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Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

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Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 31 25 (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
as 'oviforma'
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
NZ holotype
Perenniporia oviformis
New Zealand: Auckland, Swanson, Waitakere ranges, on decorticated fallen branch of Pseudopanax arboreus, J. Dingley, 18.xi.1945, PDD 4435 (holotype);

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Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

Fructificatio resupinata ad pileata, annua ad interdum biennia, pars reflexa angusta, alba vel ochracea, poria facies cremea vel ochracea, pori rotundi vel angulati, 4-5 per mm. System hypharum dimiticum, hyphae generatoriae hyalinae, fibulatae, hyphae vegetativae crassitunicatae, indextrinoideae, interdum ramosae ad instar hypharum ligantium, sporae ovoideae, truncatae, crassitunicatae, laeves, hyalinae, dextrinoideae, 5-7 x 3.5-5.5 µm.
This species has a variable fruit-body that can be resupinate, effused-reflexed, or distinctly pileate. Cunningham (1947) first placed the species in Poria Pers., but later, to include the pileate habit, he recombined the name in Polyporus Mich.: Fr. (Cunningham, 1948a) and then in Tyromyces (Cunningham, 1965).
Contrary to the statement of Cunningham (1965), the spores of this species are dextrinoid. The species belongs in Perenniporia Murr. because of this reaction, the thick-walled, ovoid, truncate spores, and the dimitic hyphal system. It is related to P. medulla-panis (Jacq.: Fr.) Donk, but is readily separated by the distinctly dextrinoid spores, measuring 5-7 x 3.5-5.5 µm, and the much more frequently branched vegetative hyphae. Some hyphae are so branched that they can be characterised as binding hyphae of the Bovista type. However, there are transitions to more narrow, slightly flexuous and solid vegetative hyphae of the type common in P. medulla-panis.
Typus: New Zealand, Auckland, Swanson, Waitakere Ranges, 18 Nov. 1945, J.M. Dingley, on Neopanax arboreum (PDD 4435).

Nothopanax sp., on decorticated fallen branch. Auckland. Waitakere Ranges, Nov. 1945, Joan Dingley, type collection.

Hymenophore oviform, discrete, to 7 x 3 cm., 1-2 mm. thick, firm, with several orbicular or oviform outlying islands, white, becoming cream or pallid isabelline when dry; margin 1-3 mm. wide, definite, even, cream, byssoid, nearly smooth, not lifting; surface even, slightly glancing, dissepiments not toothed. Pores not in strata, round or slightly angular, in section cream, 0.5-2 mm. deep, 60-200 µ diameter, or 3-4 to mm.; dissepiments 50-200 µ thick, of closely woven mainly parallel hyphae, apex tapering, not tufted. Context 0.2-1 mm. thick, of closely woven hyphae, more dense beneath the hymenium, not cemented, crystals present ; skeletal hyphae to 3.5 µ thick, lumen 1 µ, slightly staining, aseptate, branched near ends, sometimes freely, occasionally irregularly nodose; generative hyphae to 2 µ thick, delicate walled, branched, septate, clamp connections present. Basidial type clavate, basidia clavate, 10-12 x 5-6 µ, soon collapsing. Spores broadly elliptical, oblong, ovate, truncate or angular, 5-6 x 3.5-4 µ, smooth, hyaline, abundant, staining deeply.
New Zealand.
Macroscopic features resemble those of a North American collection (ex J.R.Weir, Idaho, No. 11,666) of P. cinerescens. The species differs in the dimitic hyphal system, different skeletal hyphae and spores, those of P. cinerescens being allantoid and 4.5-5 x 1 µ. It also somewhat resembles P. illudens, differing mainly in the peculiar spores.
Freycinetia banksii A.Cunn. Auckland. Trounson Kauri Park, 600 feet, July 1947, E.M.Smith; Anawhata Road, Waitakere Ranges, 1,000 feet, Aug. 1947, Joan Dingley. Nothopanax sp. Auckland. Swanson, Waitakere Ranges, Nov. 1945, Joan Dingley. Wellington. Butterfly Gully, Aug. 1946, G.B.Rawlings.
Hymenophore annual, coriaceous, effused-reflexed, or resupinate. Pileus applanate, fan-shaped, or conchate, 5-25 mm. x 5-15 mm. x 2-7 mm., when resupinate oviform and to 6 cm. x 3.5 cm.; surface white, drying straw colour, vaguely transversely sulcate, even or slightly nodose, glabrous, cuticle wanting; margin abrupt, inturned, crenate, concolorous; hymenial surface cream or straw colour, even, with a lighter smooth margin 1-2 mm. wide, dissepiments not toothed. Context cream or straw colour, 0.2-1 mm. thick, densely woven; skeletal hyphae 3.5 µ thick, lumen 1 µ, aseptate, branched near ends, staining; generative hyphae to 2 µ thick, delicate walled, branched, septate, with clamp connections, scanty, staining. Pores round or angular, 1-4 mm. deep, in section straw colour, 100-250 µ diameter, or 3-4 per mm.; dissepiments 50-100 µ thick, equal, apex even. Basidial type clavate, basidia clavate, 10-12 x 5-6 µ, soon collapsing. Spores broadly elliptical, oblong, ovate, or angular, 5-6 x 3.5-4 µ, smooth, hyaline, abundant, staining deeply.
New Zealand.
Growing solitary upon bark or decorticated wood of fallen branches.
The irregular, deeply staining, abundant spores and sparsely branched skeletal hypha separate the species from others present in this region. Though first described as a Poria, subsequent collections have shown that the species is a Polyporus with a narrow effused-reflexed pileus. When resupinate the hymenophore assumes an ovate shape, with clearly defined abrupt margin.

