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Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855

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Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855

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Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Peziza chrysotricha
New Zealand: North Isl., Waikare Lake, Colenso, 1843, holotype K(M) 118145

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Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855

About a line across. Cups bright golden-yellow, at first globose, then subhemispherical, sometimes with a slight membranous edge, thickly clothed with short, matted hairs, somewhat pulverulent. Hymenium closed when dry, seated on a stratum of large, but unequary-sized cells. Asci cylindrical, rather large; sporidia cymbiform, slightly attenuated at either end, 1/2250 of an inch long.
On twigs on the shores of Waikare Lake, Colenso.
cupula sessili primum globosa demum subhemisphearica aurea floccis innatis intricatis vestita subpulverulenta, sporidiis brevibus cymbiformibus. (TAB. CV. Fig. 7.)
A remarkably beautiful species.

Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
Peziza chrysotricha Berk. (1855)
Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
Peziza chrysotricha Berk. 1855
Peziza chrysotricha Berk. (1855)

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New Zealand: North Isl., Waikare Lake, Colenso, 1843, holotype K(M) 118145

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scientific name
16 June 1993
3 November 2004
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