Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855

Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
Lentinus novae-zelandiae Berk. 1855
Shown to be a synonym of Lentinellus ursinus by Pegler 1983.
Berkeley's (1855) description is "Subimbricated. Pileus 1 inch or more long and broad, thin, flabelliform, suborbicular or reniform, bay brown, clothed behind with short velvety olive down. Stem obsolete. Gills same colour as the pileus, narrow, decurrent behind; edge thin, lacerated. Closely resembling L. castoreus, of which I have an authentic specimen, but differing in size and narrow gills."
The type material (New Zealand: Colenso, Herb. Phillips, ex Herb. Berkeley, K) consists of 4 basidiomata up to 26 x 17 mm diam. Their characters all confirm Pegler's identification of the species as yet another synonym of L. ursinus.