Wijayawardene, NN, Hyde KD, Al-Ani LKT, Tedersoo L, Haelewaters, D, et al. 2020: Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 11(1): 1060-1456.

Wijayawardene, NN, Hyde KD, Al-Ani LKT, Tedersoo L, Haelewaters, D, et al. 2020: Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. Mycosphere 11(1): 1060-1456.
Taxonomic concepts
Acrocalymma Alcorn & J.A.G. Irwin
Acroconidiellina M.B. Ellis
Agyriaceae Corda 1838
Aithaloderma Syd. & P. Syd.
Alloanthostomella Daranagama, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde
Amarenomyces O.E. Erikss.
Ambrosiozyma Van der Walt
Amphisphaeriaceae G. Winter
Amphisphaeriales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Anungitopsis R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr.
Apiculospora Wijayaw., Camporesi, A.J.L. Phillips & K.D. Hyde
Apiosporaceae K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl., Joanne E. Taylor & M.E. Barr 1998
Aropsiclus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.
Arthrographis G. Cochet ex Sigler & J.W. Carmich.
Ascocodinaea Samuels, Cand. & Magni
Ascodichaenaceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood
Ascotaiwania Sivan. & H.S. Chang
Asellariales Manier ex Manier & Lichtw.
Asterodiscus Voglmayr, Gardiennet & Jaklitsch
Asteromyces Moreau & F. Moreau ex Hennebert
Asterotexiaceae Firmino, O.L. Pereira & Crous
Astrosphaeriella Syd. & P. Syd.
Auerswaldiella Theiss. & Syd.
Bactrospora A. Massal.
Barbatosphaeriaceae H. Zhang, K.D. Hyde & Maharachch.
Bartlettiella D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg.
Biatorellaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner & Casares
Brachysporiella Bat.
Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem.
Brunneiapiospora K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl. & Joanne E. Taylor
Bryochiton Döbbeler & Poelt
Bryosphaeria Döbbeler
Calcarisporium Preuss
Capnocheirides J.L. Crane & S. Hughes
Castanediella Hern.-Restr., Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Catabotrydaceae Petr. ex M.E. Barr
Chionomyces Deighton & Piroz.
Chrysofolia Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Clavatispora Boonmee & K.D. Hyde
Clypeophysalosporaceae A. Giraldo & Crous
Clypeosphaeriaceae G. Winter
Clypeostroma Theiss. & Syd.
Coccodiniaceae Höhn. ex O.E. Erikss.
Conioscyphales Réblová & Seifert
Corticifraga D. Hawksw. & R. Sant.
Cryptophialoidea Kuthub. & Nawawi
Cryptostroma P.H. Greg. & S. Waller
Custingophora Stolk, Hennebert & Klopotek
Cystocoleus Thwaites
Dactylosporaceae Bellem. & Hafellner
Deltopyxis Baral & G. Marson
Dendrosporium Plakidas & Edgerton ex J.L. Crane
Dichotomophthora Mehrl. & Fitzp. ex P.N. Rao
Dictyoarthrinium S. Hughes
Dictyographa Müll. Arg.
Dimeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Arx & E. Müll.
Dimerium (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Distoseptispora K.D. Hyde, McKenzie & Maharachch.
Drechmeria W. Gams & H.-B. Jansson
Duradens Samuels & Rogerson
Ellismarsporium R.F. Castañeda & X.G. Zhang
Emarcea Duong, Jeewon & K.D. Hyde
Endocalyx Berk. & Broome
Eremomycetaceae Malloch & Cain
Euantennariaceae S. Hughes & Corlett ex S. Hughes
Exserticlava S. Hughes
Fasciatispora K.D. Hyde
Fenestellaceae M.E. Barr
Foliocryphia Cheewangkoon & Crous
Fuscostagonospora Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray.
Gabarnaudia Samson & W. Gams
Gamarada D.J. Midgley & N. Tran-Dinh
Gamsylella M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner
Globosphaeria D. Hawksw.
Glomeromycetes Caval.-Sm.
Glomeromycotina (C. Walker & A. Schüßler) Spatafora & Stajich
Gomphillaceae Walt. Watson ex Hafellner 1984
Gowardia Halonen, Myllys, Velmala & Hyvärinen
Gyalectales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Halotthiaceae Y. Zhang ter., J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde
Harposporium Lohde
Hemigrapha (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. ex D. Hawksw.
Hilberina Huhndorf & A.N. Mill.
Homortomyces Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Hyalocylindrophora J.L. Crane & Dumont
Hyphopeziza J.G. Han, Hosoya & H.D. Shin
Hyphopichia Arx & Van der Walt
Induratia Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini
Infundibulomyces N. Plaingam, Somrithipol & E.B.G. Jones
Inocyclus Theiss. & Syd.
Iodosphaeriaceae O. Hilber
Jobellisiales D’souza & K.D. Hyde 2015
Jumillera J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín
Kionochaeta P.M. Kirk & B. Sutton
Kodamaea Y. Yamada, Tom. Suzuki, M. Matsuda & Mikata
Koralionastetales Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb. & Inderb.
Kylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr.
Labyrintha Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss.
Lasiosphaeriella Sivan.
Lauderlindsaya J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Lecanographa Egea & Torrente
Leohumicola N.L. Nick., Hambl. & Seifert
Leptosporella Penz. & Sacc.
Libertasomyces P.W. Crous & F. Roets
Lichenoconiaceae Diederich & Lawrey
Lichenoconiales Diederich, Lawrey & K.D. Hyde
Lichenostigma Haffelner
Lichenotheliaceae Henssen
Loramycetaceae Dennis ex Digby & Goos
Loratospora Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.
Manoharachariella Bagyan., N.K. Rao & Kunwar
Massariovalsa Sacc.
Medicopsis Gruyter, Verkley & Crous
Melanconiopsis Ellis & Everh.
Melanocamarosporioides D. Pem, R. Jeewon, Gafforov & K.D. Hyde
Melanographa Müll. Arg.
Melanosporales N. Zhang & M. Blackw.
Meliolales Gäum. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Meliolomycetidae P.M. Kirk & K.D. Hyde
Microcaliciaceae Tibell
Micropeltidaceae Clem. & Shear 1931
Microsphaeropsidaceae Q. Chen, L. Cai & Crous
Microsphaeropsis Sousa da Câmara, Oliveira & Luz
Miltideaceae Hafellner
Minimelanolocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
Misturatosphaeria Mugambi & Huhndorf
Monoblepharidomycetes J.H. Schaffn.
Monochaetiellopsis B. Sutton & DiCosmo
Mucoromycotina Benny
Muscodor Worapong, Strobel & W.M. Hess
Mycofalcella Marvanová, Om-K. Khattab & J. Webster
Myrmecridiales Crous
Myxophora Döbbeler & Poelt
Nematostigma Syd. & P. Syd.
Nematothecium Syd. & P. Syd.
Neophaeomoniella Rooney-Latham & Crous
Neophysalospora Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Neoroussoella Jian K. Liu, Phook. & K.D. Hyde
Neothyronectria Crous & Thangavel
Nephromataceae Wetmore ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Nigrolentilocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
Nigrospora Zimm.
Nowakowskiella J. Schröt.
Oncopodiella G. Arnaud ex Rifai
Ophiostomatales Benny & Kimbr.
Otthia Nitschke ex Fuckel
Paradictyoarthrinium Matsush.
Paradidymobotryum C.J.K. Wang & B. Sutton
Parmulariaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr
Parodiopsidaceae Toro
Perigrapha Hafellner
Persiciospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw.
Phacographa Hafellner
Phaeochorellaceae Guterres, Galvão-Elias & Dianese
Phaeodimeriella Speg.
