.5- (2) cm long, very narrow; lobes 2-2.5 cm long. Capsule 3.5-4 mm long, oblong, greenish.
Grass-like, tufted. Corm flattened-globose, ± 1.5 cm diam., tunic fibrous, light brown. Stems 30-120 cm high, slender or stout. Leaves 5-8, ± = stems, 2-8 mm wide. Inflorescence simple or laxly branched with 2-4 erect or ± spreading branches, main axis with 15-30 close-set flowers, branches with up to 10 flowers; spathe-valves c. 7 mm long, membranous, white occasionally violet-tinged and violet-veined. Flowers 2-3 cm diam., pale violet-blue or blue tinged with pink, white at centre with yellow patch; tube 0.5-1 cm long; lobes 1-1.5 cm long, outer with darker central purple stripe at back. Capsule 2.5-3 mm long, oblong to globose, brownish.
Annual or perennial herbs, tufted and grass-like, or with sympodial rhizome. Stems usually simple, erect. Leaves mostly clustered at base of stem. glabrous or sparsely hairy, sheathing at base, laminae flat and grass-like, or laterally compressed, or channelled, or terete like stems; or leaves reduced to basal sheaths only. Flowers bisexual, or rarely unisexual and plants dioecious, few to numerous in terminal monochasial cymes, occasionally condensed to a compact head, or flowers rarely solitary. Tepals 6, rarely 4, in 2 whorls, glumaceous, often with membranous margins. Stamens free, in 2 whorls of 3, or with inner whorl missing, or variable 3-6, attached to base of tepals; filaments free, anthers 2-celled, introrse, basifixed. Ovary superior, syncarpous, 1-or ± completely 3-locular; style 1, short, stigmas 3, brush-like. Fruit a 3-valved capsule opening loculicidally. Seeds 3 to numerous, often tailed at one or both ends, or tailless, sometimes mucilaginous. Eight (or nine) genera and c. 400 spp., chiefly in temperate regions, rare in the tropics and then only at high altitudes. Two genera, Juncus and Luzula are cosmopolitan.
Strictly erect tufted perennial, commonly reddish-tinged. Stems 30-80 cm high, distinctly septate internally just below inflorescence. Leaves terete or ± compressed with distinct transverse septa. Inflorescence very variable, 3-20 cm long, open, much-branched with 6-10-flowered clusters at ends of branches. Tepals 2.5-3.5 mm long, ± equal, narrow-lanceolate, stiff, acuminate. Stamens 3. Capsules 2.5-3.5 mm long, = or slightly > tepals, narrow, acute, shortly beaked, straw-coloured to brown.
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Very stout, forming dense prickly tufts; rhizomes stout, woody. Stems (40) -60-100cm × 1.5-5 mm, very stiff and erect, smooth, light green. Basal sheaths shining dark red-brown. Leaves 1-2, basal, terete, similar to stem, with very pungent tip. Inflorescence large, compact 5-15 cm long. Flowers crowded. Tepals c. 3 mm long, ± equal, very hard, outer mucronate, inner truncate to emarginate with wide membranous margin at tip. Stamens 6. Capsule 4.5-5 mm long, much > tepals, ovoid, abruptly tapered, acute, reddish-brown to brownish-orange. Seeds with distinct tails.
Slender close-packed clumps; rhizome short. Stems 45-120 cm × (1) -1.5-2.5 mm, hard, erect, bluish-green, ridged, dull, pith irregularly interrupted. Basal sheaths closely appressed, loose, dark red-purple, ± black below. Inflorescence 5-10 cm long with up to 5 very slender erect branches, 1-2 longer than rest and branched again. Flowers small, clustered at branchlet tips. Tepals 1.5-2 mm long, ± equal, acute. Stamens 3- (4). Capsule 2-2.5 mm long, usually noticeably > tepals, ovoid, tapered to subacute top, reddish-brown.
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Plant to 12 cm high. Leaves ± = stems. Inflorescence usually a single cluster of 2-10 flowers. Tepals usually black. Stamens 3, rarely 6. Capsule c. 3mm long, ± = tepals, black.
Extremely variable, 6-60 cm high, dark green, commonly reddish-tinged, loosely or densely tufted or forming open colonies, rarely erect, more often decumbent or prostrate and rooting, or occasionally floating; rhizomes usually short with short internodes or occasionally long and giving rise to mat-like colonies. Leaves terete to ± compressed with transverse septa ± visible externally. Inflorescence very variable, 1-15- (40) cm long. Flowers in small dark brown clusters of 4-8 at tips of branchlets. Tepals 2.5-3 mm long, all ± equal, acute. Stamens 6. Capsule 2.5-3.5- (4) mm long, > tepals, ovate-oblong, trigonous, acute, upper third tapering to a distinct mucro, glossy, dark brown to black.
Loose open clumps; rhizome long. Stems 60-120 cm × (1.5) -2-4 mm dull grey-green to blue-green, ridged, pith almost lacking. Inflorescence very variable, much-branched or a compact head. Stamens usually 3. Capsule 2.3-3 mm long, ± = tepals.
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Flowers solitary, distant; tepals 4-6- (8) mm long.
Flowers in fascicles of 2-7; tepals 6-9 mm long.
Low-growing perennial, very variable, densely tufted, 5-15- (25) cm high, or with prostrate rooting stems with leafy tufts at nodes, often mat-forming, usually reddish-tinged, or submersed. Stems slender, ± swollen at nodes, rooting. Leaves setaceous, short, (very narrow and grass-like in some floating plants), transverse and longitudinal septa present but scarcely visible externally. Inflorescence very variable, unbranched, and few-flowered, or branched and open, with flowers only, or tufts of setaceous leaves with or without flowers. Flowers 2-6 in each cluster. Tepals c.2 mm long, acute, green to brown. Stamens 3-6. Capsule 2-3 mm long, ± = or > tepals, yellowish-brown, oblong to obovate, obtuse, subacute or ± retuse.
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Erect clumps; rhizomes short. Stems 30-80 cm × 1.5-3 mm, soft and easily split, grey-green, dull, prominently ridged especially just below inflorescence, pith continuous, cobwebby. Basal sheaths brownish-red, not shining. Inflorescence a ± spherical head c. 1 cm long, base of subtending floral bract conspicuously red-tinged and expanded to a wide opening through which inflorescence emerges. Flowers very crowded. Tepals 2-2.5 mm long, ± equal, acuminate. Stamens 3. Capsule c. 2 mm long, ± = tepals, ovoid-oblong, flattened at top, reddish-brown.
