Carmichaelia R.Br.

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Carmichaelia R.Br. in Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 11, t. 912 (1825)
Carmichaelia R.Br.
t. 912
Carmichaelia R.Br.
- Carmichaelia ×hutchinsii
- Carmichaelia acuminata
- Carmichaelia aligera
- Carmichaelia angustata
- Carmichaelia appressa
- Carmichaelia arborea
- Carmichaelia arenaria
- Carmichaelia astonii
- Carmichaelia australis
- Carmichaelia carmichaeliae
- Carmichaelia compacta
- Carmichaelia corrugata
- Carmichaelia corymbosa
- Carmichaelia crassicaulis
- Carmichaelia cunninghamii
- Carmichaelia curta
- Carmichaelia diffusa
- Carmichaelia divaricata
- Carmichaelia egmontiana
- Carmichaelia enysii
- Carmichaelia fieldii
- Carmichaelia flagelliformis
- Carmichaelia floribunda
- Carmichaelia glabrata
- Carmichaelia glabrescens
- Carmichaelia gracilis
- Carmichaelia grandiflora
- Carmichaelia hollowayi
- Carmichaelia hookeri
- Carmichaelia juncea
- Carmichaelia kirkii
- Carmichaelia lacustris
- Carmichaelia micrantha
- Carmichaelia monroi
- Carmichaelia muelleriana
- Carmichaelia multicaulis
- Carmichaelia muritai
- Carmichaelia nana
- Carmichaelia nigrans
- Carmichaelia odorata
- Carmichaelia orbiculata
- Carmichaelia ovata
- Carmichaelia paludosa
- Carmichaelia petriei
- Carmichaelia pilosa
- Carmichaelia prona
- Carmichaelia ramosa
- Carmichaelia rivulata
- Carmichaelia robusta
- Carmichaelia silvatica
- Carmichaelia solandri
- Carmichaelia stevensonii
- Carmichaelia stricta
- Carmichaelia subulata
- Carmichaelia suteri
- Carmichaelia torulosa
- Carmichaelia uniflora
- Carmichaelia uniflora
- Carmichaelia vexillata
- Carmichaelia violacea
- Carmichaelia virgata
- Carmichaelia williamsii
Vernacular names
Carmichaelia R.Br.
Pods on spreading pedicels, dehiscing by the valves opening along ventral margin, or from base and apex, or from base, but finally separating completely. Radicle with a double fold. Shrubs or small trees of diverse habit, with few or no lvs in adult stage.
Fls in simple or branched racemes to solitary; calyx ± campanulate, 5-toothed; standard ± orbicular, clawed; keel incurved, clawed, auricled; wings ± falcate, auricled. Stamens diadelphous. Ovary with slender style (persisting as a "beak") and minute capitate stigma; ovules us. few. Fr. ("pod") dry; margins thickened, persistent ("replum"). Valves 2, hardened in fr. Both valves or one completely or partly separating from replum in dehiscence (pod ind., except rarely, in subgenera Monroella and Huttonella). Seeds 1-12 per pod, ± reniform. Shrubs or small trees, of diverse habits. Besides the N.Z. spp. there is of Lord Howe Id, of the subgenus Carmichaelia.
Fls in racemes; calyx minutely 5-toothed; standard orbicular, reflexed; wings < standard; keel incurved, obtuse, about = standard; stamens diadelphous. Ovary sessile, few-seeded; style slender, incurved, bearded on ventral side; stigma minute, terminal. Pods turgid, short, ind.; developed seed us. solitary, radicle with double flexure. Small lfless tree with pend. branches. One sp., endemic to South Id.
Fls in dense fascicles; calyx pilose, 5-toothed; standard reflexed, stamens monadelphous; ovary villous; style silky at base. Pods 2-valved, rounded and winged dorsally; valves thin, replum not developed. Erect shrub, lfless or nearly so when mature; branchlets deeply grooved. Seed us. solitary, radicle with double flexure. One sp., endemic to South Id.
Pods on spreading to drooping pedicels, ± turgid, of oblong to spherical order; replum often incomplete; ind. Radicle with a single fold. Shrubs or subshrubs of diverse habit, with us. small pods.
Fls in racemes; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed; standard shortly reflexed, keel obtuse, wings < keel, stamens diadelphous. Ovary subsessile, ovules ∞, style curved. Pods linear, compressed, jointed, ind. Seeds one per joint, radicle with double flexure. Shrubs or small trees, lfless or nearly so, with slender grooved or striate pend. branches. Three spp., endemic to South Id.
Carmichaelia R.Br.
2n = 32
Taxonomic concepts
Chordospartium Cheeseman
Carmichaelia R.Br.
Corallospartium J.B.Armstr.
Carmichaelia R.Br.
Named after Captain Dugald Carmichael, a Scottish army surgeon and botanist. Dugald Carmichael was an intimate friend and correspondent of Sir William Hooker.
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 June 2004