Phaeomoniella Crous & W. Gams
Phaeomycocentrospora Crous, H.D. Shin & U. Braun
Phaeosporobolus D. Hawksw. & Hafellner
Phaeotrichosphaeria Sivan.
Phlogicylindriaceae Senan. & K.D. Hyde
Phlyctidaceae Poelt ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Pisorisporiales Réblová & J. Fourn.
Pithomyces Berk. & Broome
Planticonsortium C. Walker & D. Redecker
Pleuroascus Massee & E.S. Salmon
Pleurophoma Höhn.
Pleurotheciales Réblová & Seifert
Pleurotheciella Réblová, Seifert & J. Fourn.
Polycoccum Saut. ex Körb.
Porinaceae Rchb.
Pseudocoleodictyospora Doilom & K.D. Hyde
Pseudodactylariales Crous
Pseudohalonectria Minoura & T. Muroi
Pseudohendersonia Crous & M.E. Palm
Pseudoidium Y.S. Paul & J.N. Kapoor
Pseudomassariaceae Senan. & K.D. Hyde
Pseudophaeomoniella Nigro, Antelmi & Crous
Pseudophloeospora Crous & R.G. Shivas
Pseudovirgaria H.D. Shin, U. Braun, Arzanlou & Crous
Psilolechia A. Massal.
Pteridiospora Penz. & Sacc.
Pyrenobotrys Theiss. & Syd.
Pyriformiascoma Daranagama, E. Camporesi & K.D. Hyde
Radulidium Arzanlou, W. Gams & Crous
Ramboldia Kantvilas & Elix
Ramusculicola Thambug. & K.D. Hyde
Reticulascus Réblová & W. Gams 2011
Rhexoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones
Rhizocladosporium Crous & U. Braun 2007
Rhynchosphaeria (Sacc.) Berl.
Rimaconus Huhndorf, F.A. Fernández, Joanne E. Taylor & K.D. Hyde
Rosasphaeria Jaklitsch & Voglmayr
Roussoella Sacc.
Roussoellaceae J.K. Liu, Phookamsak, D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde
Roussoellopsis I. Hino & Katum.
Sarcoleotia S. Ito & S. Imai
Sarocladium W. Gams & D. Hawksw.
Savoryella E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton
Savoryellales Boonyuen, Suetrong, S. Sivichai, K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones
Sclerococcaceae Réblová, Unter. & W. Gams
Seifertia Partridge & Morgan-Jones
Solicorynespora R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr.
Spadicoides S. Hughes
Spathulosporales Kohlm.
Spencermartinsia A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous
Sphaeronaemella P. Karst.
Spiromastix Kuehn & Orr
Sporendocladia G. Arnaud ex Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Sporidesmiales Crous
Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. & Hennebert
Stanjemonium W. Gams, O'Donnell, Schroers & M. Chr.
Staphylotrichum J.A. Mey. & Nicot
Strangosporaceae S. Stenroos, Miądl. & Lutzoni
Strelitziana Arzanlou & Crous
Stromatographium Höhn.
Subglobosporium Doilom & K.D. Hyde
Subramaniomyces Varghese & V.G. Rao
Suhomyces M. Blackw. & Kurtzman
Taeniolella S. Hughes
Teracosphaeria Réblová & Seifert
Thrombiaceae Poelt & Vězda ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Thyridiaceae J.Z. Yue & O.E. Erikss.
Thyrinula Petr. & Syd.
Torrentispora K.D. Hyde, W.H. Ho, E.B.G. Jones, K.M. Tsui & S.W. Wong
Trapeliaceae M. Choisy ex Hertel
Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth. Schneid.
Triadelphia Shearer & J.L. Crane
Trichosphaeriaceae G. Winter
Trichosphaeriales M.E. Barr
Trichotheliaceae Bitter & F. Schill.
Trichothyrinula Petr.
Tumularia Descals & Marvanová
Turgidosculum Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.
Umbilicariales Lumbsch, Hestmark & Lutzoni
Vamsapriya Gawas & Bhat
Varicellaria Nyl.
Venturiales Ying Zhang & K.D. Hyde 2011
Vialaeaceae P.F. Cannon
Whalleya J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín
Xanthopyreniaceae Zahlbr.
Xenospadicoidales Hern.-Restr., J. Mena & Gené
Zalerion R.T. Moore & Meyers
Zanclospora S. Hughes & W.B. Kendr.
Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K. Benj.
Cited scientific names
- Abrothallales Pérez-Ort. & Suija 2013
- Abrothallus De Not. 1845
- Acarocybellina Subram. 1992
- Acarosporales Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2007
- Acaulium Sopp 1912
- Acremonium Link 1809
- Acrocalymma Alcorn & J.A.G. Irwin 1987
- Acrocalymmaceae Crous & Trakun. 2014
- Acroconidiellina M.B. Ellis 1971
- Acrodictyaceae J.W. Xia & X.G. Zhang 2017
- Acrodictys M.B. Ellis 1961
- Acrodontiella U. Braun & Scheuer 1995
- Acrodontium de Hoog 1972
- Acrogenospora M.B. Ellis 1971
- Acrogenosporaceae Jayasiri & K.D. Hyde 2018
- Acrophialophora Edward 1961 [1959]
- Acrospermales
- Acrostalagmus Corda 1838
- Adelolecia Hertel & Hafellner 1984
- Agonimia Zahlbr. 1909
- Agyriaceae Corda 1838
- Aithaloderma Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Akanthomyces Lebert 1858
- Alectoria Ach. 1809
- Allantoporthe Petr. 1921
- Alloanthostomella Daranagama, Camporesi & K. D. Hyde 2016
- Allosoma Syd. 1926
- Alternariaster E.G. Simmons 2007
- Amarenomyces O.E. Erikss. 1981
- Ambrosiozyma Van der Walt 1972
- Amphisphaeriaceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Amphisphaeriales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Amphorulopsis Petr. 1959
- Amplistromatales D’souza, Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Ampullifera Deighton 1960
- Angatia Syd. & P. Syd. 1914
- Anguillosporella U. Braun 1995
- Anisogramma Theiss. & Syd. 1917
- Antennulariellaceae Woron. 1925
- Anthostoma Nitschke 1867
- Anungitea B. Sutton 1973
- Anungitopsis R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr. 1990
- Aphanostigme Syd. 1926
- Apiculospora Wijayaw., Camporesi, A.J.L. Phillips & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Apiognomonia Höhn. 1917
- Apiosphaeria Höhn. 1909
- Apiosporaceae K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl., Joanne E. Taylor & M.E. Barr 1998
- Apodothina Petr. 1970 [1969]
- Apomelasmia Grove 1937
- Arachnopezizaceae Hosoya, J.G. Han & Baral 2015
- Arctomiaceae Th. Fr. 1860
- Argopsis Th. Fr. 1857
- Aropsiclus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm. 1994
- Arthoniaceae Rchb. 1841
- Arthoniales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Arthothelium A. Massal. 1852
- Arthrographis G. Cochet ex Sigler & J.W. Carmich. 1976
- Arxiella Papendorf 1967
- Ascocodinaea Samuels, Cand. & Magni 1997
- Ascodichaenaceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood 1982
- Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Ascophanus Boud. 1869
- Ascotaiwania Sivan. & H.S. Chang 1992
- Asellariales Manier ex Manier & Lichtw. 1978
- Asellariomycetes
- Aspergillaceae Link 1826 [1824]
- Asperopilum Spooner 1987
- Asterinaceae Hansf. 1946