Tightly packed clump; rhizome short. Stems 75-100cm × 2-4 mm, ± bright green, very soft, very finely ridged, pith continuous' throughout, greyish-white, cobwebby, or interrupted by small shallow cavities below. Basal sheaths (in N.Z. specimen) bright yellow-brown. Inflorescence 4-6 cm long, variable, diffuse with several long branches, or branches shorter with more numerous densely crowded flowers. Tepals 1.5-2 mm long, ± equal, acute. Stamens 3. Capsule c. 2mm long, > tepals, ovoid, tapered to subacute top, shinning reddish-brown.
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Small clumps; rhizome short. Stems 25-75 cm × 0.75-1.5 mm, wiry, dull green or reddish, pith interrupted in a regular pattern by very small cavities. Inflorescence of 2 clusters, one pressed against stem, one on a slender branch. Stamens 3-4. Capsule 2.5-3 mm long, often > tepals.
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Inflorescence lax and open, lowest branches always curved downwards. Flowers distant, evenly dispersed along branches.
Inflorescence a rounded compact head, branches not evident. Flowers densely crowded.
Loosely tufted or forming open colonies, less frequently densely tufted; rhizome slender, ± far-extending. Stems 15-70 cm high, laterally compressed, almost winged at lower nodes, cauline leaves 2-3. Leaves ensiform, ± curved, ± flat, blue-green, longitudinal and transverse septa visible externally, often incomplete. Inflorescence of 1-3 large, many-flowered, usually blackish, globose clusters, causing taller stems to incline. Tepals 2.5-3 mm long, all ± equal, acute to acuminate. Stamens 3-6. Capsule c. 3 mm long, > tepals, oblong, shortly mucronate, dark brown to black.
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Slender open clumps; rhizome short. Stems 50-70-(80) cm × 1-2.5 mm, ± rigid, yellow-green, finely ridged, ± shining, pith interrupted by small ± regular cavities. Basal sheaths shining brown at base, straw-coloured above. Inflorescence 3-13 cm long, often with 1 or 2 long branches. Flowers numerous, usually ± secund on the branchlets and rather closely packed in a central fan-shaped cluster with smaller fans at tips of long branches. Tepals 2-2.5 mm long, ± equal, acute. Stamens 3. Capsule 2.5-3 mm long, ± = tepals, ovate-oblong, light brown, obtuse at top.
Loosely tufted, c. 50-60 cm high; rhizome short, long or lacking. Stems without internal transverse septa below inflorescence. Leaves c. 1.5 mm wide, ± compressed, transversely septate across whole width. Inflorescence 5-15 cm long, open, sparingly branched with long, slender, primary and secondary branches with 4-10- (20)-flowered clusters at tips of branches. Tepals 3-3.5mm long, ± equal, greenish, occasionally tinged with red, acuminate. Stamens 6. Capsule 3.5-4 mm long, obviously > tepals triquetrous, ovate-lanceolate, long-tapering from about the centre to the acuminate top, reddish-brown.
Erect tufts forming a loose sward from a far-extending black rhizome. Stems 40-80 cm tall, rather slender, wiry. Leaves narrow, c. ½ length of stem, very shallowly channelled, lowest 1-2 reduced to sheaths, auricles short. Inflorescence 3-8- (12) cm long, strict, with few unequal branches. Flowers ± distant and borne singly towards tips of secondary branchlets. Tepals 2.5-4 mm long, ± equal, outer incurved or ± hooded at tip, dark brown to black, Capsule 3 mm long, ± = or slightly > tepals, obovoid, obtuse with a slight mucro, light brown.
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Tufted perennial to c. 45 cm high; rhizome short. Stems ± terete, internal transverse septa lacking or barely discernible. Leaves terete or slightly compressed, transversely-septate across whole width. Inflorescence compact with a few large flower-clusters, or more open with many clusters. Stamens 6. Capsules c. 4.5 mm long, ± = tepals, triquetrous, somewhat tapered.
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Large dense tufts; rhizome short. Stems 25-60 cm × 1-1.5- (2) mm, stiffly erect, wiry, dull grey-green, prominently ridged, pith interrupted. Basal sheaths glossy dark purple-brown to black. Inflorescence 3-7 cm long, branches spreading or more densely packed. Flowers evenly spaced. Tepals 2.5-4 mm long, outer slightly > inner, all acuminate. Stamens 6. Capsule 2.5-3.5 mm long, ± = or slightly > tepals, ovoid, tapered to distinctly mucronate top, dark purple-brown.
Annual or perennial herbs, tufted or rhizomatous, glabrous. Leaves flat and grass-like, or tubular or laterally compressed with internal septa, or channelled, or terete and stem-like, or reduced to basal sheaths. Inflorescence a many-flowered cyme, much-branched or condensed to a compact head, or flowers rarely few or solitary. Flowers usually hermaphrodite, sessile or pedicellate. Tepals 6, rarely 4, lanceolate, the outer usually longer, slightly more rigid with narrow membranous margin, inner with broader membranous margin. Stamens 6, 3, or variable 3-6. Ovary unilocular, or triseptate, or trilocular. Seeds numerous, often tailed at one or both ends. A cosmopolitan genus of c. 300 spp. Native spp. 16, adventive 31.
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Clumps densely or loosely tufted; rhizome stout, woody, long or short. Stems 30-100- (120) cm × 1.5-3 mm, rigid, often distant along rhizome. Leaves 1-2, terete like stems but shorter. Inflorescence open, irregularly branched, flowers in small clusters. Stamens usually 3 perfect and 3 aborted. Capsule c. 3 mm long, ± = tepals, dark brown, often almost black. Seeds without tails or very shortly tailed.
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Small plants forming mounds or patches 2.5-15 cm high; rhizome slender, far-extending. Leaves setaceous, transverse septa scarcely visible externally. Inflorescence usually a single cluster of 3-5 small flowers. Stamens 6. Capsule to 3mm long, > tepals, glossy black.
Very tall and robust; rhizome short. Stems 1-2 m × 3-8 mm, light green, pith continuous. Inflorescence large, effuse or compact, with numerous light coloured flowers. Stamens 6. Capsule 3-3.5 mm long, distinctly > tepals.
Slender; rhizome short. Stems 25-70-(100) cm × 0.75-2 mm, spreading, dark green, smooth, shining, pith continuous. Inflorescence very lax with flowers spaced along slender ± curved branchlets. Stamens 6. Capsule 2.5-3.5 mm long, distinctly > tepals.
