Cunningham, G.H. 1948: New Zealand Polyporaceae. 3. The genus Polyporus. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Plant Diseases Division, Bulletin. 74.

New Zealand.
Characterized by the coarse, imbricate, strigose black hairs which clothe the surface of the pileus. The pigmented walls of these separate the species from P. setiger, which otherwise it resembles.
Lloyd (1922, p. 1147) recorded the species from Tasmania. He described the spores as being elliptical, 6 x 5 µ, so had obviously confused the species with some other, probably P. pelles Lloyd, which has the pileus covered with dark coloured erect fibrils.
LOCALITY: New Zealand.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. & Benth.
Auckland. Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Range, July 1949, Joan Dingley. Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Wellington. Weraroa, Sept. 1919, G.H.C.; Same Locality, May 1923, J.C.Neill; Wilton's Bush, G.B.Rawlings. Hedycarya arborea Forst. Auckland. Oratia Stream, 500 feet, March 1931, M.Hodgkins. Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. Auckland. Hunua Falls, 400 feet, Oct. 1946, G.H.C.
New Zealand.
Growing usually caespitose on bark or decorticated wood on the under surface of fallen branches and logs.
Pilei grow pendulous upon the under side of fallen logs, attached by a brief extension of the vertex. When solitary they assume a discoid shape with the hymenium downward; when caespitose, the common condition, the pilei merge to form large dish-shaped bodies attached by numerous short apical extensions. Occasionally plants assume a flabelliform shape, and are then attached by. a lateral extension of the pileus. Such forms resemble pilei of P. exiguis from which they may be separated by the minute pores, prominently toothed dissepiments, lighter colour of the hymenophore, and globose spores. Dissepiments are very thin and delicate. In old specimens the hymenium may become much creviced and torn, when it is difficult to detect the pores.
In Fries' herbarium at Upsala I saw specimens named P. catervatus by M.C.Cooke. They had been collected in July 1874, at Wellington by S.Berggren and are identical with specimens described above and the illustration given by Berkeley (l.c., Pl. CV., Fig. 1.)
TYPE LOCALITY: Waimate, Bay of Islands, New Zealand.
Australia; New Zealand.
Specimens forwarded to Kew by W.Colenso were named by M.C.Cooke. The name was published by Colenso as Polyporus exiguis sp. nov., but no description was appended. Subsequently Cooke formally described it as Polystictus exiguis Cke.
Specific characters are the small size, laterally attached flabelliform pilei, white (when fresh) surface, irregular moderately sized pores, and small elliptical spores. Pilei of a few specimens resemble those of P. catervatus in that they are peziza-like, caespitose and attached by a prolongation of the vertex. Such may be separated by the larger more deeply coloured pores, entire dissepiments and elliptical spores.
Though superficially not apparent, the species belongs to the same section as P. anthracophilus, possessing a monomitic hyphal system, and similar radiately arranged parallel hyphae.
TYPE LOCALITY: Norswood, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
New Caledonia, New Zealand.
LOCALITY: Grey River, New Zealand.
LOCALITY: Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand.
TYPE LOCALITY: Tarawera, New Zealand.
New Zealand.
In certain micro-features the species resembles P. berkeleyi. Both possess echinulate globose spores, bovista type skeletal hyphae and lactiferous ducts. P. proprius differs in the sessile growth habit, habitat, thick context, thin pore layer, smaller more finely echinulate spores, rounded pores with thick, firm, non-toothed dissepiments.
But two collections of the species have been made, the type being named from a specimen forwarded to the late C.G.Lloyd by James Mitchell (no locality specified). According to Stevenson & Cash (1936, p. 115) it is no longer in the Lloyd collections at Washington, D.C.; consequently the neotype is that from which the above description has been drawn.
LOCALITY: New Zealand.
Nothofagus sp. Nelson. Mt. Arthur Tableland, 3,500 feet, Feb. 1928, G.H.C.
Hawkes Bay. Waikare-iti Track, Lake Waikaraemoana, Jan. 1933, J.G.Gibbs, type collection.
Growing upon rotting logs or stumps.
Hymenophorium annum, rosulatum, pileorum 5-15 compositum e basi commune emergentium. Pilei digitati, spatulati vel urceolati, ad 3 cm. x 3 cm. x 1-5 mm.; superficies cremea, demum pallide ochrea, subtiliter tomentosa, radiatim sulcata; cuticula 100 µ crassa, ex hyphis pallum densum formantibus compositis, textu gelatinoso cinctis; superficies hymenialis decurens, creamea vel pallide ochrea. Contextus stramineus, hypharum systema monomitica; hyphae genitales longae, sparse brachiatae, libere septatae, hyphis fibulatis; ducti lacticiferi absentes. Pori irregulares, 150-200 µ diam., vel 4-5 per mm.; dissepimenta 50-200 µ. Typus basidialis clavatus. Sporae late obovatae, 4-5 x 3.5-4 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Hab.: Nothofagus sp. Hawkes Bay, Lake Waikaraemoana, Jan. 1933, J.G.Gibbs, specimen typicum.
