Fungal Diversity

Fungal Diversity
Related references
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- Alves, A.; Crous, P.W.; Correia, A.; Phillips, A.J.L. 2008: Morphological and molecular data reveal cryptic speciation in Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Fungal Diversity 28: 1-13.
- Andjic, V.; Whyte, G.; Pegg, G.; Carnegie, A.; Hardy, G. ; Burgess, T. 2010: New Teratosphaeria species occurring on eucalypts in Australia. Fungal Diversity 43: 27-38.
- Arenal, F.; Platas, G.; Peláez, F. 2005: Two new Preussia species defined based on morphological and molecular evidencerotein coding genes. Fungal Diversity 20: 1-15.
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- Braun, U. 2001: Taxonomic notes on some species of the Cercospora complex (VII). Fungal Diversity 8: 41-71.
- Braun, U.; Crous, P.W. 2007: The diversity of cercosporoid hyphomycetes - new species, combinations, names and nomenclatural clarifications. Fungal Diversity 26: 55-72.
- Braun, U.; Hill, C.F.; Schubert, K. 2006: New species and new records of biotrophic micromycetes from Australia, Fiji, New Zealand and Thailand. Fungal Diversity 22: 13-35.
- Bussaban, B.; Lumyong, S.; Lumyong, P.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2001: A synopsis of the genus Berkleasmium with two new species and new records of Canalisporium caribense from Zingiberaceae in Thailand. Fungal Diversity 8: 73-85.
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- Carmarán, C.C.; Romero, A.I.; Giussani, L.M. 2006: An approach towards a new phylogenetic classification in Diatrypaceae. Fungal Diversity 23: 67-87.
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- Choi, Y.J.; Shin, H.D.; Hong, S.B.; Thines, M. 2007: Morphological and molecular discrimination among Albugo candida materials infecting Capsella bursa-pastoris world-wide. Fungal Diversity 27: 11-34.
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- Crous PW, Mohammed C, Glen M, Verkley GJM, Groenewald Z 2007: Eucalyptus microfungi known from culture. 3. Eucasphaeria and Sympoventuria genera nova, and new species of Furcaspora, Harknessia, Heteroconium and Phacidiella . Fungal Diversity 25: 19-36.
- Crous, P.W.; Summerell, B.A.; Carnegie, A.J.; Mohammed, C.; Himaman, W.; Groenewald, J.Z. 2007: Foliicolous Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs on Corymbia and Eucalyptus. Fungal Diversity 26: 143-185.
- Cui, Bao-Kai; Li, Hai-Jiao; Ji, Xing; Zhou, Jun-Liang; Song, Jie; Si, Jing; Yang, Zhu-Liang; Dai, Yu-Cheng 2019: Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 97(1): 137-392.
- Cunnington, J.H.; Lawrie, A.C.; Pascoe, I.G. 2004: Unexpected ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequence variation within Erysiphe aquilegiae sensu lato. Fungal Diversity 16: 1-10.
- Dai, Y.C, 2010: Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 45: 131-343.
- Damm U, Fourie PH, Crous PW 2007: Aplosporella prunicola, a novel species of anamorphic Botryosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity 27: 35-43.
- Damm, U.; Cannon, P.F.; Liu, F.; Barreto, R.W.; Guatimosim, E.; Crous, P.W. 2013: The Colletotrichum orbiculare species complex: Important pathogens of field crops and weeds. Fungal Diversity 61: 29-59.
- Damm, U.; Fourie, P.H.; Crous, P.W. 2007: Aplosporella prunicola, a novel species of anamorphic Botryosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity 27: 35-43.
- Damm, U.; Woudenberg, J.H.C.; Cannon, P.F.; Crous, P.W. 2009: Colletotrichum species with curved conidia from herbaceous hosts. Fungal Diversity 39: 45-87.
- Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Camporesi, Erio; Tian, Qing; Liu, Xingzhong; Chamyuang, Sunita; Stadler, Marc; Hyde, Kevin D. 2015: Anthostomella is polyphyletic comprising several genera in Xylariaceae. Fungal Diversity 73(1): 203-238.
- den Breeÿen, A.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Verkley, G.J.M.; Crous, P.W. 2006: Morphological and molecular characterisation of Mycosphaerellaceae associated with the invasive weed, Chromolaena odorata. Fungal Diversity 23: 89-110.
- Desjardin, D.E.; Boonpratuang, T.; Ruksawong, P.; Hywel-Jones, N. 2000: A new species of Incrustocalyptella from Thailand. Fungal Diversity 4: 75-79.
- Diderich, P.; Ertz, D.; Lawrey, J.D.; Sikaroodi, M. Untereiner, W.A. 2013: Molecular data place the hyphomycetous lichenicolous genus Sclerococcum close to Dactylospora (Eurotiomycetes) and S. parmeliae in Cladophialophora (Chaetothyriales) . Fungal Diversity 58: 61-72.
- Diogo, E.L.F.; Santos, J.M.; Phillips, A.J.L. 2010: Phylogeny, morphology and pathogenicity of Diaporthe and Phomopsis species on almond in Portugal. Fungal Diversity 44: 107-115.
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- Dong, Wei; Wang, Bin; Hyde, Kevin D.; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Raja, Huzefa A.; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Abdel-Aziz, Faten A.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Hongsanan, Sinang; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Yu, Xian-Dong; Wang, Gen-Nuo; Yang, Hao; Yang, Jing; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Tian, Qing; Luo, Zong-Long; Yang, Jian-Bo; Miller, Andrew N.; Fournier, Jacques; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Hu, Dian-Ming; Nalumpang, Sarunya; Zhang, Huang 2020: Freshwater Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 105(1): 319-575.
- Fernández, F.A.; Huhndorf, S.M. 2005: New species of Chaetosphaeria, Melanopsammella and Tainosphaeria gen. nov. from the Americas. Fungal Diversity 18: 15-57.
- Ghobad-Nejhad, M.; Hallenberg, N.; Hyvönen, J.; Yurchenko, E 2012: The Caucasia corticioid fungi: level of endemism, similarity, and possible contribution to European fungal diversity. Fungal Diversity 52: 35-48.
- González, V.; Vánky, K.; Platas, G.; Lutz, M.: Portalia gen. nov. (Ustilaginomycotina). Fungal Diversity 27: 45-59.
- Hawksworth, D.L.; Cole, M.S. 2002: Intralichen, a new genus for lichenicolous "Bispora" and "Trimmatostroma" species. Fungal Diversity 11: 87-97.
- He, S.-H.; Dai, Y.-C. 2012: Taxonomy and ohylogeny of Hymenochaete and allied genera of Hymenochaetaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 56: 77-93.
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- He, Z-M; Chen, Z-H; Bau T; Wang G-S; Yang Z,L; 2023: Systematic arrangement within the family Clitocybaceae (Tricholomatineae, Agaricales): phylogenetic and phylogenomic evidence, morphological data and muscarine‑producing innovation. Fungal Diversity
- Hongsanan, Sinang; Hyde, Kevin D.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Sarma, V. Venkateswara; Lücking, Robert; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Bhat, Jayarama D.; Liu, Ning-Guo; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Pem, Dhandevi; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Jiang, Shu-Hua; Jones, Gareth E. B.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Sandamali, Diana; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Ekanayaka, Anusha H.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Zeng, Xiang-Yu; Luo, Zong-Long; Tian, Qing; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Dai, Dongqin; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Chethana, K. W. Thilini; Ertz, Damien; Doilom, Mingkwan; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Pérez-Ortega, Sergio; Suija, Ave; Senwanna, Chanokned; Wijesinghe, Subodini N.; Niranjan, Mekala; Zhang, Sheng-Nan; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Jiang, Hong-Bo; Zhang, Jin-Feng; Norphanphoun, Chada; de Silva, Nimali I.; Thiyagaraja, Vinodhini; Zhang, Huang; Bezerra, Jadson D. P.; Miranda-González, Ricardo; Aptroot, André; Kashiwadani, Hiroyuki; Harishchandra, Dulanjalee; Sérusiaux, Emmanuël; Abeywickrama, Pranami D.; Bao, Dan-Feng; Devadatha, Bandarupalli; Wu, Hai-Xia; Moon, Kwang Hee; Gueidan, Cecile; Schumm, Felix; Bundhun, Digvijayini; Mapook, Ausana; Monkai, Jutamart; Bhunjun, Chitrabhanu S.; Chomnunti, Putarak; Suetrong, Satinee; Chaiwan, Napalai; Dayarathne, Monika C.; Yang, Jing; Rathnayaka, Achala R.; Xu, Jian-Chu; Zheng, Jiesheng; Liu, Gang; Feng, Yao; Xie, Ning 2020: Refined families of Dothideomycetes: orders and families incertae sedis in Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 105: 17-318.
- Hongsanan, Sinang; Li, Yan-Mei; Liu, Jian-Kui; Hofmann, Tina; Piepenbring, Meike; Bhat, Jayarama D.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Doilom, Mingkhuan; Singtripop, Chonticha; Tian, Qing; Mapook, Ausana; Zeng, Xiang-Yu; Bahkali, Ali H.; Xu, Jian-Chu; Mortimer, Peter E.; Wu, Xia-Hai; Yang, Jun-Bo; Hyde, Kevin D. 2014: Revision of genera in Asterinales. Fungal Diversity 68(1): 1-68.