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Tufted perennial to 60 cm high. Stems 9-60 cm × 2-4 mm, flattened, lacking internal transverse septa. Leaves compressed, longitudinally multitubular, the individual tubes transversely-septate. Inflorescence 5-22 cm long with long branches and large distant flower-clusters. Stamens 3. Capsule c. 5 mm long, > tepals, triquetrous, long-tapered.
Very robust; rhizome stout, woody. Stems 100-150 cm × 3.5-8 mm, soft, yellow-green, smooth, pith interrupted by large cavities. Basal sheaths very loose often becoming flat above and to 2.5 cm wide, dull brown to dark reddish towards base. Inflorescence to 10 cm long, much-branched, effuse. Flowers numerous, clustered at branchlet tips. Tepals c. 2.5 mm long, ± equal, ± acute. Stamens 3- (4). Capsules c. 2.5 mm long, ± = tepals, ± oblong, light brown, often darker at flattened top.
Small slender tufts to c. 2 cm high from a very slender rhizome. Leaves filiform, usually > stems, transverse septa not visible externally. Inflorescence usually of 1- (3) small flowers. Stamens 6. Capsule c.2 mm long, ± = tepals, red-brown.
Dense clumps, tight at base but with stems drooping outward in upper part of clump; rhizome short. Stems 1-2 m × 2-3 mm, wiry, dull blue-green, pith cobwebby, usually with large irregular cavities. Basal sheaths usually red-purple to black. Inflorescence (2) -5-10- (18) cm long, to c. 6 cm wide, fan-shaped with stiff slender branches pressed against stem. Flowers numerous, very small. Stamens usually 3. Capsule 1.5-2 mm long, ± = tepals, very pale brown.
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Tall-growing, loosely tufted or forming patches, stems occasionally in lines; rhizomes stout, far-extending. Stems 50-120 cm high, with 1-2 cauline leaves, internal transverse septa not present. Leaves hollow with longitudinal and transverse septa (in the recent N.Z. collections the longitudinal septa were not evident); cauline leaves with 35-60 evident transverse septa. Inflorescence to 15cm long, open, spreading and diffuse, with many small, 3-12-flowered clusters, secondary branches diverging at a wide angle (i.e. greater than 90º) or curved. Tepals c.2 mm long, blunt and incurved, hooded. Stamens 6. Capsule 2-2.5 mm long, scarcely > tepals, ovoid, trigonous, acuminate, short-beaked.
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Plants c. 90 cm high. Flowers distant along branchlets.
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Plants (15) -20-60 cm high. Flowers in small clusters or singly at branchlet tips.
Densely tufted; rhizome short. Stems 50-70-(100) cm × 1-1.5 mm, dull blue-green. Inflorescence delicate, always open with flowers evenly spaced along slender often curved branches. Stamens 3. Capsules 1.5-2 mm long, ± = tepals, very pale brown.
Vigorous, submersed, aquatic perennials of fresh water; dioecious. Stems ± branched, leafy throughout. Leaves numerous, sessile, minutely toothed, alternate, subopposite or whorled. Spathes solitary, axillary; in male plant enclosing many pedicellate flowers; in female plant enclosing 1-(2-3) sessile flowers; male flowers usually breaking off and floating within a bell formed by recurved perianth-segments; female flowers long-exserted on pedicel-like extension of perianth-tube and reaching surface of water. Perianth of 6 segments. Male flowers; stamens 3, staminodia 3, > stamens, coloured at top and joined forming a sail. Female flowers: staminodia 3, small, stigmas 3, bifid, often brightly coloured. Fruit a beaked capsule, becoming mucilaginous and bursting irregularly. Seeds many. Spp. c. 15, of tropical and S. Africa, Madagascar and India. Adventive sp. 1.
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Tufted perennials; bulb tunicate. Scape hollow. Leaves all basal, linear to lorate. Flowers campanulate, nodding, solitary or several in an umbel; tube 0; segments connate at base only; spathe 1-2-valved. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds many. Spp. c. 12, Middle and S. Europe, N. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Perennial, erect or climbing herbs, rarely softly woody shrubs, with rhizomes, corms, or tunicate or scaly bulbs, roots sometimes tuberous. Leaves all basal, or cauline, or reduced to scales. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, actinomorphic, in racemes, panicles, corymbs, terminal spathaceous umbels, or solitary. Perianth mostly petaloid, with or without tube; lobes usually 6 in 2 very similar whorls. Stamens usually 6, hypogynous or adnate to tepals; anther 2-locular, usually opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior or shortly adnate to perianth-tube, 3-locular with axile placentae (1-locular in some spp. of Astelia); ovules usually many, 2-seriate in each locule, rarely solitary. Fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule, or berry. Worldwide, of some 175 genera.
Stem c. 75 cm × 8 mm, glabrous, Purple below, green above, rooting freely at ground-level and for some distance below. Leaves many, sessile, narrow-linear, c. 13 cm × 3-4 mm, dark green, ± shining. Flowers 1-2-(3), 15-18 cm long, borne horizontally, white inside, tinged purple on outside. Capsule not seen.
Perennials; bulb scaly. Stem simple, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves all cauline, upper sometimes with bulbils in axils, linear or lanceolate, usually sessile, scattered or verticillate. Flowers large, trumpet-like, solitary, or in lax terminal racemes; segments free, varying in shape, spreading or revolute in upper half, usually with basal nectary. Capsule obovate, 6-ribbed. Seeds many, flat. Spp. c, 80, of N. Temperate regions. Adventive spp. 2.
Plant robust; bulb 5-10 cm diam., globose, whitish or yellow, occasionally tinged purple. Stems 60-120 cm high, sometimes woody below, erect, dark purple-brown, with soft, white, cobwebby hairs, rooting at base, the subterranean rooting portion to ± 50 cm depth in loose soil. Leaves many, 6-15 × 1-2 cm, dark green, sessile, linear-lanceolate, upper with bulbils in axils. Flowers (1) -5-6- (15) on simple or shortly-branched axis, deep bright orange-red with numerous purple-black spots, nodding; segments 6-10 cm long, strongly revolute. Capsule not seen.
Trunks usually tall, distinctly ringed below, clothed above with old fibrous leaf-sheaths. Leaves in a terminal crown, fan-shaped, plicate, orbicular, split to middle or below into numerous segments, often bifid at tip, and induplicately inserted on axis (V shaped in T.S.); frequently a small bristle or filament between segments; petiole long, usually spiny on margins. Inflorescence a loose, often much-branched panicle borne amongst leaves on a long peduncle, erect but drooping in fruit; spathes subtending main rhachis and secondary branches tubular, compressed, leathery. Flowers bisexual, greenish, very small. Fruit globose to ellipsoid, reduced by abortion to one carpel; exocarp smooth, mesocarp thin, fleshy, endocarp thin, hard. Spp. c. 30, of tropical Asia and Australia. Adventive sp. 1.
