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Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

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Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 31 326 (1899 [1898])
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

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New Zealand
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Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes

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Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

Pileus circular or more or less excentric, pellucid, dingy-white, smooth, even, invested with a gelatinous stratum, often more or less depressed or umbilicate, horizontal owing to the upward curving of the stem, 3-5 cm across; gills rather decurrent, not very broad nor crowded, not connected by veins, whitish; spores elliptical, 5 X 3-3.5 µ; stem variable in length, up to 3 cm. long, often shorter, some-what cartilaginous, often compressed, hollow, attached by a flattened or slightly discoid base, whitish.
New Zealand. Tasmania, Australia.
On rotten logs stumps, &c.
Distinguished among species having the pileus covered with a gelatinous stratum by the hollow stem, which is sometimes almost central, at others almost lateral, but always inserted within the margin of the pileus ; usually curved when the fungus grows from a vertical substratum.

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Agaricus diversipes sensu Colenso (1893) [1892]
Agaricus diversipes sensu Colenso (1893) [1892]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus diversipes sensu Massee (1899) [1898]

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no material

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28 March 2001
1 August 2001
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