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Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]

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Inocybe albovestita E. Horak, New Zealand J. Bot. 15 725 (1978 [1977])
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]

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New Zealand
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E. Horak
E. Horak
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
NZ holotype
Inocybe albovestita
New Zealand: Westcoast, Kopara; 13.XII.1967, leg. Horak, holotype PDD 27128, isotype Horak ZT 67/248

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Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]

New Zealand: "West coast, Kopara; 13.xii.1967, leg. Horak (PDD, 27128: holotype; ZT, 67/248; isotype)".  "Nelson, Tophouse Saddle; I.V.1968, leg. Horak (ZT, 68/331)."
Pileus 15-40 mm diam., hemispherical, convex, becoming umbonate-expanded to campanulate; pale brown, brown to umber, in young carpophores margin densely covered with white fibrillose remnants of the veil; dry, squamulose to scaly, occasionally innate-fibrillose towards estriate splitting margin, ageing fibrils of the veil disappearing. Lamellae adnexed to adnate, ventricose, crowded (L-18, 1-3); whitish, grey, argillaceous, turning brownish with olive tinge, edge concolorous or albofimbriate. Stipe 20-60 x 2-4 mm, cylindrical, equal or slightly swollen at base; reddish brownish, ochraceous at base; dry, apex pubescent, below the evanescent fibrillose cortina densely covered with sub persistent, conspicuous, white fibrils of the veil; solid, single and cespitose. Context red-brown in stipe, paler to whitish in pileus. Odour and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH-negative.
Spore print brown. Spores 8-11 x 4.5-5.5µm, almond-shaped to sublimoniform, brown, smooth, spore absent. Basidia 22-30 x 7-8 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 40-80 x 10-18 µm, fusoid, metuloid (-4 µm diam.), hyaline, encrusted with crystals. Pleurocystidia like cheilocystidia but less thick-walled. Caulocystidia -110 x –18 µm, subfusoid to cylindrical, metuloid, occasionally encrusted. Cuticle a trichoderm of cylindrical, not gelatinised hyphae (5-10 µm diam.), encrusted with brownish pigment. Clamp connections numerous.
On soil among litter and moss under Nothofagus (N. fusca, N. menziesii, N. cliffortioides). New Zealand.
Pileo -40 mm lato, ex hemisphaerico umbonato-expanso, avellaneo vel brunneo, fibrilloso-squamato, sicco. Lamellis adnato-adnexis, argillaceis dein olivaceo-brunneis. Stipite -60 x -4 mm, cylindrico, carneo rubro, apicaliter pruinoso, basim versus fibrillis albis dense instructo. Odore nullo. Sporis 8-11 x 4.5-5,5 µm, amygdaliformibus vel sublimoniformibus, brunneis. Cystidiis fusoideis, metuloideis, incrustatis. Habitatio ad terram sub Nothofago. Nova Zeiandia. Typus (PDD, 27128).
Macroscopically this fungus is characterised best by the dense coat of white, woolly fibrils, which cover the pale red-brown stipe from the rather dehiscent cortina to the base. In young specimens the margin of the pileus is covered with remnants of the white, fibrillose veil.

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Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]

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Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand
Inocybe albovestita E. Horak 1978 [1977]
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Westcoast, Kopara; 13.XII.1967, leg. Horak, holotype PDD 27128, isotype Horak ZT 67/248

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 December 2003
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