Dense cushions c. 2.5 cm high. Leaves almost glabrous. Flowerings stems sunk among leaves, not elongating in fruit. Stamens 6, rarely 3-4.
Robust, grass-like, usually wide-leaved tufts, (3) -10-30- (40) cm high. Inflorescence usually of numerous flower-clusters. Flowers usually 2.5-3.5 mm long; tepals light brown to red-brown, rarely darker with white or cream margins. Stamens 6.
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Dense round cushions 12 cm or more in diam. Leaves very closely imbricating, almost glabrous. Flowering stems overtopping leaves at maturity. Inflorescence a single, usually 4-flowered cluster.
Strict, grass-like, dark green tufts, (4) -8-25- (40) cm high. Leaves rigid, margins usually incurved. Flowers 2-2.5 mm long; tepals dark brown almost black with red-brown margins. Stamens 6.
Perennial grass-like herbs, tufted, or stoloniferous or rhizomatous, or cushion-forming. Stems glabrous, terete, erect, often with 1-2 cauline leaves. Leaves flat or channelled, almost glabrous to densely villous along margin, sheaths without auricles. Inflorescence a terminal cyme, congested to a single head, or much-branched, branches unequal with flowers clustered at tips; subtending bracts leaf-like. Flowers hermaphrodite; bracts and bractlets silver or light brown, membranous, ovate, margins ± lacerate, ± villous. Tepals 6, usually equal in length, with or without membranous margins. Stamens 3, or 6. Ovary 1-locular. Seeds 3, with a white basal caruncle (tail). A cosmopolitan genus of c.80 spp., mainly in extra-tropical regions; in the tropics at high altitudes only. Native spp.12, adventive 4.
Turf-forming, to ± 5 cm high with numerous slender short rhizomes and stolons. Leaves moderately hairy, usually reddish-green. Flowering stems sunk among leaves, scarcely elongating in fruit. Flowers 2-2.5 mm long. Stamens 6. Seeds with long caruncle.
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Compact cushions 2-6-(8) cm high. Leaves almost glabrous to quite villous. Flowering stems > leaves. Inflorescence a single 4-10-flowered cluster or with 1-2 lateral clusters. Tepals dark brown, margins silver or 0. Stamens 6, rarely 3.
Scattered grass-like tufts, (4) -8-30- (70) cm high. Inflorescence usually compact, globose. Flowers and capsules c. 2 mm long, reddish-brown. Stamens 6.
Grass-like, (2) -10-25- (40) cm high. Leaves ± stiff, with acicular tip, 1-5 mm wide. Inflorescence a ± drooping pyramidal head. Flowers usually 1.5-2.5 mm long. Stamens 3, (6 in ).
Woolly-leaved, cushion-like patches, (5)-9-20-(25) cm high. Leaves covered on margins and back with tangled white hairs, tips acute. Inflorescence spike-like. Stamens 3- (4-6).
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Bulbous perennials. Leaves all basal, linear, flat or grooved, ± fleshy. Flowers small, flask-shaped, oblong to globose, constricted at mouth, ± crowded in stiff, erect racemes, apical flowers often smaller and sterile; lobes very short, tooth-like, often reflexed; pedicels short; bracts minute or 0. Capsule loculicidal, triquetrous. Seeds ± globose, few, glossy, black, often wrinkled. Spp. c. 60, of Europe, W. Asia and N. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Scape 30-40 cm high, distinctly 2-edged. Leaves glaucous, ± channelled. Flower solitary, usually ascending, not fragrant; pedicel very short; tube subcylindric, ± dilated at throat; lobes slightly > tube, pale or sulphur-yellow, spreading; corona c. ½ length of lobes, funnel-shaped, bright yellow, margin very shortly crenate.
Scape 30-60 cm high, ± compressed. Leaves ± glaucous, broadly channelled. Flowers (1)-2-(3) per scape, fragrant; pedicels long; tube narrow-cylindric, green; lobes cream or yellowish-white, = tube; corona c. ¼ length of lobes, shallowly cup-shaped, yellow with whitish, scarious, crenate margin.
Clump-forming perennials; bulb tunicate. Leaves all basal, linear to lorate. Scapes hollow. Flowers solitary to several, white, yellow, or rarely green, erect or drooping, umbellate; perianth-lobes ascending, reflexed or spreading, connate below; tube narrow-cylindric to trumpet-shaped with tubular trumpet-like or cup-shaped corona at throat, sometimes reduced to a rim; spathe 1-valved. Stamens equal or unequal, attached to perianth-tube at two levels, included or exserted from tube but not extending beyond corona. Capsule ovoid to globular with 3 rounded angles, loculicidal. Seeds many, subglobose, angled, black. Spp. c. 60, of Europe and W. Asia. Adventive spp. 5.
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Scape 20-40 cm high, compressed, with 2 prominent edges. Leaves ± glaucous, flat. Flower solitary, fragrant, drooping to nearly horizontal; pedicel short, deflexed, tube broadly obconic; lobes > tube, light yellow, ascending; corona ± = lobes, deep yellow, margin scarcely expanding or spreading, irregularly cut into numerous short, dentate, subimbricate lobules.
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Plant without onion smell. Bulb subglobose, 1-3 cm diam., with numerous sessile offset bulbs; tunic smooth, white. Leaves 20-40 cm × 5-15 mm, dull, light green, flat. Scapes 20-60 cm high, terete, hollow; spathe-values 2, connate below, red-tinged. Flowers 8-20, umbellate, 1-1.5 cm long, ± 1.5 cm diam., campanulate, fragrant, dull white; segments with greenish base and reddish midvein; pedicels erect or spreading, > flowers. Capsule 5-8 mm long, 3-lobed. Seeds ± 2 mm long, many, sharply angled, minutely wrinkled.
Bulbous perennials; lacking onion smell; bulb tunicate. Leaves all basal, linear, flat. Scape slender. Spathe-valves 2, rarely 3. Flowers white or yellow in 2-many-flowered umbels; segments similar, connate at base, or to middle. Staminal-filaments ± dilated. Capsule loculicidal, ± 3-lobed. Seeds many, black. Spp. c. 35, of N. and S. America, 1 sp. cosmopolitan. Adventive sp. 1.