- Asterinales M.E. Barr ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Asterodiscus Voglmayr, Gardiennet & Jaklitsch 2016
- Asteromyces Moreau & F. Moreau ex Hennebert 1962
- Asterophlyctaceae Doweld 2014
- Asterophlyctis H.E. Petersen 1903
- Asterostomella Speg. 1886
- Asterostomula Theiss. 1916
- Asterotexaceae Firmino, O.L. Pereira & Crous 2015
- Astrosphaeriella Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Astrosphaeriellaceae Phook. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Atractium Link 1809
- Auerswaldia Sacc. 1883
- Auerswaldiella Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Austropezia Spooner 1987
- Bactrospora A. Massal. 1852
- Badimiella Malcolm & Vězda 1994
- Baeomycetales Lumbsch, Huhndorf & Lutzoni 2007
- Bagliettoa A. Massal. 1853
- Bapalmuia Sérus. 1993
- Barbatosphaeriaceae H. Zhang, K.D. Hyde & Maharachch. 2017
- Bartlettiella D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg. 1990
- Basidiobolomycetes Doweld 2001
- Basidiobolomycota Doweld 2001
- Basidiomycota R.T. Moore 1980
- Bellemerea Hafellner & Cl. Roux 1984
- Beltraniaceae Nannf. 1934
- Berkelella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1891
- Beverwykella Tubaki 1975
- Biatorellaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner & Casares 1992
- Biconiosporella Schaumann 1972
- Bionectriaceae Samuels & Rossman 1999
- Blastacervulus Swart 1988
- Blastenia A. Massal. 1852
- Bloxamia Berk. & Broome 1854
- Bloxamiaceae Locq. 2017
- Blyttiomyces A.F. Bartsch 1939
- Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Botryosphaeriales C.L. Schoch, Crous & Shoemaker 2006
- Brachysporiella Bat. 1952
- Briansuttonomyces Crous 2016
- Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem. 1982 [1981]
- Brunneiapiospora K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl. & Joanne E. Taylor 1998
- Bryochiton Döbbeler & Poelt 1978
- Bryosphaeria Döbbeler 1978
- Bulgariella P. Karst. 1885
- Byssoloma Trevis. 1853
- Byssolomataceae Zahlbr. 1926
- Byssolophis Clem. 1931
- Cainiaceae J.C. Krug 1978
- Calcarisporiaceae Jing Z. Sun, Xing Z. Liu & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Calcarisporium Preuss 1851
- Caliciaceae Chevall. 1826
- Caliciales Bessey 1907
- Calicium Pers. 1794
- Calloriaceae Marchand 1894
- Calopadia Vězda 1986
- Calosphaeriales M.E. Barr 1983
- Calycidiaceae Elenkin 1929
- Calycidium Stirt. 1877
- Campylospora Ranzoni 1953
- Cancellidium Tubaki 1975
- Capnocheirides J.L. Crane & S. Hughes 1982
- Capnodiales Woron. 1925
- Capnofrasera S. Hughes 2003
- Carbonea (Hertel) Hertel 1983
- Casaresia Gonz. Frag. 1920
- Cashiella Petr. 1951
- Castanediella Hern.-Restr., Crous & M.J. Wingf. 2015
- Castanediellaceae Hern.-Restr., Guarro & Crous 2017
- Catabotryaceae Petr. ex M.E. Barr 1990
- Catenomyces A.M. Hanson 1944
- Catenomycetaceae Doweld 2014
- Catillariaceae Hafellner 1984
- Catinella Boud. 1907
- Catinellaceae Ekanayaka, K.D. Hyde & Ariyawansa, 2020
- Cejpia Velen.
- Celerioriella Crous 2015
- Celotheliaceae Lücking, Aptroot & Sipman 2008
- Cephalothecaceae Höhn. 1917
- Ceratosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Ceratostomataceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Cercosporidium Earle 1901
- Cetraria Ach. 1803
- Cetrariella Kärnefelt & A. Thell 1993
- Chaetodiplodia P. Karst. 1884
- Chaetomiaceae G. Winter 1884 [1887]
- Chaetoplaca Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Chaetoscutula E. Müll. 1959 [1958]
- Chaetosphaeriaceae Réblová, M.E. Barr & Samuels 1999
- Chaetosphaeriales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández 2004
- Chaetosticta Petr. & Syd. 1925
- Chaetothyriaceae Hansf. ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Chaetothyriales M.E. Barr 1987
- Chaetothyrina Theiss. 1913
- Chalara (Corda) Rabenh. 1844
- Chamaeleomyces Sigler 2010
- Chapsa A.Massal.
- Charonectria Sacc. 1880
- Cheiromycella Höhn. 1910
- Chionomyces Deighton & Piroz. 1972
- Chloridium Link 1809
- Chlorospleniaceae Ekanayaka & K.D. Hyde 2019
- Chlorosplenium Fr. 1849
- Chrysofolia Crous & M.J. Wingf. 2015
- Chytridiomycetes Cejp 1957
- Ciferrioxyphium Bat. & H. Maia 1963
- Circinotrichum Nees 1817
- Cirrenalia Meyers & R.T. Moore 1960
- Cladochytriales Mozl.-Standr. 2009
- Cladoniaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Clathrosphaerina Beverw. 1951
- Clathrosporium Nawawi & Kuthub. 1987
- Claussenomyces Kirschst. 1923
- Clauzadea Hafellner & Bellem. 1984
- Clavariopsis De Wild. 1895
- Clavatispora Boonmee & K.D. Hyde 2014
- Clavicipitaceae O.E. Erikss. 1982
- Clypeococcum D. Hawksw. 1977
- Clypeophysalosporaceae A. Giraldo & Crous 2017
- Clypeosphaeria Fuckel 1870
- Clypeosphaeriaceae G. Winter 1886
- Clypeostroma Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Coccodiniaceae Höhn. ex O.E. Erikss. 1981
- Cochlearomycetaceae Crous 2017
- Coenogoniaceae
- Collemopsidiales Pérez-Ort., Garrido-Ben. & Grube 2016
- Comoclathris Clem. 1909
- Conidiocarpus Woron. 1926
- Coniochaetales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández 2004
- Conioscyphales Réblová & Seifert 2015 [2016]
- Coprotus Korf & Kimbr. 1967
- Cordana Preuss 1851
- Cordanaceae Nann. 1934
- Cordyceps Fr. 1818
- Cornicularia Schaer. 1850
- Corollospora Werdem. 1922
- Coronellaria P. Karst. 1870
- Coronophorales Nannf. 1932
- Coronospora M.B. Ellis 1971
- Corticifraga D. Hawksw. & R. Sant. 1990
- Coryneliales Seaver & Chardón 1926
- Crocodia Link 1833
- Crucellisporiopsis Nag Raj 1983
- Cryphonectriaceae Gryzenh. & M.J. Wingf. 2006
- Cryptocoryneaceae A. Hashim. & Kaz. Tanaka 2017
- Cryptocoryneum Fuckel 1870
- Cryptolechia A. Massal. 1853
- Cryptomycella Höhn. 1925
- Cryptomycina Höhn. 1917
- Cryptophiale Piroz. 1968
- Cryptophialoidea Kuthub. & Nawawi 1987
- Cryptostroma P.H. Greg. & S. Waller 1952 [1951]
- Cucurbitariaceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Cudoniella Sacc. 1889
- Curreya Sacc. 1883
- Custingophora Stolk, Hennebert & Klopotek 1968
- Cyclotheca Theiss. 1914
- Cyclothyrium Petr. 1923
- Cylindriaceae
- Cylindrium Bonord. 1851
- Cylindrochytridium Karling 1941
- Cylindrosporella Höhn. 1916
- Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
- Cylindrotrichum Bonord. 1851
- Cyphelium Ach. 1815
- Cystocoleaceae Locq. ex Lücking, B.P. Hodk. & S.D. Leav. 2016
