Cotula L.

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Cotula L.
- Cotula albida
- Cotula angustata
- Cotula atrata
- Cotula australis
- Cotula calcarea
- Cotula coronopifolia
- Cotula dendyi
- Cotula dioica
- Cotula discolor
- Cotula dispersa
- Cotula featherstonii
- Cotula filiformis
- Cotula foetida
- Cotula goyenii
- Cotula haastii
- Cotula integrifolia
- Cotula intermedia
- Cotula lanata
- Cotula linearifolia
- Cotula lineariloba
- Cotula maniototo
- Cotula membranacea
- Cotula minor
- Cotula minuta
- Cotula monticola
- Cotula muelleri
- Cotula nana
- Cotula obscura
- Cotula pectinata
- Cotula perpusilla
- Cotula plumosa
- Cotula potentillina
- Cotula pulchella
- Cotula pyrethrifolia
- Cotula renwickii
- Cotula rotundata
- Cotula scariosa
- Cotula sericea
- Cotula sericea
- Cotula serrulata
- Cotula squalida
- Cotula sternutatoria
- Cotula traillii
- Cotula turbinata
- Cotula venosa
- Cotula villosa
- Cotula vulgaris
- Cotula willcoxii
Vernacular names
Cotula L.
Capitula discoid, heterogamous to homogamous, on short or long, stout or slender ebracteate or bracteate scapes (plants sts dioec.). Phyll. in 1 to several series, imbricate; margins or whole lamina often scarious, often purple-tinged, sts erose, occ. incurved and ± concealing florets. Receptacle nude, flat to convex or conical. ♀forming a marginal band in 1 or 2 series, occ. more, sts with 1 or a few perfect florets. Disk-florets us. ∞, perfect or functionally ♂; anthers obtuse at base; style-arms truncate to obtuse. Achenes ± compressed, sts curved, often plano-convex, weakly to strongly ribbed, sts winged, sts stipitate. Pappus 0. Tufted to creeping perennial herbs, rarely annual or biennial, ± glandular and aromatic with alt. to fascicled lvs. Lamina imparipinnately pinnate to pinnatisect or pinnatifid, rarely entire or nearly so. Some 60 spp.; the genus widespread, the subgenus Leptinella apparently confined to N.Z., Australia, Tasmania, Kerguelen, Marion and Crozet Is and Fuegia. Of the ± 24 spp. of N.Z. 21 are endemic.
Cotula L.
Annual or perennial herbs, initially taprooted and often rooting at nodes. Lvs simple, entire to 1-2-pinnatisect, opposite or alternate. Capitula terminal, pedunculate; involucral bracts in (1)-2-3 rows, with membranous margins. Receptacle flat to hemispheric; scales 0. Outer florets ♀, in < 1 or 1-several rows; corolla much reduced or 0. Inner florets usually ☿, rarely ♂; corolla tubular or flattened, some outer florets rarely appearing ligulate. Achenes dimorphic: those of ♀ florets broadly winged; those of ☿ florets ribbed; pappus 0.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
20 October 2005