Bulbous, clump-forming perennials. Bulb tunicate, ± globose. Leaves all basal, usually linear, glabrous or hairy. Flowers in erect terminal corymbose racemes; segments free or ± connate at base, spreading, usually white with green median stripe externally; lower pedicels elongating; bract single, scarious. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds many, subglobose, black. Spp. c. 150, of Europe, W. Asia, tropical and S. Africa, and S. America (Chile). Adventive sp. 1.
Clump-forming, green or glaucous, usually glabrous, 10-30 cm high. Bulb to 3 cm diam.; bulbils many. Leaves 6-9, 8-30 cm × 2-6 mm, usually > scape, deeply channelled with white shining median line. Bracts membranous, to 5 cm long, linear-lanceolate. Flowers 6-20, in a corymbose raceme, pedicels spreading, lowest to 6 cm long, ± horizontal after flowering; segments 15-20 mm long, white with green median stripe externally, persistent and membranous at fruiting. Capsule oblong-obovoid, 6-angled.
Robust, tufted, scapose perennial. Leaves all basal; juvenile submersed. linear, transparent, short-petiolate; older leaves ovate or oblong, obtuse, floating, with 7 strong nerves connected by fine cross-veinlets; petioles septate, to 40 cm long. Flowers bisexual, large, white solitary and sessile within a 2-lobed, tubular, 6-ribbed spathe c. 6 cm long, terminal on a stout scape. Perianth-tube > spathe. Sepals 3, green, 1.5-3 cm long; petals 3, to 4 cm long, fragile, white with orange base. Stamens 6-12, orange. Stigmas 6-8, bifid. Capsule narrowly ovoid, 2-5 cm long, beaked, enclosed within spathe. Seeds many.
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Usually arborescent, stout (and mostly unbranched) to slender, some-times scandent and shrubby; usually monoecious, occasionally dioecious or bisexual. Leaves usually in terminal crowns, often very large, pinnate or palmate; leaflets narrow. Inflorescence usually paniculate, below or amongst leaves; spathes one or more, usually large. Flowers small, actionomorphic, ± sessile, commonly unisexual, ♂ and ♀ sometimes in one inflorescence; sepals 3, free or connate; petals 3, free or connate. Stamens usually 6 in 2 whorls; anthers 2 celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, 1-3-celled or 3 carpels separate; ovule usually solitary. Fruit a berry or drupe. Over 200 genera and c. 2500 spp., mainly of tropics and subtropics.
Trunk stocky, thick, up to 6 m tall and 45-60 cm diam., covered by large, closely packed leaf-scars. Leaves dark green, long, arched outwards from the terminal crown, segments very numerous, narrow, strongly keeled, sharply pointed. Berry 2.5-5 cm long, cylindrical- elliptic, orange-yellow.
Tall trees or low shrubs; dioecious. Leaves pinnate, with numerous lanceolate or ensiform segments, induplicately inserted on axis (V-shaped in T.S.); lower segments often modified into spines. Inflorescence a branched panicle borne among the leaves, usually several together, erect or becoming pendulous in fruit; spathe solitary, coriaceous. Flowers small, yellowish, coriaceous. Berry 1-seeded, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp thin. Spp. c. 16, of tropical regions of the Old World. Adventive sp. 1.
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Erect, summer-green perennials. Rhizome stout, fleshy, far-extending. Stems leafy above, sheath-bearing below. Leaves numerous, all cauline, alternate, opposite or whorled. Flowers tubular-campanulate, ebracteate, nodding or pendulous, solitary and axillary, or in few-flowered axillary racemes; pedicels articulate; tube long; apical lobes deltoid, ± spreading. Berry globose. Seeds many. Spp. c. 50, from N. Temperate regions. Adventive sp. 1.
Erect or floating aquatic perennials. Leaves aerial, or with floating and/or emersed laminae sheathing at base. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic or ± zygomorphic, solitary, or in spikes, racemes or panicles with a sheathing bract. Perianth petaloid, hypogynous; lobes 6, ± 2-seriate, free or connate below in a tube. Stamens 1, 3, or 6, equal or unequal, inserted at different levels on throat; filaments free; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits or rarely by terminal pores. Ovary superior, 1- or 3-locular; style filiform; stigma entire or shortly 3-lobed or 6-toothed; ovules 1 or many. Fruit indehiscent or a loculicidal capsule. Seeds longitudinally ribbed. Genera 7, in fresh water in tropical and subtropical regions.
Leaves of two kinds: submersed, narrow-elliptic, ± translucent; floating, often long-petiolate, mostly broad-oval, firm and opaque, longitudinal nerves c. 11-(13). Spike (1)-2-2.5 cm long, dense. Achenes flattened with 3-ridged keel, green to brown.
Entirely submersed; rhizomatous. Stems to 180 cm long, much-branched, ± 4-angled. Leaves sessile, c. 1.5-6-(8) cm × 4-8-(12) mm, linear-oblong, obtuse, conspicuous nerves 3, widely spaced, usually with 2 finer submarginal nerves, margins ± crimped, usually with minute teeth especially towards tip, translucent, occasionally reddish; stipules 3-5 mm long, membranous, delicate and soon deteriorating to fibres. Peduncles 3-5 cm long, terete, often recurved. Spikes 0.5-1 cm long, few-flowered. Achenes to 4 mm long, including prominent curved beak ± = body, dark olive, flattened on sides, keel ± denticulate, lateral angles obscure.
Characters of the family. Native spp. 4, adventive 1.
Leaves all submersed, sessile, linear-oblong, 2-5 mm wide, flat, with numerous fine longitudinal nerves; stipules free, disintegrating into fibres. Spike to 1.5 cm long, dense. Achenes flattened with ± 3-ridged keel, beak well-developed, curved.
Leaves all submersed, very narrow-linear, ± 1 mm wide, numerous transverse veins usually visible; stipules adnate below to leaf. Spike 2-4 cm long, discontinuous. Achenes rounded, without prominent keel or beak, light pinkish-brown.
Leaves mostly floating, long- or short-petiolate, mostly broad-elliptic and subacute, longitudinal nerves (11)-13-21. Spike 1-2 cm long, dense. Achenes swollen, not obviously keeled, often reddish.
