Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1948

G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) G. Cunn.
as 'oviformus'
invalid publication, invalidly published
NZ holotype
Polyporus oviformis
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1948
Freycinetia banksii A.Cunn. Auckland. Trounson Kauri Park, 600 feet, July 1947, E.M.Smith; Anawhata Road, Waitakere Ranges, 1,000 feet, Aug. 1947, Joan Dingley. Nothopanax sp. Auckland. Swanson, Waitakere Ranges, Nov. 1945, Joan Dingley. Wellington. Butterfly Gully, Aug. 1946, G.B.Rawlings.
Hymenophore annual, coriaceous, effused-reflexed, or resupinate. Pileus applanate, fan-shaped, or conchate, 5-25 mm. x 5-15 mm. x 2-7 mm., when resupinate oviform and to 6 cm. x 3.5 cm.; surface white, drying straw colour, vaguely transversely sulcate, even or slightly nodose, glabrous, cuticle wanting; margin abrupt, inturned, crenate, concolorous; hymenial surface cream or straw colour, even, with a lighter smooth margin 1-2 mm. wide, dissepiments not toothed. Context cream or straw colour, 0.2-1 mm. thick, densely woven; skeletal hyphae 3.5 µ thick, lumen 1 µ, aseptate, branched near ends, staining; generative hyphae to 2 µ thick, delicate walled, branched, septate, with clamp connections, scanty, staining. Pores round or angular, 1-4 mm. deep, in section straw colour, 100-250 µ diameter, or 3-4 per mm.; dissepiments 50-100 µ thick, equal, apex even. Basidial type clavate, basidia clavate, 10-12 x 5-6 µ, soon collapsing. Spores broadly elliptical, oblong, ovate, or angular, 5-6 x 3.5-4 µ, smooth, hyaline, abundant, staining deeply.
New Zealand.
Growing solitary upon bark or decorticated wood of fallen branches.
The irregular, deeply staining, abundant spores and sparsely branched skeletal hypha separate the species from others present in this region. Though first described as a Poria, subsequent collections have shown that the species is a Polyporus with a narrow effused-reflexed pileus. When resupinate the hymenophore assumes an ovate shape, with clearly defined abrupt margin.
LOCALITY: Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand.
Taxonomic concepts
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1948
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1948)
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. 1948
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1948)
Global name resources
scientific name
15 December 2003