- Hongsanan, Sinang; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Zhao, Qi; Al-Sadi, Abdullah M.; Bahkali, Ali H. 2017: An updated phylogeny of Sordariomycetes based on phylogenetic and molecular clock evidence. Fungal Diversity 84(1): 25-41.
- Hosen, M.I.; Feng, B.; Wu, G.; Zhu, X.T.; Li, Y.C.; Yang, Z.L. 2013: Borofutus, a new genus of Boletaceae from tropical Asia: phylogeny, morphology and taxonomy. Fungal Diversity 58: 215-226.
- Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Frisvad, J.C.; Samson, R.A. 2010: Taxonomy of Penicillium citrinum and related species. Fungal Diversity 44: 117-133.
- Huang, Shi-Ke; Hyde, Kevin D.; Mapook, Ausana; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Bhat, Jayarama D.; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Wen, Ting-Chi 2021: Taxonomic studies of some often over-looked Diaporthomycetidae and Sordariomycetidae. Fungal Diversity 111(1): 443-572.
- Huhndorf, S.M.; Fernández, F.A. 2005: Teleomorph-anamorph connections: Chaetosphaeria raciborskii and related species, and their Craspedodidymum-like anamorphs. Fungal Diversity 19: 23-49.
- Hunter, G.; Crous, P.W.; Carnegie, A.J.; Burgess, T.I.; Wingfield, M.J. 2011: Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria diseases of Eucalyptus; easily confused and with serious consequences. Fungal Diversity 50: 145-166.
- Hyde, K.D.; Hongsanan, S.; Jeewon, R.; Bhat, D.J.; et al. 2016: Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 80: 1-207.
- Hyde, Kevin D.; Dong, Yang; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Jeewon, Rajesh; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Liu, Ning-Guo; Abeywickrama, Pranami D.; Mapook, Ausana; Wei, Deping; Perera, Rekhani H.; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Pem, Dhandevi; Bundhun, Digvijayini; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Ekanayaka, Anusha H.; Bao, Dan-Feng; Li, Junfu; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Chaiwan, Napalai; Lin, Chuan-Gen; Phutthacharoen, Kunthida; Zhang, Sheng-Nan; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Jiang, Hong-Bo; Yang, Jing; Zeng, Ming; Huanraluek, Naruemon; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Wijesinghe, Subodini N.; Tian, Qing; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Brahmanage, Rashika S.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Huang, Shi-Ke; Thiyagaraja, Vinodhini; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Dong, Wei; Yang, Er-Fu; Singh, Sanjay K.; Singh, Shiv Mohan; Rana, Shiwali; Lad, Sneha S.; Anand, Garima; Devadatha, Bandarupalli; Niranjan, M.; Sarma, V. Venkateswara; Liimatainen, Kare; Aguirre-Hudson, Begoña; Niskanen, Tuula; Overall, Andy; Alvarenga, Renato Lúcio Mendes; Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista; Pfliegler, Walter P.; Horváth, Enikő; Imre, Alexandra; Alves, Amanda Lucia; da Silva Santos, Ana Carla; Tiago, Patricia Vieira; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushaka N.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Rajeshkumar, Kunhiraman C.; Haelewaters, Danny; Mortimer, Peter E.; Zhao, Qi; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Xu, Jianchu; Sheng, Jun 2020: Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 100(1): 5-277.
- Hyde, Kevin D.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Liu, Jian-Kui; Ariyawansa, Hiran; Boehm, Eric; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Braun, Uwe; Chomnunti, Putarak; Crous, Pedro W.; Dai, Dong-Qin; Diederich, Paul; Dissanayake, Asha; Doilom, Mingkhuan; Doveri, Francesco; Hongsanan, Singang; Jayawardena, Ruvishika; Lawrey, James D.; Li, Yan-Mei; Liu, Yong-Xiang; Lücking, Robert; Monkai, Jutamart; Muggia, Lucia; Nelsen, Matthew P.; Pang, Ka-Lai; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Shearer, Carol A.; Suetrong, Satinee; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Wikee, Saowanee; Wu, Hai-Xia; Zhang, Ying; Aguirre-Hudson, Begoña; Alias, S. Aisyah; Aptroot, André; Bahkali, Ali H.; Bezerra, Jose L.; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Camporesi, Erio; Chukeatirote, Ekachai; Gueidan, Cécile; Hawksworth, David L.; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Hoog, Sybren; Kang, Ji-Chuan; Knudsen, Kerry; Li, Wen-Jing; Li, Xing-Hong; Liu, Zou-Yi; Mapook, Ausana; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Miller, Andrew N.; Mortimer, Peter E.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Raja, Huzefa A.; Scheuer, Christian; Schumm, Felix; Taylor, Joanne E.; Tian, Qing; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Wang, Yong; Xu, Jian-Chu; Yacharoen, Supalak; Yan, Ji-Ye; Zhang, Min 2013: Families of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 63: 1-313.
- Hyde, Kevin D.; Norphanphoun, Chada; Abreu, Vanessa P.; Bazzicalupo, Anna; Thilini Chethana, K. W.; Clericuzio, Marco; Dayarathne, Monika C.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Ekanayaka, Anusha H.; He, Mao-Qiang; Hongsanan, Sinang; Huang, Shi-Ke; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Konta, Sirinapa; Kušan, Ivana; Lee, Hyun; Li, Junfu; Lin, Chuan-Gen; Liu, Ning-Guo; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Luo, Zong-Long; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Mapook, Ausana; Perera, Rekhani H.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Siedlecki, Igor; Soares, Adriene Mayra; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Tian, Qing; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Xiao, Yuan-Pin; Yang, Jing; Zeng, Xiang-Yu; Abdel-Aziz, Faten A.; Li, Wen-Jing; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Shang, Qiu-Ju; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; de Silva, Nimali I.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Berbee, Mary L.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Buyck, Bart; Camporesi, Erio; Castañeda-Ruiz, Rafael F.; Chomnunti, Putarak; Doilom, Minkwan; Dovana, Francesco; Gibertoni, Tatiana B.; Jadan, Margita; Jeewon, Rajesh; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Kang, Ji-Chuan; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Lim, Young Woon; Liu, Jian-Kui; Liu, Zuo-Yi; Plautz, Helio Longoni; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Matočec, Neven; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Mešić, Armin; Miller, Daniel; Pawłowska, Julia; Pereira, Olinto L.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Romero, Andrea I.; Ryvarden, Leif; Su, Hong-Yan; Suetrong, Satinee; Tkalčec, Zdenko; Vizzini, Alfredo; Wen, Ting-Chi; Wisitrassameewong, Komsit; Wrzosek, Marta; Xu, Jian-Chu; Zhao, Qi; Zhao, Rui-Lin; Mortimer, Peter E. 2017: Fungal diversity notes 603–708: taxonomic and phylogenetic notes on genera and species. Fungal Diversity 87(1): 1-235.
- Hyde, Kevin D.; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Jeewon, Rajesh; et al. 2019: Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 96(1): 1-242.
- Jaklitsch, W. M.; Fournier, J.; Dai, D. Q.; Hyde, K. D.; Voglmayr, H. 2015: Valsaria and the Valsariales. Fungal Diversity 73(1): 159-202.
- Jaklitsch, W.M.; Voglmayr, H. 2012: Phylogenetic relationships of five genera of Xylariales and Rosasphaeria gen. nov. (Hypocreales). Fungal Diversity 52: 75-98.
- Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Wang, Song; Sun, Ya-Ru; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Sysouphanthong, Phongeun; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Abdel-Aziz, Faten A.; Abeywickrama, Pranami D.; Abreu, Vanessa P.; Armand, Alireza; Aptroot, André; Bao, Dan-Feng; Begerow, Dominik; Bellanger, Jean-Michel; Bezerra, Jadson D. P.; Bundhun, Digvijayini; Calabon, Mark S.; Cao, Ting; Cantillo, Taimy; Carvalho, João L. V. R.; Chaiwan, Napalai; Chen, Che-Chih; Courtecuisse, Régis; Cui, Bao-Kai; Damm, Ulrike; Denchev, Cvetomir M.; Denchev, Teodor T.; Deng, Chun Y.; Devadatha, Bandarupalli; de Silva, Nimali I.; dos Santos, Lidiane A.; Dubey, Nawal K.; Dumez, Sylvain; Ferdinandez, Himashi S.; Firmino, André L.; Gafforov, Yusufjon; Gajanayake, Achala J.; Gomdola, Deecksha; Gunaseelan, Sugantha; Shucheng-He; Htet, Zin H.; Kaliyaperumal, Malarvizhi; Kemler, Martin; Kezo, Kezhocuyi; Kularathnage, Nuwan D.; Leonardi, Marco; Li, Ji-Peng; Liao, Chunfang; Liu, Shun; Loizides, Michael; Luangharn, Thatsanee; Ma, Jian; Madrid, Hugo; Mahadevakumar, S.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Manamgoda, Dimuthu S.; Martín, María P.; Mekala, Niranjan; Moreau, Pierre-Arthur; Mu, Yan-Hong; Pahoua, Pasouvang; Pem, Dhandevi; Pereira, Olinto L.; Phonrob, Wiphawanee; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Raza, Mubashar; Ren, Guang-Cong; Rinaldi, Andrea C.; Rossi, Walter; Samarakoon, Binu C.; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Sarma, Vemuri V.; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Singh, Archana; Souza, Maria F.; Souza-Motta, Cristina M.; Spielmann, Adriano A.; Su, Wenxin; Tang, Xia; Tian, XingGuo; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Thongklang, Naritsada; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Wannathes, Nopparat; Wei, DingPeng; Welti, Stéphane; Wijesinghe, Subodini N.; Yang, Hongde; Yang, Yunhui; Yuan, Hai-Sheng; Zhang, Huang; Zhang, Jingyi; Balasuriya, Abhaya; Bhunjun, Chitrabhanu S.; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Cai, Lei; Camporesi, Erio; Chomnunti, Putarak; Deepika, Y. S.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Duan, Wei-Jun; Han, Shi-Ling; Huanraluek, Naruemon; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Lakshmidevi, N.; Li, Yu; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Luo, Zong-Long; Khuna, Surapong; Kumla, Jaturong; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Mapook, Ausana; Punyaboon, Wilawan; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Yan, JiYe; Wang, Yong 2023: Fungal diversity notes 1512–1610: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 117(1): 1-272.
