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Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855

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Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855

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Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855
NZ holotype
Sphaeria rasa

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Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855

Forming little round neat clusters. Perithecia oblong, crowded together below, free above, and convex, not collapsing, pierced with a minute orifice, opaque, as if minutely downy, but in reality rough from the projecting dissepiments of the external cells, as if they had been shaved off. Asci cylindrical, slightly attenuated below, containing multitudes of curved sporidia 1/5500 of an inch long.
conferta, peritheciis oblongis apice convexo obtuso liberis, ostiolo punctiformi, superficie opaca quasi rasa, ascis farctis, sporidiis curvulis.
A very distinct species, well characterized by its peculiar surface and fructification.
On dead decorticated Weinmannia, head of the River Manawatu, Colenso.

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Sphaeria rasa Berk. 1855
Sphaeria rasa Berk. (1855)

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scientific name
1 January 2001
22 October 2004
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