Carex subviridis K.A.Ford

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Carex subviridis K.A.Ford in Global Carex Group, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 37 (2015)
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
replacement name
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis
The name refers to the light green leaves of this species.
Densely caespitose. Leaves 4-6 per stem, equalling or longer than the culms, 1.5-2 (-3) mm wide, strongly scabrid on the margins, on the midrib and upper surfaces, sheaths brown. Culms 28-38 (-50) cm talI, 0.5mm wide, scabrid above, sheathed for about 1/3 of the length. Spikes (4-) 5-6cm long, lax-flowered, female flowers (8-) 10-13, internodes 3--4mm long below, 2mm long above, male portion 1.6-2cm long. Glumes shorter than the utricles, 4mm long, keeled, acute, brown with a hyaline margin, deciduous, the 2-3 lowermost produced into leafy bracts 8-18cm long and greatly exceeding the spikes. Utricles 5.5-6mm long, 0.8mm wide, stipe 1.5-1.8mm long, beak 1.5mm long, margins scabrid.
Herbae dense caespitosae. Folia quaterna ad sena in singulis caulibus, culmis aequalia vel longiora, 1.5-2 (-3) mm lata, scaberrima in marginibus, in centrali nervo et in foliorum superficie; vaginae brunneae. Culmi 28-38(-50)cm alti, 0.5mm lati, scabri supra, vaginati circa tertiam partem longitudinis. Spicae (4-) 5-6cm longae, floribus laxis; flores feminei (8-) 10-13; internodia 3-4mm longa infra, 2mm longa supra; pars mascula 1.6-2cm longa. Glumae utriculis breviores, 4mm longae, carinatae, acutae, brunneae, margine hyalmo, deciduae, 2-3 infimae in bracteas foliosas productae 8-18cm longas et valde spicas superantes. Utriculi 5.5-6mm longi, 0.8mm lati; stipes 1.5-1.8mm longus, rostrum 1.5mm longum, marginibus scabris.
Tussock-forming, very light green. Culms (25)–30–45–(55) cm. × 0.5 mm., slightly scabrid above; basal sheaths light brown or reddish, occ. enclosing the culm for more than half its length. Lvs 4–7 per culm, <, = or > culms, 1.5–2–(3) mm. wide, sharply scabrid on margins, slightly scabrid on upper surface towards tip. Spikes (4)–5–12–(14) cm. long, often bracteate, lowermost glumes occ. lf-like and much > spike, male portion relatively long, female fls c. 10–20, ± distant, internodes 6–12 mm. long below, 2 mm. long above. Glumes < utricles, deciduous, acute, lower 2–3 acuminate and often produced to a scabrid awn, membr., green. Utricles 5.5–9 mm. × c. 1 mm., plano-convex, narrow-oblong, light green or light brown, distinctly nerved, beak 1.5–2 mm. long, narrow, with scabrid margins and occ. a few teeth on the abaxial surface, stipe 1.5–2 mm. long, narrow.
Taxonomic concepts
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Uncinia distans Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia distans Colenso ex Boott
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Uncinia leptostachya var. distans (Boott) Hook.f.
Carex subviridis K.A.Ford
Uncinia leptostachya var. distans (Boott) Hook.f.
The name refers to the light green leaves of this species.
scientific name
20 August 2015
20 August 2015