- Cystocoleus Thwaites 1849
- Cytosporaceae Fr. 1825
- Dacampiaceae Körb. 1855
- Dactylaria Sacc. 1880
- Dactylellina M. Morelet 1968
- Dactylosporaceae Bellem. & Hafellner 1982
- Dangeardiella Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Debaryomycetaceae Kurtzman & M. Suzuki 2010
- Degeliella P.M. Jørg. 2004
- Deightoniella S. Hughes 1952
- Deltopyxis Baral & G. Marson 2012
- Dematioscypha Svrček 1977
- Dendriscocaulon Nyl. 1888
- Dendrosporium Plakidas & Edgerton ex J.L. Crane 1972
- Dendryphion Wallr. 1833
- Dennisiella Bat. & Cif. 1962
- Dermateaceae Fr. 1849
- Diaporthaceae Höhn. ex Wehm. 1927 [1926]
- Diaporthales Nannf. 1932
- Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
- Diaporthella Petr. 1924
- Diaporthomycetidae Senan., Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Dichotomophthora Mehrl. & Fitzp. ex P.N. Rao 1966
- Dictyoarthrinium S. Hughes 1952
- Dictyographa Müll. Arg. 1893
- Dictyoporthe Petr. 1955
- Dictyothyrium Theiss. 1912
- Didymascella Maire & Sacc. 1903
- Didymellaceae Gruyter, Aveskamp & Verkley 2009
- Didymobotryum Sacc. 1886
- Didymosphaeriaceae Munk 1953
- Diehliomyces Gilkey 1955 [1954]
- Dilophospora Desm. 1840
- Dimargaritales R.K. Benj. 1979
- Dimargaritomycetes
- Dimeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Arx & E. Müll. 1975
- Dimeriella Speg. 1908
- Dimerium (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. 1904
- Dimorphospora Tubaki 1958
- Diplonaevia Sacc. 1889
- Diploschistaceae Zahlbr. 1905
- Diploschistes Norman 1853
- Discinellaceae Ekanayaka & K.D. Hyde 2019
- Discosporina Höhn. 1927
- Discula Sacc. 1884
- Distoseptispora K.D. Hyde, McKenzie & Maharachch. 2016
- Distoseptisporaceae K.D. Hyde & McKenzie 2016
- Dokmaia I. Promputtha 2003
- Doratomyces Corda 1829
- Dothidasteromella Höhn. 1909
- Dothideales Lindau 1897
- Dothideomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Dothidotthiaceae
- Dothiorella Sacc. 1880
- Drechmeria W. Gams & H.-B. Jansson 1985
- Duradens Samuels & Rogerson 1990
- Eigleraceae Hafellner 1984
- Elletevera Deighton 1969
- Ellismarsporium R.F. Castañeda & X.G. Zhang 2017
- Emarcea Duong, Jeewon & K.D. Hyde
- Encephalographa A. Massal. 1854
- Enchnoa Fr. 1849
- Endocalyx Berk. & Broome 1876 [1877]
- Endogonales Moreau ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Endogonomycetes
- Endomyces Reess 1870
- Endoscypha Syd. 1924
- Englerulaceae Henn. 1904
- Entomophthoromycetes Humber 2012
- Entomophthoromycota Humber 2012
- Epigloeaceae Zahlbr. 1903
- Eremascaceae Engl. & E. Gilg 1924
- Eremithallales Lücking & Lumbsch 2008
- Eremomycetaceae Malloch & Cain 1971
- Eremomycetales Crous, Spatafora, Haridas & I.V. Grig. 2020
- Eriocercospora Deighton 1969
- Eriomycopsis Speg. 1910
- Erysiphaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1861
- Erysiphales Gwynne-Vaughan 1922
- Euantennariaceae S. Hughes & Corlett ex S. Hughes 1972
- Eumela Syd. 1925
- Euopsis Nyl. 1875
- Exochalara W. Gams & Hol.-Jech. 1976
- Exserticlava S. Hughes 1978
- Fasciatispora K.D. Hyde 1991
- Fasciatisporaceae S.N. Zhang, J.K. Liu & K.D. Hyde 2020
- Fenestella Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Fenestellaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Fibroidium abelmoschi (Thüm.) U. Braun & R.T.A. Cook 2011
- Filosporella Nawawi 1976
- Fissurina Fée 1824
- Fissurinaceae B.P. Hodk. 2012
- Foliocryphia Cheewangkoon & Crous 2009
- Fonsecaea Negroni 1936
- Fontanospora Dyko 1978
- Frutidella Kalb 1994
- Fulvia Cif. 1954
- Fusariella Sacc. 1884
- Fuscolachnum J.H. Haines 1989
- Fuscostagonospora Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray. 2015
- Fuscostagonosporaceae Jayasiri, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Fusicladiella Höhn. 1919
- Gabarnaudia Samson & W. Gams 1974
- Gamarada D.J. Midgley & N. Tran-Dinh 2018
- Gamsomyces Hern.-Restr. & Réblová 2020
- Gamsylella M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
- Gelasinospora Dowding 1933
- Geoglossomycetes Zheng Wang, C.L. Schoch & Spatafora 2009
- Geosmithia Pitt 1979
- Gibbera Fr. 1825
- Gibellina Pass. 1886
- Gliomastix Guég. 1905
- Globosphaeria D. Hawksw. 1990
- Glomerellales Chadef. ex Réblová, W. Gams & Seifert 2011
- Glomeromycetes Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Glomeromycota C. Walker & A. Schüssler 2001
- Glomeromycotina (C. Walker & A. Schüßler) Spatafora & Stajich 2016
- Glyphium Nitschke ex F. Lehm. 1886
- Gnomoniaceae G. Winter 1886
- Gnomoniella Sacc. 1881
- Gomphillaceae Walt. Watson ex Hafellner 1984
- Gonatobotrys Corda 1839
- Gondwanamycetaceae Réblová, W. Gams & Seifert 2011
- Gowardia Halonen, Myllys, Velmala & Hyvärinen 2009
- Graphidaceae Dumort. 1822
- Graphidales Bessey 1907
- Graphyllium Clem. 1901
- Grosmannia Goid. 1936
- Gyalecta Ach. 1808
- Gyalectaceae Sitzenb. 1862
- Gyalectales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
- Gyrothrix (Corda) Corda 1842
- Halecania M. Mayrhofer 1987
- Haloguignardia Cribb & J.W. Cribb 1956
- Halotthiaceae Y. Zhang ter., J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde 2013
- Hanseniaspora Zikes 1911
- Hansfordia S. Hughes 1951
- Hansfordiaceae
- Hansfordiopsis Bat. 1959
- Harpellales Lichtw. & Manier 1978
- Harpellomycetes
- Harpidiaceae Vězda ex Hafellner 1984
- Harposporium Lohde 1874
- Helicodendron Peyronel 1918
- Helminthosphaeriaceae Samuels, Cand. & Magni 1997
- Helotiaceae Rehm 1892 [1896]
- Helotiales Nannf. 1932
- Hemibeltrania Piroz. 1963
- Hemigrapha (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. ex D. Hawksw. 1975
- Hemigraphaceae D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde 2018
- Hercospora Fr. 1825
- Hermatomyces Speg. 1910
- Hermatomycetaceae Locq. ex A. Hashim. & Kaz. Tanaka 2017
- Herpotrichiellaceae Munk 1953
- Herteliana P. James 1980
- Hilberina Huhndorf & A.N. Mill. 2003
- Homortomyces Crous & M.J. Wingf. 2012
- Homortomycetaceae Thambug., A.J.L. Phillips & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Homostegia Fuckel 1870
- Hormisciomyces Bat. & Nascim. 1957
- Hormonema Lagerb. & Melin 1927
- Huea C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker 1938
- Hyalocylindrophora J.L. Crane & Dumont 1978
- Hyalopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf. 1932
- Hymeneliaceae Körb.
