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Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838

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Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr., Epicr. Syst. Mycol. 404 (1838)

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(Pers.) Fr.
as 'repanda'
Lenzites repandus

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Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838

Pileus attached laterally, horizontal, thin, sessile but contracted at the point of attachment into a very short thickened stem-like base, irregularly reniform, margin often lobed or wavy, almost plane, glabrous, with raised concentric zones, pallid or whitish, 6-15 cm. broad, entire texture corky; gills radiating from the point of attachment, forking, narrow, often anastomosing laterally to form sinuous pits of various lengths; closely crowded, coloured like the pileus ; spores hyaline, elliptical, 5 x 3 µ.
Northern Island, New Zealand, Australia, Borneo, Ceylon, Himalayas, China, Andaman Islands, Mauritius, West Africa, West Indies, United States. Absent from Europe.
On dead wood.
A beautiful and widely distributed species, closely resembling Lenzites deplanata, Fries, and L. applanata, Fries, differing from both in the pileus being glabrous and marked with raised concentric zones or ridges. The corky gills are narrow and very closely crowded, and anastomose to such an extent that the hymenium consists of more or less elongated slits, as in Daedalea, rather than of gills. The present genus connects the Agaricineae with the Polyporeae. The corky substance is that of the latter.

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Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. (1838)
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. (1838)
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr.
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. (1838)
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. (1838)
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838
Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. (1838)

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Lenzites repandus (Pers.) Fr. 1838

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scientific name
15 November 1993
3 September 2014
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