LOCALITY: Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand.

ARALIACEAE. Neopanax arboreum: Auckland, Swanson, Waitakere Ranges, type collection, P.D.D. herbarium, No. 4435. Schefflera digitata: Auckland, Ngaiotonga Ranges, Bay of Islands, 250 m. FAGACEAE. Nothofagus fusca: Nelson, Murchison, 170 m. Nothofagus menziesii: Otago, Doubtful Sound, 120 m. LAURACEAE. Beilschmiedia tarairi: Auckland, Puketi Forest, Bay of Islands, 120 m. LILIACEAE. Rhipogonum scandens: Auckland, Kaimai Ranges, 500 m. MYRTACEAE.
Hymenophore annual, sometimes biennial, coriaceous, solitary, attached by a broad base. Pilei effused-reflexed, narrow reflexed margins arising from broadly resupinate areas, sometimes solitary when applanate or conchate, or as often resupinate, 5-25 mm wide, 5-15 mm radius, 2-7 mm thick, when resupinate ovate or linear, to 25 x 3.5 cm; pileus surface white, drying straw colour, vaguely transversely sulcate, even or slightly nodose, glabrous; without a cortex; margin abrupt, inturned, concolorous, crenate; hymenial surface cream or straw colour, even, with a more pallid margin 1-2 mm wide. Pores in section straw colour, round or angular, 4-6 per mm, 100-250 µm diameter, 1-4 mm deep; dissepiments 50-100 µm thick, equal, apices even. Context cream or straw colour, 0 - 2-1 mm thick, of densely intertwined hyphae ; binding hyphae to 3.5 µm diameter, walls to 1 µm thick, bovista type, branches tapering, aseptate; generative hyphae to 2 µm diameter, walls 0.1 µm thick, branched, septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 15 µm deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses, soon collapsing. Basidia clavate, 10-12 x 5-6 µm, bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata erect, to 5 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, 8-10 x 4-5 µm. Spores broadly elliptical, oblong, obovate, ovate, or angular, apiculate, 5-6 x 3.5-4 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.5 µm thick, staining deeply with aniline blue, nonamyloid.
New Zealand, Australia.

Bark or decorticated wood of fallen branches, associated with a soft white rot.

LOCALITY: Waitakere Ranges, Auckland.

Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

: New Zealand: Auckland, Swanson, Waitakere ranges, on decorticated fallen branch of Pseudopanax arboreus, J. Dingley, IS.xi. 1945, PDD 4435 (holotype); Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, on Nestegis lanceolata, P.J. Brook, 7.x. 1956, PDD 17308; Nelson, Murchison (alt. 520 ft), on Nothofagus fusca, S.D. & P.J. Brook, 25.iv.1956, PDD 17313. Australia: Victoria, Sherbrooke Gully, Dandenong Range, on old rotten logs, J.H. Willis, No. 36,19.ix. 1934, PDD 12264; Victoria, Poley Ranges, beyond Warburton, on rotting bark, J.H. Willis, No. 136.W., 18.ii.1954, PDD 16454. Kenya: Aberdare Mountains, Kimakia For. Sta., D. Taylor No. 1613,28.xi. 1972,0. Japan: Yamanashi prefecture, Mt Fuji's FFPRI, on Fagus sp., M. Nunez MN-550,,0 and MUCL. Borneo: Mt Kinabalu, Mesilau, 1700 m alt., forest, E.J.H. Corner, 21.i.l964, E (holotype of P. oviformis var. borneensis).

Additional Specimens from PDD (Not Examined): New Zealand: Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Cascade Kauri Park, on Freycinetia banksii, P.M. Ambler, ix.1948, PDD 6470; Auckland, Waitakere Ranges, Waiatarua, on Freycinetia banksii, S. McBeth & J.M. Dingley, v. 1958, PDD 20107; Southland, Niagara, Catlins, on decorticated wood, S.D. & P.J. Brook, 15.iv.1957, PDD 20270.

Basidiocarp mostly seasonnal, sometimes biseasonnal, resupinate, then cushion-shaped, up to 60 x 35 mm large, or effused-reflexed to pileate, laterally or sometimes dorsally attached. Pileus solitary or sometimes laterally fused, applanate, conchate to ungulate, dimidiate to semi-circular or broadly attached, up to 12-15 mm long, 15-20 mm wide, up to 6-7 mm thick at the base, smooth to vaguely concentrically sulcate, glabrous, dull, white, cream-coloured to pale greyish orange (white drying straw colour, fide Cunningham 1965). Margin even, sharp, white to cream-coloured to pale greyish orange, bruising light reddish brown. Pore surface even, white (fide Corner 1989), cream-coloured (4A3) to dirty cream to pale greyish orange (5B3) to brownish orange (6C(5-6), caramel), occasionally bruising light reddish brown.

