Kerekes, J.F.; Desjardin, D.E.: A monograph of the genera Crinipellis and Moniliophthora from Southeast Asia including a molecular phylogeny of the nrITS region. Fungal Diversity 37: 101-152.

Kerekes, J.F.; Desjardin, D.E.: A monograph of the genera Crinipellis and Moniliophthora from Southeast Asia including a molecular phylogeny of the nrITS region. Fungal Diversity 37: 101-152.
Taxonomic concepts
Crinipellis substipitaria G. Stev. 1964
Crinipellis velutipes G. Stev. 1964
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Inserted on dead twigs of forest litter.
The holotype specimen consists of 6 intact basidiomes in fair condition. As dried: Pileus 4–8 mm diam., conical with a conical papilla surrounded by a zone of long tufted hairs, margin with shorter and smaller tufts, yellowish brown to orangish brown. Lamellae free, close with 1 series of lamellulae, narrow, cream-colored. Stipe 60–100 × 1 mm, pubescent, greyish brown; rhizomorphs absent.Basidiospores (7.7–) 8–9.6 × 4.2–5.5 μm [xm = 8.8 ± 0.5 × 4.7 ± 0.4 μm, Q = 1.7–2.2, Qm = 1.9 ± 0.1, n = 20 spores per 1 collection], ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 2- and 4-sterigmate, clavate, clamped. Basidioles subfusoid. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia common, lamellar edge sterile; main body 11–20 × 4.5–8 μm, irregularly cylindrical to clavate with numerous apical appendages; apical appendages 1.5–6.5 (–10) × 1–3 μm, finger-like or irregular in outline, obtuse, sometimes forked, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Pileipellis of tangled to parallel and agglutinated, thick-walled hairs. Hairs up to 700 μm long × 2.5–4.5 (–5) μm diam., cylindrical, gradually narrowed to a subacute tip; walls smooth, 0.5–2 μm thick, hyaline to yellow, inamyloid to dextrinoid. Stipitipellis with hairs like the pileipellis.
This represents a good species of Crinipellis distinctive because of the conical-papillate, ochraceous pileus, long greyish brown stipe (up to 100 mm), setulose cheilocystidia, and the absence of rhizomorphs. It is allied with C. setipes (Peck) Singer from North America. Status: Crinipellis procera is known currently only from New Zealand.
The holotype specimen consists of about 2 very fragmented basidiomes in fair condition. As dried: Pileus striate, pruinose overall, reddish brown. Lamellae adnexed, subdistant with 2 series of lamellulae, broad, cream-coloured. Stipe 1 mm diam, pubescent, yellowish grey-brown. Basidiospores 8–9 × 3.8–4.5 µm [xm = 8.5 ± 0.3 × 4.1 ± 0.2 μm, Q = 1.8–2.3, Qm = 2.1 ± 0.2, n = 10 spores per 1 collection], ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Basidia clavate, 4-spored, clamped. Basidioles clavate. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia scattered, lamellar edge fertile; 22–40 × 6.5–10 µm, irregularly clavate to lageniform or ventricose, mucronate or forked, projections obtuse, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Pileipellis a cutis of repent, subparallel, diverticulate, often with brown pigment incrustations.
Notes: Horak (1971: 450) transferred the species into Collybia as C. stevensonii because the name Collybia readiae was already taken. However, Horak was unaware that there was already a Collybia stevensonii, so his nom. nov. created an illegitimate homonym. Correcting the gender ending to the feminine “stevensoniae” for Stevenson’s species versus “stevensonii” for the Berkeley & Broome taxon does not legitimize the illegitimate homonym. Status: This New Zealand species was transferred recently into Gymnopus. It does not represent a species of Crinipellis, but rather belongs in Gymnopus sect. Vestipedes.
The holotype specimen consists of two different species: About 10 basidiomes in total in fair condition, loose in the packet. Taxon 1: As dried: Pileus 7–15 mm diam., plano-convex, striate, appressed-fibrillose, dark brown. Lamellae narrowly adnexed, subdistant with 2 series of lamellulae, narrow, greyish brown. Stipe up to 25 × 1 mm, pruinose, dark brown. Cheilocystidia simple, fusoid to clavate. Pileipellis a cutis of cylindrical hyphae with dark brown incrustations. Notes and Status: This dark brown, possibly vinaceous, species is the one reported by Horak (1971: 459, Fig. 27:342) and may represent what Stevenson had in mind for Crinipellis vinacea. If the appropriate basidiomes could be separated, this taxon should be transferred as Gymnopus vinacea (G. Stevenson) comb. prov. and belongs in Sect. Vestipedes. A formal transfer will not be made here. Taxon 2: As dried: Pileus 10–12 mm diam., plano-convex, non-striate or striatulate, glabrous, ochraceous. Lamellae adnexed, subdistant with 2 series of lamellulae, broad, cream- to clay-colored. Stipe 12–15 × 1 mm,glabrous, reddish brown. Basidiospores 9.3–11.2 × 4.8–5.7 μm [xm = 10.3 ± 0.7 × 5.3 ± 0.3 μm, Q = 1.8–2.3, Qm = 2.0 ± 0.1, n = 10 spores per 1 collection], elongate-ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Cheilocystidia with main body 11–16 × 4–6.5 μm, subcylindrical to clavate with numerous apical diverticula; diverticula 1.5–5 × 1–2 μm, knob–like, hyaline, thin-walled. Pileipellis a Dryophila-structure of broad, short, branched cells with clavate terminal cells, hyaline or with brown plasmatic pigments. Notes and Status: This second entity represents a species of Gymnopus (Pers.) Roussel in Sect. Levipedes. A formal transfer will not be made here.
Cited scientific names
- Crinipellis procera G. Stev. 1964
- Crinipellis readiae G. Stev. 1964
- Crinipellis roseola G. Stev. 1964
- Crinipellis substipitaria G. Stev. 1964
- Crinipellis velutipes G. Stev. 1964
- Crinipellis vinacea G. Stev. 1964
- Gymnopus vinaceus (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard 2012
- Heimiomyces neovelutipes (Hongo) E. Horak 1980 [1979]
- Mycena stevensoniae J.A. Cooper 2014
28 June 2011