Aquatic perennial herbs of brackish or fresh water. Leaves simple, usually alternate, often dimorphic, submersed ones narrower and more delicate than floating ones; in axil, a delicate membranous stipule, either free or adnate below. Inflorescence a many-flowered spike; peduncle axillary with 0, 1 or 2 bracts at base. Flowers small, green, bisexual, actinomorphic, without bracteoles, segments 4, free, valvate, concave. Stamens 4, on claw of segments; anthers 2-celled, apparently sessile, extrorse. Carpels 4, sessile, free, superior; stigma sessile or nearly so; ovule solitary, strongly curved. Achenes drupe-like when fresh; endocarp stony, splitting by separation of vertically-oriented operculum on outer face. Two genera - Potamogeton, cosmopolitan, of c. 100 spp.; Groenlandia of W. Europe, S. W. Asia, N. Africa, monotypic.
Summer-green perennial. Corm small; tunic hard, woody, brown, usually smooth. Stem often not protruding above ground or else hidden by sheathing leaf-bases, occasionally elongate. Leaves few, much > stems, channelled, filiform, terete or compressed-cylindrical. Scape 1-several, emerging successively. Flower solitary, terminal, actinomorphic, often brightly coloured, usually funnel-shaped, within 2 spathe-valves; tube usually very short; lobes usually equal, ± spreading. Stamens symmetrical. Style-branches 3, usually deeply bifid. Capsule shortly cylindrical or ellipsoid, coriaceous. Seeds numerous, globose or angled. Spp. c. 90 mainly of S. Africa but also from Europe and tropical Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Slender tufts. Corm c. 1 cm diam., globose, rounded at base where smooth brown tunic splits into acuminate teeth bent to one side. Leaves 10-30 cm × 1-2 mm, rush-like, compressed-cylindrical, narrowly grooved, dark shining green. Scapes hidden by sheathing leaf-bases, 2-4- (10) from each corm, 5-15 cm long, stouter than leaves, semiterete, arched over after flowering; spathe-valves 2, long-persistent, outer longer, greenish with fine brown veins, inner with membranous reddish-brown flecked margins. Flowers lilac-pink, rosy-cerise or magenta, with yellow centre and violet-blue band at throat, 1.5-2 cm long, to 3 cm diam.; tube very short; outer lobes greener on back than inner. Capsules c. 1cm long, short-cylindrical, scapes straightening when capsules mature. Seeds 2 mm long, reddish-brown, globose-triangular.
Rhizomatous perennial. Stems usually not swollen but occasionally with bulb-like swelling at base. Leaves few, distichous. Spike lax. Flowers solitary within 2 long-lanceolate green spathe-valves; tube long, straight, narrow-cylindrical; lobes free, spreading, equal. Stamens symmetrical. Style filiform, deeply 3-fid. Capsule obovoid-oblong, membranous. Seeds many. S. African endemic genus of 2 spp. Adventive sp. 1.
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Clump-forming perennials. Bulb tunicate. Leaves all basal, variable liner to ± ovate. Flowers blue, rose or white, in few- to many-flowered terminal erect racemes; ebracteate, or with 1 bract, or with bract and bracteole; segments free or ± connate at base, spreading or ± campanulate, midnerve prominent or obscure. Capsule globose, loculicidal. Seeds Sub-globose, black. spp. c. 80, of temperate Eurasia, tropical and S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
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Robust, tuft-forming, to 30 cm high. Bulb large, to 7 cm diam.; scales brown. Leaves many, 30-60 × 1.5-4 cm, lorate, flat, narrowed above and below, margins ciliate with minute bristles. Flowers c. 1 cm long, open-rotate, variously coloured, often deep blue, in dense, many-flowered, initially corymbose, later elongate and conical, racemes; pedicels > flowers; bract 1, conspicuous, white, membranous; segments free or ± connate at base. Stamens all inserted near base of segments. Capsule subglobose, c. 7 mm diam., greenish-brown, beaked. Seeds few, ± 2.5 mm long, brownish.
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Rhizomatous, in bright green, very leafy patches (1) -2-6- (12) cm high. Inflorescence of 1- (2) spikelets partly hidden by bract. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut 1-2 mm long, trigonous, white or grey.
Dwarf, dense, moss-like tufts to ± 5 cm high with stems hidden among numerous leaves. Inflorescence of 1- (2) pale green spikelets. Stamens usually 2. Style-branches usually 2. Nut minute, suborbicular, plano-convex, almost black.
Stiff leafy tufts to 10 cm high. Inflorescence of 1- (2) comparatively large (to 5 mm long) whitish spikelets. Stamens 1-2. Style-branches 2-3. Nut suborbicular, biconvex, grey.
Densely tufted or with short rhizome. Very variable in size; stems (2) -6-12- (20) cm high. Leaves many or few. Inflorescence of 1- (3) spikelets. Glumes usually red-brown with wide but not prominent green keels. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut plano-convex, rounded at tip and sharply apiculate, usually red-brown.
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Rhizome far-extending. Stems (2) -4-8- (15) cm high, very leafy. Inflorescence of 1 comparatively large (± 6mm long) spikelet, green flecked with red, ebracteate. Stamens 3. Style-branches 2. Nut plano-convex, much compressed, grey.
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Slender tufts. Stems flaccid, (5) -10-30 cm high. Inflorescence of 1-3 green or reddish-black spikelets. Stamens usually 2 in lower glumes, usually 1 in upper glumes. Style-branches 3. Nut > 1 mm long, trigonous, cream.
Tufted. Stems rather rigid, 6-30- (50) cm high. Leaves 1- (3) or reduced to red-brown basal sheaths. Inflorescence a cluster of (1) -3-6- (10) spikelets, often proliferous. Glumes obtuse, flattened towards tip. Stamen 1. Style-branches 3. Nut distinctly trigonous, usually white.
Rhizome with globose woody tubers. Stems to 90 cm high. Leaves broad. Inflorescence usually a compact head of 3-6 large spikelets with longer leaf-like bracts. Hypogynous bristles ½ length of nut. Stamens 3. Style-branches 2. Nut lenticular with concave sides.
Perennial, occasionally annual, tufted or rhizomatous, stout or slender herbs. Stems terete or 3-angled. Leaves flat or keeled with well-developed laminae, or filiform, reduced to basal sheaths. Inflorescence varying in number of spikelets and degree of branching, from a terminal, much-branched ± umbellate panicle with several leafy bracts, to an apparently lateral single spikelet or small cluster of spikelets, with subterete green bract appearing as a prolongation of the stem. Spikelets usually many-flowered. Glumes spirally imbricate round rhachilla, all floriferous or lower 1- (2) empty; flowers hermaphrodite. Hypogynous bristles c. 6, or often 0. Stamens 3 or fewer. Stigmas 3 or 2. Nut usually obovoid or ellipsoid, trigonous, plano-convex or biconvex. Cosmopolitan genus of c. 300 spp. Native spp. 20, adventive 6.
