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Braun, U. 2001: Taxonomic notes on some species of the Cercospora complex (VII). Fungal Diversity 8: 41-71.

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Braun, U. 2001: Taxonomic notes on some species of the Cercospora complex (VII). Fungal Diversity 8: 41-71.

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Notes: Laundon (1970: 55, Fig. 3) recorded, described and illustrated the present fungus as 'Cercospora myrticola Speg.', which differs, however, in having subcylindical, wider conidia with obtuse or subacute apex and truncate to somewhat obconically truncate base. McKenzie (1990) and McKenzie et al. (1999) recorded and discussed additional collections of 'Po myrticola' on Metrosideros excelsa and P. parkinsonii from New Zealand. Pseudocercospora eucalyptigena is the only comparable cercosporoid species on hosts of the Myrtaceae with acicular conidia, but this species differs in having distinct lesions, smaller stromata and conidiophore fascicles as well as subdenticulate conidiogenous cells.

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28 November 2003
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