- Hyphodiscus Kirschst. 1907 [1906]
- Hyphopeziza J.G. Han, Hosoya & H.D. Shin 2014
- Hyphopichia Arx & Van der Walt 1976
- Hypocreales Lindau 1897
- Hypocreomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Hyponectriaceae Petr. 1923
- Hypoxylaceae DC. 1805
- Hysteriales G. Lindau 1896
- Hysteronaevia Nannf. 1984
- Hysteropezizella Höhn. 1917
- Hysterostegiella Höhn. 1917
- Immersaria Rambold & Pietschm. 1989
- Induratia Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini 1987
- Induratiaceae Samarak., Thongbai, K.D. Hyde & M. Stadler 2020
- Infundibulomyces N. Plaingam, Somrithipol & E.B.G. Jones 2003
- Ingvariella Guderley & Lumbsch 1997
- Inocyclus Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Iodosphaeriaceae O. Hilber 2002
- Isaria Pers. 1794
- Isthmospora F. Stevens 1918
- Jafnea Korf 1960
- Janetia M.B. Ellis 1976
- Javaria Boise 1986
- Jobellisiaceae Réblová 2008
- Jobellisiales D’souza & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Jumillera J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín 1997
- Kabatia Bubák 1904
- Karschia Körb. 1865
- Kickxellales Kreisel ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Kickxellomycetes
- Kionochaeta P.M. Kirk & B. Sutton
- Kirschsteiniotheliales Hern.-Restr., R.F. Castañeda & Gené 2017
- Kloeckera Janke 1923
- Kodamaea Y. Yamada, Tom. Suzuki, M. Matsuda & Mikata 1995
- Koorchaloma Subram. 1953
- Koralionastetales Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb. & Inderb. 2009
- Kylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. 1983
- Labyrintha Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss. 1995
- Lambro Racib. 1900
- Lamproconiaceae C. Norphanphoun, T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Lasiobotrys Kunze 1823
- Lasiosphaeriaceae Nannf. 1932
- Lasiosphaeriella Sivan. 1975
- Lasiosphaeris Clem. 1909
- Latoruaceae Crous 2015
- Lauderlindsaya J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1989
- Lecania A. Massal. 1853
- Lecanicillium W. Gams & Zare 2001
- Lecanographa Egea & Torrente 1994
- Lecanographaceae Ertz, Tehler, G. Thor & Frisch 2014
- Lecanoraceae Körb. 1855
- Lecanorales Nannf. 1932
- Lecanoromycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Lecanoromycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers 2007
- Lecideaceae Chevall. 1826
- Lecidoma Gotth. Schneid. & Hertel 1981
- Lecophagus M.W. Dick 1990
- Lembosia Lév. 1845
- Lembosiaceae Hosag. 2001
- Lembosina Theiss. 1913
- Lembosinaceae Crous 2019
- Lemonniera De Wild. 1894
- Lentitheciaceae Y. Zhang ter, C.L. Schoch, J. Fourn., Crous & K.D. Hyde 2009
- Lentomitella Höhn. 1905
- Leohumicola N.L. Nick., Hambl. & Seifert 2005
- Leotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Lepraria Ach. 1803
- Leprocaulaceae
- Leprocaulon Nyl. 1878
- Leptographium Lagerb. & Melin 1927
- Leptosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr 1987
- Leptospora Rabenh. 1857
- Leptosporella Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Leptosporellaceae S. Konta & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Leptothyrium Kunze 1823
- Leucoscypha Boud. 1885
- Libertasomyces P.W. Crous & F. Roets 2016
- Libertasomycetaceae Crous 2017
- Lichenochora Hafellner 1989
- Lichenoconiaceae Diederich & Lawrey 2013
- Lichenoconiales Diederich, Lawrey & K.D. Hyde 2013
- Lichenosticta Zopf 1898
- Lichenostigma Haffelner 1983 [1982]
- Lichenotheliaceae Henssen 1986
- Lichenotheliales K. Knudsen, Muggia & K.D. Hyde 2013
- Linocarpaceae S. Konta & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Linocarpon Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Lithographa Nyl. 1857
- Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm. 1796
- Lobariaceae Chevall. 1826
- Lobariella Yoshim. 2002
- Lobarina (Vain.) Nyl. ex Cromb. 1894
- Lobulomycetales D.R. Simmons
- Lobulomycetes
- Longiostiolaceae Phukhams., Doilom & K.D. Hyde 2020
- Lopadiaceae Hafellner 1984
- Lopadium Körb. 1855
- Lopadostomaceae Daranagama & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Lophionema Sacc. 1883
- Lophiostoma Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Lophiostomataceae Sacc. 1883
- Loramyces W. Weston 1929
- Loramycetaceae Dennis ex Digby & Goos 1987
- Loratospora Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm. 1993
- Lulworthiaceae 2000
- Lulworthiomycetidae Dayar., E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Lunulospora Ingold 1942
- Magnaporthaceae P.F. Cannon 1994
- Malbranchea Sacc. 1882
- Malcolmiella Vězda 1997
- Mamiania Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Mamianiella Höhn. 1917
- Manoharachariella Bagyan., N.K. Rao & Kunwar 2009
- Marthamycetaceae Baral, Lantz, Hustad & Minter 2015
- Massariovalsa Sacc. 1882
- Mastodia Hook. f. & Harv. 1847
- Mauginiella Cavara 1925
- Medicopsis Gruyter, Verkley & Crous 2013
- Melanconiellaceae Senan., & Maharachch., K.D. Hyde 2017
- Melanconiopsis Ellis & Everh. 1900
- Melanocamarosporioides D. Pem, R. Jeewon, Gafforov & K.D. Hyde 2019
- Melanographa Müll. Arg. 1882
- Melanographium Sacc. 1913
- Melanommataceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Melanopsammella Höhn. 1920 [1919]
- Melanospora Corda 1837
- Melanosporales N. Zhang & M. Blackw. 2007
- Melanotopelia Lumbsch & Mangold 2008
- Melaspileaceae Walt. Watson 1929
- Meliolales Gäum. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Meliolinaceae S. Hughes 1993
- Meliolomycetidae P.M. Kirk & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Melogrammataceae
- Melomastia Nitschke ex Sacc. 1875
- Merismella Syd. 1927
- Metadiplodia Syd. 1937
- Metarhizium Sorokīn 1879
- Metschnikowiaceae T. Kamieński 1899
- Micarea Fr. 1825
- Microascaceae Luttr. ex Malloch 1970
- Microascales Luttr. ex Benny & R.K. Benj. 1980
- Microcaliciaceae Tibell 1984
- Micropeltidaceae Clem. & Shear 1931
- Micropeltidales X.Y. Zeng, H.X. Wu & K.D. Hyde 2019
- Microscypha Syd. & P. Syd. 1919
- Microsphaeropsidaceae Q. Chen, L. Cai & Crous 2015
- Microsphaeropsis Höhn. 1917
- Microsphaeropsis Sousa da Câmara, Oliveira & Luz 1936
- Microthyriacites Cookson 1947
- Microthyriales G. Arnaud 1918
- Microxiphium Speg. 1918
- Miltidea Stirt. 1898
- Miltideaceae Hafellner 1984
- Minimelanolocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
- Misturatosphaeria Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009
- Mitrulaceae Rchb. 1828
