Berkeley, M.J. Fungi. In: Hooker, J.D. Flora Novae-Zelandiae. Part II. Flowerless Plants. Lovell Reeve. 172-210, 338.

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Berkeley, M.J. Fungi. In: Hooker, J.D. Flora Novae-Zelandiae. Part II. Flowerless Plants. Lovell Reeve. 172-210, 338.
Chapter in book (in series)
Taxonomic concepts
Leptostroma litigiosum var. exasperatum Berk. (1855)
Agaricus (Psalliota) campigenus, Berk.; minor, pileo campanulato subcarnoso squamuloso, stipite gracili, annulo latiusculo superiore deorsum incrassato, lamellis angustis postice attenuatis subadnatis. HAB . On the ground, amongst grass, Colenso. Pileus about 1 inch high, campanulate, very obtuse, silky, with a few scattered scales, assuming a reddish hue when dry, rather fleshy. Stem 1.5 inch high, about 2 lines thick, incrassated at the base, slightly furfuraceous, with a broadish ring near the top. Gills rather narrow, attenuated behind, adnexed or slightly adnate. Spores pale red-brown, obliquely obovate. This has much the habit of a Lepiota, but the gills are adnexed and the spores pale, but decidedly coloured. It has not, I believe, been ascertained whether the spores of Leucospori ever change their colour when dry. In such species as A. cretaceus they are never dark; It is however certain that in A. fumoso-purpureus, Lasch., they are sometimes colourless, but possibly from being effete; and I have lately received from Dr Badham A. cretaceus with spores decidedly white, though the gills are as pink as in any dark-spored specimens.
Agaricus (Pleurotus) coociformis, Berk.; minutus, pileo primum pezizaeformi demum reflexo cervino dense piloso, stipite nullo, lamellis angustis pallide alutaceis setulosis. HAB . On decorticated wood, Bay of Islands, J.D.H. Pileus 1-2 lines broad, at first Pezizaeform, then reflected, thickly clothed with fawn-coloured hairs, somewhat grooved. Stem none. Gills narrow, setulose, pale tan-coloured. A very pretty and distinct little species, which may be compared with Montagne A. phalligerus, but the antheridia are less strongly developed, and, unless I am mistaken, the spores are white.
Agaricus (Omphalia) Colensoi, Berk.; pusillus, pileo tenui umbilicato glabro, margine involute, stipite graeili furfuraceo glabrescente, lamellis adnato-decurrentibus. HAB . On the ground, amongst sand and on scraps of wood, wet logs, etc., Ngaawapurua, Colenso. White. Pileus an inch or more across, smooth, minutely striate all over when dry, deeply umbilicate; margin involute. Stem 1/2-3/4 of an inch high, not a line thick, attenuated downwards, furfuraceous, at length smooth. Gills moderately broad, adnato-decurrent. The nearest ally of this species is probably A. pyxidatus.
Agaricus (Lepiota) exstructus, Berk.; pileo campanulato tessellato verrucoso, epidermide laevi dehiscente apices verrucarum investiente, stipite subaequali sursum annulato, lamellis angustis remotissimis.
HAB . On the ground, Bay of Islands, J.D.H. Pileus campanulate, carnose, 1 inch or more high, nearly 2 inches across, regularly broken up into strong warts, each of which is clothed at its apex with an angular portion of the smooth cuticle. Stem nearly equal, about 3 inches high, 1/4 of an inch thick, not penetrating the substance of the pileus; ring superior. Gills narrow, extremely remote. A very beautiful species, of which a single specimen only has been gathered.
Agaricus (Pleurotus) Novae-Zelandiae, Berk.; hygrophanus, albus, pileo flabellato-reniformi vertice affixo postice scarioso-scabro tenui tenero, stipite obsolete, lamellis latis distantibus, interstitiis venosis. HAB . On dead wood, Colenso. About 2.5, inches broad, inch long, flabellate, reniform, fixed by the elongated vertex, which forms a little round disc, smooth in front, minutely scarioso-scabrous behind, thin, of a subgelatinous consistence. Stem obsolete. Gills broad, thin, distant; interstices venose. A very curious species, somewhat allied to A. versiformis, from Ceylon
Agaricus (Hypholoma) stuppeus, Berk.; pileo carnoso convexo expanso squamis e pilis fasciculatis stuppeis strigoso, stipite basi incrassato fibrilloso, lamellis umbrinis adnexis. HAB . On the ground, Colenso. Pileus 2 inches or more broad, fleshy, convex, expanded, clothed, especially towards the margin, with towy fasciculato-fibrous scales. Stem 1.5 inch high, 1/3 of an inch or more thick, fibrillose, incrassated at the base, and attached to the soil by abundant mycelium. Gills crowded, moderately broad, adnexed, umber. Closely allied to A. lacrymabundus and A. velutinus, but distinguished by the abundant fascicles of fibres with which the pileus is clothed.
