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Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855

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Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Polyporus colensoi
New Zealand, Mt Tarawera, Colenso, holotype K(M), isotype PDD 40773, BPI 206154

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Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855

Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.Wellington. York Bay, 500 feet, Nov. 1921, E.H.Atkinson; Same Locality, 300 feet, June 1927, E.H.Atkinson.
Hymenophore annual, compound, composed of numerous pilei (5-46) arising from a common central or lateral freely branched stem, compact, coriaceous, to 20 cm. broad. Pilei coriaceous, 2-5 cm. x 1-3 cm. x 1-4 mm., fan-shaped, cuneiform, or spathulate; surface bay brown or tobacco brown, radiately striate and irregularly nodose, cuticle absent, replaced by imbricate hyphae with inflated rounded ends; margin acuminate, fringed, often undulate; hymenial surface decurrent, dingy bay brown to tobacco brown, dissepiments toothed, and deeply lacerate in old specimens. Context to 1 mm. thick, bay brown when fresh, drying fuscous, dense and gelatinized, of radiately arranged densely compacted parallel hyphae; skeletal hyphae 5-8 µ thick, wall 2-3.5 µ, freely branched, aseptate, contents staining; generative hyphae 3-6 µ thick, wall 1 µ, sparsely branched, septate, with large somewhat sparse clamp connections; associated with numerous lactiferous ducts which are 6-8 µ thick, linear or slightly irregular, staining deeply. Pores decurrent, bay brown or fuscous in section, 0.2-1 mm. deep, variable in size and shape, angular, 1-3 mm. long, to 1 mm. broad; dissepiments 125-400 µ thick, of densely compacted woven hyphae, tapering to the apex where even. Basidial type clavate, basidia linear-oblong or subclavate, to 24 x 6 µ. Spores globose or less often subglobose, 4-5 µ diameter, smooth, hyaline, abundant.

Australia; New Zealand.

Growing on rotting wood and humus between large roots of living trees.
A feature of the species aiding diagnosis is the large compound hymenophore, which consists of numerous fan-shaped or spathulate pilei attached by irregular, freely branched, lateral stems. Plants grow to a large size, a specimen from Mt. Lofty, South Australia, kindly communicated by J.B.Cleland, weighing 7 lb. when fresh and measuring 13 in. x 11 in. x 10 in. The only other species in New Zealand with a similar growth habit is P. berkeleyi, which may be recognised readily by the large globose echinulate spores.
LOCALITY: Tarawera, New Zealand.

Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. (1855)
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. (1855)
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. (1855)
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. (1855)
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
Polyporus colensoi Berk. (1855)

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New Zealand, Mt Tarawera, Colenso, holotype K(M), isotype PDD 40773, BPI 206154

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scientific name
25 November 1993
22 October 2004
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