Stoutly rhizomatous. Stems terete, to ± 2 m high. Leaves reduced to loose grey-brown papery basal sheaths. Inflorescence of many red-brown ± ovoid spikelets clustered in an irregular umbel with a longer terete bract.
Rhizome short. Stems rush-like, densely crowded, rigid, terete, often ± compressed, to 90 cm high. Leaves reduced to red-brown basal sheaths. Inflorescence a single hemispherical head, of numerous small densely crowded red-brown spikelets with a short terete pungent bract.
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Leafy tufts to ± 25 cm high. Inflorescence a cluster of 3-4 spikelets. Glumes often almost black with green keels. Stamen 1. Style-branches 2- (3). Nut usually biconvex, dull yellow-brown.
Thick tufts. Stems rather lax, 3-30 cm high. Leaf sheaths usually dark red-purple. Inflorescence ± semicircular in outline, of 2-5 spikelets, almost black at base, lighter green at tips, with long rigid bract. Stamens 2-1. Style-branches 3. Nut trigonous, cream.
Tufted. Stems soft, often drooping, (6)-25-60-(90) cm high. Leaves reduced to a single basal sheath. Inflorescence a cluster of numerous narrow spikelets, often proliferous. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut trigonous, creamy.
Lax tufts carpeting the ground. Stems filiform, drooping, (4) -10-30 cm long. Leaves 1-3. Inflorescence a cluster of 1-3- (5) spikelets, often proliferous. Glumes acute, margins constricted at tip beside keel, lateral nerves conspicuous. Hypogynous bristles 0. Stamen 1. Style-branches 3. Nut trigonous, ± white.
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Tufted grass-like perennial. Stems simple or branched, compressed, narrowly winged, c. 1 mm diam., cauline leaf at each node. Leaves linear, ensiform, basal 2-3 mm wide, cauline narrower. Flowers ± 1 cm long, to 1.5 cm diam., in clusters of 1-3 within ± equal spathe-valves, blue internally with yellow band and throat, externally with dark indistinct purple stripes above, pubescent below. Capsule c. 3 × 3 mm, glabrous, red-brown. Seeds ± 1 mm long, black, ± 3-angled.
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Tufted or shortly rhizomatous, grass-like, annual or perennial. Stems usually compressed, ± winged. Leaves linear, distichous, equitant, basal and cauline. Inflorescence of several subumbellate clusters of 2-many pedicellate flowers emerging successively from a usually 2-valved spathe. Flowers small, cream, blue or violet, rarely white, delicate and fugacious, closing at night, usually cup-shaped below, spreading above; lobes free almost to base, ± equal, often apiculate, outer wider than inner. Stamens inserted at base of perianth, filaments usually united in a cylindrical tube. Style-branches entire. Capsules globose, exserted from spathe-values on elongate filiform pedicels. Seeds numerous, globose, black, ± pitted. Spp. c. 100, mostly of N. and S. America, 1 from Hawaii, 1 from Ireland. Adventive spp. 4.
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Tufted, grass-like, (10) -20-50- (65) cm high. Corm 0.6-1 × 1-1.5 cm, white; tunic soft, closely woven, grey-brown, fibrous. Leaves (4) -6-9, variable in length, rarely reaching level of lowest flowers, 0.5-1 cm wide, in basal fan, few cauline, bract-like above, sheathing the branches; cormils several in most leaf-axils. Inflorescence 1-8- (15)-flowered, usually branched; spathe-valves 1.5-2 cm long, white with minute brown streaks, ± cuspidate, often shallowly to deeply lacerate, usually red-brown towards tip. Flowers to 4.5 cm long, 4-5 cm diam., almost entirely yellow-cream; tube c. 1.5 cm long, yellow; lobes cream on inside, the outside entirely cream or often broadly streaked with purple, occasionally some lobes or even whole flowers entirely purple. Stamens asymmetric. Capsule light green, 1 cm × 7 mm. Seeds ± globose, 2-2.5 mm diam., reddish-brown.
Summer-green, grass-like perennial. Corm small, globose; tunic fibrous. Leaves basal and distichous, a few cauline; cormils sometimes in leaf-axils. Inflorescence simple or branched, few-flowered. Flowers large, cream or brightly coloured, actinomorphic or sub-zygomorphic, each within 2 dry, scarious, usually lacerate spathe-valves; tube short, straight, cylindrical below, funnel-shaped above; lobes ± equal, > tube. Stamens asymmetric or symmetrical. Style-branches 3, entire. Capsule globose, firmly membranous. Seeds many, globose. Spp. 6, all of S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
Tufted, grass-like, to 20 cm high. Corm c. 2 × 1.5-2 cm; tunic grey-brown, closely woven. Leaves to 20 × 0.6-1 cm reaching to c. level of lowest flowers in basal fan; cormils few in lowermost leaf-axils. Inflorescence a spike; spathe-valves 2-3 cm long, marked with minute red-brown flecks, entire or lacerate at tip. Flowers (1) -2-5, ± 4 cm long, 4-5 cm diam.; tube c. 1 cm long, enclosed by spathe-valves; lobes variously coloured from deep orange-red through scarlet-red to dark purple-red, internally all with a dark brown blotch above bright yellow tube. Stamens symmetrical. Capsule not seen.
Plants floating on water surface, budding from lateral pouches, 3-5 or more platelets remaining attached together. Platelets orbicular to obovate in outline, pigmented red-purple on one or both surfaces, ± asymmetric, nerves absent or present. Roots 2-15 in a group. Inflorescence in lateral pouch, enclosed in spathe. Ovules 1-4. Fruit slightly winged. Seed longitudinally ribbed and transversely striate or smooth. Spp. 6, mostly widespread. Adventive sp. 1.
Platelets to 5 × 3 mm, elliptic-obovate, ± inflated, slightly asymmetric; dorsal surface green, flat to convex; ventral surface convex, usually strong red-purple; nerves obscure. Roots 2-5. Spathe open along one side. Fruit ovoid, 1-seeded. Seed ribbed, reticulate; operculum prominent.
Trunk straight, unbranched, from 4-12 m high; upper part covered with dark brown fibrous remains of petiole bases. Leaves fan-shaped, 75 × 100 cm, divided into numerous narrow leaflets pendulous at tip; petioles ± 1 m long with stout sharp marginal teeth, tapering to a broad sheath. Panicle deflexed. Flowers numerous. Drupe globose-reniform, 9 × c. 12 mm, yellow at first, later deep blue-black.