- Mitrulinia Spooner 1987
- Mollisiaceae Rehm 1871
- Monascaceae J. Schröt. 1894
- Monascostroma Höhn. 1918
- Monerolechia Trevis. 1857
- Monoblepharidomycetes J.H. Schaffn. 1909
- Monoblepharomycota Doweld 2001
- Monochaetiellopsis B. Sutton & DiCosmo 1977
- Monostichella Höhn. 1916
- Monotosporella S. Hughes 1958
- Morinia Berl. & Bres. 1889
- Mortierellales Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Mortierellomycetes
- Mortierellomycota Tedersoo, Sánchez-Ramírez, Kõljalg, Bahram, Döring, Schigel, T. May, M. Ryberg & Abarenkov 2018
- Mortierellomycotina Kerst. Hoffm., K. Voigt & P.M. Kirk 2011
- Mucomassaria Petr. & Cif. 1932
- Mucomassariaceae Petr. 1959
- Mucorales Fr. 1832
- Mucoromycetes
- Mucoromycota Doweld 2001
- Mucoromycotina Benny 2007
- Muellerella Hepp 1862
- Muellerites L. Holm 1968
- Muricopeltis Viégas 1944
- Muscodor Worapong, Strobel & W.M. Hess 2001
- Muyocopron Speg. 1881
- Muyocopronaceae K.D. Hyde 2013
- Mycobilimbia Rehm 1890
- Mycoblastaceae Hafellner 1984
- Mycoblastus Norman 1853
- Mycocaliciaceae Alf. Schmidt 1970
- Mycocentrospora Deighton 1972
- Mycofalcella Marvanová, Om-K. Khattab & J. Webster 1993
- Mycoleptodiscus Ostaz. 1968 [1967]
- Mycosphaerellaceae Lindau 1897
- Mycosymbioces J.L. Frank 2014
- Myriangiaceae Nyl. 1854
- Myrmecridiales Crous 2015
- Myrotheciomycetaceae Crous 2018
- Myxophora Döbbeler & Poelt 1978
- Nannfeldtia Petr. 1947
- Navicella Fabre 1879
- Nectriaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Nematostigma Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Nematotheciaceae Boonmee & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Nematothecium Syd. & P. Syd. 1912
- Neocelosporiaceae Crous 2018
- Neocrinula Crous 2016
- Neodevriesiaceae Quaedvlieg & Crous 2014
- Neohendersoniaceae A. Giraldo & Crous 2017
- Neolauriomyces Crous 2018
- Neolauriomycetaceae Crous 2018
- Neolinocarpon K.D. Hyde 1992
- Neopeckia Sacc. 1883
- Neopeltella Petr. 1950
- Neophaeomoniella Rooney-Latham & Crous 2015
- Neophysalospora Crous & M.J. Wingf. 2014
- Neoroussoella Jian K. Liu, Phook. & K.D. Hyde 2014
- Neothyronectria Crous & Thangavel 2016
- Neozygitomycetes Humber 2012
- Nephrochytrium Karling 1938
- Nephroma Ach. 1809
- Nephromataceae Wetmore ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1990
- Neurospora Shear & B.O. Dodge 1927
- Niessliaceae Kirschst. 1939
- Nigrolentilocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
- Nigrospora Zimm. 1902
- Niptera Fr. 1849
- Normandina Nyl. 1855
- Norrlinia Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Nowakowskiella J. Schröt. 1893
- Nowakowskiellaceae Sparrow ex Mozl.-Standr. 2009
- Ocellularia G. Mey. 1825
- Ogataea Y. Yamada, K. Maeda & Mikata 1994
- Olpidiaceae J. Schröt. 1886 [1889]
- Olpidiales Doweld 2013
- Oncopodiella G. Arnaud ex Rifai 1965
- Onygenaceae Berk. 1857
- Onygenales Cif. ex Benny & Kimbr. 1980
- Opegrapha Ach. 1810
- Opegraphaceae Stizenb. 1862
- Ophiocordycipitaceae G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 2007
- Ophiostomatales Benny & Kimbr. 1980
- Ostracoderma Fr. 1825
- Ostropomycetidae Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2004
- Otidea (Pers.) Bonord. 1851
- Otideaceae Eckblad 1968
- Otthia Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Oxydothidaceae S. Konta & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Oxydothis Penz. & Sacc. 1898
- Pannariaceae Tuck. 1872
- Papulaspora Preuss 1851
- Paracercospora Deighton 1979
- Paradictyoarthriniaceae Doilom, Jian K. Liu & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Paradictyoarthrinium Matsush. 1996
- Paradidymobotryum C.J.K. Wang & B. Sutton 1984
- Paraphaeomoniella Crous 2015
- Parapleurotheciopsis P.M. Kirk 1982
- Paraporpidia Rambold & Pietschm. 1989
- Parmulariaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Parmulariales D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde 2018
- Parodiopsidaceae Toro 1952
- Patellariaceae Corda 1838
- Peltigeraceae Dumort. 1822
- Perigrapha Hafellner 1996
- Perisporiopsidaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex R. Kirschner & T.A. Hofm. 2012
- Persiciospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw. 1982
- Pertusariales M. Choisy ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Petrakia Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Pezizales J. Schröt. 1897
- Pezizellaceae Velen. 1934
- Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Phacidiella P. Karst. 1884
- Phacidina Höhn.
- Phacographa Hafellner 2009
- Phaeochorellaceae Guterres, Galvão-Elias & Dianese 2019
- Phaeococcomycetaceae McGinnis & Schell 1985
- Phaeodimeriella Speg. 1908
- Phaeodimeriellaceae Boonmee, Mapook & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Phaeoisaria Höhn. 1909
- Phaeomoniella Crous & W. Gams 2000
- Phaeomycocentrospora Crous, H.D. Shin & U. Braun 2012
- Phaeopyxis Rambold & Triebel 1990
- Phaeoramularia Munt.-Cvetk. 1960
- Phaeosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Phaeosporobolus D. Hawksw. & Hafellner 1986
- Phaeostalagmus W. Gams 1976
- Phaeostigme Syd. & P. Syd.
- Phaeothecoidiellaceae K.D. Hyde & Hongsanan 2017
- Phaeotrichosphaeria Sivan. 1983
- Phaeoxyphiella Bat. & Cif. 1963
- Phialina Höhn. 1926
- Phlogicylindriaceae Senan. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Phlyctidaceae Poelt ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1991
- Phlyctochytriaceae Doweld 2014
- Phlyctochytrium J. Schröt. 1892
- Phlyctorhiza A.M. Hanson 1946
- Phomatospora Sacc. 1875
- Phomatosporaceae Senan., Maharachch & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Phragmocapnias Theiss. & Syd. 1917
- Phragmonaevia Rehm 1896
- Phragmotrichum Kunze 1823
- Phyllachoraceae Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Phyllachorales M.E. Barr 1983
- Phyllachorella Syd. 1914
- Physciaceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Physma A. Massal. 1854
- Physodermataceae Sparrow 1953 [1952]
- Physodermatomycetes
- Piceomphale Svrček 1957
- Pichiaceae
- Piggotia Berk. & Broome 1851
- Pilocarpaceae Zahlbr. 1905
- Pisorisporiales Réblová & J. Fourn. 2014
- Pisorisporiomycetidae Bundhun, Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde 2020
- Pithomyces Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Plagiosphaera Petr. 1941
- Planticonsortium C. Walker & D. Redecker 2018
- Platystomum Trevis.
