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Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

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Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 31 322 (1899 [1898])
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

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New Zealand
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Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis

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Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]

Pileus horizontal, reniform, even, glabrous, without a viscid pellicle, whitish, or often with a more or less decided rufescent tinge, 1.5-2.5 cm. across; flesh very thin, tough, white; gills adnate and slightly decurrent, closely crowded, narrow, simple, white; spores elliptical, slightly curved, 4 x 2 µ; when young the pileus is spathulate and the stem quite distinct, truly lateral, and up to 1 cm. long, sometimes very short, compressed and broadened towards the pileus, powdered with white squamules.
Dannevirke, New Zealand. Australia, Europe.
On fallen branches; on coniferous trees in Europe.
Resembling Panus stypticus in. habit, form, and size, but differing in its white colour, glabrous pileus, and mild taste.

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Agaricus mitis sensu Colenso (1894) [1893]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee (1899) [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee 1899 [1898]
Pleurotus mitis sensu Massee (1899) [1898]

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28 March 2001
1 August 2001
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