- Jones, E.B.G.; Sakayaroj, J.; Suetrong, S.; Somrithpol, S.; Pang, K.L. 2009: Classification of marine Ascomycota, anamoprhic taxa and Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity 35: 1-187.
- Kandemir, Hazal; Dukik, Karolina; de Melo Teixeira, Marcus; Stielow, J. Benjamin; Delma, Fatima Zohra; Al-Hatmi, Abdullah M. S.; Ahmed, Sarah A.; Ilkit, Macit; de Hoog, G. Sybren 2022: Phylogenetic and ecological reevaluation of the order Onygenales. Fungal Diversity 115(1): 1-72.
- Kang, J-C.; Hyde, K.D.; Kong, Y.C. 1999: Studies on Amphisphaeriales: the genera excluded from the Amphisphaeriaceae, Cainiaceae and Clypeosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity 2: 135-151.
- Keirle, M.R.; Hemmes, D.E.; Desjardin, D.E. 2004: Agaricales of the Hawaiian Islands. 8. Agaricaceae: Coprinus and Podaxis; Psathyrellaceae: Coprinopsis, Coprinellus and Parasola. Fungal Diversity 15: 33-124.
- Kerekes, J.F.; Desjardin, D.E.: A monograph of the genera Crinipellis and Moniliophthora from Southeast Asia including a molecular phylogeny of the nrITS region. Fungal Diversity 37: 101-152.
- Kruys, Åsa; Huhndorf, Sabine M.; Miller, Andrew N.: Coprophilous contributions to the phylogeny of Lasiosphaeriaceae and allied taxa within Sordariales (Ascomycota, Fungi). Fungal Diversity 70: 101-113.
- Kuhnert, Eric; Sir, Esteban B.; Lambert, Christopher; Hyde, Kevin D.; Hladki, Adriana I.; Romero, Andrea I.; Rohde, Manfred; Stadler, Marc 2017: Phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic resolution of the genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae) including four new species. Fungal Diversity 85(1): 1-43.
- Lackner, Michaela; de Hoog, G. Sybren; Yang, Liyue; Ferreira Moreno, Leandro; Ahmed, Sarah A.; Andreas, Fritz; Kaltseis, Josef; Nagl, Markus; Lass-Flörl, Cornelia; Risslegger, Brigitte; Rambach, Günter; Speth, Cornelia; Robert, Vincent; Buzina, Walter; Chen, Sharon; Bouchara, Jean-Philippe; Cano-Lira, José F.; Guarro, Josep; Gené, Josepa; Fernández Silva, Fabiola; Haido, Rosa; Haase, Gerhard; Havlicek, Vladimir; Garcia-Hermoso, Dea; Meis, Jacques F.; Hagen, Ferry; Kirchmair, Martin; Rainer, Johannes; Schwabenbauer, Katharina; Zoderer, Mirjam; Meyer, Wieland; Gilgado, Felix; Schwabenbauer, Katharina; Vicente, Vania A.; Piecková, Elena; Regenermel, Monika; Rath, Peter-Michael; Steinmann, Joerg; de Alencar, Xisto Wellington; Symoens, Françoise; Tintelnot, Kathrin; Ulfig, Krzysztof; Velegraki, Aristea; Tortorano, Anna Maria; Giraud, Sandrine; Mina, Sara; Rigler-Hohenwarter, Kinga; Hernando, Fernando L.; Ramirez-Garcia, Andoni; Pellon, Aize; Kaur, Jashanpreet; Bergter, Eliana Barreto; de Meirelles, Jardel Vieira; da Silva, Ingrid Dutra; Delhaes, Laurence; Alastruey-Izquerdo, Ana; Li, Ruo-yu; Lu, Qiaoyun; Moussa, Tarek; Almaghrabi, Omar; Al-Zahrani, Hassan; Okada, Gen; Deng, Shuwen; Liao, Wangqing; Zeng, Jingsi; Issakainen, Jouni; Liporagi Lopes, Livia Cristina 2014: Proposed nomenclature for Pseudallescheria, Scedosporium and related genera. Fungal Diversity 67(1): 1-10.
- Lebel, T.; Orihara, T.; Maekawa, N. 2011: Erratum to:The sequestrate genus Rossbeevera T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations. Fungal Diversity 52: 73.
- Lebel, T.; Orihara, T.; Maekawa, N. 2012: The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations. Fungal Diversity 52: 49-71.
- Li, Guo Jie; Hyde, Kevin D.; Zhao, Rui Lin; Hongsanan, Sinang; Abdel-Aziz, Faten Awad; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Alvarado, Pablo; Alves-Silva, Genivaldo; Ammirati, Joseph F.; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Baghela, Abhishek; Bahkali, Ali Hassan; Beug, Michael; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Bojantchev, Dimitar; Boonpratuang, Thitiya; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Camporesi, Erio; Boro, Marcela C.; Ceska, Oldriska; Chakraborty, Dyutiparna; Chen, Jia Jia; Chethana, K. W. Thilini; Chomnunti, Putarak; Consiglio, Giovanni; Cui, Bao Kai; Dai, Dong Qin; Dai, Yu Cheng; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Das, Kanad; Dayarathne, Monika C.; De Crop, Eske; De Oliveira, Rafael J. V.; de Souza, Carlos Alberto Fragoso; de Souza, José I.; Dentinger, Bryn T. M.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Drechsler-Santos, E. Ricardo; Ghobad-Nejhad, Masoomeh; Gilmore, Sean P.; Góes-Neto, Aristóteles; Gorczak, Michał; Haitjema, Charles H.; Hapuarachchi, Kalani Kanchana; Hashimoto, Akira; He, Mao Qiang; Henske, John K.; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Iribarren, Maria J.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Jeon, Sun Jeong; Jerônimo, Gustavo H.; Jesus, Ana L.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Kang, Ji Chuan; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Kirk, Paul M.; Konta, Sirinapa; Kuhnert, Eric; Langer, Ewald; Lee, Haeng Sub; Lee, Hyang Burm; Li, Wen Jing; Li, Xing Hong; Liimatainen, Kare; Lima, Diogo Xavier; Lin, Chuan Gen; Liu, Jian Kui; Liu, Xings Zhong; Liu, Zuo Yi; Luangsa-ard, J. Jennifer; Lücking, Robert; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Leaño, Eduardo M.; Marano, Agostina V.; Matsumura, Misato; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Mongkolsamrit, Suchada; Mortimer, Peter E.; Nguyen, Thi Thuong Thuong; Niskanen, Tuula; Norphanphoun, Chada; O’Malley, Michelle A.; Parnmen, Sittiporn; Pawłowska, Julia; Perera, Rekhani H.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Pires-Zottarelli, Carmen L. A.; Raspé, Olivier; Reck, Mateus A.; Rocha, Sarah C. O.; de Santiago, André L. C. M. A.; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Setti, Ledo; Shang, Qiu Ju; Singh, Sanjay K.; Sir, Esteban B.; Solomon, Kevin V.; Song, Jie; Srikitikulchai, Prasert; Stadler, Marc; Suetrong, Satinee; Takahashi, Hayato; Takahashi, Takumasa; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Tang, Li Ping; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Thanakitpipattana, Donnaya; Theodorou, Michael K.; Thongbai, Benjarong; Thummarukcharoen, Tuksaporn; Tian, Qing; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Verbeken, Annemieke; Vizzini, Alfredo; Vlasák, Josef; Voigt, Kerstin; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Wang, Yong; Weerakoon, Gothamie; Wen, Hua An; Wen, Ting Chi; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Wongkanoun, Sarunyou; Wrzosek, Marta; Xiao, Yuan Pin; Xu, Jian Chu; Yan, Ji Ye; Yang, Jing; Da Yang, Shu; Hu, Yu; Zhang, Jin Feng; Zhao, Jie; Zhou, Li Wei; Peršoh, Derek; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N. 2016: Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 78: 1-237.
- Li, Huanyu; Sun, Guangyu; Batzer, Jean Carlson; Crous, Pedro W.; Groenewald, Johannes Z.; Karakaya, Aziz; Gleason, Mark L. 2011: Scleroramularia gen. nov. associated with sooty blotch and flyspeck of apple and pawpaw from the Northern Hemisphere. Fungal Diversity 46(1): 53-66.
- Li, Wen-Jing; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Bhat, D. Jayarama; Dai, Dong-Qin; Camporesi, Erio; Tian, Qing; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Luo, Zong-Long; Shang, Qiu-Ju; Zhang, Jin-Feng; Tangthirasunun, Narumon; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Xu, Jian-Chu; Hyde, Kevin D. 2020: Taxonomy and phylogeny of hyaline-spored coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 100(1): 279-801.
