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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855

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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855

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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Excipula nigrorufa
Seated on the hairs of Pittosporum crassifolium leaves, near the river Te Waiohingaonga, Hawkes Bay, [New Zealand] Colenso holotype K(M) 174632, isotype PDD 104181, DAOM 107196

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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855

Having much the appearance of a large Erysiphe buried in the pubescence of the leaf. Cups subglobose, externary black, margin reflexed. Hymenium rufous. Asci clavate, obtuse. Sporidia hyaline, obovate-oblong, obtuse, subcymbiform, with about four transverse septa, and occasionally an oblique one in the upper division.
On the under side of leaves of Pittosporum crassifolium, near the River Te Waiohingaanga, Hawke's Bay, Colenso.
minuta, subglobosa, ore inflexo, extus nigra, intus rufa, ascis amplis, sporidiis hyalinis obovato-oblongis obliquis subquadriseptatis. (TAB. CVI. Fig. 11.)

Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Tiny, dark walled, sessile, more or less globose fruiting body, outer excipulum finely and regualrly sculptured/knobbled; amongst hairs on undersides of leaf. Upper part of ascomata broken off in most of type collection

Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855

On the under surface of leaves of Pittosporum crassifolium Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (Colenso).
Scattered or gregarious, sessile, globose and closed at first, then opening by a minute pore, finally saucer-shaped, the entire margin remaining erect or slightly incurved, glabrous, 1/2 - 1/3 mm. diameter ; disc reddish-brown, externally blackish; hypothecium and excipulum formed of very slender, branched, septate hyphae, which pass at the cortex into brownish, grumous cells ; asci broadly cylindric-clavate, apex narrowed and not blue with iodine, 75-80 x 12 µ; spores 8, irregularly 2-seriate, hyaline, elliptic-oblong, sometimes slightly curved, 3-4-transversely-septate, afterwards with one or more vertical or oblique septa, 27-30 x 7-8 µ; Paraphyses numerous, very slender, hyaline, septate, not at all thickened at the tip.

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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
Excipula nigrorufa Berk. (1855)
Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
Excipula nigrorufa Berk. (1855)

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Excipula nigrorufa Berk. 1855
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay

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Seated on the hairs of Pittosporum crassifolium leaves, near the river Te Waiohingaonga, Hawkes Bay, [New Zealand] Colenso holotype K(M) 174632, isotype PDD 104181, DAOM 107196

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scientific name
10 September 1993
22 October 2004
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