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Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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Threat status: Endangered
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Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford in Global Carex Group, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 36 (2015)
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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New Zealand
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(Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima

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Forming dense, rush-like, olive-green tufts, from a slightly ascending rhizome 2–3 mm. diam. Culms 30–55–(70) cm. × c. 1 mm., trigonous and scabrid, but older culms becoming terete and glab., except just under infl.; basal bracts dull dark brown. Lvs 2–3 per culm, much < mature culms, us. involute, c. 1 mm. wide, or up to 2 mm. wide if flat, rigid, strongly nerved, scabrid on margins and on adaxial surface towards tip, sheaths and midrib bright red. Spikes 3–10 cm. long, us. subtended by a reddish bract > spike, female fls c. 10–15, ± distant in longer spikes, internodes up to 14 mm. long at base of spike, 3 mm. long above. Glumes < or = utricles, persistent, obtuse or lowermost subacute, coriac., green to light brown, tinged with pink, margins membr. Utricles 6–7.5 × c. 2 mm., plano-convex, nerved, light brown, often pink towards the top, stipe and beak both cuneate, each 1.5 mm. long.

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Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia rigida sensu Petrie
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia rubra var. rigida (Petrie) Cheeseman
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia rubra var. strictissima Kük.
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia strictissima (Kük.) Petrie
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Carex strictissima (Kük.) K.A.Ford
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
20 August 2015
20 August 2015
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