- Liimatainen, Kare; Kim, Jan T.; Pokorny, Lisa; Kirk, Paul M.; Dentinger, Bryn; Niskanen, Tuula 2022: Taming the beast: a revised classification of Cortinariaceae based on genomic data. Fungal Diversity 112(1): 89-170.
- Liu, F.; Damm, U.; Cai, L.; Crous, P.W. 2013: Species of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides complex associated with anthracnose diseases of Proteaceae. Fungal Diversity 61: 89-105.
- Liu, J.-K.; Phookamsak, R.; Doilom, M.; Wikkee, S.; Li, Y.-M.; Ariyawansha, H.; Boonmee, S.; Chomnunti, P.; Dai, D.-Q.; Bhat, J.D.; Romeroa, A.I.; Zhuang, W.-Y.; Monkai, J.; Gareth Jones, E.B.; Chukeatirote, E.; Ko Ko, T.W.; Zhao, Y.-C.; Wang, Y.; Hyde, K.D. 2012: Towards a natural classification of Botryosphaeriales. Fungal Diversity 57: 149-210.
- Liu, Jian Kui; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Bhat, Darbhe J.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Shenoy, Belle Damodara; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Buyck, Bart; Chen, Jie; Chethana, K. W. Thilini; Singtripop, Chonticha; Dai, Dong Qin; Dai, Yu Cheng; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Doilom, Mingkwan; D’souza, Melvina J.; Fan, Xin Lei; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Hongsanan, Sinang; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Li, Wen Jing; Mapook, Ausana; Norphanphoun, Chada; Pang, Ka Lai; Perera, Rekhani H.; Peršoh, Derek; Pinruan, Umpava; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Somrithipol, Sayanh; Suetrong, Satinee; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Tian, Qing; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Udayanga, Danushka; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Wanasinghe, Dhanuska; Wisitrassameewong, Komsit; Zeng, Xiang Yu; Abdel-Aziz, Faten A.; Adamčík, Slavomir; Bahkali, Ali H.; Boonyuen, Nattawut; Bulgakov, Timur; Callac, Philippe; Chomnunti, Putarak; Greiner, Katrin; Hashimoto, Akira; Hofstetter, Valerie; Kang, Ji Chuan; Lewis, David; Li, Xing Hong; Liu, Xing Zhong; Liu, Zuo Yi; Matsumura, Misato; Mortimer, Peter E.; Rambold, Gerhard; Randrianjohany, Emile; Sato, Genki; Sri-Indrasutdhi, Veera; Tian, Cheng Ming; Verbeken, Annemieke; von Brackel, Wolfgang; Wang, Yong; Wen, Ting Chi; Xu, Jian Chu; Yan, Ji Ye; Zhao, Rui Lin; Camporesi, Erio 2015: Fungal diversity notes 1–110: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species. Fungal Diversity 72(1): 1-197.
- Liu, Shi-Liang; Wang, Xue-Wei; Li, Guo-Jie; Deng, Chun-Ying; Rossi, Walter; Leonardi, Marco; Liimatainen, Kare; Kekki, Tapio; Niskanen, Tuula; Smith, Matthew E.; Ammirati, Joe; Bojantchev, Dimitar; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Zhang, Ming; Tian, Enjing; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Zhang, Jing-Yi; Ma, Jian; Dutta, Arun Kumar; Acharya, Krishnendu; Du, Tian-Ye; Xu, Jize; Kim, Ji Seon; Lim, Young Woon; Gerlach, Alice; Zeng, Nian-Kai; Han, Yun-Xiao; Razaghi, Parisa; Raza, Mubashar; Cai, Lei; Calabon, Mark S.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Saha, Rituparna; Kumar, T. K. Arun; Krishnapriya, K.; Thomas, Anjitha; Kaliyaperumal, Malarvizhi; Kezo, Kezhocuyi; Gunaseelan, Sugantha; Singh, Sanjay Kumar; Singh, Paras Nath; Lagashetti, Ajay Chandrakant; Pawar, Kadambari Subhash; Jiang, Shuhua; Zhang, Chao; Zhang, Huang; Qing, Yun; Bau, Tolgor; Peng, Xing-Can; Wen, Ting-Chi; Ramirez, Natalia A.; Niveiro, Nicolás; Li, Mei-Xiang; Yang, Zhu L.; Wu, Gang; Tarafder, Entaj; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Kuo, Chang-Hsin; da Silva, Tatiane M.; Souza-Motta, Cristina M.; Bezerra, Jadson D. P.; He, Gang; Ji, Xiao-Hong; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Kumla, Jaturong; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Wannathes, Nopparat; Rana, Shiwali; Hyde, Kevin D.; Zhou, Li-Wei 2024: Fungal diversity notes 1717–1817: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 124(1): 1-216.
- Liu, Shun; Chen, Yuan-Yuan; Sun, Yi-Fei; He, Xiao-Lan; Song, Chang-Ge; Si, Jing; Liu, Dong-Mei; Gates, Genevieve; Cui, Bao-Kai: Systematic classification and phylogenetic relationships of the brown-rot fungi within the Polyporales. Fungal Diversity 10.1007/s13225-022-00511-2: [1-94].
- Lodge, D.J.; Padamsee, M.; Matheny, P.B.; Aime, C.; Cantrell, S.A.; Boertmann, D.; Kovalenko, A.; Vizzini, A.; Dentinger, B.T.M.; Kirk, P.M.; Ainsworth, A.M.; Moncalvo, J-M.; Vilgalys, R.; Larsson, E.; Lücking, R.; Griffith, G.W.; Smith, M.E.; Norvell, L.L.; Desjardin, D.E.; Redhead, S.A.; Ovrebo, C.L.; Lickey, E.B.; Ercole, E.; Hughes, K.W.; Courtecuisse, R.; Young, A.; Binder, M.; Minnis, A.M.; Lindner, D.L.; Ortiz-Santana, B.; Haight, J.; Læssøe, T.; Baroni, T.J.; Geml, J.; Hattori, T. 2013: Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales). Fungal Diversity
- Lu, Yong-Zhong; Liu, Jian-Kui; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Kang, Ji-Chuan; Fan, Cui; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Luo, Zong-Long; Lin, Chuan-Gen; Eungwanichayapant, Prapassorn Damrongkool 2018: A taxonomic reassessment of Tubeufiales based on multi-locus phylogeny and morphology. Fungal Diversity 92(1): 131-344.
- Luo, Zong-Long; Hyde, Kevin D.; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Bao, Dan-Feng; Bhat, Darbhe Jayarama; Lin, Chuan-Gen; Li, Wen-Li; Yang, Jing; Liu, Ning-Guo; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Li, Jun-Fu; Su, Hong-Yan 2019: Freshwater Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 99: 451-660.
- Machouart, M.; Samerpitak, K.; Hoog, G. S.; Gueidan, C. 2014: A multigene phylogeny reveals that Ochroconis belongs to the family Sympoventuriaceae (Venturiales, Dothideomycetes). Fungal Diversity 65(1): 77-88.
- Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N.; Guo, L.-D.; Cai, L.; Chukeatirote, E.; Wu, W.P.; Sun, X.; Crous, P.W.; Bhat, J.D.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Bahkali, A.H.; K.D. Hyde 2012: A multi-locus backbone tree for Pestalotiopsis, with a polyphasic characterization of 14 new species. Fungal Diversity 56: 95-129.
- Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Huang, Shi-Ke; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Dayarathne, Monika; D’souza, Melvina J.; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Hongsanan, Sinang; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Kirk, Paul M.; Konta, Sirinapa; Liu, Jian-Kui; Liu, Zuo-Yi; Norphanphoun, Chada; Pang, Ka-Lai; Perera, Rekhani H.; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Shang, Qiuju; Shenoy, Belle Damodara; Xiao, Yuanpin; Bahkali, Ali H.; Kang, Jichuan; Somrothipol, Sayanh; Suetrong, Satinee; Wen, Tingchi; Xu, Jianchu 2015: Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 72(1): 199-301.
- Manamgoda, D.S.; Cai, L.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Crous, P.W.; Madrid, H.; Chukeatirote, E.; Shivas, R.G.; Tan, Y.P.; Hyde, K.D. 2012: A phylogenetic and taxonomic re-evaluation of the Bipolaris - Cochliobolus - Curvularia Complex. Fungal Diversity 56: 131-144.
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Pinnoi, A.; Wong, M.K.M.; Hyde, K.D.; Jones, E.B.G. 2002: Two new hyaline Chalara species, and a key to species described since 1975. Fungal Diversity 11: 129-139.
- Nakasone, K.K.; Lindner, D.L. 2012: Taxonomy of Pseudolagarobasidium (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Fungal Diversity 55: 155-169.
- Netto, Mariote S. B.; Assunção, Iraíldes P.; Lima, Gaus S. A.; Marques, Marília W.; Lima, Waléria G.; Monteiro, Jean H. A.; de Queiroz Balbino, Valdir; Michereff, Sami J.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Câmara, Marcos P. S. 2014: Species of Lasiodiplodia associated with papaya stem-end rot in Brazil. Fungal Diversity 67(1): 127-141.
- Neves, M.A.; Binder, M.; Halling, R.; Hibbett, D.; Soytong, K. 2012: The phylogeny of selected Phylloporus species, inferred from NUC-LSU and ITS sequences, and descriptions of new species from the Old World. Fungal Diversity 55: 109-123.
