Ryvardenia campyla (Berk.) Rajchenb. 1994
- Favolus hispidulus sensu Colenso 1887 [1886]
- Grifola campyla (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
- Grifola rosularis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1965
- Osmoporus gunnii (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
- Polyporus anthracophilus Cooke 1883
- Polyporus campylus Berk. 1859
- Polyporus gunnii Berk. 1859
- Polyporus rosularis G. Cunn. 1948
- Postia campyla (Berk.) Rajchenb. 1988
- Tyromyces campylus (Berk.) Ryvarden 1984
- Tyromyces falcatus G. Cunn. 1965
G. rosularis could be considered to belong in Tyromyces, which includes many species with imbricate basidiocarps, a monomitic hyphal system, and subglobose to ellipsoid, nonamyloid, nondextrinoid spores; T. pubescens (Fr.) Pilat is a representative example of this group. However, almost all Tyromyces species produce applanate basidiocarps on dead wood rather than semistipitate basidiocarps arising from a common base. Thus we maintain the species in Grifola.
The description by Cunningham of macroscopic characters is satisfactory, but there are misleading statements about the microscopic characters. The septa of the generative hyphae are not simple, but have large, conspicuous clamps. The basidiocarp is composed of mostly unbranched hyphae with very thick walls. These vegetative hyphae were described by Cunningham as binding hyphae but appear in the illustration (Cunningham, 1965: fig. 28) as skeletal hyphae. We interpret them as skeletal hyphae with scattered side-branches, the side-branches not being as common or regular as described by Cunningham. The thick hyphal walls often appear to be multilayered and are refractive in KOH. T. falcatus has a harder texture than most other species in Tyromyces.
Nothofagus sp. Nelson. Mt. Arthur Tableland, 3,500 feet, Feb. 1928, G.H.C.
Hawkes Bay. Waikare-iti Track, Lake Waikaraemoana, Jan. 1933, J.G.Gibbs, type collection.
Growing upon rotting logs or stumps.
Hymenophorium annum, rosulatum, pileorum 5-15 compositum e basi commune emergentium. Pilei digitati, spatulati vel urceolati, ad 3 cm. x 3 cm. x 1-5 mm.; superficies cremea, demum pallide ochrea, subtiliter tomentosa, radiatim sulcata; cuticula 100 µ crassa, ex hyphis pallum densum formantibus compositis, textu gelatinoso cinctis; superficies hymenialis decurens, creamea vel pallide ochrea. Contextus stramineus, hypharum systema monomitica; hyphae genitales longae, sparse brachiatae, libere septatae, hyphis fibulatis; ducti lacticiferi absentes. Pori irregulares, 150-200 µ diam., vel 4-5 per mm.; dissepimenta 50-200 µ. Typus basidialis clavatus. Sporae late obovatae, 4-5 x 3.5-4 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Hab.: Nothofagus sp. Hawkes Bay, Lake Waikaraemoana, Jan. 1933, J.G.Gibbs, specimen typicum.