Spots scarcely a line broad. Mycelium sparing, forming rectangular anastomoses. Perithecia numerous, crowded towards the centre of the spots, extremely brittle. Asci globose. Sporidia obovate-oblong, uniseptate, 1/1250 of an inch long
maculis parvis orbicularibus, mycelio parco, peritheciis congestis, ascis globosis, sporidiis obovato-oblongis uniseptatis.
On leaves of Veronica, Colenso.
Perithecia collected in little patches, with a few radiating fibres, which by no means form a membrane. Asci elongated, subcylindrical, rather attenuated at the apex. Sporidia four in each ascus, oblong, slightly constricted in the centre, uniseptate, hyaline, 1/1750 of an inch long.
mycelio parcissimo e fibris intertextis, ascis elongatis, sporidiis quaternis uniseptatis hyalinis.
Differing in its elongated asci from all known species, except the foregoing, an unpublished one, A. anomala, from Ceylon, in which the mycelium is very dense, and the sporidia narrower.
On leaves of Metrosideros diffusa, Colenso.
Perithecia scattered, but grouped in little spots. Asci elongate. Sporidia filiform, torulose, 3-5-septate, 1/2000 to 1/1500 of an inch long.
mycelio parcissimo, ascis elongatis, sporidiis torulosis vilidi-hyalinis.
This species occurs also on Asterina dilatata. Berk., which is perhaps only an incipient Collema, and therefore omitted as doubtful. Like the original specimens described in the 'Antarctic Flora', it occurs on Panax.
On leaves of Piper excelsum, Colenso.
Forming a rigid, bristly stratum 1/3 of an inch thick. Sporangia very much crowded, sometimes making almost a solid mass, fasciculato-ramose, very much elongated and very rigid.
crassum, compactum, sporangiis elongatis rigidis fasciculato-ramosis.
The specimens are not in a very good state, and I can therefore make only an imperfect description. The species, however, is very distinct.
On bark, Colenso.
Scattered, at first covered with the cuticle, at length expanded, externally brown; disc pale, faintly tinged with pink. Asci oblong. Sporidia elliptic, subcymbiform, hyaline, 1/4000 of an inch long.
On dead leaves, apparently of Phormium, Colenso.
sparsum, primitus oblongum, demum orbicari-expansum, fuscum, hymenio pallido subcarneo, sporidiis mi,nutis elliptico-subcymbiformibus.
Coprinus colensoi, Berk.; pusillus, niveus, pileo e cylindrico subcampanulato furfuraceo, stipite gracili tomentoso, sporis minoribus. HAB . On dung, Colenso, no. 5293 . Subfasciculate. Pileus scarcely exceeding a line in height, cylindrical, obtuse, at length subcampanulate, white furfuraceous. Stem slender, 1/4-3/4 inch high, tomentose. Gills linear. Spores oblong, 1/3500 of an inch long. Differs from. C. niveus in its small size, and much smaller spores : those in C. niveus, at least in American specimens, are not less than 1/2000 of an inch long.
On larvae of Hepialus virescens ; mostly under tree-ferns, in spring. Common. One of the most remarkable of the Entomogenous Fungi, which exists in almost every collection of singular natural productions. The species is admirably figured by Corda, in almost all its details. As in most allied species, the perithecia vary greatly as to the degree in which they are immersed. Some general information on the Fungus will be found in Hook. Lond. Journ. vol. ii. p. 309, where several other insect Sphaeriae are described.
Pustules thickly scattered, often connected by a thin, brown stratum, angular or elongated from the confluence of two or more individuals, erumpent, but closely adherent to the cuticle, black, opaque, scarcely 1/2 a line long; disc minutely scabrous; stroma pale; perithecia crowded, resting on the matrix, ovate, subglobose, with a short neck, and scarcely traceable ostiola. Asci evanescent, containing eight, linear, obtuse, curved sporidia, 1/1750 of an inch long.
erumpens, angulata vel confluenti-elongata, stromate parco pallido, peritheciis ovatis, collo brevi ostioli obscuro, sporidiis octonis curvis majoribus.
