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Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford in Global Carex Group, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 34 (2015)
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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New Zealand
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(Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor

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Loosely tufted with rather few culms. Culms (10)–15–35 cm. long c. 0.3 mm. diam. above, glab., 1–2 mm. diam. at base (including sheathing bracts); basal bracts light to dark brown, not shining. Lvs 3–4 per culm, < culms, from slightly > 0.5 mm. to 1.5 mm. wide, dark green, strongly scabrid on margins and upper surface. Spike 2–5 cm. × 2–3 mm., occ. bracteate, female fls 5–12, internodes up to 4 mm. long at base of spike, 1.5–2 mm. long above. Glumes us. c. ½ length of utricles, deciduous, ovate, acute or acuminate, hyaline with green midrib. Utricles 3.5–4.5–(5) × c. 1 mm., trigonous, green to grey-brown, lateral nerves strongly developed, otherwise smooth, occ. spreading when mature, beak 1–1.5 mm. long, stipe c. 1 mm. long.

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Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia angustifolia Hamlin
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia caespitosa var. minor Kük.
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
Uncinia rupestris var. planifolia Kük.
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford

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Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
[Not available]
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
[Not available]
Volcanic Plateau
Carex minor (Kük.) K.A.Ford
[Not available]

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scientific name
19 August 2015
19 August 2015
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