- Plectocarpon Fée 1825
- Plectosphaerellaceae W. Gams, Summerb. & Zare 2007
- Pleiochaeta (Sacc.) S. Hughes 1951
- Pleomassariaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Pleosphaeria Speg. 1881
- Pleosporaceae Nitschke 1869
- Pleosporales Luttrell ex Barr 1983
- Pleuroascus Massee & E.S. Salmon 1901
- Pleurophoma Höhn. 1914
- Pleurophragmium Costantin 1888
- Pleurotheciaceae Réblová & Seifert 2016
- Pleurotheciales Réblová & Seifert 2016
- Pleurotheciella Réblová, Seifert & J. Fourn. 2012
- Pleurotremataceae Walt. Watson 1929
- Ploettnerulaceae Kirschst. 1924 [1923]
- Pododimeriaceae Boonmee & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Podophacidium Niessl 1868
- Podoplaconema Petr. 1921
- Podotara Malcolm & Vězda 1996
- Poeltiaria Hertel 1984
- Poeltidia Hertel & Hafellner 1984
- Polycoccaceae Ertz, Hafellner & Diederich 2015
- Polycoccum Saut. ex Körb. 1865
- Polynema Lév. 1846
- Polyschema H.P. Upadhyay 1966
- Polyscytalum Riess 1853
- Polystigma DC. 1815
- Polystigmataceae Höhn. ex Nannf. 1932
- Porina Ach 1809
- Porinaceae Rchb. 1828
- Porpidia Körb. 1855
- Porpidiaceae Hertel & Hafellner 1984
- Porpidinia Timdal 2010
- Potridiscus Döbbeler & Triebel 2000
- Pringsheimia Schulzer 1866
- Protothelenellaceae Vězda, H. Mayrhofer & Poelt 1985
- Pseudeurotiaceae Malloch & Cain 1970
- Pseudocoleodictyospora Doilom & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Pseudocoleodictyosporaceae Doilom & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Pseudocyphellaria Vain. 1890
- Pseudodactylariales Crous 2017
- Pseudoepicoccum M.B. Ellis 1971
- Pseudohalonectria Minoura & T. Muroi 1978
- Pseudohalonectriaceae Hongsanan & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Pseudohelotium Fuckel 1870
- Pseudohendersonia Crous & M.E. Palm 1999
- Pseudoidium Y.S. Paul & J.N. Kapoor 1986 [1985]
- Pseudolachnea Ranoj. 1910
- Pseudomassariaceae Senan. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Pseudomassariella Petr. 1955
- Pseudomeliola Speg. 1889
- Pseudoparodia Theiss. & Syd. 1917
- Pseudophaeomoniella Nigro, Antelmi & Crous 2015
- Pseudophloeospora Crous & R.G. Shivas 2010
- Pseudoramonia Kantvilas & Vězda 2000
- Pseudotrichia Kirschst. 1939
- Pseudovirgaria H.D. Shin, U. Braun, Arzanlou & Crous 2007
- Psilachnum Höhn. 1926
- Psilolechia A. Massal. 1860
- Psilolechiaceae S. Stenroos, Miądl. & Lutzoni 2014
- Psora Hoffm. 1796
- Psoraceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Psoromaria Nyl. ex Hue 1891
- Pteridiospora Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Pyrenidiaceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Pyrenidium Nyl. 1865
- Pyrenobotrys Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Pyrenochaeta De Not. 1849 [1845]
- Pyrenotrichaceae Zahlbr. 1926
- Pyriculariaceae Klaubauf, Lebrun & Crous 2014
- Pyriculariopsis M.B. Ellis 1971
- Pyriformiascoma Daranagama, E. Camporesi & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Pyronemataceae Corda 1842
- Pyropyxis Egger 1984
- Rabenhorstia Fr. 1849
- Racodiaceae Link 1826
- Racodium Pers. 1794
- Radulidium Arzanlou, W. Gams & Crous 2007
- Ramalinaceae C. Agardh 1821
- Ramalodium Nyl. 1879
- Ramboldia Kantvilas & Elix 1994
- Ramboldiaceae S. Stenroos, Miądl. & Lutzoni 2014
- Ramusculicola Thambug. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Remersonia Samson & Seifert 1997
- Repetophragma Subram. 1992
- Restilago Vánky 2008
- Reticulascaceae Réblová & W. Gams 2011
- Reticulascus Réblová & W. Gams 2011
- Rhexoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Rhexocercosporidium U. Braun 1994
- Rhinocladium Sacc. & Marchal 1885
- Rhizocladosporium Crous & U. Braun 2007
- Rhizosphaera L. Mangin & Har. 1907
- Rhynchomeliola Speg. 1884
- Rhynchosphaeria (Sacc.) Berl. 1890 [1894]
- Rhynchostoma P. Karst. 1870
- Rhynchostomataceae Winka & O.E. Erikss. 2000
- Rhytismatales M.E. Barr ex Minter 1986
- Rimaconus Huhndorf, F.A. Fernández, Joanne E. Taylor & K.D. Hyde 2001
- Roccellinastrum Follmann 1968
- Rosasphaeria Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2012
- Roselliniella Vain. 1921
- Rotiferophthora G.L. Barron 1991
- Roussoella Sacc. 1888
- Roussoellaceae J.K. Liu, Phookamsak, D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde 2014
- Roussoellopsis I. Hino & Katum. 1965
- Rutola J.L. Crane & Schokn. 1978 [1977]
- Ruzenia O. Hilber 2002
- Saccardiaceae Höhn. 1909
- Saccharomycetales Kudrjanzev 1960
- Saccharomycopsidaceae Arx & Van der Walt 1987
- Sarcinomyces Lindner 1898
- Sarcoleotia S. Ito & S. Imai 1934
- Sarcophoma Höhn. 1916
- Sarcosomataceae Kobayasi 1937
- Sarea Fr. 1825
- Sarocladiaceae L. Lombard 2018
- Sarocladium W. Gams & D. Hawksw. 1976 [1975]
- Sarrameana Vězda & P. James 1973
- Sarrameanaceae Hafellner 1984
- Satchmopsis B. Sutton & Hodges 1975
- Savoryella E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton 1969
- Savoryellaceae Jaklitsch & Réblová 2015
- Savoryellales Boonyuen, Suetrong, S. Sivichai, K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones 2011
- Savoryellomycetidae Hongsanan, K.D. Hyde & Maharachch. 2017
- Schaereriaceae
- Schaereriales Lumbsch & Leavitt 2018
- Schizothyrioma Höhn. 1917
- Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch 2009
- Schwanniomyces Klöcker 1909
- Schweinitziella Speg. 1888
- Sclerococcaceae Réblová, Unter. & W. Gams 2016
- Sclerococcales Réblová, Unter. & W. Gams 2016
- Scleromitrula S. Imai 1941
- Sclerophoma Höhn. 1909
- Sclerotiniaceae Whetzel 1945
- Sclerotium Tode 1790
- Scolecobasidium E.V. Abbott 1927
- Scoliciosporaceae Hafellner 1984
- Scoliciosporum A. Massal. 1852
- Scopinella Lév. 1849
- Scytalidium Pesante 1957
- Seifertia Partridge & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Semipseudocercospora J.M. Yen 1983
- Septochytriaceae Mozl.-Standr. 2009
- Septochytrium Berdan 1939
- Septoidium G. Arnaud 1921
- Septosperma Whiffen ex R.L. Seym. 1971
- Seuratiaceae Vuill. ex M.E. Barr 1987
- Sigmoidea J.L. Crane 1968
- Sirothyriella Höhn. 1910
- Smardaea Svrček 1969
- Solenopsora A. Massal.
- Solicorynespora R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr. 1990
- Sordariales Chadef. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Sordariomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Sordariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Sorokina Sacc.
- Sowerbyella Nannf. 1938
- Spadicoides S. Hughes 1958
- Sparrowia Willoughby 1963
- Sparrowiaceae Doweld 2014
- Spathulosporaceae Kohlm. 1973
- Spathulosporales Kohlm. 1973
- Spencermartinsia A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous 2008
- Sphaerodes Clem.