Closely allied to D. verrucaeformis, from which it differs principally in its smaller and more free pustules, more obscure ostiola, and much larger sporidia. Those of D. verrucaeformis are about 1/4375 of an inch long. This species may also be compared with S. smilacicola, Schwein., which is, however, smoother, and has frequently a dilated, crenate, barren border at the base. The authentic specimens unfortunately are without fruit, so that I cannot compare the two in this respect. That species moreover is quite free, and therefore is a true Hypoxylon.
On smooth. branches of Rhipogonum parviflorum, Titiocura, Colenso.
Orbicular, about one line broad, pitch-black, minutely granulated, fertile on either side. Cells minute, white within.
orbicularis, utrinque fertilis, cellulis minutissimis.
I have not seen perfect fruit, but it is a very distinct species.
On decaying leaves, Colenso.
bifrons, mycelio denso arachnoideo persistente, sporangiis mediis globosis sparsis, appendiculis flexuosis candidis intertextis obovatis brevibus, sporidiis ellipticis suboctonis.
This differs from E. Martii, Lév., merely in its thick persistent mycelium, which gives it a very lichenoid appearance, especially when on the upper surface of the leaves. The appendages are flexuous, sometimes forked, and frequently bear one or two little knots towards the end, showing a tendency to ramify.
On living leaves of Aristotelia, Wairarapa, Colenso.
Crowded upon a brownish spot, often following the direction of the main nerves, minute; cups black externally; disc pale. Asci clavate, rather thick. Sporidia obovate-oblong, 1/2250 of an inch long. Endochrome at length obscurely bipartite.
On the upper side of the living leaves of some Gnaphalium, Colenso.
minuta, extus nigra, maculae fusae inspersa, hymenio pallido, ascis amplis clavatis, sporidiis obovato-oblongis, endochromate demum bipartito.
Having much the appearance of a large Erysiphe buried in the pubescence of the leaf. Cups subglobose, externary black, margin reflexed. Hymenium rufous. Asci clavate, obtuse. Sporidia hyaline, obovate-oblong, obtuse, subcymbiform, with about four transverse septa, and occasionally an oblique one in the upper division.
On the under side of leaves of Pittosporum crassifolium, near the River Te Waiohingaanga, Hawke's Bay, Colenso.
minuta, subglobosa, ore inflexo, extus nigra, intus rufa, ascis amplis, sporidiis hyalinis obovato-oblongis obliquis subquadriseptatis. (TAB. CVI. Fig. 11.)
Lentinus Novae-Zelandiae, Berk.; minor, subimbricatus, pileo flabelliformi tenui rufo-badio postice velutino, lamellis angustis tenuibus pileo concoloribus. HAB . On dead wood, Colenso. Subimbricated. Pileus 1 inch or more long and broad, thin, flabelliform, suborbicular or reniform, bay-brown, clothed behind with short velvety olive down. Stem obsolete. Gills of the same colour as the pileus, narrow, decurrent behind ; edge thin, lacerated. Closely resembling Lentinus castoreus, of which I have an authentic specimen, but differing in size and in the narrow gills.
Scattered, or slightly crowded, but not caespitose, globose, bright yellow-ochre, or cinnabar, rough with little warts, which are composed of large cells, dimpled at the apex. Sporidia elliptic, subcymbiform, 1/1162 of an inch long, 2/5 as much broad
sparsa, globosa, cellulis hic illic conglomeratis, rugosa, ochracea cinnabarinaqne, apice collapso umbilicata, sporis ellipticis uniseptatis amplis.
This has some resemblance to N. ochracea and cinnabiarina, if the two are really distinct, but may be known by the larger size, the more ample cells of which the warts are composed, and the far larger and broader Sporidia. In different specimens of N. cinnabarina, they vary from 1/1750 to 1/2000 of an inch long. I have an authentic specimen of Dr. Greville's N. ochracea, which is very different from that before us, but unfortunately the fructification is immature. The cells of the warts are, however, far smaller, and resemble those of N. cinnabarina. I have no specimen of Dr. Montague's plant from Chili; but were there so striking a difference in the size and form of the sporidia, he could not have failed to point it out. They resemble, indeed, those of N. discophora, as figured in the Flora Chilena.