- Pärtel, Kadri; Baral, Hans-Otto; Tamm, Heidi; Põldmaa, Kadri 2017: Evidence for the polyphyly of Encoelia and Encoelioideae with reconsideration of respective families in Leotiomycetes. Fungal Diversity 82(1): 183-219.
- Paul, Shyam Sundar; Bu, Dengpan; Xu, Jianchu; Hyde, Kevin D.; Yu, Zhongtang 2018: A phylogenetic census of global diversity of gut anaerobic fungi and a new taxonomic framework. Fungal Diversity 89(1): 253-266.
- Paulus B, Gadek P, Hyde KD 2003: Two new species of Dactylaria (anamorphic fungi) from Australian rainforests and an update of species in Dactylaria sensu lato. Fungal Diversity 14: 143-156.
- Pearce, C.A.; Hyde, K.D. 2001: Two new genera in the Phyllachoraceae: Sphaerodothella to accommodate Sphaerodothis danthoniae, and Parberya gen. nov. Fungal Diversity 6: 83-97.
- Perera, R. H.; Hyde, K. D.; Jones, E. B. G.; Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N.; Bundhun, D.; Camporesi, E.; Akulov, A.; Liu, J. K.; Liu, Z. Y. 2023: Profile of Bionectriaceae, Calcarisporiaceae, Hypocreaceae, Nectriaceae, Tilachlidiaceae, Ijuhyaceae fam. nov., Stromatonectriaceae fam. nov. and Xanthonectriaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 118(1): 95-271.
- Pérez, C. A.; Wingfield, M. J.; Slippers, B.; Altier, N. A.; Blanchette, R. A. 2010: Endophytic and canker-associated Botryosphaeriaceae occurring on non-native Eucalyptus and native Myrtaceae trees in Uruguay. Fungal Diversity 41(1): 53-69.
- Phillips, A.J.L.; Alves, A. 2009: Taxonomy, phylogeny, and epitypification of Melanops tulasnei, the type species of Melanops. Fungal Diversity 38: 155-166.
- Phillips, A.J.L.; Crous, P.W.; Alves, A. 2007: Diplodia seriata, the anamorph of "Botryosphaeria" obtusa. Fungal Diversity 25: 141-155.
- Phillips, A.J.L.; Oudemans, P.V.; Correia, A.; Alves, A. 2006: Characterisation and epitypification of Botryosphaeria corticis, the cause of blueberry cane canker. Fungal Diversity 21: 141-155.
- Phillips, Alan J. L.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Alves, Artur; Liu, Jian-Kui 2018: Families in Botryosphaeriales: a phylogenetic, morphological and evolutionary perspective. Fungal Diversity
- Phookamsak, R.; Norphanphoun, C.; Tanaka, K.; Dai, D.Q.; Luo, Z.L.; Liu, J.K.; Su, H.Y.; Bhat, D.J.; Bahkali, A.H.; Mortimer, P.E.; Xu, J.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2015: Towards a natural classification of Astrosphaeriella-like species; introducing Astrosphaeriellaceae and Pseudoastrosphaeriellaceae fam. nov. and Astrosphaeriellopsis gen. nov. Fungal Diversity 74: 143-197.
- Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Raspé, Olivier; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Hongsanan, Sinang; Doilom, Mingkwan; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Machado, Alexandre R.; Firmino, André L.; Ghosh, Aniket; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Mešić, Armin; Dutta, Arun Kumar; Thongbai, Benjarong; Devadatha, Bandarupalli; Norphanphoun, Chada; Senwanna, Chanokned; Wei, Deping; Pem, Dhandevi; Ackah, Frank Kwekucher; Wang, Gen-Nuo; Jiang, Hong-Bo; Madrid, Hugo; Lee, Hyang Burm; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Kušan, Ivana; Cano, Josep; Gené, Josepa; Li, Junfu; Das, Kanad; Acharya, Krishnendu; Raj, K. N. Anil; Latha, K. P. Deepna; Chethana, K. W. Thilini; He, Mao-Qiang; Dueñas, Margarita; Jadan, Margita; Martín, María P.; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Dayarathne, Monika C.; Raza, Mubashar; Park, Myung Soo; Telleria, M. Teresa; Chaiwan, Napalai; Matočec, Neven; de Silva, Nimali I.; Pereira, Olinto L.; Singh, Paras Nath; Manimohan, Patinjareveettil; Uniyal, Priyanka; Shang, Qiu-Ju; Bhatt, Rajendra P.; Perera, Rekhani H.; Alvarenga, Renato Lúcio Mendes; Nogal-Prata, Sandra; Singh, Sanjay K.; Vadthanarat, Santhiti; Oh, Seung-Yoon; Huang, Shi-Ke; Rana, Shiwali; Konta, Sirinapa; Paloi, Soumitra; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Jeon, Sun Jeong; Mehmood, Tahir; Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista; Nguyen, Thuong T. T.; Singh, Upendra; Thiyagaraja, Vinodhini; Sarma, V. Venkateswara; Dong, Wei; Yu, Xian-Dong; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Lim, Young Woon; Chen, Yun; Tkalčec, Zdenko; Zhang, Zhi-Feng; Luo, Zong-Long; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Camporesi, Erio; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Dai, Dong Qin; Tang, Li-Zhou; Khan, Sehroon; Zhang, Huang; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Cai, Lei; Chomnunti, Putarak; Zhao, Rui-Lin; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Wen, Ting-Chi; Mortimer, Peter E.; Xu, Jianchu 2019: Fungal diversity notes 929–1035: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungi. Fungal Diversity 95(1): 1-273.
- Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Liu, Jian-Kui; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Manamgoda, Dimuthu S.; Ariyawansa, Hiran; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Dai, Dong-Qin; Camporesi, Erio; Chukeatirote, Ekachai; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Mortimer, Peter E.; Xu, Jian-Chu; Hyde, Kevin D. 2014: Revision of Phaeosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity 68(1): 159-238.
- Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Gareth Jones, E. B.; Jayarama Bhat, D.; Stadler, Marc; Bhunjun, Chitrabhanu S.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Thongbai, Benjarong; Camporesi, Erio; Ertz, Damien; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Perera, Rekhani Hansika; Ekanayake, Anusha H.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Doilom, Mingkwan; Xu, Jianchu; Hyde, Kevin D. 2020: Microfungi associated with Clematis (Ranunculaceae) with an integrated approach to delimiting species boundaries. Fungal Diversity 102(1): 1-203.
- Pinruan, U.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Gareth Jones E.B.; Hyde, K.D. 2004: Two new species of Stachybotrys, and a key to the genus. Fungal Diversity 17: 145-157.
- Pitt, Wayne M.; Úrbez-Torres, Jose Ramon; Trouillas, Florent P. 2013: Dothiorella vidmadera, a novel species from grapevines in Australia and notes on Spencermartinsia. Fungal Diversity 61(1): 209-219.
- Prieto, Maria; Schultz, Matthias; Olariaga, Ibai; Wedin, Mats 2018: Lichinodium is a new lichenized lineage in the Leotiomycetes. Fungal Diversity 94(1): 23-39.
- Prihastuti, ; Cai, L.; Hyde, K.D. 2009: Fungal Diversity 39: - 98 -.
- Réblová, M. 2009: Teleomorph of Rhodoveronaea (Sordariomycetidae) discovered and re-evaluation of Pleurophragmidium. Fungal Diversity 36: 129-139.
- Réblová, M. 2011: New insights into the systematics and phylogeny of the genus Jattaea and similar fungi of the Calosphaeriales. Fungal Diversity 49: 167-198.
- Réblová, M.; Seifert, K.A. 2008: A new species of Chaetosphaeria with Menispora ciliata and phialophora-like anamorphs. Fungal Diversity 29: 99-105.
- Sakayaroj, J.; Pang, K-L.; Jones, E.B.G. 2011: Multi-gene phylogeny of the Halosphaeriaceae: its ordinal status, relationships between genera and morphological character evolution. Fungal Diversity 46: 87-109.
- Salgado-Salazar, C.; Rossman, A.Y.; Samuels, G.J.; Hirooka, Y.; Sanchez, R.M.; Chaverri, P. 16 Feb 2014: Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Thelonectria discophora (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) species complex. Fungal Diversity 70: 1-29.
- Salgado-Salazar, Catalina; Rossman, Amy Y.; Chaverri, Priscila 2016: The genus Thelonectria (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) and closely related species with cylindrocarpon-like asexual states. Fungal Diversity 80(1): 411-455.
- Samarakoon, Milan C.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Stadler, Marc; Gareth Jones, E. B.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Camporesi, Erio; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Liu, Jian-Kui 2022: Taxonomy, phylogeny, molecular dating and ancestral state reconstruction of Xylariomycetidae (Sordariomycetes). Fungal Diversity 112(1): 1-88.
- Samarakoon, Milan C.; Thongbai, Benjarong; Hyde, Kevin D.; Brönstrup, Mark; Beutling, Ulrike; Lambert, Christopher; Miller, Andrew N.; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Stadler, Marc 2020: Elucidation of the life cycle of the endophytic genus Muscodor and its transfer to Induratia in Induratiaceae fam. nov., based on a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Fungal Diversity 101(1): 177-210.
- Samerpitak, K.; Linde, E.; Choi, H.-J.; Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G.; Machouart, M.; Gueidan, C.; Hoog, G. S. 2014: Taxonomy of Ochroconis, genus including opportunistic pathogens on humans and animals. Fungal Diversity 65(1): 89-126.
