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Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

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Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus

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Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

Pleurotus tasmanicus Berkeley (8,16) = Hohenbuehelia bursaeformis (Berkeley) Reid.

Because of the subglobose, spiny or warted spores and the short, fusoid and slightly thick-walled pleurocystidia this collection (COLENSO b 896) can be identified as H. bursaeformis. This collection has nothing in common with the type from Tasmania which is considered to be a synonym of Panellus diversipes (Berkeley) Pegler 1965.

Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

Pileus reniform or semicircular, horizontal, even, smooth, dingy-white or pallid, invested with a gelatinous stratum, plane, or often depressed, and the margin acute and prominent, 1.5-4 cm. broad, produced behind into a very short tomentose stem-like base, or sessile; flesh 3-4 mm. thick at the base, becoming thinner towards the margin, soft, white, flesh of stem or point of attachment dingy; gills radiating from the point of attachment, rather broad, not crowded, with numerous intermediate ones, dingy-white; spores globose, 4-5 µ diameter.
New Zealand. Tasmania, Australia.
On rotten wood.
Distinguished by the species having a gelatinous stratum on the pileus, and by the pallid or dirty-white colour of every part. The pileus is often depressed or concave, and the gills correspondingly convex at maturity.

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Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus tasmanicus sensu Massee (1899) [1898]

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15 April 2001
4 July 2001
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