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Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

Scientific name record
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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Also in Tasmania

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E. Horak
(E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe scissa

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New Zealand: "Westcoast, Kopara; 18.1.1968, leg. Horak" (PDD, 27113: holotype; ZT, 68/40: isotype). "Westcoast, Ahaura, Granite Creek; 17.X11.1967, leg. Horak" (ZT, 67/272). "Nelson, Lake Rotoiti; 20.1.1969, leg. Horak" (ZT, 69/1).
Pileus -40 mm diam., conical at first, soon convex to plane with distinct and permanent umbo; straw-yellow, ochraceous or yellow-beige, more intensive at centre; smooth at umbo, fibrillose and rimose towards the margin, conspicuously splitting, crenate (like B. vitellinus), seen from above like spokes of a wheel; viscid when wet, veil remnants absent. Lamellae adnate to almost free, ventricose, crowded (L 18-24, 1 3); whitish, grey later turning brownish beige with white, fimbriate edges. Stipe 20-50 x 3-4 mm, cylindrical, equal, base marginate bulbous; white later turning (yellowish) brownish with pink or reddish tints; pruinate for whole length, sometimes longitudinally striate; dry, veil remnants none. Context yellow beneath cuticle, brownish pink in stipe, Odour not distinctive.
Spores 8-11 x 5.5-8 pm, nodulose, with conspicuous knobs, brown. Basidia 22-32 x 7-8 ^m, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia 35-65 x 20-34 µm, broadly inflated-fusoid, pear shaped, metuloid, encrusted, yellowish plasmatic pigment. Caulo-cystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a cutis of cylindrical hyphae (4-10 µm), encrusted with brown-yellow pigment, slightly gelatinised membranes. Clamp connections present.
On soil in Nothofagus forests (N. cliffortioides, N. fusca; rarely under Leptospermum scoparium). New Zealand.
Pileo -40 mm lato, umbonato-convexo, umbonato-plano, stramineo vel ochraceo, fibrilloso, marginem versus rimoso-fissurato, velo nullo. Lamellis ex adnato subliberis. Stipite -50 x -4 mm, cylindraceo, ad basim marginato-bulboso, albido dein carneolo, pruinoso, sicco. 0do:e nullo. Sporis 8-11 X 5.5-8 µm, nodulosis. Cystidiis ovato-inflatis, metuloideis, incrustatis, luteolis. Habitatio ad terram in silvis nothofagineis. Nova Zeiandia. Typus (PDD, 27113).
This spectacular Astrosporina is recognised by the deeply split margin and the metuloid, subglobose cheilo- and pleurocystidia. Macroscopically the New Zealand species resembles I. discissa del. (Cleland 1934) but the cheilocystidia of this species are cylindrical and thin-walled and the context emits a strong spermatic smell.

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Astrosporina scissa E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

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Inocybe scissa (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2001
9 March 2010
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