- Samuels, G.J.; Ismaiel, A.; Mullaw, T.B.; Szakacs, G.; Druzhinina, I.S.; Kubicek, C.P.; Jaklitsch, W.M. 2012: The Longibrachiatum Clade of Trichoderma: a revision with new species. Fungal Diversity 55: 77-108.
- Santos, J.M.; Phillips, A.J.L. 2009: Resolving the complex of Diaporthe (Phomopsis) species occurring on Foeniculum vulgare in Portugal. Fungal Diversity 34(111): 125.
- Schubert, K.; Braun, U. 2005: Taxonomic revision of the genus Cladosporium s.l. 4. Species reallocated to Asperisporium, Dischloridium, Fusicladium, Passalora, Pseudoasperisporium and Stenella. Fungal Diversity 20: 187-208.
- Senanayake, Indunil C.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Chomnunti, Putarak; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Norphanphoun, Chada; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Pem, Dhandevi; Perera, Rekhani H.; Camporesi, Erio; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Karunarathna, Samantha C. 2018: Taxonomic circumscription of Diaporthales based on multigene phylogeny and morphology. Fungal Diversity 93(1): 241-443.
- Senanayake, Indunil C.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Bhat, Jayarama D.; Jones, E. B. Gareth; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Dai, Dong Qin; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Dayarathne, Monika C.; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Konta, Sirinapa; Li, Wen Jing; Shang, Qiu Ju; Stadler, Marc; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Xiao, Yuan Pin; Norphanphoun, Chada; Li, Qirui; Liu, Xing Zhong; Bahkali, Ali H.; Kang, Ji Chuan; Wang, Yong; Wen, Ting Chi; Wendt, Lucile; Xu, Jian Chu; Camporesi, Erio 2015: Towards unraveling relationships in Xylariomycetidae (Sordariomycetes). Fungal Diversity 73(1): 73-144.
- Senanayake, Indunil C.; Rossi, Walter; Leonardi, Marco; Weir, Alex; McHugh, Mark; Rajeshkumar, Kunhiraman C.; Verma, Rajnish K.; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Ashtekar, Nikhil; Ashtamoorthy, Sreejith K.; Raveendran, Sanjay; Kour, Gurmeet; Singh, Aishwarya; De la Peña-Lastra, Saúl; Mateos, Antonio; Kolařík, Miroslav; Antonín, Vladimír; Ševčíková, Hana; Esteve-Raventós, Fernando; Larsson, Ellen; Pancorbo, Fermín; Moreno, Gabriel; Altés, Alberto; Turégano, Yolanda; Du, Tian-Ye; Lu, Li; Li, Qi-Rui; Kang, Ji-Chuan; Gunaseelan, Sugantha; Kezo, Kezhocuyi; Kaliyaperumal, Malarvizhi; Fu, Jizhen; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Gafforov, Yusufjon; Teshaboeva, Shakhnoza; Kunjan, Pradeep C.; Chamaparambath, Arya; Flakus, Adam; Etayo, Javier; Rodriguez-Flakus, Pamela; Zhurbenko, Mikhail P.; de Silva, Nimali I.; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Latha, K. P. Deepna; Manimohan, Patinjareveettil; Raj, K. N. Anil; Calabon, Mark S.; Ahmadpour, Abdollah; Heidarian, Zeinab; Alavi, Zahra; Alavi, Fatemeh; Ghosta, Youbert; Azizi, Razmig; Luo, Mei; Zhao, Min-Ping; Kularathnage, Nuwan D.; Hua, Li; Yang, Yun-Hui; Liao, Chun-Fang; Zhao, Hai-Jun; Lestari, Anis S.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Yu, Feng-Ming; Lei, Lei; Liu, Jian-Wei; Karimi, Omid; Tang, Song-Ming; Sun, Ya-Ru; Wang, Yong; Zeng, Ming; Htet, Zin H.; Linaldeddu, Benedetto T.; Alves, Artur; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Bregant, Carlo; Montecchio, Lucio; De Kesel, André; Hustad, Vincent P.; Miller, Andrew N.; Fedosova, Anna G.; Kučera, Viktor; Raza, Mubashar; Hussain, Muzammil; Chen, Yan-Peng; Thiyagaraja, Vinodhini; Gomdola, Deecksha; Rathnayaka, Achala R.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Hongsanan, Sinang; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Dissanayake, Lakmali S.; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Yapa, Neelamanie; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Xie, Ning; Doilom, Mingkwan; Manawasinghe, Ishara S.; Liu, Jian-Kui; Zhao, Qi; Xu, Biao; Hyde, Kevin D.; Song, Jiage 2023: Fungal diversity notes 1611–1716: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on fungal genera and species emphasis in south China. Fungal Diversity 122(1): 161-403.
- Shenoy, B.D.; Jeewon, R.; Lam, W.H.; Bhat, D.J.; Than, P.P.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Hyde, K.D. 2007: Morphomolecular characterisation and epitypification of Colletotrichum capsici, causal agent of anthracnose in chilli. Fungal Diversity 27: 197-211.
- Shenoy, Belle Damodara; Jeewon, Rajesh; Wang, Hongkai; Amandeep, Kaur; Ho, Wellcome H.; Bhat, Darbhe Jayarama; Crous, Pedro W.; Hyde, Kevin D. 2010: Sequence data reveals phylogenetic affinities of fungal anamorphs Bahusutrabeeja, Diplococcium, Natarajania, Paliphora, Polyschema, Rattania and Spadicoides. Fungal Diversity 44(1): 161-169.
- Shivas, R.G.; Tan, Y.P. 2009: A taxonomic re-assessment of Colletotrichum acutatum, introducing C. fioriniae comb. et stat. nov. and C. simmondsii sp. nov. Fungal Diversity 39: 111-122.
- Sivanesan, A.; Shivas, R.G. 2002: New species of foliicolous Loculoascomycetes on Dysoxylum, Melaleuca and Syzygium from Queensland, Australia. Fungal Diversity 11: 151-158.
- Sivanesan, A.; Shivas, R.G. 2002: New species of foliicolous Loculoascomycetes on Dysoxylum, Melaleuca and Syzygium from Queensland, Australia. Fungal Diversity 11: 151-158.
- Smith, G.J.D.; Hyde, K.D. 2001: Fungi from palms XLIX. Astrocystis, Biscogniauxia, Cyanopulvis, Hypoxylon, Nemania, Guestia, Rosellinia and Stilbohypoxylon. Fungal Diversity 7: 89-217.
- Sotome, K.; Akagi, Y.; Lee, S.S.; Ishikawa, N.; Hattori, T. 2013: Taxonomic study of favolus and Neofavolus gen. nov. segregated from Polyporus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). Fungal Diversity 58: 245-266.
- Stubbe, D.; Le, H.T.; Wang, X-H.; Nuytinck, J.; van de Putte, K.; Verbeken, A. 2012: The Australasian species of Lactarius subgenus Gerardii (Russulales). Fungal Diversity 52: 141-167.
- Suetrong, S.; Boonyuen, N.; Pang, K-L.; Ueapattanakit, J.; Klaysuban, A.; Sri-indrasutdhi, V.; Sivichiai, S.; Gareth-Jones, E.B. 2011: A taxonomic revision and phylogenetic reconstruction of the Jahnulales (Dothideomycetes), and the new family Manglicolaceae. Fungal Diversity 51: 163-188.
- Suija, Ave; Ertz, Damien; Lawrey, James D.; Diederich, Paul 2015: Multiple origin of the lichenicolous life habit in Helotiales, based on nuclear ribosomal sequences. Fungal Diversity 70(1): 55-72.
- Summerell, B.A.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Carnegie, A.J.; Summerbell, R.C.; Crous, P.W. 2006: Eucalyptus microfungi known from culture. 2. Alysidiella, Fusculina and Phlogicylindrium genera nova, with notes on some poorly known taxa. Fungal Diversity 23: 323-350.
- Summerell, B.A.; Leslie, J.F.; Liew, E.C.Y.; Laurence, m.H.; Bullck, S.; Petrovic, T.; Bentley, A.R.; Howard, C.G.; Peterson, S.A.; Walsh, J.L.; Burgess, L.W. 2011: Fusarium species associated with plants in Australia. Fungal Diversity 46: 1-27.
- Tan. Y.P.; Edwards, J.; Grice, K.R.E.; Shivas, R.G. 2013: Molecular phylogenetic analysis reveals six new species of Diaporthe from Australia. Fungal Diversity 61: 251-260.
- Tanaka, I.; Harada, Y.; Barr, M.E. 2005: Trematosphaeria: taxonomic concepts, new species from Japan and key to species. Fungal Diversity 19: 145-156.
- Teasdale, S.E.; Beulke, A.K.; Guy, P.L. 2013: Environmental barcoding of the ectomycorrhizal genus Cortinarius. Fungal Diversity 58: 299-301.
- Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Gentekaki, Eleni; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Hyde, Kevin D. 2021: Biphasic taxonomic approaches for generic relatedness and phylogenetic relationships of Teichosporaceae. Fungal Diversity
- Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Kuo, Chang-Hsin; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Gentekaki, Eleni; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; de Silva, Nimali I.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Hyde, Kevin D. 2021: Taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to Celtis formosana, Ficus ampelas, F. septica, Macaranga tanarius and Morus australis leaf litter inhabiting microfungi. Fungal Diversity 108(1): 1-215.