On bark. Bay of Islands, J. D. H.
Caespitose, dull scarlet. Perithecia ovate, umbilicate at the apex, or depressed, the depression being darker than the rest of the surface, which is of a dull scarlet, inclining sometimes to orange. Sporidia about 1/1000 of an inch long, but very variable, oblong, multiseptate. Resembling N. cucurbitula, but with very different fruit. I have not seen perfect asci.
caespitosa, peritheciis ovatis subglobosisve apice umbilicatis depressisve coccineis, umbilico obscuro, sporidiis multiseptatis.
On dead bark. Bay of Islands, J.D.H.
On dead bark, Colenso.
Specimens from different parts of the world vary a little in the shape and length of the spores, and the more or less flexuous cups, but all agree in essential characters. The New Zealand specimens are seated on a white crust, which is clearly extraneous.
On dead branches, Colenso.
Exactly the North American species, which is remarkable for its vermilion-coloured hymenium. The sporidia resemble those of Hysterium elevatum, P.
Forming little patches 1-2 lines broad, consisting of round, black, opake, flat specks, which are generally without any trace of an ostiolum. Beneath each speck is an ovate, transparent mass of asci, arising from an evident base, but without any visible perithecium. Asci moderately long, cylindrical or slightly swollen in the middle; spores fusiform, attenuated into a thread at either extremity; endochrome divided irregularly into two or. three masses, without any dissepiments.
maculis minoribus nigris opacis hic illic aggregatis, sporis fusiformibus utrinque valde attenuatis.
A very distinct species from Pemphidium nitidum, which forms large patches of convex, shining spots. The sporidia are far more attenuated than in that species, though in that I find them more acuminate than they are represented in Dr. Montague's figure.
On dead stems of Rhipogonum, Titiokura, Colenso.
About a line across. Cups bright golden-yellow, at first globose, then subhemispherical, sometimes with a slight membranous edge, thickly clothed with short, matted hairs, somewhat pulverulent. Hymenium closed when dry, seated on a stratum of large, but unequary-sized cells. Asci cylindrical, rather large; sporidia cymbiform, slightly attenuated at either end, 1/2250 of an inch long.
On twigs on the shores of Waikare Lake, Colenso.
cupula sessili primum globosa demum subhemisphearica aurea floccis innatis intricatis vestita subpulverulenta, sporidiis brevibus cymbiformibus. (TAB. CV. Fig. 7.)
A remarkably beautiful species.
Minute, black, soon expanded, with a narrow margin, sometimes flexuose. Asci clavate, large; sporidia subcymbiform; endochrome bipartite; paraphyses linear, much longer than the asci.
atra, expansa, margine angusto, ascis clavatis amplis, sporidiis subcymbaeformibus endochromate partito.
Allied to P. atrata, but apparently distinct from all its forms.
On decaying Montia fontana. Ahuriri, Eastern Coast, Colenso.
Minute, black, covered by the cuticle. Perithecia slightly irregular, depressed, convex below, concave above, adnate with the cuticle in the centre, but without any trace of an orifice. Asci oblong, attenuated above, and truncate. Sporidia oblong (immature).
hypo- et epiphylla, peritheciis tectis depressis subirregularibus omnino astomis supra collapsis subtus convexis, ascis oblongis attenuato-truncatis.
I have in vain hunted for mature sporidia; there can be no doubt, however, that the species is undescribed.--This grows with Phoma acmella, which is possibly the spermatogonous form of the species.
On dead leaves of Corynocarpus leavigata, Te Apiti, Colenso.
Perithecia scattered, subglobose, indicated by little brown, shining, convex specks in the cuticle. Asci cylindrical. Spores filiform, elongated.
tecta, peritheciis subglobosis epidermide tosta designatis, ascis cylindricis, sporidiis filiformibus.
Resembling externally S. phaeosticta, but differing very much in fructification, which is like that of S. eucrypta.
On sheaths of Grasses, Colenso.
Forming little scattered clusters of brownish, opaque, obtuse, extremely brittle perithecia, insomuch that they break off while still filled with the white mass of fructification. Ostiolum obsolete. Sporidia varying from 1/1000 to 1/1660 of an inch in length, shortly fusiform, often broader at one end, uniseptate, hyaline.
peritheciis congestis fragilissimis nigro-fuscis obtusis opacis minimis, sporidiis hyalinis breviter subfusiformibus uniseptatis.
