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Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

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New Zealand
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E. Horak
(E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe manukanea

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New Zealand: "Nelson, between Collingwood and Pakawau; 8.v. 1968, leg. Horak" (PDD, 27110: holotype; ZT, 68/394: isotype).
Pileus -20 mm diam., hemispherical at first becoming convex or umbonate-convex; light to dark brown, tobacco-brown; centre with minute squarrose scales, fibrillose towards the dentate margin, dry, veil remnants not conspicuous. Lamellae adnate, crowded (L 10-18, 13), ventricose; beige or beige brown, edge paler, fimbriate. Stipe 15-25 x 2-2.5 mm, cylindrical, without bulbous base; reddish brown, densely covered with white fibrils, not pruinose; dry, solid, single or in clusters. Context brown beneath cuticle, reddish brown in stipe. Odour none or slightly acidulous.
Spores 7.5-10 x 6-7 µm, nodose, knobs prominent brown. Basidia 20-23 x 7-8 µm. 4-spored. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia 30-60 x 16-26 µm, fusoid, thick-walled, encrusted, hyaline to yellowish. Caulocystidia cylindrical, thin-walled, 6-10 µm in diam., without crystals. Cuticle a trichoderm of short-cylindrical hyphae (5-8 µm diam.), encrusted with brown pigment. Clamp connections numerous.
On soil under Leptospermum ericoides (manuka). New Zealand.
Pileo -20 mm lato, ex hemisphaerico umbonato-convexo, brunneo vel tabacino, squamuloso, sicco. Lamellis adnatis, argillaceis. Stipite -25 x -2.5 mm, cylindraceo, carneo brunneo, fibrillis albis instructo. Odore nullo. Sporis 7.5-10 x 6-7 µm, nodulosis. Cystidiis fusoideis, crasse tunicatis, incrustatis. Habitatio ad terram sub Leptospermo. Nova Zeiandia. Typus (PDD, 27110).
In the field A. manukanea could be confused with A. subclavata. Microscopical examination, however, will show that the spores of A. manukanea are larger and bear much more pronounced knobs, and cheilocystidia are metuloid with crystals.

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Astrosporina manukanea E. Horak (1978) [1977]
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido (1988)
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988

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Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
New Zealand
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
New Zealand
Inocybe manukanea (E. Horak) Garrido 1988
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
9 March 2010
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