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Johnston PR 1994: Ascospore sheaths of some Coccomyces, Hypoderma, and Lophodermium species (Rhytismataceae). Mycotaxon 52(1): 221-239.

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Johnston PR 1994: Ascospore sheaths of some Coccomyces, Hypoderma, and Lophodermium species (Rhytismataceae). Mycotaxon 52(1): 221-239.

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Hypoderma bihospitum was also described from two taxonomically unrelated hosts, Anisotome (Apiaceae) and Uncinia (Cyperaceae) (Johnston 1990). Ascospore sheath structure provides one morphological character to distinguish collections from the two hosts. The sheaths of collections from Undnia are externally finely sculptured, appearing to have numerous small, bubble-like structures embedded within the sheath. Collections from Anisotome have sheaths of similar thickness and size but smooth, with no apparent internal structure.
Lophodemium brunneolum was originally described as restricted to two taxonomically unrelated hosts, Dracophyllum (Epacridaceae) and Knightia (Proteaceae) (Johnston 1989a). Collections from Knightia were confined to the northern part of New Zealand, collections from Dracophyllum to the southern part. The ascospores of L. brunneolum differ in the way they bend following release, and in the arrangement of their gelatinous appendages, these differences correlating to host preference. This evidence together with host and geographic differences suggests the two segregates may be best regarded as separate species.

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4 October 2023
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