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Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855

Scientific name record
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Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Agaricus exstructus
Hab. On the ground, Bay of Islands, [New Zealand] J.D.Hooker holotype K(M) ?

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Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855

Agaricus (Lepiota) exstructus, Berk.; pileo campanulato tessellato verrucoso, epidermide laevi dehiscente apices verrucarum investiente, stipite subaequali sursum annulato, lamellis angustis remotissimis.
HAB . On the ground, Bay of Islands, J.D.H. Pileus campanulate, carnose, 1 inch or more high, nearly 2 inches across, regularly broken up into strong warts, each of which is clothed at its apex with an angular portion of the smooth cuticle. Stem nearly equal, about 3 inches high, 1/4 of an inch thick, not penetrating the substance of the pileus; ring superior. Gills narrow, extremely remote. A very beautiful species, of which a single specimen only has been gathered.

Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
Agaricus exstructus Berk. (1855)
Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
Agaricus exstructus Berk. (1855)
Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
Agaricus exstructus Berk. (1855)
Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
Agaricus exstructus Berk. (1855)
Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855
Agaricus exstructus Berk. 1855

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taxonomic status
= an introduced Macrolepiota sp., fide Horak, 1971. However Horak cites the type as SINCLAIR, Auckland 26.IV. 1854? The original description suggests this provides an earlier name for M. clelandii. [JAC]
Hab. On the ground, Bay of Islands, [New Zealand] J.D.Hooker holotype K(M) ?

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scientific name
1 January 2001
26 December 2013
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