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Kuhnert, Eric; Sir, Esteban B.; Lambert, Christopher; Hyde, Kevin D.; Hladki, Adriana I.; Romero, Andrea I.; Rohde, Manfred; Stadler, Marc 2017: Phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic resolution of the genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae) including four new species. Fungal Diversity 85(1): 1-43.

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Kuhnert, Eric; Sir, Esteban B.; Lambert, Christopher; Hyde, Kevin D.; Hladki, Adriana I.; Romero, Andrea I.; Rohde, Manfred; Stadler, Marc 2017: Phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic resolution of the genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae) including four new species. Fungal Diversity 85(1): 1-43.

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28 August 2017
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