- Thambugala, K.M; Daranagama, D.A; Phillips, A.J.L; Bulgakov, T.S; Bhat, D.J; Camporesi, E; Bahkali, A.H; Eungwanichayapant, P.D; Liu, Z.Y; Hyde, K.D. 2016: Microfungi on Tamarix. Fungal Diversity 82: 239-306.
- Thambugala, Kasun M.; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Li, Yan-Mei; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Hongsanan, Sinang; Tian, Qing; Singtripop, Chonticha; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Camporesi, Erio; Jayawardena, Ruvishika; Liu, Zuo-Yi; Xu, Jian-Chu; Chukeatirote, Ekachai; Hyde, Kevin D. 2014: Dothideales. Fungal Diversity 68(1): 105-158.
- Thambugala, Kasun M.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Tian, Qing; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Camporesi, Erio; Hashimoto, Akira; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Schumacher, René K.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Liu, Zuo-Yi 2015: Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 74(1): 199-266.
- Than, P.P.; Shivas, R.G.; Jeewon, R.; Pongsupasamit, S.; Marney, T.S.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Hyde, K.D. 2008: Epitypification and phylogeny of Colletotrichum acutatum J.H. Simmonds. Fungal Diversity 28: 97-108.
- Thongkantha, S.; Jeewon, R.; Vijaykrishna, D.; Lumyong, S.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2009: Molecular phylogeny of Magnaporthaceae (Sordariomycetes) with a new species Ophioceras chiangdaoense from Dracaena loureiroi in Thailand. Fungal Diversity 34: 157-173.
- Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Liu, Jian-Kui; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Jones, E. B. Gareth; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; et al. 2017: Fungal diversity notes 491–602: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 83(1): 1-261.
- Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Hyde, Kevin D.; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Doilom, Mingkwan; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Tang, Alvin M. C.; Xu, Jianchu; Mortimer, Peter E.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Khan, Samiullah; Karunarathna, Samantha C. 2018: Fungal diversity notes 840–928: micro-fungi associated with Pandanaceae. Fungal Diversity 93(1): 1-160.
- Trouillas, Florent P.; Pitt, Wayne M.; Sosnowski, Mark R.; Huang, Rujuan; Peduto, Francesca; Loschiavo, Adrian; Savocchia, Sandra; Scott, Eileen S.; Gubler, Walter D. 2011: Taxonomy and DNA phylogeny of Diatrypaceae associated with Vitis vinifera and other woody plants in Australia. Fungal Diversity 49(1): 203-223.
- Tsui, C.K.M.; Goh, T.K.; Hyde, K.D. 2001: A revision of the genus Exserticlava, with a new species. Fungal Diversity 7: 135-143.
- Udayanga, D.; Liu, X.; Crous, P.W.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Chukeatirote, E.; Hyde, K.D. 2012: A multi-locus phylogenetic evaluation of Diaporthe (Phomopsis). Fungal Diversity 56: 157-171.
- Udayanga, Dhanushka; Castlebury, Lisa A.; Rossman, Amy Y.; Chukeatirote, Ekachai; Hyde, Kevin D. 2014: Insights into the genus Diaporthe: phylogenetic species delimitation in the D. eres species complex. Fungal Diversity 67(1): 203-229.
- Urbez-Torrez, J.R.; Peduto, F.; Strigler, R.K.; Urrea-Romero, K.E.; Rupe, J.C.; Cartwright, R.D.; Gubler, W.D. 2012: Characterization of fungal pathogens associated with grapevine trunk disease in Arkansas and Missouri. Fungal Diversity 52: 169-189.
- van den Brink, J.; Samson, R.A.; Hagen, F.; Boekhout, T.; de Vries, P. 2012: Phylogeny of the industrial relevant, thermophillic genera Myceliophthora and Corynascus. Fungal Diversity 52: 197-207.
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- Vandepol, Natalie; Liber, Julian; Desirò, Alessandro; Na, Hyunsoo; Kennedy, Megan; Barry, Kerrie; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Miller, Andrew N.; O’Donnell, Kerry; Stajich, Jason E.; Bonito, Gregory 2020: Resolving the Mortierellaceae phylogeny through synthesis of multi-gene phylogenetics and phylogenomics. Fungal Diversity 104(1): 267-289.
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- Vasilyeva, L.N.; Chernyshev, A.V.; Stepehenson, S.L. 2012: Neochaetosphaerella thaxteriospora gen. et sp. nov. and Tympanopsis texensis sp. nov. (Coronophorales, Ascomycota) from Texas, USA. Fungal Diversity 52: 191-196.
- Vizzini, Alfredo; Consiglio, Giovanni; Marchetti, Mauro; Alvarado, Pablo: Insights into the Tricholomatineae (Agaricales, Agaricomycetes): a new arrangement of Biannulariaceae and Callistosporium, Callistosporiaceae fam. nov., Xerophorus stat. nov., and Pleurocollybia incorporated into Callistosporium. Fungal Diversity
- Voglmayr, Hermann; Gardiennet, Alain; Jaklitsch, Walter M. 2016: Asterodiscus and Stigmatodiscus, two new apothecial dothideomycete genera and the new order Stigmatodiscales. Fungal Diversity 80(1): 271-284.
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- Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Hyde, Kevin D.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Lee, Hyang Burm; Gareth Jones, E. B.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Gafforov, Yusufjon; Camporesi, Erio; Bulgakov, Timur S.; Ekanayake, Anusha H.; Perera, Rekhani Hansika; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Mapook, Ausana; Li, Wen-Jing; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Li, Junfu; Norphanphoun, Chada; Doilom, Mingkwan; Bahkali, Ali H; Xu, Jianchu; Mortimer, Peter E.; Tibell, Leif; Tibell, Sanja; Karunarathna, Samantha C. 2018: Fungal diversity notes 709–839: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa with an emphasis on fungi on Rosaceae. Fungal Diversity 89(1): 1-236.
- Wang, Y.; Hyde, K.D.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Jiang, Y.L.; Li, D.W.; Zhao, D.G. 2015: Overview of Stachybotrys (Memnoniella) and current species status. Fungal Diversity 71: 17-83.
- Wang, Yuan-Bing; Wang, Yao; Fan, Qi; Duan, Dong-E; Zhang, Guo-Dong; Dai, Ru-Qin; Dai, Yong-Dong; Zeng, Wen-Bo; Chen, Zi-Hong; Li, Dan-Dan; Tang, De-Xiang; Xu, Zhi-Hong; Sun, Tao; Nguyen, Thi-Tra; Tran, Ngoc-Lan; Dao, Van-Minh; Zhang, Can-Ming; Huang, Luo-Dong; Liu, Yong-Jun; Zhang, Xiao-Mei; Yang, Da-Rong; Sanjuan, Tatiana; Liu, Xing-Zhong; Yang, Zhu L.; Yu, Hong 2020: Multigene phylogeny of the family Cordycipitaceae (Hypocreales): new taxa and the new systematic position of the Chinese cordycipitoid fungus Paecilomyces hepiali. Fungal Diversity 103(1): 1-46.
- Welti, S.; Moreau, P.A.; Favel, A.; Courtecuisse, R.; Haon, M.; Navarro, D.; Taussac, S.; Lesage-Meesen, L. 2012: Molecular phylogeny of Trametes and related genera, and description of a new genus Leiotrametes. Fungal Diversity 55: 47-64.
- Whitton, S.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2000: Dictyochaeta and Dictyochaetopsis species from the Pandanaceae. Fungal Diversity 4: 133-158.
- Whitton, S.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2002: Microfungi on the Pandanaceae: two new species of Camposporium and key to the genus. Fungal Diversity 11: 177-187.
- Whitton, S.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2003: Microfungi on the Pandanaceae: Zygosporium, a review of the genus and two new species. Fungal Diversity 12: 207-222.
- Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Crous, Pedro W.; Kirk, Paul M.; Hawksworth, David L.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Braun, Uwe; Dai, Dong-Qin; D’souza, Melvina J.; Diederich, Paul; Dissanayake, Asha; Doilom, Mingkhuan; Hongsanan, Singang; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Groenewald, Johannes Z.; Jayawardena, Ruvishika; Lawrey, James D.; Liu, Jian-Kui; Lücking, Robert; Madrid, Hugo; Manamgoda, Dimuthu S.; Muggia, Lucia; Nelsen, Matthew P.; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Suetrong, Satinee; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Wikee, Saowanee; Zhang, Ying; Aptroot, André; Ariyawansa, H. A.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Gueidan, Cécile; Chomnunti, Putarak; De Hoog, G. Sybren; Knudsen, Kerry; Li, Wen-Jing; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Miller, Andrew N.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Piątek, Marcin; Raja, Huzefa A.; Shivas, Roger S.; Slippers, Bernad; Taylor, Joanne E.; Tian, Qing; Wang, Yong; Woudenberg, Joyce H. C.; Cai, Lei; Jaklitsch, Walter M.; Hyde, Kevin D. 2014: Naming and outline of Dothideomycetes–2014 including proposals for the protection or suppression of generic names. Fungal Diversity 69(1): 1-55.
- Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Rajeshkumar, Kunhiraman C.; Hawksworth, David L.; Madrid, Hugo; Kirk, Paul M.; Braun, Uwe; Singh, Rajshree V.; Crous, Pedro W.; Kukwa, Martin; Lücking, Robert; Kurtzman, Cletus P.; Yurkov, Andrey; Haelewaters, Danny; Aptroot, André; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten; Timdal, Einar; Ertz, Damien; Etayo, Javier; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Groenewald, Johannes Z.; Papizadeh, Moslem; Selbmann, Laura; Dayarathne, Monika C.; Weerakoon, Gothamie; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Suetrong, Satinee; Tian, Qing; Castañeda-Ruiz, Rafael F.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Pang, Ka-Lai; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Dai, Dong Qin; Sakayaroj, Jariya; Hujslová, Martina; Lombard, Lorenzo; Shenoy, Belle D.; Suija, Ave; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Sharma, Bharati O.; Gaikwad, Subhash; Pandit, Gargee; Zucconi, Laura; Onofri, Silvano; Egidi, Eleonora; Raja, Huzefa A.; Kodsueb, Rampai; Cáceres, Marcela E. S.; Pérez-Ortega, Sergio; Fiuza, Patrícia O.; Monteiro, Josiane Santana; Vasilyeva, Larissa N.; Shivas, Roger G.; Prieto, Maria; Wedin, Mats; Olariaga, Ibai; Lateef, Adebola Azeez; Agrawal, Yamini; Fazeli, Seyed Abolhassan Shahzadeh; Amoozegar, Mohammad Ali; Zhao, Guo Zhu; Pfliegler, Walter P.; Sharma, Gunjan; Oset, Magdalena; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed A.; Takamatsu, Susumu; Bensch, Konstanze; de Silva, Nimali Indeewari; De Kesel, André; Karunarathna, Anuruddha; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Pfister, Donald H.; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Luo, Zong-Long; Boonyuen, Nattawut; Daranagama, Dinushani A.; Senanayake, Indunil C.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Samarakoon, Milan C.; Zeng, Xiang-Yu; Doilom, Mingkwan; Quijada, Luis; Rampadarath, Sillma; Heredia, Gabriela; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Jayawardana, Ruvishika S.; Perera, Rekhani H.; Tang, Li Zhou; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Hernández-Restrepo, Margarita; Ma, Xiaoya; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Gusmao, Luis F. P.; Weerahewa, Darshani; Karunarathna, Samantha C. 2017: Notes for genera: Ascomycota . Fungal Diversity 86(1): 1-594.
- Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Papizadeh, Moslem; Goonasekara, Ishani D.; Camporesi, Erio; Bhat, D. Jayarama; McKenzie, Eric H. C.; Phillips, Alan J. L.; Diederich, Paul; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Li, Wen Jing; Tangthirasunun, Narumon; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Dai, Dong-Qin; Dissanayake, Asha J.; Weerakoon, Gothamie; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Hashimoto, Akira; Matsumura, Misato; Bahkali, Ali H.; Wang, Yong 2016: Taxonomy and phylogeny of dematiaceous coelomycetes. Fungal Diversity 77(1): 1-316.
- Wikee, S.; Cai, L.; Pairin, N.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Su, Y.Y.; Chukeatirote, E.; Thi, H.N.; Bakhali, A.H.; Moslem, M.A.; Abdelsalam, K.; Hyde, K.D. 2011: Colletotrichum species from jasmine (Jasminum sambac). Fungal Diversity 46: 171-182.
- Wikee, S.; Lombard, L.; Crous, P.W.; Nakashima, C.; Motohashi, K.; Chukeatirote, E.; Alias, S.A.; McKenzie. E.H.C.; Hyde. K.D. 2013: Phyllosticta capitalensis, a widespread endophyte of plants. Fungal Diversity 60: 91-105.
- Wikee, S.; Udayanga, D.; Crous, P.W.; Chukeatirote, E.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Bahkali, A.H.; Dai, D.; Hyde, K.D. 2011: Phyllosticta—an overview of current status of species recognition. Fungal Diversity 51: 43-61.
- Wong, M.H.; Crous, P.W.; Henderson, J.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Drenth, A. 2012: Phyllosticta species associated with freckle disease of banana. Fungal Diversity 56: 173-187.
- Wu, Fang; Zhou, Li-Wei; Vlasák, Josef; Dai, Yu-Cheng 2022: Global diversity and systematics of Hymenochaetaceae with poroid hymenophore. Fungal Diversity 113(1): 1-192.
- Wu, Gang; Feng, Bang; Xu, Jianping; Zhu, Xue-Tai; Li, Yan-Chun; Zeng, Nian-Kai; Hosen, Md. Iqbal; Yang, Zhu L.: Molecular phylogenetic analyses redefine seven major clades and reveal 22 new generic clades in the fungal family Boletaceae. Fungal Diversity
- Wu, Gang; Li, Yan-Chun; Zhu, Xue-Tai; Zhao, Kuan; Han, Li-Hong; Cui, Yang-Yang; Li, Fang; Xu, Jian-Ping; Yang, Zhu L. 2016: One hundred noteworthy boletes from China. Fungal Diversity 81(1): 25-188.
- Wu, Hai X.; Schoch, Conrad L.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Bahkali, Ali H.; Chomnunti, Putarak; Hyde, Kevin D. 2011: A reappraisal of Microthyriaceae. Fungal Diversity 51(1): 189-248.
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- Wulandari, N.F.; To-anun, C.; Hyde, K.D.; Duong, L.M.; de Gruyter, J.; Meffert, J.P.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Crous, P.W. 2009: Phyllosticta citriasiana sp. nov., the cause of Citrus tan spot on Citrus maxima in Asia. Fungal Diversity 34: 23-39.
- Xiao, Yuan-Pin; Wang, Yuan Bing; Hyde, Kevin D.; Eleni, Gentekaki; Sun, Jing-zu; Yang, Yu; Meng, Juan; Yu, Hong; Wen, Ting-Chi 2023: Polycephalomycetaceae, a new family of clavicipitoid fungi segregates from Ophiocordycipitaceae. Fungal Diversity 120(1): 1-76.
- Yang, Y.L.; Liu, Z.Y.; Cai, L.; Hyde, K.D.; Yu, Z.N.; McKenzie, E.H.C. 2009: Colletotrichum anthracnose of Amaryllidaceae. Fungal Diversity 39: 123-146.
- Yuan, Hai-Sheng; Lu, Xu; Dai, Yu-Cheng; Hyde, Kevin D.; Kan, Yu-He; Kušan, et al. 2020: Fungal diversity notes 1277–1386: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 104(1): 1-266.
- Zhang, Huang; Dong, Wei; Hyde, Kevin D.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Hongsanan, Sinang; Jayarama Bhat, D.; Al-Sadi, Abdullah M.; Zhang, Di 2017: Towards a natural classification of Annulatascaceae-like taxa: introducing Atractosporales ord. nov. and six new families. Fungal Diversity 85(1): 75-110.
- Zhang, Y.; Crous, P.W.; Schoch, C.L.; Bahkali, A.H.; Guo L.D.; Hyde, K.D. 2011: A molecular, moprholgical and ecological re-appraisal of Venturiales - a new order of Dothideomycetes. Fungal Diversity 51: 249-277.
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- Zhao, G.; Liu, X.; Wu, W. 2007: Helicosporous hyphomycetes from China. Fungal Diversity 26: 313-524.
- Zhao, Heng; Nie, Yong; Zong, Tong-Kai; Wang, Ke; Lv, Mei-Lin; Cui, Yu-Jin; Tohtirjap, Ablat; Chen, Jia-Jia; Zhao, Chang-Lin; Wu, Fang; Cui, Bao-Kai; Yuan, Yuan; Dai, Yu-Cheng; Liu, Xiao-Yong: Species diversity, updated classification and divergence times of the phylum Mucoromycota. Fungal Diversity
- Zhao, R.; Karunarathna, S.; Raspé O.; Parra, L.A.; Guinberteau, J.; Moinard, M.; De Kesel, A.; Barroso, G.; Courtecuisse, R.; Hyde, K.D.; Guelly, A.K.; Desjardin, D.E.; Callac, P.: Major clades in tropical Agaricus. Fungal Diversity 51: 279-296.
- Zhao, Rui-Lin; Li, Guo-Jie; Sánchez-Ramírez, Santiago; Stata, Matt; Yang, Zhu-Liang; Wu, Gang; Dai, Yu-Cheng; He, Shuang-Hui; Cui, Bao-Kai; Zhou, Jun-Liang; Wu, Fang; He, Mao-Qiang; Moncalvo, Jean-Marc; Hyde, Kevin D. 2017: A six-gene phylogenetic overview of Basidiomycota and allied phyla with estimated divergence times of higher taxa and a phyloproteomics perspective. Fungal Diversity 84(1): 43-74.
- Zhao, Rui-Lin; Zhou, Jun-Liang; Chen, Jie; Margaritescu, Simona; Sánchez-Ramírez, Santiago; Hyde, Kevin D; Callac, Philippe; Parra, Luis A.; Li, Guo-Jie; Moncalvo, Jean-Marc 2016: Towards standardizing taxonomic ranks using divergence times – a case study for reconstruction of the Agaricus taxonomic system. Fungal Diversity 78(1): 239-292.
- Zhou, Li-Wei; Vlasák, Josef; Decock, Cony; Assefa, Addisu; Stenlid, Jan; Abate, Dawit; Wu, Sheng-Hua; Dai, Yu-Cheng 2016: Global diversity and taxonomy of the Inonotus linteus complex (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota): Sanghuangporus gen. nov., Tropicoporus excentrodendri and T. guanacastensis gen. et spp. nov., and 17 new combinations. Fungal Diversity 77(1): 335-347.