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Juncus amabilis Edgar

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Juncus amabilis Edgar
Juncus amabilis

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Juncus amabilis Edgar

Light blue-green clumps about 45-120 cm high with slender, tightlypacked stems, their basal bracts very dark red-purple, almost black below; the inflorescence of small pale clusters at the tips of up to five very slender erect branches, 1-2 branches longer than the rest and branched again; stamens 3, sometimes 4; capsule noticeably exceeding the tepals with a reddish-brown subacute top.
Herba perennis dense caespitosa. Rhizoma c. 3-4 mm diametro, bracteis parvis, purpureo-nigris obtectum. Culmi c. (20)-45-120 cm × (1)-1.5-2.3 mm, erecti, subcaerulei, parum nitidi, rugis distinctis in longitudinem lineati, medulla molli, lacunis interrupta; cataphylla basim culmorum laxe amplexa, purpureo-nigra, supra straminea. Inflorescentia multiflora, pars basi conglobata, pars in 2-5 ramulis gracilibus erecta, ex ipsis ramulis 1-2 ramuli longiores iterum divisi. Flores ad apices ramulorum glomerati. Tepala c. 1.5—2 mm longa, primo viridescentia, deinde straminea, marginibus late membranaceis, tepala exteriora rubescentia. Stamina 3 vel 4. Capsula c. 2-2.5 mm longa, tepala manifeste superans, ovoidea, supra sensim angustata, diluto-brunnea, apice saepe subfusco, subacuto.

Juncus amabilis Edgar

Slender close-packed clumps; rhizome short. Stems 45-120 cm × (1) -1.5-2.5 mm, hard, erect, bluish-green, ridged, dull, pith irregularly interrupted. Basal sheaths closely appressed, loose, dark red-purple, ± black below. Inflorescence 5-10 cm long with up to 5 very slender erect branches, 1-2 longer than rest and branched again. Flowers small, clustered at branchlet tips. Tepals 1.5-2 mm long, ± equal, acute. Stamens 3- (4). Capsule 2-2.5 mm long, usually noticeably > tepals, ovoid, tapered to subacute top, reddish-brown.

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Juncus amabilis Edgar
Juncus amabilis Edgar
Juncus amabilis Edgar
Juncus amabilis Edgar

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Juncus amabilis Edgar
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Juncus amabilis Edgar
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Juncus amabilis Edgar
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Juncus amabilis Edgar
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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