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Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser

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Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser, New Zealand J. Bot. 59: online (2021)
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser

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Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
replacement name
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
Senecio matatini
LECTOTYPE, designated by Liew et al. 2021: T.F. Cheeseman s.n. ‘Mt. Arthur, Nelson, alt. 4000 ft, Jan 1886’ (AK 10591!); isolectotype: AK 10592! PARALECTOTYPES, designated by Liew et al. 2021: W.L. Townson 612 (AK 10589!); T.F. Cheeseman s.n. Jan. 1882 (AK 10590!); F.G. Gibbs s.n., s.d. (AK 10594, AK 10595).

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Senecio lautus var. montanus Cheeseman
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser

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Senecio matatini Liew, Courtney, de Lange & Pelser
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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LECTOTYPE, designated by Liew et al. 2021: T.F. Cheeseman s.n. ‘Mt. Arthur, Nelson, alt. 4000 ft, Jan 1886’ (AK 10591!); isolectotype: AK 10592! PARALECTOTYPES, designated by Liew et al. 2021: W.L. Townson 612 (AK 10589!); T.F. Cheeseman s.n. Jan. 1882 (AK 10590!); F.G. Gibbs s.n., s.d. (AK 10594, AK 10595).
The epithet ‘matatini’ is derived from te reo Māori. It is an adjective for ‘complicated’ and both an adjective and noun for ‘composite’ and ‘complex’. In this context it multiply alludes to the S. glaucophyllus complex, the complicated nature of its historical and current taxonomy, and to the daisy family to which it belongs.

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scientific name
13 January 2021
13 January 2021
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