Whitton, S.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2003: Microfungi on the Pandanaceae: Zygosporium, a review of the genus and two new species. Fungal Diversity 12: 207-222.

Whitton, S.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Hyde, K.D. 2003: Microfungi on the Pandanaceae: Zygosporium, a review of the genus and two new species. Fungal Diversity 12: 207-222.
Identification keys
Vesicular conidiophores with 3–4 conidiogenous cells, no sterile apical cell, either borne on setiform conidiophores or arising directly from mycelium; setae sterile or with 1–2 vesicular conidiophores, apex hyaline and swollen (5–7 µm wide); conidia s
Vesicular conidiophores with 3 conidiogenous cells and a short, sterile apical cell, stalk cells up to 45 µm long; interspersed with sterile setae, apex hyaline and swollen (6–8 µm wide); conidia ellipsoid, hyaline to pale brown, smooth or verruculose,
Vesicular conidiophores in stacked chains of 1–6, each with 2 conidiogenous cells, and a cylindrical sterile cell at the apex (12–36 µm long); conidia ovoid, hyaline, smooth, 6–10 × 3–5 µm
Vesicular conidiophores with 2–3 conidiogenous cells and a sterile apical cell (7–11 µm long); conidia ovoid, hyaline, minutely verruculose, 6–11 × 4–7 µm
Vesicular conidiophores with 3–4 conidiogenous cells; conidia hyaline, smooth, 8.5–10 µm diam
Vesicular conidiophores with 2–3 conidiogenous cells and a sterile apical cell (5–8 µm long); conidia hyaline, smooth to minutely verruculose, 4–8 µm diam.
Conidia echinulate, spines up to 3.5 µm long, subhyaline to pale brown, 12.5–16.5 µm diam.; setiform conidiophores 81–98 µm long, apical cell hyaline to pale brown, tapering, sparsely roughened
Conidia tuberculate, raised areas flattened and irregular in shape, brown, 11–14.5 µm diam.; setiform conidiophores 60–100 µm long, apex subhyaline, smooth and narrowly clavate (2–2.5 µm wide)
Conidia smooth, hyaline, 7–10 µm diam.; setiform conidiophores 20–70 µm long, apical cell hyaline, smooth, swollen (3–4 µm wide)
Conidia verrucose, hyaline to pale-brown, 5.5–10 µm diam.; setiform conidiophores 35–50 µm long, apical cell subhyaline, smooth, narrowly clavate (1.5 µm wide)
Conidia coarsely roughened, pale brown, 13–18 µm diam.; setiform conidiophores 75–100 µm long, apical cell subhyaline, smooth, tapering or narrowly clavate (1.5–2 µm wide)
Conidia ellipsoid, pale brown, 11–16 × 6.5–7.5 µm; setiform conidiophores 53–61 µm long, apical cell subhyaline, smooth, narrowly clavate (2–2.5 µm wide)
Conidia ellipsoid, pale brown to brown, 20–30 × 8–11 µm; setiform conidiophores 65–110 µm long, apical cell subhyaline, sparsely echinulate, narrowly clavate (2–3.5 µm wide)
Conidia ovoid, hyaline, smooth, 6.5–13.5 × 5–6 µm; setiform conidiophores up to 45 µm long, apical cell hyaline, smooth and narrowly clavate or obtuse, erect lateral branch 46–75 µm long also produced
Conidia ellipsoid, hyaline to subhyaline, smooth to minutely verruculose, 7–12.5 × 4–9 µm; setiform conidiophores 30–60 µm long, apical cell subhyaline, smooth, acute or narrowly clavate
Cited scientific names
20 June 2003