- Sphaeronaemella P. Karst. 1884
- Sphaerophoraceae Fr. 1831
- Sphaerosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Sphinctrina Fr. 1825
- Sphinctrinaceae M. Choisy 1950
- Spiromastigaceae Guarro, Cano & Stchigel 2014
- Spiromastigoides Doweld 2013
- Spiromastix Kuehn & Orr 1962
- Spirosphaera Beverw. 1953
- Sporastatia A. Massal. 1854
- Sporastatiaceae Bendiksby & Timdal 2013
- Sporendocladia G. Arnaud ex Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
- Sporendonema Desm. 1827
- Sporidesmiaceae Fr. 1849
- Sporidesmiales Crous 2018
- Sporidesmium Link 1809
- Sporocadaceae Corda 1842
- Sporopodium Mont. 1851
- Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. & Hennebert 1972
- Stachybotriaceae L. Lombard & Crous 2014
- Stachylidium Link 1809
- Stanjehughesia Subram. 1992
- Stanjemonium W. Gams, O'Donnell, Schroers & M. Chr. 1999 [1998]
- Staphylotrichum J.A. Mey. & Nicot 1957 [1956]
- Stegophorella Petr. 1947
- Steinera Zahlbr. 1906
- Stereocaulaceae Chevall. 1826
- Stereocaulon Hoffm. 1796
- Sterigmatobotrys Oudem. 1886
- Sticta (Schreb.) Ach. 1803
- Stictidaceae Fr. 1849
- Stictographaceae D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde 2018
- Stigmatodiscus Voglmayr & Jaklitsch 2016
- Strangospora Körb. 1860
- Strangosporaceae S. Stenroos, Miądl. & Lutzoni 2014
- Strelitziana Arzanlou & Crous 2006
- Stromatographium Höhn. 1907
- Strumella Fr. 1825
- Stuartella Fabre 1879 [1878]
- Subglobosporium Doilom & K.D. Hyde 2016
- Subramaniomyces Varghese & V.G. Rao 1980
- Subulispora Tubaki 1971
- Suhomyces M. Blackw. & Kurtzman 2016
- Sydowiellaceae Lar.N. Vassiljeva 1987
- Sympoventuriaceae Y. Zhang ter, C.L. Schoch & K.D. Hyde 2011
- Taeniolella S. Hughes 1958
- Tapellaria Müll. Arg. 1890
- Taphrophila Scheuer 1988
- Teichosporaceae M.E. Barr 2002
- Telimena Racib. 1900
- Telimenaceae Mardones, T. Trampe & M. Piepenbr. 2017
- Teloschistales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Tephromelataceae Hafellner 1984
- Teracosphaeria Réblová & Seifert 2007
- Teratosphaeriaceae Crous & U. Braun 2007
- Tetrachaetum Ingold 1942
- Tetraplosphaeriaceae Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hiray. 2009
- Thaxteria Sacc. 1891
- Thaxteriella Petr. 1924
- Theissenia Maubl. 1914
- Thelebolaceae Eckblad 1968
- Thelenellaceae H. Mayrhofer 1986
- Thelenellales Lumbsch & Leavitt 2018
- Thelotrema Ach. 1803
- Thelotremataceae Stizenb. 1862
- Thielavia Zopf 1876
- Thrombiaceae Poelt & Vězda ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1991
- Thyridiaceae J.Z. Yue & O.E. Erikss. 1987
- Thyrinula Petr. & Syd. 1924
- Thyrinulaceae X.Y. Zeng, Hongsanan & K.D. Hyde 2020
- Thyrostroma Höhn. 1911
- Tiarosporella Höhn. 1924
- Titaea Sacc. 1876
- Toninia A. Massal. 1852
- Topeliopsis Kantvilas & Vězda 2000
- Torpedospora Meyers 1957
- Torpedosporaceae E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang 2014
- Torrentispora K.D. Hyde, W.H. Ho, E.B.G. Jones, K.M. Tsui & S.W. Wong 2000
- Torrubiella Boud. 1885
- Torulaceae Corda 1829
- Trapeliaceae M. Choisy ex Hertel
- Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth. Schneid. 1980
- Trematosphaeriaceae K.D. Hyde, Ying Zhang, Suetrong & E.B.G. Jones 2013
- Tremolecia M. Choisy 1953
- Tremotylium Nyl. 1865
- Triadelphia Shearer & J.L. Crane 1971
- Triadelphiaceae Y.Z. Lu, J.K. Liu, Z.L. Luo & K.D. Hyde 2019
- Trichodothella Petr. 1946
- Trichomeriaceae Chomnunti & K.D. Hyde 2013
- Trichomerium Speg. 1918
- Trichopeltinaceae (Theiss.) Bat., C.A.A. Costa & Cif. 1958
- Trichosphaeriaceae G. Winter 1884 [1887]
- Trichosphaeriales M.E. Barr 1983
- Trichothecium Link 1809
- Trichotheliaceae Bitter & F. Schill. 1927
- Trichothelium Müll. Arg. 1885
- Trichothyrinula Petr. 1950
- Tricladium Ingold 1942
- Tripospermum Speg. 1918
- Triposporium Corda 1837
- Tritirachiaceae Aime & Schell 2011
- Tritirachium Limber 1940
- Troposporella P. Karst. 1892
- Tubeufiaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Tumularia Descals & Marvanová 1987
- Turgidosculum Kohlm. & E. Kohlm. 1972
- Tympanidaceae Baral & Quijada 2015
- Uleomyces Henn. 1895
- Umbelopsidales Spatafora & Stajich 2016
- Umbelopsidomycetes
- Umbilicariales Lumbsch, Hestmark & Lutzoni 2007
- Umbilicariomycetidae
- Ustilaginoidea Bref. 1895
- Valsaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1861
- Vamsapriya Gawas & Bhat 2006 [2005]
- Vamsapriyaceae Y.R. Sun, Yong Wang bis & K.D. Hyde 2021
- Varicellaria Nyl. 1858
- Varicellariaceae B.P. Hodk., R.C. Harris & Lendemer ex Lumbsch & Leavitt 2018
- Varicosporium W. Kegel 1906
- Venturiaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Venturiales Ying Zhang & K.D. Hyde 2011
- Veronaea Cif. & A.M. Conte 1957
- Verrucariaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Vestergrenia Rehm 1901
- Vialaeaceae P.F. Cannon 1995
- Wentiomyces Koord. 1907
- Whalleya J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín 1997
- Xanthopyreniaceae Zahlbr. 1926
- Xanthoriicola D. Hawksw. 1973
- Xenolophium Syd. 1925
- Xenomeris Syd. 1924
- Xenospadicoidaceae Hern.-Restr., J. Mena & Gené 2017
- Xenospadicoidales Hern.-Restr., J. Mena & Gené 2017
- Xenosporium Penz. & Sacc. 1902
- Xenostomella Syd. 1930
- Xepiculopsis Nag Raj 1993
- Xylariaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Xylariales Nannf. 1932
- Xylariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Xylographa (Fr.) Fr. 1836
- Xylographaceae Tuck. 1888
- Yamadazyma Billon-Grand 1989
- Yarrowia Van der Walt & Arx 1981
- Zalerion R.T. Moore & Meyers 1962
- Zanclospora S. Hughes & W.B. Kendr. 1965
- Zetiasplozna Nag Raj 1993
- Zoopagaceae Drechsler 1948
- Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Zoopagomycota Gryganskyi, M.E. Smith, Stajich & Spatafora 2016
- Zopfiella G. Winter 1884
17 July 2020
6 January 2021