Acacia sp. Canterbury. Ashburton, 150 feet, Aug. 1925, J.C.Neill. Nothofagus sp.
Westland. Reefton, June 1946. G.B.Rawlings. Unknown Hosts Auckland. Kaingaroa, 1,500 feet, May 1946, G.B.Rawlings, type collection. Wellington. Pukematawai, Tararua Ranges, 2,000 feet, Feb. 1933, E.E.Chamberlain.
Hymenophorium annum, rosulatum, coespitosum, pileorum 7-30 compositum e basi commune emergentium. Pilei flabelliformi interdum spathulati, ad 3 cm. x 25 mm. x 2-5 mm.; superficies cervina vel badia umbrino-zonata, cuticula absens; superficies hymenialis albus vel cremeus. Contextus albus; hypharum systema monomitica; hyphae genitales longae, sparse brachiatae, libere septatae, hyphis fibulatis; ducti lacticiferi praesentes. Pori irregulares, 100-250 µ diam., vel 3-4 per mm.; dissepimenta 50-100 µ crassa. Typus basidialis clavatus. Sporae late ellipticae, 3.5-4 x 2-2.5 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Hab.: In ligno emortuo. Auckland, Kaingaroa, May 1946, G.B.Rawlings, specimen typicum.
New Zealand.
Separated from P. atrostrigosus, which it resembles in other features, by the coarse, hyaline, usually radiately arranged strigose hairs, larger pores, and waxy brittle dissepiments.
Lloyd (1919, p. 823) recorded the species from Australia. His description shows that he had some other species before him, probably P. pelles Lloyd (syn. P. atrohispidus Lloyd) which has elliptical spores 6-7 x 4 µ, with an epispore tinted yellow. P. pelles in turn resembles P. spumeus Fr., differing mainly in the darker colour of the context. Both possess a monomitic hyphal system.
LOCALITY: New Zealand.
LOCALITY: Bay of Islands, New Zealand.
Cited scientific names
- Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Bondarzewia berkeleyi (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer 1941
- Cyphella hebe G. Cunn. 1953
- Cyphella pseudopanax G. Cunn. 1953
- Cyphella pyriformis G. Cunn. 1953
- Cyphella tongariro G. Cunn. 1953
- Cyphella totara G. Cunn. 1953
- Cyphella turbinata G. Cunn. 1953
- Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
- Grifola colensoi (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
- Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Ischnoderma rosulatum (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
- Kunzea ericoides (A.Rich.) Joy Thomps. 1983
- Laetiporus portentosus (Berk.) Rajchenb. 1995
- Libocedrus bidwillii Hook.f.
- Nothofagus
- Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
- Pinus radiata D.Don
- Polyporus adustus (Willd.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus amorphus Fr. 1818
- Polyporus annulatus Jungh. 1838
- Polyporus anthracophilus Cooke 1883
- Polyporus archeri Berk. 1859
- Polyporus arcularius (Batsch) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
- Polyporus berkeleyi Fr. 1851
- Polyporus caesius (Schrad.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus caesius sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus catervatus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus catervatus sensu G. Cunn. 1927
- Polyporus chioneus sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus cinnamomeosquamulosus Henn. 1901
- Polyporus colensoi Berk. 1855
- Polyporus conchoides sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus concrescens Mont. 1835
- Polyporus crispus (Pers.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus dichrous Fr. 1815
- Polyporus exiguus Colenso 1885 [1884]
- Polyporus grammocephalus sensu Colenso 1891 [1890]
- Polyporus hypomelanus Berk. ex Cooke 1886
- Polyporus hypomelanus sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus infernalis Berk. 1843
- Polyporus lacteus Fr. 1821
- Polyporus melanopus (Pers.) Fr. 1821
- Polyporus mollis sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus phlebophorus Berk. 1855
- Polyporus pocula (Schwein.) Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1860 [1858]
- Polyporus portentosus Berk. 1844
- Polyporus proprius Lloyd 1924
- Polyporus rhipidium Berk. 1847
- Polyporus rosularis G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus rosularis sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus rosulatus G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus sepium (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus sepium sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus setiger Cooke 1890
- Polyporus tephroleucus sensu G. Cunn. 1948
- Polyporus xerophyllus Berk. 1855
- Postia brunnea Rajchenb. & P.K. Buchanan 1996
- Pyrus communis L.
- Racosperma dealbatum (Link) Pedley
- Rigidoporus concrescens (Mont.) Rajchenb. 1992
- Ryvardenia campyla (Berk.) Rajchenb. 1994
- Solenia huia G. Cunn. 1953