This species has the habit of S. pulicaris, but is totally different. There is not the slightest tinge of blue, as in that species.
On the under side of the leaves of Eurybia furfuracea, Colenso.
Forming little specks on the leaves, consisting of a few crowded, subglobose, opaque, dark brown perithecia, without any trace of blue, either altogether destitute of any distinct orifice, or with a slight papillaeform prominence. Asci subcylindric; sporidia composed of two opposed cones, about 1/1500 of an inch long.
peritheciis aggregatis subglobosis astomis vel ore leviter prominulo opacis, ascis subcylindricis, sporidiis oblongis utrinque attenuatis curvulis uniseptatis.
On leaves of Leucopogon Fraseri, principally on the under surface. Mission Station, Colenso.
Forming little round neat clusters. Perithecia oblong, crowded together below, free above, and convex, not collapsing, pierced with a minute orifice, opaque, as if minutely downy, but in reality rough from the projecting dissepiments of the external cells, as if they had been shaved off. Asci cylindrical, slightly attenuated below, containing multitudes of curved sporidia 1/5500 of an inch long.
conferta, peritheciis oblongis apice convexo obtuso liberis, ostiolo punctiformi, superficie opaca quasi rasa, ascis farctis, sporidiis curvulis.
A very distinct species, well characterized by its peculiar surface and fructification.
On dead decorticated Weinmannia, head of the River Manawatu, Colenso.
Stem about 1/4 of an inch high, at first clothed with spongy down, then naked, longitudinally wrinkled; head ovate, or subelliptic, strongly compressed, obtuse, about 1 inch long, and ½ to 2/3 broad, sometimes giving off a second head at the base, minutely areolate, dotted with the slightly prominent ostiola. Asci slender; sporidia subelliptic, 1/2500 of an inch long
stipite brevi primum spongioso-velutino demum nudo rugoso, clavula obtusa ovata vel subelliptica valde compressa minutissime areolata, ostiolis prominulis punctato-aspera.
A very distinct species, resembling most X. lingua. Lév. True X polymorpha has the sporidia about 1/1000 of an inch long. The name indicates the resemblance of the head to a beaver's tail.
On dead wood, Colenso.
Sessile or shortly stipitate, subglobose, ¼ to 1/3 of an inch in diameter, pileiform; cuticle minutely cracked, and rough with little points, not laccate; white and corky within. Perithecia elliptic. Ostiola large, prominent. Sporidia cymbiform, 1/1000 of an inch long.
suberosa, snbglobosa, pileiformis, stipite brevissimo l. obsoleto, ostiolis prominentibus, sporidus magnis.
Resembling X. piliaeformis. Berk. et Curt., but without its laccate coat, and having far larger ostiola and sporidia. Its nearer affinities are with X. anisopleuron, Mont., and X. polymorpha; at first sight it looks like a small Truffle.
On dead wood, near the River Manawatu, Colenso.
Cited scientific names
- Aecidium monocystis Berk. 1855
- Aecidium ranunculacearum DC. 1815
- Aethalium septicum (L.) Fr. 1829
- Agaricus adiposus sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus appendiculatus sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. 1774
- Agaricus brevipes Bull. 1791
- Agaricus brevipes sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus campestris L. 1753
- Agaricus campigenus Berk. 1855
- Agaricus clypeolarius sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus cocciformis Berk. 1855
- Agaricus colensoi Berk. 1855
- Agaricus erebius Fr. 1821
- Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
- Agaricus fascicularis sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus infundibuliformis Schaeff. 1774
- Agaricus infundibuliformis sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
- Agaricus phalloides Fr. 1821
- Agaricus sapineus sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus strophosus Fr. 1838