Arborescent; monoecious or polygamous; trunk straight and erect. Leaves orbicular, palmate; leaflets narrow, plicate, connate almost to middle, bilobed, induplicately inserted on axis (V-shaped in T.S.); petioles spinulose or roughened in lower part. Inflorescence a large stout much-branched pedunculate panicle borne amongst leaves; spathes numerous, sheathing. coriaceous, tomentose. Flowers numerous, small. yellow, functionally unisexual, rarely bisexual. Carpels 3, free, stigmas recurved. Drupes 1-3, globose or oblong. Spp. c. 8, of Japan, China and Himalayas. Adventive sp. 1.
Trailing perennial with succulent stems, rooting readily at nodes, ascending above. Leaves 3-6 cm long, ovate-elliptic, acute, shining, very shortly petioled, leaf- and petiole-margins ciliate; sheaths 5-10 mm long, loosely clasping, hyaline, obviously ciliate. Flowers several in umbels with 2 unequal leaf-like bracts; pedicels slender, to 1.5 cm long; sepals green, c.7 mm long, ovate, hairy on keel; petals white delicate, c. 10 mm long, ovate to elliptic. Capsule not seen.
Perennial herbs. Stems erect or prostrate, mucilaginous, simple or diffusely branched, leafy. Flowers solitary or few to many, pedicellate, in axillary and terminal, simple or umbellate cymes, with 1-3 leaf-like bracts. Sepals free, green or coloured. Petals free, blue, red or white. Stamens 6, all fertile. Ovules 2. Capsule 3-locular, 6-seeded. Spp. c. 60, of tropical and N. America. Adventive sp. 1.
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Summer-green perennial. Corm globose; tunic fibrous. Stem firm. Leaves distichous, narrow-ensiform. Inflorescence simple or branched, few- to many-flowered. Flowers white, cream, rose, orange or scarlet, each within 2 membranous spathe-valves; tube short, straight, cylindrical below, funnel-shaped above; lobes ± equal. Stamens asymmetric. Style-branches entire. Capsule oblong. Seeds many. Spp. c. 55 of tropical and S. Africa. Adventive spp. 2.
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Robust, tufted, rhizomatous perennials. Roots usually brilliant red. Leaves all basal, lanceolate, plicate. Flowers usually yellow, in much-branched panicles; scape, branches, pedicels and bracts hairy. Perianth-segments ± equal. Stamens 3, inserted at base of inner perianth-segments. Ovary superior, pubescent; stigma capitate; ovules 1 in each locule. Capsule acutely 3-lobed. Spp. c. 5, of S. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Tall, rhizomatous, with sturdy erect scape to 2 m high, swollen at ground level, base brilliant red when cut; roots brilliant red. Leaves to c. 1 m × 7 cm, light green, strongly plicate, glabrous, leathery, persisting at base of plant when dry; sheath brilliant orange-red at base. Flowers many, 3-4 cm diam., mustard-yellow, bracteate, in erect, ± cylindric, short-branched panicles; branches bracteate, 4-9-flowered, 7 cm long near base of panicle, 2 cm long near top, clothed with short glandular hairs. Scape compressed pilose, orange-red tinged below; bracts leaf-like, regularly spaced. Perianth-segments c. 2cm long, free, spreading. Stamens 3; ovary superior, stigma minute. Capsule c 1 cm long, ± globular, strongly 3-lobed. Seed ± globose, covered with long black hairs.
Very robust, to 1.8 m high. Corm c. 4 cm diam., depressed-globose; tunic strongly fibrous, reticulate above. Stems to 2 cm diam. Leaves 60 × 3 cm, broad-ensiform with thickened yellowish margins. Inflorescence profusely branched, many-flowered; spathe-valves green. Flowers 4.5-6 cm long, 3.5-4.5 cm diam., white; tube broadly funnel-shaped above, ± 3.5 cm long; lobes spreading, to 3 cm long. Capsule not seen.
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Robust, evergreen, erect, clump-forming, to 1.5 m high, in close-set tufts from a tuberous rootstock with white fleshy roots; new tubers arising from shoots on the rootstock. Leaves large, leathery; laminae sagittate or ovate-cordate, 15-45 × 10-25 cm, dark green, the very fine veins somewhat lighter green, shining, entire, tip apiculate, margins undulate; petiole 40-100 cm long, lighter green, spongy, white on inside, purplish on outside. Scape ± = leaves, green, stout. Spathe ivory-white, bright green at base on outside, to 25 cm long, funnel-shaped, narrowed towards tip with a recurved apiculus to 2 cm long. Spadix ± ½ spathe, bright yellow; basal female zone, with staminodia interspersed, c. ¼-½ length of spadix, contiguous with upper male zone; sterile terminal appendage 0. Berries green or yellow, to ± 1 cm diam.
Robust, erect, scapose, monoecious, rhizomatous or tuberous, evergreen or deciduous, perennial herbs. Leaves sagittate-cordate; petioles long, clasping at base. Inflorescence solitary, terminal; scape ± = leaves. Spathe funnel-shaped, white, yellow or rarely red. Spadix with basal female zone contiguous with upper longer male zone; sterile terminal appendage 0. Berries green or orange, few- to many-seeded. Spp. 6, of tropical and S. Africa. Adventive sp. 1.
Robust, short or very tall perennial herbs, often aromatic, from fleshy rootstocks, sometimes with tubers. Stems simple, rarely branching, leafy; occasionally 0. Leaves basal or cauline, sessile or petiolate, sheathing, usually distichous, occasionally spirally arranged, closely pinnately-veined from a strong midrib. Flowers large, usually bisexual, often zygomorphic, in terminal spikes, racemes, panicles, or solitary; each flower or flower-cluster with conspicuous bract. Perianth-segments 6 in 2 whorls; sepals 3, connate in a 3-toothed tube or spathe-like; petals 3, ± connate in a slender, 3-lobed tube, dorsal lobe often longer than lateral ones. Fertile stamen 1; staminodia 1-4, usually large and showy, occasionally joined in a labellum; filament of stamen slender, joined to perianth at base and occasionally to staminodia; anther 2-locular. Ovary inferior, 3-(2)-locular with axile placentae or 1-locular with parietal or rarely basal placentae; ovules usually many; style slender, filiform, ± enveloped in a channel of the filament and passing between the pollen-sacs of the anther; stigma usually entire, protruding beyond anther. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, or fleshy and berry-like, usually crowned by remains of perianth. Seeds many, arillate. About 45 genera and 1400 spp., in tropics and subtropics.

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19 September 2013
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