Senecio L.

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Senecio L., Sp. Pl. 866 (1753)
Senecio L.
Senecio L.
- Senecio ×christensenii
- Senecio ×hybridus
- Senecio ×hybridus
- Senecio ×lapidosus
- Senecio ×matthewsii
- Senecio ×remotifolius
- Senecio ×spedenii
- Senecio adamsii
- Senecio 'Alfred Atkinson'
- Senecio amaniensis
- Senecio angulatus
- Senecio angustatus
- Senecio antipodus
- Senecio aquaticus
- Senecio areolatus
- Senecio argutus
- Senecio atkinsoniae
- Senecio australis
- Senecio banksii
- Senecio bellidioides
- Senecio bennettii
- Senecio bidwillii
- Senecio bifistulosus
- Senecio bipinnatisectus
- Senecio biserratus
- Senecio brevitubulus
- Senecio buchananii
- Senecio cahillii
- Senecio candidans
- Senecio carnosulus
- Senecio cassinioides
- Senecio cheesemanii
- Senecio cineraria
- Senecio cochlearis
- Senecio cockaynei
- Senecio colensoi
- Senecio compactus
- Senecio crassiflorus
- Senecio cruentus
- Senecio diaschides
- Senecio distinctus
- Senecio dunedinensis
- Senecio elaeagnifolius
- Senecio elegans
- Senecio esleri
- Senecio esperensis
- Senecio flaccidus
- Senecio forsteri
- Senecio fulgens
- Senecio georgii
- Senecio germinatus
- Senecio glastifolius
- Senecio glastifolius
- Senecio glaucophyllus
- Senecio glomeratus
- Senecio grandifolius
- Senecio greyi
- Senecio haastii
- Senecio hauwai
- Senecio hectorii
- Senecio heritieri
- Senecio heterophylla
- Senecio hieraciifolius
- Senecio hispidulus
- Senecio hispidulus
- Senecio huntii
- Senecio hypoleucus
- Senecio jacobaea
- Senecio kermadecensis
- Senecio kirkii
- Senecio lagopus
- Senecio latifolius
- Senecio lautus
- Senecio laxifolius
- Senecio linearifolius
- Senecio lyallii
- Senecio macroglossus
- Senecio madagascariensis
- Senecio marotiri
- Senecio masafuerae
- Senecio matatini
- Senecio mikanioides
- Senecio minimus
- Senecio monroi
- Senecio muelleri
- Senecio multinerve
- Senecio myrianthos
- Senecio neglectus
- Senecio neo-zeylandicus
- Senecio odoratus
- Senecio pachyphyllus
- Senecio pentacopus
- Senecio perdicioides
- Senecio petasitis
- Senecio pokohinuensis
- Senecio puffinii
- Senecio pumiceus
- Senecio quadridentatus
- Senecio radiolatus
- Senecio reinoldii
- Senecio repangae
- Senecio revolutus
- Senecio robustus
- Senecio rotundifolius
- Senecio rufiglandulosus
- Senecio saxifragoides
- Senecio scaberulus
- Senecio sciadophilus
- Senecio scorzoneroides
- Senecio sect. Rowleyani
- Senecio serpens
- Senecio skirrhodon
- Senecio solandri
- Senecio southlandicus
- Senecio sterquilinus
- Senecio stewartiae
- Senecio sylvaticus
- Senecio traversii
- Senecio tripetaloides
- Senecio turneri
- Senecio valerianifolius
- Senecio viridis
- Senecio vulgaris
- Senecio wairauensis
Senecio L.
Capitula solitary to paniculate, heterogamous or homogamous; phyll. in 1-2 series with or without minute ones at base; receptacle flat to convex, nude to fimbrillate. Ray-florets ligulate, pistillate or neuter; disk-florets tubular, perfect. Anthers obtuse at base; style-arms of perfect florets recurved, truncate or penicillate at tips; pappus-hairs cop., smooth to barbellate or plumose. Herbs, lianes, shrubs or trees with alt. lvs. A cosmopolitan genus with over 1500 spp. of the N.Z. spp. is recorded also from Tasmania, the remainder are endemic.
Senecio L.
2n = 100
2n = 100
2n = 90
n = irregular meiosis
Senecio L.
Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, shrubs, trees or climbers. Lvs simple, entire to pinnately or palmately toothed, lobed, or compound, alternate. Capitula in corymbs, panicles, or solitary; involucral bracts in 1 row, usually with shorter supplementary bracts subtending base of involucre. Receptacle ± flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets ♀ and ligulate, ♀ and tubular, or ☿ and tubular; ligules usually yellow, sometimes white, pink, orange, or mauve to purple; inner florets ☿. Achenes usually ± cylindric, 5-10-ribbed, often with short antrorse hairs, sometimes glabrous, rarely dimorphic with ray achenes glabrous and disc achenes hairy; pappus present but sometimes caducous, denticulate, simple or rarely plumose.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 May 2007