- Agaricus strophosus sensu Berk. 1855
- Agaricus stuppeus Berk. 1855
- Agaricus umbelliferus L. 1753
- Antennaria robinsonii Mont. & Berk. 1843
- Antennaria scoriadea Berk. 1845
- Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aschersonia duplex Berk. 1855
- Aseroe hookeri Berk. 1855
- Aseroe rubra Labill. 1800
- Aseroe viridis Berk. & Hook. f. 1844
- Asterina fragilissima Berk. 1855
- Asterina sublibera Berk. 1855
- Asterina torulosa Berk. 1855
- Bovista brunnea Berk. 1855
- Calvatia caelata (Bull.) Morgan 1890
- Capnodium fibrosum Berk. 1855
- Cenangium colensoi Berk. 1855
- Chaetomium amphitrichum Corda 1840
- Chaetomium elatum Kunze 1818
- Clavaria arborescens Berk. 1855
- Clavaria colensoi Berk. 1855
- Clavaria crispula Fr. 1838
- Clavaria crispula sensu Berk. 1855
- Clavaria flaccida Fr. 1821
- Clavaria flagelliformis Berk. 1855
- Clavaria inaequalis sensu Berk. 1855
- Clavaria lutea sensu Berk. 1855
- Clavaria lutea Vitt. 1834 [1835]
- Clavaria pusio Berk. 1855
- Comatricha typhoides (Bull.) Rostaf. 1894
- Coprinus colensoi Berk. 1855
- Cordyceps robertsii (Hook.) Berk. 1855
- Cordyceps sinclairii Berk. 1855
- Corticium laeve sensu Berk. 1855
- Corticium polygonium Pers. 1794
- Corticium rhabarbarinum Berk. 1855
- Corticium terreum Berk. 1855
- Corticium viride Berk. 1855
- Corynocarpus laevigatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Crucibulum emodense Berk. ex Hook. f. 1867
- Crucibulum vulgare Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Cyathus colensoi Berk. 1855
- Cyathus novae-zeelandiae Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Cyphella densa Berk. 1855
- Daedalea confragosa sensu Berk. 1855
- Daedalea pendula Berk. 1855
- Daldinia concentrica sensu auct. NZ
- Diatrype glomeraria Berk. 1855
- Diatrype lata (Pers.) Fr. 1849
- Diderma hookeri Berk. 1855
- Didymium australe Berk. 1855
- Didymium cinereum (Batsch) Fr. 1829
- Dothidea colensoi Berk. 1855
- Dothidea filicina Mont. ex Berk. 1854
- Dothidea ribesia (Pers.) Fr. 1823
- Dothiora ribesia (Pers.) M.E. Barr 1972
- Elymus rectisetus (Nees) A.Löve & Connor
- Epicoccum pallescens Berk. 1855
- Erysiphe densa Berk. 1855
- Excipula gregaria Berk. 1855
- Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
- Exidia hispidula Berk. 1839
- Farysporium endotrichum (Berk.) Vánky 1999
- Favolus intestinalis sensu Berk. 1855
- Fuligo septica (L.) F.H. Wigg. 1780
- Gahnia
- Geastrum fimbriatum Fr. 1829
- Geoglossum hirsutum Pers. 1797
- Geranium homeanum Turcz.
- Geranium potentilloides DC.
- Guepinia pezizaeformis Berk. 1845
- Guepinia spathularia (Schwein.) Fr. 1828
- Gymnosporium culmigenum Berk. 1855
- Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Hendersonia hyalospora Berk. 1855
- Hydnum clathroides Pall. 1773
- Hydnum scopinellum Berk. 1855
- Hypochnus albocinctus Mont. 1837
- Hypocrea gelatinosa (Tode) Fr. 1849
- Hypoxylon annulatum (Schwein.) Mont. 1854
- Hypoxylon concentricum (Bolton) Grev.
- Ileodictyon cibarium Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Irpex brevis Berk. 1855
- Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
- Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
- Lenzites repandus sensu Berk. 1855
- Leptostroma litigiosum Desm. 1843
- Leptostroma litigiosum var. exasperatum Berk. 1855
- Leucopogon fraseri A.Cunn.
- Lycoperdon caelatum Bull. 1789
- Lycoperdon fontanesii Durieu & Lév. 1846
- Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch 1783
- Lycoperdon microspermum Berk. 1851
- Lycoperdon novae-zelandiae Lév. 1846
- Lycoperdon pusillum sensu auct. NZ
- Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. 1774
- Lycoperdon reticulatum Berk. 1855
- Macrosporium obtusum Berk. 1855
- Marasmius caperatus sensu Berk. 1855
- Meliola amphitricha Fr. 1828
- Metrosideros diffusa (G.Forst.) Sm.
- Micropeltis applanata Mont. 1842
- Myosotis capitata Hook.f.
