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Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

Scientific name record
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New Zealand
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Recorded in Australia but without comparison with an NZ reference sequence. [JAC]

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E. Horak
(E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe amygdalina

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New Zealand: "Westland, Okarito Trig; 19.ii.1969, leg. Horak" (PDD, 27114: holotype; ZT, 69/97: isotype).
In New Zealand there is no other species of Astrosporina (or Inocybe) which when fresh smells like bitter almonds. In the Northern Hemisphere at least two species of Inocybe, I. hirtella Bres. and I. scabella Fr. s.str. Kuhn, do have this same particular odour.
Pileus -25 mm diam., conical at first, becoming campanulate or broadly convex-umbonate; beige or ochraceous brownish with reddish tint, covered with whitish fibrils when young; innately fibrillose, becoming squamulose or scaly at the disc, lacerate towards the margin; dry, without conspicuous veil remnants. Lamellae adnate, ventricose; whitish turning beige-grey, with white fimbriate edge, L 14-20, 1 3 (-5). Stipe 15-25 x 2-3 mm, cylindrical, with small, marginate bulb at the base (-5 mm diam.); whitish, with brownish hue when old; whole length covered with whitish minute longitudinally arranged fibrils, conspicuous veil remnants absent; dry, hollow, single in groups. Context white. Odour strong, like bitter almonds (as I. hirtella Bres.).
Spores 8.5-10 x 5.5-6.5 µm, nodulose, brown. Basidia 22-30 x 8-10 µm, 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia 40-60 x 14-20 µm, fusoid, thick-walled, hyaline, encrusted. Caulocystidia not distinctive. Cuticle a trichoderm of cylindrical hyphae (5-10 µm diam.), membranes encrusted with brown pigment. Clamp connections numerous.
On soil under Leptospermum scoparium in coastal forests. New Zealand.
Pileo -25 mm lato, e campanulato convexo-urnbonato, argillaceo vel vulpino, squamoso-fibrilloso, sicco. Lamellis adnatis, ex albido griseo-argillaceis. Stipite -25 x -3 mm, cylindraceo, ad basim sub-marginato, albido, fibrillis concoloribus obtecto. Odore   amygdalino. Sporis 8.5-10 x 5.5-6.5 µm, nodulosis. Cystidiis metuloideis, incrustatis. Habitatio ad terram sub Leptospermo. Nova Zeiandia. Typus (PDD, 27114).

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Astrosporina amygdalina E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Astrosporina amygdalina E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Astrosporina amygdalina E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

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Inocybe amygdalina (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2001
9 March 2010
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