Pores round to ellipsoid or angular (on drying ?), even, 4-6 per mm, (135)-154-244-(272) x (112)-144-230-(250) µm diam. (x= 192 x 184 µm; 100-250 µm diam., fide Cunningham 1965). Dissepiments entire, smooth, (20)-25-80-(120) µm thick (x= 50 jxm thick). Context reduced to a thin layer, 1-4 mm thick, with a corky consistency, a fibrous texture, white to cream-coloured to greyish orange (5B(4-5)). Tube layer single or vaguely stratose, up to 4-5 mm thick, with a corky consistency, concolorous with the context, whitish to cream-coloured to light greyish orange (4A3). Crust absent.

Hyphal system dimitic and similar in the context and the trama of the tubes. Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, clamped, 2-3.5 µm. wide. Vegetative hyphae as arboriform skeletal hyphae, hyaline, nondextrinoid, faintly amyloid in mass in some specimens, cyanophilous, with a basal stalk (36)-82-210-(260) µm long (x = 147 µm), with a basal clamp, unbranched, straight to rarely geniculated, thick-walled but with an open lumen, progressively widening from (1.8)-2.0-2.6-(3.1) µm wide at the basal septum (x = 2.3 µm), up to (3.0)-3.3-5.5-(8.5) µm wide at the apical branching point (x - 4.4 µm), the latter occasionally enlarged up to 10-12 µm. Branching subapical to apical, more rarely lateral, then in the upper third of the stalk. Branches 1-3, elongate, measuring up to 350 jxm long (100-350 µm) straight to sinuous, few branched, thick-walled but with an open lumen, gradually narrowing from (1.8)-2.1-3.6-(3.9) µm (x = 2.7 µm) at the basal branching point down to 1.6-2.3 µm at the thin-walled apex. Stalk and branches are usually longer and looser in the context than in the trama of the tubes.

Basidia 14-18 x 7-9 µm {fide Corner 1989), clavate to slightly pedunculate, with a basal clamp and four sterigmata Basidioles 12.5-23-(25) x (4.0)-5.2-10.5-(12) µm (x = 16.8 x 7.5 µm), clavate to slightly pedunculate, hyaline, thin-walled. Basidiospores (4.6)-4.8-6.0-(6.3) x (3.3)-3.7-4.9-(5.1) µm (x = 5.4 x 4.2 µm), R= 1.1-1.6 (XR= 1.3), subglobose to slightly ovoid to ellipsoid, rarely almost cylindrical, apically subtruncate to truncate, thick-walled, with an api¬cal germ pore, 0 or 1 guttulae, hyaline, not to strongly dextrinoid, cyanophilous. Cystidia and chlamydospores absent. Type of Rot: white rot. Cultural Features: unknown. Sexuality: unknown.

Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Borneo, Kenya.
Hardwood, reported from a wide range of New Zealand native plants: Beilschmiedia, Freycinetia, Fuchsia, Nestegis, Nothofagus, Pseudopanax, Rhipogonum, Schefflera. Also from Fagus in Japan.

The species is well characterised by the combination of relatively small, white, cream-coloured to more commonly cork-coloured pileate, effused-reflexed to resupinate (cushion shaped) basidiocarps, a dimitic hyphal system with long, primarily arboriform skeletal hyphae, and ellipsoid to ovoid, thick-walled, apically truncate, dextrinoid basidiospores. The microstructure was described in detail by Corner (1989) both in the typical variety and var. borneensis and supports the placement in Perenniporia.

Ryvarden and Johansen (1980) described under Perenniporia 'Taylor' a specimen from Kenya that, in many respect, is very similar to P. oviformis, and that we consider to be conspecific. A collection from Japan (MN-550, O), is also very similar to Perenniporia 'Taylor' and to P. oviformis, although distinctly subungulate and with a completely white pileus. It might be referred to as P. oviformis var. borneensis Corner, distinguished from the typical variety by a pileate, dimidiate basidiocarp (Corner 1989). However, both the basidiocarp habit and pileus colour are variable within the species. Since all microscopic features of the latter specimens are in accordance with the type of P. oviformis, we think that for the time being, the difference in basidiocarp morphology alone does not warrant subdivision of the taxon. Its known geographic distribution is extended to Asia (Borneo, Japan) and east Africa (Kenya).

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Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis (G. Cunn.) Corner (1989)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Polyporus oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1948)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Poria oviformis G. Cunn. (1947)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Tyromyces oviformis (G. Cunn.) G. Cunn. (1965)
Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

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Perenniporia oviformis G. Cunn. ex P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
[Not available]

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New Zealand: Auckland, Swanson, Waitakere ranges, on decorticated fallen branch of Pseudopanax arboreus, J. Dingley, 18.xi.1945, PDD 4435 (holotype);

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9 February 1995
5 October 2001
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