- Nectria illudens Berk. 1855
- Nectria polythalama Berk. 1855
- Oedemium robustum Berk. 1855
- Panus maculatus Berk. 1855
- Panus stypticus sensu Berk. 1855
- Patellaria atrata (Hedw.) Fr. 1822
- Patellaria nigrocinnabarina Schwein. 1832
- Paurocotylis Berk. 1855
- Paurocotylis pila Berk. 1855
- Pemphidium opacum Berk. 1855
- Peziza calycina Schumach. 1803
- Peziza campylospora Berk. 1855
- Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
- Peziza colensoi Berk. 1855
- Peziza endocarpoides Berk. 1855
- Peziza kerguelensis Berk. 1847
- Peziza miltina Berk. 1855
- Peziza montiicola Berk. 1855
- Peziza rhytidia Berk. 1855
- Peziza stercorea Pers. 1800 [1799]
- Phlyctema dissepta Berk. 1855
- Phoma acmella Berk. 1855
- Phoma fallax Berk. 1855
- Physarum cinereum (Batsch) Pers. 1794
- Pilacre divisa Berk. 1855
- Pilidium coriariae Berk. 1855
- Pistillaria ovata (Pers.) Fr. 1838
- Polyporus adustus (Willd.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus arcularius (Batsch) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus australis Fr. 1828
- Polyporus catervatus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus catervatus sensu G. Cunn. 1927
- Polyporus cinnabarinus sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
- Polyporus dichrous Fr. 1815
- Polyporus diffissus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus hemitephrus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus hirsutus (Wulfen) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus igniarius sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus isidioides Berk. 1843
- Polyporus leucoplacus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus lucidus sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus oblectans Berk. 1845
- Polyporus phlebophorus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus plebeius Berk. 1855
- Polyporus plebeius var. β Berk. 1855
- Polyporus salicinus sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus sanguineus sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus scruposus Fr. 1838
- Polyporus tabacinus Mont. 1835
- Polyporus vaporarius sensu Berk. 1855
- Polyporus velutinus (Pers.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus versicolor (L.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus xerophyllus Berk. 1855
- Postia dissecta (Cooke) Rajchenb. 1988 [1987]
- Prumnopitys taxifolia (D.Don) de Laub.
- Puccinia compacta Berk. 1855
- Puccinia geranii-pilosi McAlpine 1906
- Puccinia graminis Pers. 1794
- Puccinia novae-zelandiae G. Cunn. 1923
- Ripogonum scandens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Rosenscheldiella pullulans (Berk.) Hansf. 1957
- Schizophyllum commune Fr. 1815
- Scleroderma geaster Fr. 1829
- Scleroderma vulgare sensu Berk. 1855
- Scleroma pygmaeum Berk. 1855
- Secotium erythrocephalum Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Sepedonium chrysospermum (Bull.) Fr. 1832
- Sphaeria acetabulum Berk. 1855
- Sphaeria coffeata Berk. 1855
- Sphaeria fragilis Berk. 1855
- Sphaeria herbarum Pers. 1801
- Sphaeria livida Pers. 1801
- Sphaeria pulicaris Fr. 1823
- Sphaeria pullulans Berk. 1855
- Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855
- Sphaeria saubinetii Durieu & Mont. 1849 [1848]
- Stemonitis ferruginea Ehrenb. 1818
- Stemonitis typhoides (Bull.) DC. 1805
- Stereum cinereobadium Klotzsch 1843
- Stereum hirsutum (Willd.) Pers. 1794
- Stereum latissimum Berk. 1855
- Stereum lobatum (Kunze) Fr. 1838
- Stereum papyrinum Mont. 1842
- Stereum phaeum Berk. 1855
- Stereum rhabarbarinum (Kuntze) Wakef. 1915
- Stereum rugosum Pers. 1794
- Stereum sowerbeyi sensu Berk. 1855
- Stereum sowerbyi Berk. 1855
- Stereum vellereum Berk. 1855
- Stilbum lateritium Berk. 1840
- Thelephora pedicellata sensu auct. NZ
- Thelephora vaga Berk. 1855
- Trichocoma paradoxa Jungh. 1838
- Uromyces citriformis Berk. 1855
- Uromyces scariosus Berk. 1855
- Ustilago bullata Berk. 1855
- Ustilago candollei α berkeleyana Tul. & C. Tul. 1847
- Ustilago endotricha Berk. 1855
- Xylaria anisopleura (Mont.) Fr. 1851
- Xylaria castorea Berk. 1855
- Xylaria hypoxylon (L.) Grev. 1824
- Xylaria multiplex (Kunze) Fr. 1869
- Xylaria tuberiformis Berk. 1855
18 March 2001
23 January 2015