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Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Threat status: Data deficient

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E. Horak
E. Horak
(E. Horak) E. Horak
invalid publication, invalidly published
Not a valid combination.. basionym name not stated, although the citation is given (with incorrect volume number)
NZ holotype
Entoloma imbecille

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Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980

Material. - New Zealand: Nelson, Collingwood, Pakawau Creek, 7.V. 1968, leg. Horak (PDD 27041, holotype). - Stewart Island, Xmas Village, 13.III.1969, leg. Horak (PDD 27039, ZT 69/131). - Solomon Isl.: Guadalcanal, Mt. Gallego, 4.VII.1965, leg. Corner (ZT 79/48, RSS 566). - Same locality, 10.VII.1965, leg. Corner (ZT 79/49, RSS 659).
New Zealand (type), Solomon Isl.
Habitat. - On soil, rotten wood (Dacrydium sp.) or on rotting fern (Dicksonia sp.)
Illustrations. - Horak (1973:56).
The fragile and pale argillaceous carpophores, the earthy to farinaceous smell, the encrusted cuticular hyphae, the clamp connections on the septa, and the conspicuously small 5-angled spores are distinctive characters of E. imbecille. The material gathered on the Solomon Islands agrees in all essential details with the typic collections from New Zealand.

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Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak 1980
Entoloma imbecille (E. Horak) E. Horak (1980)

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scientific name
1 January 2000
7 July 2005
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