Thambugala, Kasun M.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Tian, Qing; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Camporesi, Erio; Hashimoto, Akira; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Schumacher, René K.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Liu, Zuo-Yi 2015: Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 74(1): 199-266.
Thambugala, Kasun M.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Tanaka, Kazuaki; Tian, Qing; Wanasinghe, Dhanushka N.; Ariyawansa, Hiran A.; Jayasiri, Subashini C.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Camporesi, Erio; Hashimoto, Akira; Hirayama, Kazuyuki; Schumacher, René K.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Liu, Zuo-Yi 2015: Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Lophiostomataceae, Floricolaceae, and Amorosiaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 74(1): 199-266.
Taxonomic concepts
Lophiostoma caudatum Fabre
Lophiostoma caulium (Fr.) Ces. & De Not.
Lophiostoma corticola (Fuckel) E.C.Y. Liew, Aptroot & K.D. Hyde
Massarina corticola (Fuckel) L. Holm
Melanomma radicans Samuels & E. Müll.
Misturatosphaeria Mugambi & Huhndorf
Trematosphaeria corticola Fuckel
Species of Angustimassarina are considered as fungicolous. They may be parasitic on other fungi and appear to grow within other ascomata of other ascomycetes.
Notes: Trematosphaeria corticola was introduced by Fuckel (1870) and then Holm (1957) transferred this species to Massarina based on its morphology. Liewet al. (2002) transferred this species to Lophiostoma.This species is thought to be widely distributed andoccurs on various hosts including palms (Hyde andAptroot 1997). In our phylogenetic analysis a putativestrain ofM. corticola (CBS154.93) grouped in theAngustimassarina clade (E) and can be another species of Angustimassarina. However, recollection andepitypification are needed to confirm the placement.
Notes: Cesati and De Notaris (1863) transferred and accommodatedSphaeria compressa Pers. in LophiostomaLophiostomataceae) based on immersed to slightly erumpentcomata with a cylindrical papilla. Lophiostoma compressumwas transferred to several different genera, but Zhang et al.2009, 2011) placed L. compressum in Lophiostoma based onphylogenetic placement. Platystomum was introduced byevisan (1877) and is typified by Platystomum compressum(Pers.) Trevis. Platystomum compressum is listed as asynonym of Lophiostoma compressum (Pers.) Ces. & DeNot. in Index Fungorum (2015). However, Mugambi andHuhndorf (2009) showed in their combined phylogeneticanalysis, a putatively named strains of P. c omp re s s um groupedwith Pseudotrichia guatopoensis Huhndorf and Xenolophiumguianense Huhndorf in a separate clade fromLophiostomataceae, which may correspond to the familyPlatystomaceae (Mugambi and Huhndorf 2009;Hydeetal.2013). However, in this phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) thestrain (MFLUCC 13-0343) from new collection ofP. c o mp re s s u m grouped in Lophiostomataceae with othernew species of Platystomum (MFLUCC 14-0925, 15-0632,15-0633) and the putatively named strains of L. compressum(KT 521, JCM 13125 and IFRD 2014), Lophiostomatriseptatum Peck (SMH 5287 and SMH 2591) andLophiostoma viridarium Cooke (IFRDCC 2090) in a samesubclade (A1). We observed and illustrated the specimensattached to KT 521, JCM 13125 strains and the strains ofL. triseptatum and L. viridarium in GenBank are named withoutattached voucher material. Therefore, it is impractical toconfirm their characters. Re-collection, epitypification or areference specimen (Ariyawansa et al. 2014b) with moleculardata are essential for the type species of L. viridarium andL. triseptatum to establish their placement in Platystomum. We accept Platystomum in Lophiostomataceae as a distinctgenus and introduce four new species in Platystomum basedon new collections and two strains (KT 521 and JCM 13125).
Cited scientific names
- Angustimassarina Thambug., Kaz. Tanaka & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Floricolaceae Thambugala, Kaz. Tanaka & K. D. Hyde 2015
- Lophiostoma caudatum Fabre 1879 [1878]
- Lophiostoma caulium (Fr.) Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Lophiostoma corticola (Fuckel) E.C.Y. Liew, Aptroot & K.D. Hyde 2002
- Lophiostomataceae Sacc. 1883
- Magnibotryascoma Thambug. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Massarina corticola (Fuckel) L. Holm 1957
- Melanomma radicans Samuels & E. Müll. 1979 [1978]
- Misturatosphaeria Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009
- Misturatosphaeria radicans (Samuels & E. Müll.) Thambugala & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Platystomum Trevis.
- Ramusculicola Thambug. & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Sigarispora caudata (Fabre) Thambugala, Qing Tian, Kaz. Tanaka & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Sigarispora caulium (Fr.) Thambugala, Wanasinghe, Kaz. Tanaka & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Sigarispora Thambugala & K.D. Hyde 2015
- Trematosphaeria corticola Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
3 June 2016