Lebel, T.; Orihara, T.; Maekawa, N. 2012: The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations. Fungal Diversity 52: 49-71.

Lebel, T.; Orihara, T.; Maekawa, N. 2012: The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations. Fungal Diversity 52: 49-71.
Taxonomic concepts
Chamonixia mucosa Petri
Chamonixia pachydermis Zeller & C.W. Dodge
Chamonixia vittatispora G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young
Gautieria mucosa Petri
Gautieria novae-zelandiae G. Cunn.
Hymenogaster pachydermis Zeller & C.W. Dodge
Hysterangium sclerodermum sensu G. Cunn.
Rosbeeva mucosa (Petri) T. Lebel
Rosbeeva vittaspora (G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young) T. Lebel
Cited scientific names
- Chamonixia mucosa (Petri) Corner & Hawker 1953
- Chamonixia pachydermis (Zeller & C.W. Dodge) G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young 1985
- Chamonixia vittatispora G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young 1985
- Gautieria mucosa (Petri) Zeller & C.W. Dodge 1934
- Gautieria novae-zelandiae G. Cunn. 1938
- Hymenogaster mucosus Petri 1900
- Hymenogaster pachydermis Zeller & C.W. Dodge 1934
- Hysterangium sclerodermum sensu G. Cunn. 1944
- Rossbeevera mucosa (Petri) T. Lebel 2012
- Rossbeevera pachydermis (Zeller & C.W. Dodge) T. Lebel 2012
- Rossbeevera T. Lebel & Orihara 2012
- Rossbeevera vittatispora (G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young) T. Lebel 2012
20 June 2011
10 April 2015