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Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890

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Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
NZ holotype
Polyporus atrostrigosus
On stumps, etc. New Zealand. (Coenso 522.) holotype K(M) 1436298, isotype PDD 39361

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Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890

Polyporus (Hispidi) atrostrigosus, Cke.
Pileo dimidiato, carrnoso, postice effuso, olivaceo-filligineo; pilis strigosis adpressis virgato, margine acuto, contextu albo, tubulis elongatis, poris albis, minutis, rotundatis, dissepimentis tenuibus.
With somewhat the appearance of a Polystictus, but anodermeous. Pileus 1-2 inches or more diam., half an inch thick behind.
On stumps, etc. New Zealand. (Colenso 522.)

Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890

Unknown Hosts. Wellington. Track to Ohakune Hut, Mt. Ruapehu, 3,500 feet, April 1935, E.E.Chamberlain; Mangahao Dam, Tararua Ranges, 2,000 feet, June 1935; E.E.Chamberlain. Westland. Mt, Rangitaipo, 4,000 feet, Feb. 1928, G.H.C.
Hymenophore annual, solitary, laterally attached by a broad base, hard and woody, sometimes dimidiate and imbricate. Pileus triquetous or fan-shaped, to 4 cm. x 1.5-2.5 cm. x 5-8 mm.; surface black, densely coated with coarse imbricate strigose tufts of hyphae radiately arranged, vaguely sulcate, cuticle wanting, replaced by imbricate hyphae with rounded ends and fuscous walls; margin bluntly acuminate, lacerate, inturned; hymenial surface wood colour to smoky brown, irregular, dissepiments strongly toothed. Context white or cream, 2-5 mm. thick, of parallel hyphae radiately arranged, firm and woody; generative hyphae 5-7 µ thick, wall 1 µ, sparsely branched, septate, clamp connections abundant and large. Pores irregular, angular, to 5 mm. deep, wood colour in section, waxy, 100-200 µ diameter, or 4-6 per mm.; dissepiments 50-150 µ thick, of parallel hyphae cemented together, tapering to the apex where even. Basidial type clavate, basidia clavate, 10-12 x 3-4.5 µ. Spores allantoid, 5-5.5 x 1.5-2 µ, smooth, hyaline.

New Zealand.

Growing solitary, sometimes imbricate, on decorticated rotting logs lying on the forest floor.

Characterized by the coarse, imbricate, strigose black hairs which clothe the surface of the pileus. The pigmented walls of these separate the species from P. setiger, which otherwise it resembles.

Lloyd (1922, p. 1147) recorded the species from Tasmania. He described the spores as being elliptical, 6 x 5 µ, so had obviously confused the species with some other, probably P. pelles Lloyd, which has the pileus covered with dark coloured erect fibrils.

LOCALITY: New Zealand.

Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

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Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke (1890)
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke (1890)
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke (1890)
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890

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Polyporus atrostrigosus Cooke 1890
New Zealand

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On stumps, etc. New Zealand. (Coenso 522.) holotype K(M) 1436298, isotype PDD 39361

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15 February 1993
9 October 2003
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